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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. Don't be sorry for that, it was an interesting opinion. Be sorry for the fact you posted it on six different topics. Which is just totally SpamTastic.
  2. Actually Flash, i beilve this is the 6th post, exactly the same! Way to spam shiro... :D
  3. Cid: "Ok, on my way....." Cid turns his jet around and the others follow Cid:"were going back in...."
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=crimson][size=1]Actually, he is commonly known as "The Tyrant".[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Like i said, T-01, being tyrant.
  5. Nope, havn't played it. Whats up with the dots?
  6. What a random topic.... Yeah, i clean my room ......when i finnaly get forced too.
  7. Very interesting artical, if you find any more similar post some links :)
  8. Cid heads back to his house, loads up the plane with fuel, and equips the Air to Ground weapons, As well as adding the stealth generator. He then flies off towards Dallas... *30 minutes later* Computer: "Cid, we are approaching the target area" Cid:"Ok, load all air to ground weapons. Mortars......Check, Fire bombs.....check, Ainti tank bombs........check, Missiles......check, Machine guns.....check" Computer: "Enemy tanks detected..." Cid:"****, how many?" Computer:"50 heavy tanks, 15 tesla tanks.... and 3 command vehicles" Cid:"What type?" Computer: "MCV, model T-4889" Cid:"MCV's? They?re trying to set up a base! I have to stop them!" Computer: "ETA, 3 minutes" Cid:"Ok lets go" Cid's jet fires up and shoot away faster, while flying he notices 3 F-16s flank him on the right, he looks out the other window and sees 3 more on that wing. Operator: "Cid, we got you some help, Best pilots in the force... Apart fro you of coarse" Cid:"Ok...thanks.." Pilot 1:"Pleasure to be working with you captain Cid" Cid:"Please....just Cid" Pilot 1:"Yes sir, we are at your command" Cid:"Ok, stay close and we will go in under stealth, we will survey the area and from there we can continue" All Pilots: "Yes Sir!" Cid activates his stealth generator "Radars, and weapons down". They planes approce the area and see a line of tesla tanks protected by heavy tanks and a few scattered heavy tanks through out the base. Cid:"Ok, they are in groups and i can only see two Anit-Aircraft guns so i want you two to take them out" Pilot 1 & 2:"Yes sir" Cid:"You two go and loop around, the back and take out some of those heavy tanks" Pilot 3 & 4:"Yes sir" Cid:"And you two, your with me" Pilot 5 & 6:"Yes sir!" Computer: "Stealth disengage in ...3...2...1.... Now" The stealth generator powers down and the planes are revealed, The first two break off and fire ATG missiles at the AA Guns, both AA guns are destroyed! The next two break off lift up and loop around the back of the heavy tanks while cid and the last two shoot strait for the tesla tank line..."Fire bombs ready.....Go!" $ bombs drop from each plane and fall directly onto the tesla tank line taking out most of them. "Alright, fire anti tank missiles at the heavy tanks and follow by machine guns then pull up" The three planes loop around and head for the heavy tanks, they begin to scatter.... but it is two late, the missiles have been fired and now the Jets are firing their Machine guns at the group of tanks. Just at that moment the other four planes come from the opposite direction dropping mortars, and destroying the remainder of the tanks..."Ok now for the MCV's" The six planes line up and begin to fire machine guns at the MCV's. but all the bullets bounce off. Cid:"Damn shields! ok we have done enough damage, lets get out of here" Pilots: "Yes sir!" The jets boost away from the smoking remains....
  9. No, that's William Burkin. Sephiroth is talking about the Large Black man in the trench coat that it dropped out of the tube named "T-01" I believe standing for tyrant one, but I just call him "Big Guy". He was sent from umbrella to eliminate whoever is your second scenario character.
  10. I like: Game - Bird keeper Jose, he gives you rare items Series - Gary, he's just so damn cool. His pokemon rock too.
  11. *Cid?s Jet* Cid:"I have to get to those planes before they are over land.." Computer: "ETA, 1 minute" Cid:"I think we will do this one the easy way. Computer, charge EMP Cannon" Computer: "Charging.....All radars down temporarily" Cid:"Ok, lets just bide our time...." Computer: "We have been detected" Cid:"Oh ****" The Migs turn around and head strait towards to Cid's Jet..... Charging..... Charging..... Charging.... "FIRE!!!" A huge beam of blue light fires towards the jets, disabling them all. They all fall into the sea... Operator: "Good job Cid, now we need you in Texas to bomb some of the ground units" Cid:"Ok, i have to go back to my home a re-load, then... I'm on my way!" ............
  12. No, you fight him. You get cool weapons and items.
  13. *Cid is in his Jet* Computer: "4 Migs detected, 12 o'clock" Cid:"Hmmmm.......I'll show him, operate weapon attack plan 'Beta4456'...... Now" Computer: ?Initialising" Four heat seeking missiles lower from the wings and arm themselves, two chain guns lower on either side, and one at the front. Computer: "Migs approaching, ETA......25 seconds" Cid: "25 seconds?!? ****!! Engage defence sequence Alfa-Gamma449" Computer: "Engaged" Cid:"Ok ****** ****ers, lets go!!!!!!!" Cid heads strait toward the Migs, the begin to fire machine gun but cid pulls up 90 degrees, he flies completely vertical in the air... then he suddenly performs a stall.... In a JET!! He begins falling and spinning... Cid straitens the nose and goes into a full dive. He is heading strait down on a Mig. Then he lets a missile fire and pulls round 180 degrees heading strait back up again, the missile smashes into the cockpit and explodes the plane. Cid:"Take that!!!!!!!!!!! Now for the other three" Cid straitens the plane, as he does two Migs pull up behind him. Cid:"****, Computer, turn missiles" Computer: ?Missiles......turned" Cid:"Ok fire" Two missiles fire backwards out of Cid?s jet as he pulls down and shoots off, both planes are destroyed... Cid:"Ok, where's the last one?" Computer:" It has joined the other 7 and is headed for San Francisco" Cid:"Ok, lets go!!" .........
  14. Were talking about Final Fantasy XI, Being 11. What are you doing bring IX, being 9, into this?
  15. That's a joke? :sleep: :sleep:
  16. Operator: "Cid, come in Cid..." *Cid is in his home* Cid: "Cid here..." Operator: "Cid, it's the commander" Cid: "Morning sir" Commander: "Cid, we have urgent business, the soviets have over run 3 towns in Texas, and now they are going for more, they have the navy ready as well, and i have detected 11 Migs taking off from an aircraft carrier in the sea out from San Francisco" Cid:"Those *****" Commander: ?Your the best pilot we have, we need you" Cid:"Im on my way!!!" Cid runs down to his office, he punches in a code and swipes the key card in a panel on the wall, a metal door opens up revealing a metal path, Cid runs along the path and down the stairs into his custom modifies F19 Harrier. Cid:"Computer! Initialise M418 start up program, lets get this baby off the ground" Computer: ?Welcome Cid, Engines heated, we are ready to go" Cid:"Ok switch to manual, lets go" Cid tilts the engines, blast up and shoots forward to intercept the Migs...
  17. Ok, sounds cool... ...Tell one
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] That's not what you said when you bought those videos I made... [/B][/QUOTE] Hey! You said you would never bring that up again.... and i was under various influences:drunk: :drunk:
  19. NeoCactuar


    Ummm... try... [url]Http://www.GameFAQs.Com[/url]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cecil [/i] [B]I made this quick sketch of link in class today. I think it's pretty good considering it's the only drawing I've ever done with out it sitting in front of my face. I'm going to look though the inctruction booklet, and some mags. and play the game to see what they looked like so I can make it better. [/B][/QUOTE] Very good for an off the top of the head sketch :):)
  21. Sorry, but thanks, i'll just make it like lightning or something. Ummm.... I'll be on the good side.
  22. I'm Irish, English, Scottish & Polish.
  23. Name: Neo Race: Human/Saiyan (What? Saiyan is cool) Bio: Was born from a long line of Saiyans, but a human mother. He trained himself to fight at a young age, and now has sworn to protect the innocent.... Special Attacks: Ki-Blasts Age: 17 Location: Christchurch, NZ
  24. As well as the porno bit there was a bit about finding the chemical, In the middle somewhere.
  25. Suddenly Kevin slips, but Brian jumps and grabs him, flash then jumps forward and grabs Brian. They are now all hanging in along line, down into the abbess. Brian: "Ok flash, swing me, we have to try and get Gohan over to the ledge, so he can climb up and help us all" Flash:"Ok then..." They begin to swing; eventually the build up sped and Kevin lets Gohan loose, he flys through the air and goes down in front of the ledge. Flash: "He's not going to make it!" Kevin: "Nooooooooooooooooo..............." Just then, Gohan pulls out his crowbar (Told you it would come in handy) and swings it at the ledge, just grabbing onto the edge of the ledge. Brian: "All hail the crowbar!!!!!!!!!!" Gohan pulls himself onto the ledge and up to the top platform. He then pulls up flash and Brian, along with Kevin, Shiro and Dr Barney. Once there all up they begin to scale the wire over to the other side... Flash: "Here we can use this rope" Brian: "Me and flash will go first..." They begin to go across the thin wire, with the rope holding them together, when suddenly flash slips and falls, Brian jumps of the other side to counterbalance, the smash into each other. Suddenly there here a noise from the water below, then three Spider like creatures leap out of the water and start to jump from wall to wall coming up the canon. Then rope slips. They are now both hanging up side down, they draw there guns, and back to back, hanging in mid air, upside down and twisting around the start unloading Uzi shots... Bang, bang bang bang bang bang... click, click. The monsters drop down into the water. Ok i think we got them. The others help them up. Shiro: "That was close..." Dr Barney: "I told you there were monsters in here...." Brian: "Let?s just keep going" ................
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