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Everything posted by NeoCactuar
A few missing tiles would most defiantly cause the shuttle to explode, a tiny crack or chip in a tile can cause a shuttle to explode. Thats why after every flight they go over those tiles one by one with a microscope. If one of them was damaged by a falling piece of debris in take off, it may have damaged one of the tiles. NASA confirmed that a piece of debris did indeed fall off during take off, but they assumed it would be all right. Weather this was the cause or not, we don't know for sure. As for when they died, it is almost certain that if the heat coating failed while they were entering the atmosphere that they wouldn't have suffered much. The temperature would have gone up in a matter of seconds, and incinerated them.
If you still can't figure the cheats out, go to: [url]www.Gamefaqs.com[/url] or [url]www.Gamewinners.com[/url] [color=indigo]Um...both of those sites were already mentioned. o_0 - Desbreko[/color] [color=crimson][size=1]And Cajones posted every single cheat.. That's why I closed this you silly fool. -[b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
Wierd yet uniqe things about yourself
NeoCactuar replied to SaiyanPrincessX's topic in General Discussion
Um... i can turn my feet backwards. Some anatomy scientist said it was the most impressive thing he had ever seen. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]Er...can we please keep this on topic? Last time I checked, CWB wasn't in a video game. Anyway, if I chose anyone...I'd have to come out of left field and choose Raiden. He's the only naked character I've seen in a video game (if you don't include the chicks from Duke Nukem and such). So uh, yeah. Sure, I don't fantasize over MGS2...not at all. :worried:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Bwahhaha!! *tries to hold in laughter* *bites lip* Bwahahahha!!! But seriously, i see where you are coming from James. Hideo Kijoma said himself, i asked my design team to create a beautiful man, and as i recall... His design team thought he was joking. Hehehe.
Gaming Nintendo Reveals Technological Breakthrough (Very Pic Heavy)
NeoCactuar replied to James's topic in Noosphere
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]Heh, I know what you mean about the gadgety stuff, 'breakfast. I'm the same way. I got the GBA for no real reason at first...I just wanted it. I bought Super Mario Advance 2 with it, which was pretty underwhelming (I never [i]really[/i] adored SMB2, it was probably my least favourite Mario title). But after buying more games, I'm so glad that I purchased it. It's a wonderful little unit. And since I've always been dying for a backlight...there is no way I'm not getting a GBASP lol. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, i did the same thing. But once i got games like Advanced Wars & Golden sun, i was forever hooked. Sitting at home, with a PS2 and a Laptop. I still find myself playing GBA. -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Medra [/i] [B] As for muderers... ...Why the need for a nice, easy death of lethal injection? Why not just inject them with a few CCs of bleach? That would do some hurtin. Besides, if someone beats, say, a mother and her child to death with a golf club, would you want that person to have an easy death? HELL_NO_. I say, give them a few minutes with me and a baseball bat. [/B][/QUOTE] Well Neil, i agree with you on the point that an injection is much to nice and easy death for a murderer, but i still don't think that immediate death is the answer. I mean, someone could say "I don't care about the consequences if i murder people, I?ll just get the injection, and that will be that, no suffering, and I?ll even get a nice meal". The people who commit the most horrendous crimes should be made to pay, but made to pay by spending the rest of their lives in prison, give them plenty of time to think about what they've done. I?m sure there would be less murders if the death penalty was abolished. If you were a mass murderer, what would you prefer? Die now, easily and quietly. Or spend 60 years in Prison, then Die. It's what goes through their minds that matters, if we can give them just one little thing more to discourage them from committing a murder, it will help. Sure, it may only stop 0.001% of murders, but those are still people?s lives, lives we should be willing to do anything to save.
Yeap, very true. Took me three trys. I got to 44 the first time, and 35 the second time. The thing you have to watch out for is the cops. Just turn down the music volume, and sound effects way up. If you hear the cop shout, floor it. You will need to stop every 10 customers or so, because of your wanted level, and go to a Pay 'n' Spray. The best place to do the missions is down by the docks, it's close to cherry poppers, there are lots of customers, and there is a Pay 'n' Spray nearbye.
Umm..... Make seymour a zomnbie. I think. I havn't played FFX in ages, so really that's just a guess.
[b]Tonberry:[/b] Speedy little bugger... [b]Cactuar:[/b] Alright then, head to head... power. [b]Tonberry:[/b] Deal... [i]Cactuar assumes a defensive stance, and begins to focus. Cactuars body begins to give of bits of green Ki, which all rise to his head, and are absorbed by his three spikes, which begin to grow, and merge together, to become one large spike. Tonberry looks on in interest [/i] [b]Tonberry:[/b] This is a new one... [i]Cactuar lets out a yell as his spike is finally formed, and tilts his head down towards Tonberry. Shin, watching the fight from above pulls out his PSM and looks at Cactuars Stats.[/i] [b]Shin:[/b] Whoa! Cactuars strength has almost doubled; Tonberry doesn't stand a chance at a head to head battle. Tonberry! His strength has gone way up, don't fight him head to head! [i]Tonberry looked up at Shin, and back at Cactuar. He smiled.[/i] [b]Tonberry:[/b] Bring it... [b]Cactuar:[/b] It's already here... [i]Before Tonberry could react, Cactuar had shot like a bullet into the mid-section of Tonberry, and sent him hurling across the room, into the wall of the G-Chamber, the whole room shook when he made contact. Cactuar stood up, and looked at Tonberry, he walked over to where he was, and bent down to check him.[/i] [b]Cactuar:[/b] You all right Ton? [b]Tonberry:[/b] Fine... [i]Tonberry stood up strait, and revealed a puncture free stomach, not even a scratch.[/i] [b]Cactuar:[/b] What the... [b]Tonberry:[/b] Heh, Ki shield. You didn?t really think i would let you loose with strength and speed, did you? [b]Cactuar:[/b] Heh... Well, shall we conti... [i]Before Cactuar could finish his sentence, Tonberry struck at him with an lightning fast uppercut, and Cactuar responded with a lightning fast back flip to avoid the blow. To any onlooker it would have seemed Tonberry hit Cactuar.[/i] [b]Cactuar:[/b] I guess that's a yes.
[i]Tonberry clenches his fist and fly?s towards Cactuar, he throws a punch at empty space, occupies by Cactuar a few nano-seconds ago. Cactuar fly?s to the top corner of the G-Chamber, and begins to charge a small Ki-Ball in his hand.[/i] [b]Tonberry:[/b] Well you have me on speed, but you should know by now i got you on Ki... [i]Tonberry cups his hands, and begins to gather energy. A small blue orb begins to form, growing larger and easily out sizing Cactuars red orb. Both Tonberry and Cactuar stare at each other, not blinking, not moving. Then, in a split second, Tonberry fires his beam, and Cactuar counters with his. As soon as Cactuar has released his ball, he darts to Tonberrys side and delivers a devastating kick to Tonberrys mid section. From the force of the blow, Tonberry is thrown into a circular motion, and swings around to deliver an Axe handle smash to Cactuars back.[/i] [b]Shin:[/b] That's amazing... [b]Xy:[/b] Incredible... [i]Both Cactuar and Tonberry hit the floor, lying face to face.[/i] [b]Tonberry:[/b] What is that? The 22nd time you have used that move? I knew it was coming. [b]Cactuar:[/b] Yeah? Too bad you?re too slow to stop it? [i]Cactuar smirks, and then flips off the floor, followed by Tonberry. They face each other once more.[/i]
[i]Cactuar emerged from under the G-Chambers main CPU.[/i] [b]Cactuar [/b]: Well, i think that's the last of them. Every circuit blow, what an effort that was to clean up [b]Tonberry:[/b] Indeed, it seems Shin over estimated himself. I wouldn't expect him to be able to move in 10x gravity, to think what would have happened to him if the core had fully powered up to 50x before we got to him, the fool shouldn't have set it that high. What did it get to? [b]Cactuar:[/b] From what i see, when you stopped it, it was at 20x. Still rising towards the set point, 50x. [b]Tonberry:[/b] Well i think we should give a little briefing on not how to crush yourself to pulp in the G-Chambers. [b]Cactuar:[/b] Heh. So i think the machine is up and running now, want to give it a little try. Say a 15x G spar? [b]Tonberry:[/b] Always up for a challenge. What's the record up too? [b]Cactuar:[/b] 234 for me, 235 for you, and 30 draws. [b]Tonberry:[/b] Hey, this will be our 500th match. [b]Cactuar:[/b] Better make it a good one then. [i]Cactuar and Tonberry both remove their formal cloths, and reveal their training cloths.[/i] [b]Cactuar:[/b] Shall we..? [b]Tonberry:[/b] After you...
[b]Shin:[/b] So where do you want me to take this gear? [b]Cactuar:[/b] No need, i can fix it here. [i]Cactuar walked thru the opened the door and turned right down the hallway, disappearing out of sight, then almost instantly re-appearing, tool kit and sensors in hand. He walked over to the G-Chamber and began pacing around the outside, inspecting panels and displays.[/i] [b]Cactuar:[/b] Not good at all... [i]Cactuar entered the chamber through a hole where the door once resided, and opened a panel on the back of the main computer.[/i] [b]Cactuar:[/b] Circuits fried, CPUs blown, Compensators out... You?re going to be washing dishes for a long time... [b]Shin:[/b] Eh... Heh... O_O;
[b]Name: [/b]Cactuar [b]Age: [/b]25 [b]Race: [/b]Cactuar/Saiyan [b]Height: [/b]3'0" (Without spikes) [b]Description: [/b] Attachment courtesy of Flash. [b]Personality: [/b]Cactuar is a Tech head and a perfectionist, his dedication to the sanctum has helped it become what it is today. [b]History:[/b] Raised in the far western corner of the universe, Cactuar grew up in the cactus' normal environment, plains of endless desert. At the age of 14 Cactuar met up with a creature he found to much like him, Tonberry. Together with Cactuars engineering skills and Tonberrys knowledge of architecture, the founded the Sanctum. [b][u]Stats[/u][/b] [b]Strength:[/b]40 [b]Defense:[/b]20 [b]Speed:[/b] 80 [b]Ki:[/b] 60
I did that on the first try. Seemed pretty easy. With the Driver, the trick is there is none. Don't try and park a bike outside the malibu, or even a fast car. Just a mix of good luck, and some skillful driving will win it easy.
Well... the first time i play a game i always stick with the orginal name. But... after playing FFVII about 20-30 times, me and Flashy get up to some crazy stuff. Lets just say, i can never look at Aeris the same again.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]I Still, it's very weird in GTA. I've definitely noticed that the smoke will go away with cars...but that it's only visual. The car itself sustains any damage that was previously inflicted. So it might just be a visual illusion with the chopper, but it's really hard to say. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Like i said earlier, i know on a car it will come back, and if there was a damage meter, it would still remain the same. But with the chopper it seems different. The original damage, like i said, almost seems to disappear. And when i said Red Alert, i did not mean it was a glitch. On some of the units (Mammoth Tank, Ore Truck ect...) they will repair, but only to half health.
After many hours of flying the Hunter, and many hours of clipping buildings and power poles (Chopper flyers will know what i mean) i have observed a very strange occurrence indeed. On several occasions when flying the Hunter, and hitting buildings until the smoke from the engine turned to black, i noticed that after this, if i flew around for long enough, without hitting objects, this damage would seem to repair itself. Now, yes, i am aware that this will happen with a car sometimes, but it usually re-appears after driving a short distance, and will certainly come back when you hit something. Unlike the hunter where the damage, like i said, seems to repair itself. Now, i may be hallucinating, or i may just be crazy, but it seems to me that it slowly repairs itself, never to full health, but about half way (Someone who has played Red Alert will know what i mean). Others have observed this phenomenon, including people on this board, like flashy. It seems to me something very odd is going on indeed. *Plays X-Files music*
I found The Job to be one of the hardest missions. Well, i wouldn't say hard, so much as god damn annoying. It was a fun mission, but damn Phil kept getting run over, and it was Hillary who was running him over. Gah.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Alexus_Bing [/i] [B]Hey, BigCajones, it's ninty packages for the Machine guns, hundred for missiles. Joe Jamieson has the machine gun helicopter. It's really good, because you can hold R1 and hover above the streets shooting at people! :flaming: It's crazy! [/B][/QUOTE] It's 80 packages for the machine gun helicopter, the Sea Sparrow, and one hundred, plus all properties owned and the last two missions completed for the missile helicopter, the Hunter.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][FONT=century gothic] [color=crimson] [size=1] Finding out that eveything i heard/read on OB was 100% true was definately a highlight :p [/FONT] [/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, we would all like to believe that, but there was indeed some fake info on Vice city. Like using the sniper rife in helicopters, or even Tommy being able to swim. But still, the major two factors are in it. The Motorcycle. :tasty: The Helicopter. :tasty:
[i]Cids plane touched down in a clearing no less than 30 meters from the edge of the forest bordering the soviet camp. The harriers engines powered down, as Cid stepped down from the cockpit and stretched his arms.[/i] [b]Cid:[/b] Arrrgg... I need to get warmed up. [i]Cid took of his jacket, and neatly placed it next to a tree. He then Began to run at a group of birds pecking grain out of the grass. The birds, as any animal would be, were well aware of Cids presence, and ready to escape should he pose any danger. As Cid came closer to the birds, running at quite a considerable pace now, the birds decided to leave the grain, and spare their lives, just as the began to flap there wings, Cid flashed and shot foward arriving allmost instantly infront of the birds.[/i] [b]Cid:[/b] Boo... [i]The Birds furiosly flapped their wings, and scutteled to saftey as Cid walked back to collect his jacket. He took his jacket, and turned to face the soviet base, walking slowely through the forest, and cathing glimpses of Tesla coils above the tree line. The russian solider in the tesla coil saw a strange man apparoching them. He zoomed in with a survalance camera and took a closer look at him face, as a commander peered over his shoulder.[/i] [b]Soldier:[/b] Ahh.. Sir what should i do, it's... [b]Commander:[/b] Fire a 75% burst. [b]Soilder:[/b]But sir that's [b]Commander:[/b] I know who it is... Just do it... [b]Soilder[/b] Ok... Charging... [i]Cid heard the sound of the tesla coil charging before the the tesla coil could hear itself. He knew he had only a few seconds, but he stopped and waited. As the bolts of electricity reached the top of the coil a huge lightning beam shot to the spot where the solider swore Cid was standing only a split second ago. But Cid had left long ago, he was allready waiting behind a small mound of dirt, a flame tower to his right, manned, turned, but did not fire. Instead turning back and continuing to patrol the area. Cid stood up, and walked towards the bunker doors, leading to the Bio-Organic gas labs.[/i]
Lol, sorry Des. [color=indigo]:toothy: - Desbreko[/color] Oh and flash, if you put counter on everyone, it is the same as putting counter on one person with cover. If they have cover on, they will take everyone?s damage. Then the others are free to heal or do whatever. So there is no point in putting counter on everyone because one person will do that much damage anyway, unless of course he does an attack that hurts all, like supernova.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]Then, when Emerald does it's super attack that does 9999 damage to everyone in your party, you'll instantly be back up at full health, and you'll do damage to it.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Heh, super attack. Last time i remember fighting emerald weapon, that attack did nothing. Yes, nothing. The reason for this is in that "super attacks" name -- Aire-Tam storm. Which, if you look at backwards says Materia. So it is if infact Materia storm. Now that you know the name of it, are you still struggling to find out how it did no damage against me? Simple. Materia storm, [b]materia[/b], the damage the attack does depend entirely on you. The attack calculates damage on how much materia you have equipped. If you have one piece, it will do 1111 damage, 2 pieces 2222, 3 pieces 3333 and so on. Now seeing as most people want to level up their materia, and emerald gives you 50 000 ap, people equip all the materia they can, which in turn, will make the attack do 9999 damage. Now sure, you can just get Final attack and phoenix, but for people who don?t have the time or resources to go through the battle arena, just equip 8 pieces of materia to each person. Simple as pie.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=#507AAC]Although, I was quite impressed by the whole beach and lighthouse area...it was impressive at night.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I really liked those hotels at night time, they looked pretty impresive when speeding down the beachside road on a PCG.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]On the contrary, I actually prefer to keep the effect enabled in Grand Theft Auto 3 because the game's brown and gray palette is too dull for my tastes sans trails. [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I found that too. I was never bothered by it in GTAIII, but like you said that palette was pretty crappy. I like Vice Cities one a lot more, it has more vibrant colours, and they are on the whole side more bright, as is what you would expect with the more tropical setting.