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Everything posted by NeoCactuar
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Well...maybe just the vote-off will stand...not the house itself. [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, that makes a lot of sence, lets there be a poll, but not a topic. I compleatly agree ;)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ~*fire maiden*~ [/i] [B][SIZE=4][/SIZE] :bawl: ok guys, i was listining to my local christian radio station (dont ask why:devil: And they were totally bashing anime for no reason! :demon: They said that Pokemon was evil (ok i agree it is a poor excuse for anime) :bellylaug but then what I freaked the most about....get ready to hear this....they said that Gundam Wing was evil and was involving whichcraft! A guy even wrote a book on it!!! :eek: HE obviously has to much time on his hands! Well what do you think? I thinkt hey seem to be picking on anime for no reason! And where the **** does it say in the Gundam Wing series that they are refering to or using whichcraft.??? :wow: that is soooo not fair and sooo not cool!:help: Do you suport me?? ill just show them something...hehehe:naughty: -:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] Whoa, thats pretty harsh. Like all that Harry potter bashing, harry potter is the devil, and so on. I be thinking those people from the radio station havn't actually watched Gundam Wing, and seen how cool it is. Witchcraft, Psshhh.. that's just stupuid Mofo cause the christians an't got nutin to talk about . Y2K, the end of the world has Come and Gone, were still here. Now the christians are just looking for something else to ramble on about being evil. I don't genralise christians here, i am saying the people who do the radio station. Not the entire religon.
Sweet, silent hill = Noisey killing Name- Neo Age- 19 Items- Lighter, torch & radio. Description- Looks like Neo from the Matrix, Long black cape, dark glasses. Black boots. (He just forgot his guns)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Yeah, HOPE. Chances are Big Brother 2 is gonna be delayed, or even put off all together... [/B][/QUOTE] But, but, but.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! BIG BROTHER!!!!!!!!!! ....is gone. Yarrrr.....
I use Paradise as my ISP, voted most reliable ISP of the year. Never had a problem with it, ever.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Master O Beans [/i] [B] Baahaha! ...now just how many ways are there to take that :laugh: ...I can only think on one :flasher: :glasses: [/B][/QUOTE] Lol, those smileys illustrate that perfectly, hehhehehehe, But that wasn't the way i meant. I just wanted to know who had one, and who diddn't. And well it came up in this topic, so i can see how people would take it like that. :P
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Okay, whoever you vote for is who you want to win... You vote for Seph, you want him to win, You vote for Raiha, you want her to win, get it? Oh, and you may have noticed the Big Brother topic has been deleted. Why? Because too many people who were not members of the house were posting. No matter how many times I told them to leave, they just kept posting. If you are unhappy about it, send all complaints to shibtaku, jcgoudy, and ~:Suger:~ in paticular. The competition is STILL ON! [/B][/QUOTE] I will do, Damn that jcGoudy *Shakes fist* ..Well at least i can hope for Big Brother 2.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4 [/i] [B]Well, Baby girl, you and me should dance sometime, us to LM. :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] I think Babygirl and LM should get together for a little dance. We can just sit back and watch... :eek: :tasty: Heh, Just to ask. Do either of you have web cam? (Don't take that the wrong way)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]Now we'll be able to memorize each and every word a character says much more easily... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah that will be handy. I won't mind the voices on FFX, infact i will probebly like them. But adding voices to a FF game i have played before would just be scary :nervous: because it would just be SO wrong.
Mmmmmmm... Exotic..... :tasty:
Centra diddn't create Jenova, jenova was the 'Calimity from the skys' that destroyed all the Centra, exept for Aeris' mum.
Welcome to the boards. Take a look at the forum rules, at the top of GD. That will give you some help.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Lol, out of all the people here, Lady M, I think you look the most like your avatar! If there was a "who looks the most like their avatar"...you'd take that cake! Hehe...funny :rotflmao: Anyway, this thread is still up and running? Did I post in here? Well...maybe I could add something else...I'm vain about my ability to take photos...it's my one natural "gift"...other things I like to do I'm just "okay" at...but photography...that's something I love :love: Edit: I already posted about that, heh...so...dancing...I'm vain about being a good dancer :blush:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] What type of dancer do you mean? Just a good dancer in general, or are you a ballet dancer, or a.............. :shifty: Exotic :shifty:.......... dancer.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragon Warrior [/i] [B]whoa shoot! This started? I never knew. aww.. crapples... [/B][/QUOTE] With the posting, and the double, hmmmha, hmmmha, (Proffeser ffink, from the simpsons) Ya don't need to post it twise buddy. (When are we going to have the first Vote-Off?)
I would say: Devil May Cry & Twisted metal black. If you have a multi-tap, Definatly get TMB. But if you are more of a solo player, i would suggest DMC.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidane [/i] [B]I know quite a bit about Final Fantasy X now. But I know that if Yuna casts a summon, then all the characters run away, and then the summon takes their place with it's own HP and attacks, etc/ Isuspect that you all know that already. [/B][/QUOTE] Actually, from what i have read it only replaces the character that summond it. But i will have to check that info, get back to ya on it.
what are your most prized possessions?
NeoCactuar replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
Oh i forgot my GBA. I would be sitting there playing Advanced wars & Doom,while waiting for the fire brigade to arrive. :P -
what are your most prized possessions?
NeoCactuar replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
I would grap my, PS2, Laptop, Electric guitar. My prized possesions. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]I like Jackie Chan too! Also I like Shrek, the Donkey in Shrek, Eddie Murphy, Steven Segaul (sp?), and err, can't think of anymore. :D [/B][/QUOTE] Eddie Murphy as the donkey in shrek BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: He is so ****ing funny as that donkey, that is my favorite movie of all time!!
I would have to say GBA, becuase look at the awesome release titles. Advanced wars. 9.9 on most reviews. Golden Sun 9.9 on most reviews. Doom 9 on most reviews, I own all three and they are great!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Squashed Snail [/i] [B]you know too much :D I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW TO PLAY FF5!!!!!!!!! ...........i suck i know. but I do know that your right about Zidane being wierd with that tail. [/B][/QUOTE] Just go to Pawn shop and buy a SNES & NES (For a real cheap price) then buy any of the 1-6 and yo can play them all you want, very handy :)
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by RicoTranzrig [/i] [B]GC does have the shortest loading time, if any at all...hmm...but between the X-box and Ps2...who's has shorter loading times? I think the hard drive will be mostly used for the online service (looks more like a personal computer interface). I'm not sure what the features will be but from what I've seen it looks like it'll put that HD to good use. [/B][/QUOTE] From what i've heard, you use it to download the software to play on-line, and basicly to use like a computer hard drive, to store stuff.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Ahh yes, Ehrgeiz... One of my favourite games of all time... The fighting mode was friggin' awesome (purely because you get to play as Yuffie ^_^), but I always excelled at the RPG mode, which kicked just as much (if not more) áss than the fighting mode. Huh? No FF7 characters!? ...Well, they better have some other FF characters in there then... Or maybe some other Squaresoft game characters... (From Chrono Trigger/Cross, The Bouncer, Front Mission 3, etc.) Heh heh, I wonder if anyone can tell me what Ehrgeiz means? Clue: It's German.. [/B][/QUOTE] It's German for Ambition Heh yuffie, your so seedy flash... but i agree. Mmmmmm.... yuffie... was... SO CHEAP in fighting mode, remeber that sleep move... CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAPNES, is all i have to say.
And kuja.. that crossdresser just scares me... Ugghhh *Shudders*
Ok heres how it is. (Final fantasy 1-3 don't really have characters, so they don't count) Final Fantasy 4: Cecil is a awesome main character because... well... He's a dark knight, and he has sidekicks (If you could call Kain a sidekck). Final Fantasy 5: Butz is cool for two reasons: Boco (His chocobo) and he gets to hang around with three chicks. :smoke: Final Fantasy 6: An't played it Final Fantasy 7: Cloud is a mercinary, and any mercinary is cool, and he has awesome sidekicks like Cid & Yuffie ;);) Sephiroth rules becuase he is just so darn cool, i mean listen to that music... so evil and villian like. And he is super powerful whilst still being mystical. Final Fantasy 8: Squall was probebly my least liked FF main character, he was such a pansy... like i said before, and he never smiles. apart from that one time at the end, allthough he had funny sidekicks like zell (Oh him and his hot dogs) Ultimecia was also probebly my least liked villian in the FF series. She wasn't prominent enough through out the plot,but that was because it was focusing on seifer, who was allright in my opinion. Final Fantasy 9: Zidane was kinda weird, with the tail and all. Yet i can't look past that double sword :). Kuja, he was a crossdresser... right?.. Final Fantasy 10: Tidus rules becuase he is like the oppisite of squall, he is allways smiling... and he plays BlitzBall!! Don't know the FFX villian, an't played it yet.