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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DeathKnight [/i] [B][color=crimson]He's uh... Blind... $@&@!#()&... I know it tho... If the car is blackkk... The hubcaps arent... they are silver...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I allready said that. Is it day time?
  2. Who though this game was way to short? I personally loved it, it was like a full on hand-to-hand Mech game, just what I was looking for. But... It ended so suddenly and unexpectedly. I was disappointed, it was way to short. I heard someone say that you could get the proper ending somehow, does anyone know how?
  3. [I]It's 2002, 5 years after the T-Virus outbreak. Racoon city is a different place. There are now no umbrella labs in the city, or surrounding area. Umbrella as a corporation has completely failed, as news leaked to the press of all the outbreaks. Yet it is suspected that the US army still has a sample of the T-Virus, and is continuing research on a war tyrant, a special type of monster created to be bread in mass production for the benefit of the US army. If they managed to build an army of tyrants they could rule the world. Yet Stars still continues to fight against any thing to do with the T or G-Virus. Lucky for the residents of Racoon city, as a army base is near the outskirts. But Stars are the only ones that know it might contain the T-Virus. So they have set out to investigate, and stop it...[/I] You may join as a stars member on Gamma Team, if enough people join i will make another team. Here is the sign up sheet. Name: Age: Stars Position: (Like, gunner, pilot, medic, ect) Weapons: Bio: Description: Here is my character: [B]Name:[/B] Brian [B]Age:[/B] 29 [B]Stars Position:[/B] Team Leader of Gamma Team [B]Weapons & Items:[/B] Two Uzi's, Two MP-900s, Colt python. MG-4 Handgun w/ Scope. Ammo for all. Four healing kits. Combat knife. [B]Bio:[/B] He was sent to military school at a young age, he later at the age of 18 joined the army and eventually raised through the ranks until at the age of 25 he left the army to purse a special forces carrier. He came to raccon city and joined the stars special forces, he has been a member for 4 years and is a Team Leader. He now travels around the USA on special forces missions. [B]Description:[/B] Blond hair, Blue eyes, Cargo pants, Green Jacket, Army boots, Army vest.
  4. You ask them to show you where they live, the lair will show you the truth telling side, and so will the truth teller.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=orangered][size=1]Actually, FFX's battle system is more like Final Fantasy VII. Characters don't have their own specific abilities as such, rather, each character is a blank slate when you start the game. You use the attribute sphere to decide the general direction of development for each character. The sphere means that you can make characters evolve in specific areas (such as summons, stealing, magic etc)[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Sweet! FFVII was my favorite system, and now i can have something similar :) It sounds awesome :)
  6. Well done AJ2K1 4 Life, i though no-one was going to get that.
  7. [I]Cis needs some more wood for his new lance, so he goes into tjhe forest in search of a good tree to cut down. He walks around for about an hour until he sees, what seems like, the only good tree in the forest. As he approches it he notices a short man hold ing a very large Axe, for his size. He is allready chopping down the tree, cid begins to walk over to him.[/I]
  8. Lol! That guy is proposing to his g/f in a Mario costume, and she is in a princess costume.
  9. I like the limit breaks in 7, they were cool. Not cheap but not hard to get and you could save them for later, if you diddn't want to use them.
  10. [I]Cid runs up to the dragon and slashes it in the chest. The dragon lunges at cid and he jumps on his head. Cid takes his lance and drives it into the dragons head.[/I] Cid:"#$@%ing Dragon. Come into my work shop..." [I]Cid cuts of the dragons fangs and gets into his truck, he ties a rope around the dragon and drags it out into the field.[/I] Cid:"How did that dragon get up here? They seem to be getting more ruthless & Agitated..." [I]He drops the dragon off and heads back to his workshop.[/I] Cid:"Ok, now i need to get back to work on that new spear, Hmmm... Maybe I could use these dragon fangs for a blade..." [I]He picks up the dragon fangs and the begin to glow brightly[/I] Cid:"Whoa, there aren?t no ordinary dragon fangs... They must contain magic from the dragon. These will make a great weapon blade" [I]Cid gets to work on carving the new fangs into a blade shape.[/I]
  11. Flash's comp is broken so he can't reply. But i will ask him tomorrow after school and tell ya then.
  12. 2. Electric trains don't have smoke.
  13. Lol, sorry bout that... I was suspecting it was you... Seeing kuja's little obsession and all. Hi i'm James.
  14. Fine fine, just do the first post and me and Gold_Angewomon will carry on.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Gold_Angewomon [/i] [B] Yes way it's unhealthier than yours!!!!!!! :D ;) :) Pepsi addiction? NAH! I've got a root-beer addiction... hehehe.... :tasty: Ooo... Dragons galore... Woah... *melts in happiness* Like I said. I love dragons!!!!!!! :D :D :D Anyways.... When do we start this thing? [/B][/QUOTE] I like Coke!!! Not pepsi, Pssshhhh! Like i said, lets start now.
  16. Fine fine, i will just be a mechanic. Can we start with just us three now? Cause i really want to start!!
  17. Lol, sorry miss 'Psycho B*tch' :whoops:
  18. Ok fine, i'm not a pilot. Can i still be a Mechanic or a Driver?
  19. [B]Name: [/B] Cid Highwind [B]Age: [/B] 36 [B]Bio: [/B] Cid is a tough-talking, warm-hearted old pilot who hasn't forgotten his dreams. There's no better pilot by air or sea. He believes someday he'll fly top the ends of the universe. With his handmade spear and knowledge of machinery, he throws himself into any attack regardless of the danger. [B]Weapons: [/B] Lances & Spears [B]Description:[/B] Blue eyes, blone hair, Green cargo pants, Army boots, Blue Jacket & Golves.
  20. .....Freaky. I would be so scared if i had those dreams.
  21. Neo steps into Cactuar and Fires him up. Natile:"Hello, Neo" Neo:"Mornin', How's our mission looking?" Natile:"We will be lifting off in 2 minutes, and approching the combat area in 7 miutes" Neo:"So it will take us 5 minutes to get there?" Natile:"Yes it will... Then we may begin the transport" Neo:"Will we be meeting up with tonberry there?" Natile:"The probibilty is 94.78%" Neo:"Ummm......cool" Natile:"We are leaving for the mission now..."
  22. Lol, sorry. Hyper, can't be bothered looking over posts for mistakes.
  23. Oh i see, i couldn't tell. I LOVE harry potter, i have read all the books about 10 times. They rule :D:D:D I hate people who are Pre-Judice to Harry Potter, and to me becasue i read them.
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