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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. The gang walks into a room with four hallways...... all filled with their favourite un-dead friends. Shiro and flash step forward and begin to unload a bunch of clips into one of the hallways.. "Click", "Click" Flash:"Im out.." Shiro:"Me too" Brian:?Allow me" Brian steps forward and reaches into his vest pocket, he pulls out a grenade and lobs it down the hall, killing all of the zombies in there. He then takes his double berrettas, does a commando role, and starts unloading bullets down the other hallway. Brian then jumps up reaches over his back, brings out a Assault Rifle and begins to take out the rest of the zombies. Shiro:"Whoa" Kevin:"This guy comes in pretty handy" Flash:"Go stars!!" After Brian takes out all the zombies he walks over to the group. Brian:"What? you don't think stars members come prepared?" Shiro:"Ummm yeah....i guess" Brian:"This is where we were dropped into the mansion, see the hole in the roof?" They all look up, there is a hole leading out side. Brian:"And down there in the Meeting point, where we were to go if something went wrong" Kevin:"I see" Gohan:"Well, lets go then.." They enter the room and see a busted up radio, and some lockers. Brian:"Damn, the radio is broken. Oh well, at least we still have these" Brian walks over to the locker and opens it, He takes a pair of uzis, and give a pair to every one else. He then hands out some clips. Everyone:"Oh yeah!!!!" Shiro:"Sweet" Flash:"Allright" Brian:"Ok now that were geared up, lets go"
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sephiroth [/i] [B] he probably thinks they're the same games or something.... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, that?s probably right. Glancing at them they look kind of the same. I have got them mixed up before.
  3. Ummm.... that?s a link to a topic about Gran Turismo 3, what relevance does that have to a thread about Grand Theft Auto 3?
  4. I heard that FFXI could be two double-sided PS2 discs. That?s pretty long.
  5. Yeah i agree, i was expecting more cars, and was disappointed when i got the game. GT1 was a good original, but really none of them can compare to GT3.
  6. Squaresoft, the FF seiries does it for me.
  7. I completely agree, like i said before. Sephiroth is the best villain in the FF series in my opinion, and if he isn't in your opinion, I?m ok with that. But don't go around dissing him, He rules.
  8. I've got to go to school now (Exams), But i will give you a link once i get back and find a good one.
  9. Yeah, that acting in RE1 was hilarious. "Why Jill...... you were almost a jibble sandwich" *Varies out of time hand movements*
  10. The GBA rules, another leap foward in handheld gaming. I can't wait until i get mine (Christmas). Here's a mock-up sort of thing for the GBA This would be awsome
  11. I know, me and my friend were trying to do that, it was quite hard the first time. One thing i did like about FF9 was the Mognet system :)
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Dude, the game friggin' rules... Without the violence it'd be called... I dunno... Nice Happy Auto or something.. [/B][/QUOTE] And you would go to school, graduate, get a respectable job and work until you have enough money to buy a car, and then drive around perfectly, not speeding or anything... ...Hmmmm....... I think we should keep the violence
  13. I?m at about the same point you are Seph, but unfortunately i only hired it out and had to return it :(
  14. I bought Metal gear for gameboy and it was ok. They could have done better and i hope a new one comes out on GBA, until then I'll just play MGS2 on PS2. :D I have seen some of the old Meta Gears...... Ugggghh...... that's all im gonna say.
  15. Flash, Brian and Shiro enter a large room with three dors and a staircase. Flash walks over to the staircase and peers up it. While Shiro looks around the room and finds some first aid sprays. Flash:"Looks like it goes up two levels" Shiro:"Hey, i found some healing stuff" Brian:"Good, we will need all the supplies we get a hold of" Brian walks through one of the doors, it is solid and has a lock. "Looks like we will be safe in here" (safe room). He sees a bed, bookcase and a chest. Flash Opens the chest and finds Three Clips of bullets "Sweeeeeet". Shiro and Brian look around the bookcase and find a file. Cleaners diary: While i was cleaning one of the bedrooms i noticed that the bookcase looked like it had been moved, I?m starting to suspect something of Mr Alexan. He has been acting suspiciously lately and has been 'twitchy'. He yelled at me for cleaning one of the Candle holders on the wall, he told me never to touch it again. Today was my day off, while wandering the halls i noticed a door i had never noticed before, then it hit me. There used to be a painting there, things are getting strange around this place. I think i might leave. Brian:"Hmmmmm....." Shiro:"It seems there are many puzzles about this mansion" Flash:"Well lets get some rest, then continue on later"
  16. Basicly any video game store. Try The Gamesman (If you have that in Aus)
  17. I'll join, is there a sign-up sheet or something similar?
  18. Ooooooooo.... *Is amazed at the knowledge on this thread* I didn?t even know that there were FF games on Gameboy.
  19. They scraped RE1.5 beacuse it wasn't really what they were looking for, but it took them half the game to figure that out. So they started fresh again instead of making lots of changes.
  20. Mafia Sentinal + Game FM + Uzi = Drive-by-shootings Drowns in puddle of own drool
  21. Whoa, i read the first chapter. These are cool!
  22. Being the huge RE freak I am, and having played all the RE games. Here's my view on the games RE1 - It was a revolutionary game for PSX, it truly displayed the power and game quality of the PSX and just really showed what a Survival/Horror game was about. Although there were a few things that could have been done better, like the gun sound was just too tinny. But overall the music was great and really added that fear factor. RE2 - Ahhhh...the classic sequel. This game was great because it really improved on the graphics (Although RE1 graphics were still great) and the sound was more defined too. A completely different setting, with completely new characters. But yet they managed to fit it into the plot of RE1 well. There was also some weapon upgrading, which was just plain awesome. They had some cool new enemies like the lickers and big guy. But my favorite thing about the game was when you thought you had finished it there was another scenario to play, which in some ways corresponded with the other scenario. That was a great idea. RE3 - This was a good game set in between RE1 & RE2. It was another big leap in graphics and sound but managed to keep that perfect RE feel. It had some new weapons and a revolutionary new way of making ammo, the gunpowder system. I liked it because it meant you could make ammo for whatever gun you needed it for. It was also fun to explore the rest of Raccoon city and explore the streets. I was disappointed that there was only one scenario but it made up for it with the survival game. This was great, you could play a whole new game inside the game, I loved it. RE Code Veronica X - This game was a huge leap forward in graphics, being on the PS2, and it started to experiment with a new style of RE, something completely new to the RE series... Camera movement. I think that this was a good move by Capcom, because for me it really adds to the fear factor, when the camera just slowly drifts around when you?re in an elevator. This game also had two scenarios and was set on a remote island, so it made it more believable that the whole place could be infected with this virus. It also had many new weapons and in one case a weapon where you could look in 1st person view, the sniper rifle, a very fun weapon. Over all i liked the changes that were made because finally i could play with Chris and he had more than 6 inventory slots! RE survivor - This was a Huge LEAP away from the RE series, Just a first person shoot em up blessed with the title RE and some zombies, yet still a fun game to play. Although this game was a Gun shoot em up, I found it easier to play with the controller because there was so much movement involved. It was a good game but a little to short and lacking on plot, as a shoot em up usually is. Nevertheless it was a god game and I?m not going to put it down anymore.
  23. Im definatly getting this game. Im putting it on layby until christmas. Then i will get it. I'm so exited about it, having read so many cool reveiws. :D :D
  24. Yeah, that's the one. GF's also learn lots of abilitys for the character to use. Like Mug, lets the user steal an item. Or Hp Boost, gives the character a boost of Hp at every level up. Just things like that.
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