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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. You guys do realize that if you acquire any sum of money larger than 50 000 dollars you have to play tax on it, a &#$@ load of tax. About 30-40 cents on every dollar, so you can take 40% off that total. So really, you only get about half of that. The first 50 000 is free, after that, tax city. Lucky i live in New Zealand where we abolished that tax, Wooohoooo!! To answer the question, binge spend 10%, invest in property (ie Mansion) 25%, give to charity 15%, and invest the rest. You would have to be very stupid not too. If you invest it you could make a lot more money, and then provide for generations of your family and relatives, not just you.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [b]Resident Evil:[/b] While many people think this was the first Survival/Horror game it wasn't.[/B][/QUOTE] That may be true but it defined the genre of survival horror, it was the first game that made me jump. :nervous:
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue] Well, there goes my "advanced U.S Spyware that is beyond our petty non C.I.A comprehension. Nevertheless, I still find Rods fascinating, the fact they travel at a fastewr speed than anything and why they are only visible way slowed down, as compared with other bugs which are visible on camera. I still want to capture a Rod on video, whether they are bugs or not. :D [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] No, no, no, no... The point i was making is that they travel about the same speed (sometimes even slower) than most bugs. The phenomena is people see a bug when looking through the lens of there camera, but when the look at the photo or video later it seems that the bug has metamorphosed into a rod. This is because the camera leans is in most cases real time, while the actual recording is only at 60 frames per second. That is why you always hear people saying "But when we played it back we noticed something...ect..." You know the phenomena of when you squint your eyes at a bright light, or it sometimes happens naturally, the light seems to extend into a large "light cross" (I hope you know what i mean, it happens with car headlights). Imagine how weird that would be if it was not an every day occurrence. Almost as weird as rods O_o, get my point?
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][color=darkblue][size=1] What other alien stuff has got you thinking? What about the Rods? Have you ever encountered something weird before? Do you think there is something out there that is not science fiction? [/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ahh.. yes the "Rods" phenomenon. Now you may thing these are some sort of flying alien, or even the latest in spy technology. But what if i told you they were nothing more than bugs? Well, i would be speaking nothing but truth. Here are some pictures of flying insects that were taken with a Canon ES9000 8mm camcorder forced to 1/60 second exposure. The amount of zoom used varies from about 10x up to the camera's full 20x, depending on the distance to the background trees. (This is because it was attempted to get a fairly dark background across the full frame, not because of the distance to the bugs). The trees range between 50 feet and 200 feet away, and the bugs ranged from about 2 feet away up to perhaps 20 feet or more. These pictures show remarkable similarity to the famous "Jose Escamilla's "rod" videos", Specifically, there is the distinctive correlation between the apparent "rod" size and the displacement from one frame to the next (which is always two "rod" lengths per frame when the exposure is 1/60 second), and there are several examples of the waving patterns that can be caused by blurred flapping wings, which makes "rods" appear to have multiple wings or long undulating fins along their sides, and there is an example of "paddle-like" wings below, just like those seen on some of Escamilla's images. [IMG]http://www.opendb.com/sol/bugr003.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.opendb.com/sol/bugr002.jpg[/IMG] These pictures were taken with a digital still camera, it was attempted to take a picture of some insects for a documentary, but it was immediately noticed the similarity between these pictures and Escamilla's "rods". [IMG]http://www.opendb.com/sol/rodz10.jpg[/IMG] Now, this one is even more convincing. Here is a photo of the suspect bugs, in which one has magicly metamophisised into a rod... simply by flying. [IMG]http://www.opendb.com/sol/proof.jpg[/IMG] Now, we have proved conclusively that "rods" are simply bugs filmed at slow shutter speeds. So, what we are left with is a claim that these mysterious animals fly too fast to be seen (which, by the above relationship, is only 41 MPH, 60 feet per second, for a foot-long "rod", i.e., about the same speed as many flying insects and slower than some), and they never land (which implies that either they sleep, eat, drink, and breed at those speeds or, unlike ordinary earthly animals, they don't need to do any of those things), and they never die, either naturally or by flying into something (or their bodies immediately disappear when they do). Yet the only evidence that they exist is completely indistinguishable from flying bug pictures!
  5. Ohh... tough choice, i couldn't chose a best one, but i could give you a few of my favorites. Konami - MGS1, MGS2, MGS Substance Capcom - The Resident Evil series Squaresoft - Every FF game made Rockstar/DMA - For bringing us the GTA series
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]I got two words for ya; Timesplitters 2. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree fully. But i have one word; Monkey.
  7. Yes i would have, had this thread not been two months old. This discussion is outdated; it will simply confuse post order by merging the threads.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GhostofSalvtore [/i] [B]Well IGN has been giving rumors bout GTA: San Andreas, but just rumors, there is supposed to be a site called gtasandandreas and someone from R* created it, or knew bout it, or something, I don't know the details. [/B][/QUOTE] A member of the Rockstar design team has bought/registered that domain, IGN interpreted this as a sign this will indeed be the next GTA game. Interpret it anyway you like, no one really knows what?s going on O_o
  9. [url]www.GameFaqs.com[/url] Playstation 2 Gta Vice city Hints and tips There you go.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Imsirion [/i] [B]I think its the oppisite, that being for a-b. You get your attacks and just use them. You cant really just use the same attacks over and over in t-b because of mp and such. (unless you have a lot of ethers or what not) T-b has a lot of variety in magic and you can earn skills by leveling up. Which brings up that leveling up and getting stronger, and earning new attacks is fun! [/B][/QUOTE] In T-b you can still use attacks over and over again, you can restore Mp and such. Remember action based still can have large varities in magic, and leveling up. It's hard to try and sterotype any type of RPG system because there are always unique RPGs out there. Who saw a landscaping RPG before Dark Cloud?
  11. Ok lets get this strait Nintendo Sony Semjaza Azazel NeoCactuar Nintendo - Semjaza Azazel Sony - NeoCactuar There, now we have that sorted please, please, leave this stuff to PMs. Close-e-roony
  12. A truck with a PS2 in it, well, it sounds like these will be games you will play for short periods at a time. For that reason i would suggest some FPS such as Timesplitters 2, or Red faction two. You could also get some racing games, like GT3 or something similar. I know if it was me it would probably be me and someone else playing some games in the back seat, so those types of games would be perfect. In the future please try to make your titles a little more descriptive, something like "Good PS2 games" or "What games to buy" will inform people more about the content of the thread, and get you more responses than something like "A question". Just trying to help out *Tips hat*.
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]Come on Sara, what do you think he meant when he sang to children "oh please won't you be my neighbor" with those come hither eyes. Do you think a grown man keeps a toy train and a bunch of puppets in his living room unless he wants to seduce young children? It really wouldn't suprise me if old Freddy boy was a member of NAMBLA[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Dude, that's sick. Really sick.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] If there was a limit on our conscience, then we'd deffinantly be a better race. [/B][/QUOTE] Would we? You wouldn't be able to contemplate things like this. You have to look at the good aspects as well, like literature, the arts ect...
  15. In the wonderful world of Sony, there are of course many great games, and some excellent games we all love. With the best of the best games, there will generally be lots of discussion about them in the Sony forum, i would appreciate if people would simply take some common sense and instead of starting a new thread about every aspect of the game, simply post in a thread still active. I can't be in this forum 24/7 to delete, merge, and edit threads. So i would appreciate if people would just use common sense and follow general rules. Cheers. NeoC
  16. Problem solved -Topic closed
  17. I've seen that movie, and as far as i know there is no view like that in the actual game. If anyone can prove me wrong i will be very happy.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Well I can say that I often wonder about this very same question... I have only played and gotten into one rpg deeply. ff7. Big mistake. Yes it was cool, but not for the beginer if you ask me. Yes it was easy to pick up, but it also was way off in many sense of what a first timer would want. Example, chacobo racing and breeding and all that crap with the casino.(what ever it was called) I think that a linear game would be best for a beginer. In games like ff7 there was so much space and so many items to collect that were vital to proceeding through the game. I think that from the way it sounds, ff X would be a good game for ghost of salvatore and I to start with. (or start over with again) I still would like to hear about what everyone else has to say. [/B][/QUOTE] Really? My first RPG was FFVII, it got me hooked, and to date, it is my favorite. I found the liner game play, which eventually led into deeper game play was just right for me. It didn?t seem to much of a challenge.
  19. No and No. It's a number, like Level 15 or something.
  20. From memory it is the other sorceress card, Rinoa. In FFVII, what is the starting rank of the pilot of the Highwind?
  21. Whoa, diddn't know there was a Playstation one. I must look into that, i allways did like RPG maker.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by iggy [/i] [B]We had to see the movie seeing as how I live in colorado almost all the high schools go and see it. [/B][/QUOTE] They made you go and see it? Isn't that like forcing opinions on you?
  23. Does this really belong in this forum? I think it belongs in the PC/Mac forum as this is a PC program, not sony. I just think you might find more help there. :)
  24. Heh, pie is good. What i wouldn't do for a steak and cheese Pie right about now. I guess you have just started the game, well, do a few missions and you will eventually be able to roam as you please, this is basically what the game is about, roaming. As for those other islands you see, they will also be unlocked after certain missions are completed. My suggestion to you is to do a few missions, they will also help you to understand the game better, and give you a few hints and tips.
  25. I think turn based is more of a strategic option; in action based games you can win battles by just holding down the Ok button and constantly attacking the enemy. In turn based it gives you time to think about your moves, there is no pressure to act, it makes it easier to let characters complement each others moves. Eg someone powers up another character that attacks, while someone else does a defensive or healing move. In action games there is more pressure to go strait away; constantly attacking will be enough to take down most enemies. Although in an action based game you can sometimes feel more involved in the battle, RPGers will know what i am talking about. All in all, i think i'm sitting on the wall. (Heh, a poet, and i diddn... No.... i wouldn't dare say that :P)
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