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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. When I first put the Vice City disk in my PS2, I was filled with joy. Watching the loading screen, and finally, beginning the game. Upon taking control of Tommy for the first time, I thought my disk was broken. Broken you say? Yes, simply because of the shocking colours and blurring effects. I was quite disappointed, but I did not give up, and soon found what I was looking for, the trails option. Upon Turing this off, all the colours looked perfect, and the graphics sharper and clearer. The one thing every Vice City player must know, is to [b]turn of your trails[/b]. This will make the games colours look a lot better, and the graphics sharper. It will also change the colour of that shocking sky from that orange red colour, to blue.
  2. OOC: Brain, work = 0 But i had to post for plot reasons. ------------------------------------------------------------ [i]Cids plane touched down on a large tarmac with a yellow H in the middle. He opened the cockpit and jumped down to the ground. A man in a uniform approached him[/i] [b]Colonel: [/b]Cid Dargonia? [b]Cid:[/b] Yes [b]Colonel: [/b]Walk with me... [b]Colonel:[/b] Now Cid the reason we called you here was because of the bio-terrorism threat. [b]Cid:[/b] Right. [b]Colonel:[/b] But we have managed to take care of that problem ourselves. [b]Cid: [/b]You destroyed the gas?! We could have used it to create a vaccine, an antidote, you stupid f... [b]Colonel: [/b]Now, now, Cid, no need to get violent. We may still be able to get our hands on sample, but there is where you come in. It is held within the soviet bases labs, and we need to get it. Now with your Flying skills, and super-human speed, you should be able get it out of there. [b]Cid: [/b]So now you want me to help you clean up the mess you made? [b]Colonel: [/b]I see it as doing a favour, or maybe we will have a look at that illegal hanger you have in your house. [b]Cid: [/b]Fine, I?ll go, but my rules. No orders.
  3. Well i think they are just a gimmick for Diaz. They are supposibly assoiciated with him, but not in the actual game. Prolly just a little something rockstar put in for some extra text. "Cuban Crimelord (alleged) DIAZ and companions knows only as "the twins"
  4. No, that's compleately and utterly wrong. Many reasons. 1. There are two of them. 2. Mercedes never wears a pink bikini 3. On the back of the Vice City case, it has a picture of Mecedes, and then a picture of the woman in the pink.
  5. Well you could try and get it scratch repaired, or even get your PS2 checked out. I had my first feeze up yesterday *Sniff.. hic..* It was like Vice cities first steps.
  6. [i]Cid opened a large metal door, and stood admiring his beautiful F-14 harrier Custom Fighter. He paced around the plane examining all the weapons, Napalm, Cluster bombs, Air to air missiles, chaffs, this was Cid's Sanctuary, right here. Just one type of weapon missing... he thought to himself. It had infact been 3 years since Cid had been down here. It had been that long since he needed to be back down here. But now, he was needed again. He climbed the small stepladder, and entered the cockpit. As he looked around he familiarised him self with the controls, all 1985 standard, no high tech computers flying for him, just what he needed, the analogue controls. The extraordinary reaction times, and speed of Cid, ensure that he would have infact better flying without a computer, as his brain was able to process things faster than most super computers. He started the engines and tossed his head back in euphoria as he heard them roar and power up. He grabbed the throttle, and guided the harrier up through the opening panel in the ceiling. The plane emerged from the top of the house and turned to face the ocean. The engines grunted into action, as the plane shot forwards towards the US.[/I]
  7. Ahhh!! Stop it, everyone is calling the books a series. They're not! The only reason that it was split into three parts, and six books, was because it was during the war and there was a shortage of paper. Hence why the books don't read like a normal book, (Beginning.. conflict.. resolve.. ect...) as anyone who has read them will know.
  8. [i][b] 11:22am, The Dragonia Estate, Marseille. [/i][/b] [i]A man sits on a beach chair, the shade of his pergola protecting him from the scorching sun. This was one of the only places left in France not riddled with empty bullet cases, and stains of blood on the once innocent cobble stoned streets. Now they tell a story, a story of a countries hunger to dominate, and a story of one mans mission to dominate, Romanov. The man is dressed in shorts and an open shirt, with a laptop resting on his knees. He takes a sip of his drink, whilst browsing through the CNN website now riddled with pictures of the people fallen victim to the soviets gas. Pictures of school children still at there desks, but no longer at this world. The gas was invisible, odourless, and fatal. To think... this man helped to invent this gas. Now only he knows a way to stop it. It is only a matter of time before he is required to...[/i] [b]Cellphone:[/b] *Ring ring* [i]The man powers down his laptop, and picks up the phone.[/i] [b]Cid:[/b] Cid here... [b]Colonal:[/b] Cid... it's here.. It?s reached America, we need you. [b]Cid:[/b] Funny how you didn?t need me when it was killing millions in Europe, or England, or Iceland... [b]Colonal:[/b] Cid, this is no time to **** about the bush. Either you will co-operate with us or not, we have some guys who are highly trained in Bio-organic-gases and wi.. [b]Cid:[/b] I don't care how many Harvard graduates you have there, i work alone. and i work under my conditions. [b]Colonal:[/b] Fine, see you at 0900 tomorrow, New York. I trust you have your own transp... [b]Cid:[/b]*Beep... beep* [i]Cid stood up and turned to a small metal staircase at the side of the deck, he pressed a button on the handrail, opening a panel on the wall with a small slot. He reached behind his neck, and unclipped a golden Halberd, previously hanging around his neck, he inserted into the hole and proceeded down the stair case through the open doorway in the woodpile, into his underground hanger.[/i]
  9. Well i have almost got 100% on this game, yet still i havn't encountered these woman. You may be talking about Mercedes, but i assume you are talking about the woman in the pink bikini. On who they are, i can't help you. I cannot remember seeing them at Diaz with any time, or mabye i just forgot.
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mitch [/i] [B][color=red] Eh, I did just that. Can we take rain checks, lol? Heh, oh well.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] There's allways one... *Casts vote*
  11. Heavenly creatures would have to be a movie that was close to home for me, literally. If anyone knows about this movie, it is a story about two girls who take there mother for a walk in the park, and then the beat her to death with a brick in a stocking. Well, it's a true story, and it happened very close to where i used to live. Peter Jackson (LotR) directed the movie. But i am not sure if it was released worldwide; if you have the chance, check your local video store.
  12. It is not the question of who will, but who has. I think all we need to do is look at sonys sale figures for the PS2, compared to the Gamecube and X-Box. Even at the length of time the X-Box and Gamecube have been out, during PS2s time there, it's sales were way higher.
  13. Personally I loved MGS SM, those mystery mission were so damn funny. But what I am exited about is MGS2 Substance, which will be like MGS2 and MGS SM put together, and with a whole lot more added in.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rhys Mayiessen [/i] [B]What you think I don't know about Lord of the Rings? I know where the film was filmed and I know where the director is from. You see Final Flash all the stuff in the exhibit guess where it came from. New Zealand! So yeah don't think I don't know anything about Lord of the Rings because I know a lot and I definatly know that the stuff I saw was real. Do you think Canada lies or something? Do you think I would lie? So how 'about that!!!:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] No I do not think Canada lies. And while movies have others to believe so, I do not Blame Canada. Now me and Flash were simply saying we LIVE IN NEW ZEALAND, and we have the official stuff here as well, because... well... it was all made here, by New Zealanders, in New Zealand. I'm sure all Flashy was doing, was pointing out the fact that we too "::Shrug:: Have the official stuff as well". Were just trying to say that Canada is not the only place in the world with this stuff, and, no, the governments of all the other UN countries are not Conspiring against Canada, because they "Lie".
  15. [b]Name[/b] - Cid Dargonia [b]Allegiance - [/b]Allies [b]Military -[/b] Former US Air Force, Now rouge pilot. [b]Age -[/b] 42 [b]Description - [/b]6'4", Brown hair, blue eyes. [b]Bio - [/b] Cid joined the US Air Force at the age of 29, upon application the CIA was not able to pull any file on Cid, and nothing could be confirmed about his past before the age of 28. He claimed he was from Alabama, and worked on his father?s farm until he was 28, he then moved to New York, and went about enlisting in the army. Although the Enlistment officer could clearly tell he was no Farm boy, Cids performance on the flight simulators gave the army a chance to good to pass up. So Cid was accepted into the army, and became a fighter pilot, after many years, and many skirmishes, Cid rose thru the ranks of the army, and became the commander of his squadron. The 5th Squadron quickly became one of the most respected and successful squadrons in the air force, completing every skirmish given to them. After may years, Cid retired at the age of 40, but he still continued the fly planes in his spare time, and even flying the odd skirmish when the Air Force got really Desperate. But now, he is living in a beach house, complete with his F-18 custom fighter, in the south of France. [b]Supplemental[/b] - Fluent in Russian, Maori and English. During his simulator tests Cid demonstrated the highest levels of reaction time, and movement. This lead the army to believe he was part of the US GE Breeding program, started in the early Sixties, but were unable to access the files containing the names of the subjects. But is was not that GE program he was from...
  16. I'm still assuming the missions you are missing are the last two. Highlight below to find out what happens in the last two missions, if you haven?t done them, don't look. SPOILER - [spoiler]Lance betrays you, and you kill him.[/spoiler] - SPOILER If you have completed that mission, i'm afraid that is the last story line mission. If not, i am not sure what you haven?t done, they only requirement i know is the properties. By the way, to get money from Pole position, simply spend $600 on the stripper in the back room.
  17. It's not the only one in the world dude, there is one at our museum, and you can walk into Weta Workshops (The company that made all the LotR gear) and have a look around, hell even by some of the official products, as in the ones that were used in the movie. They even have the one ring, you put it in a fire and the elvish appears, then you can polish it back out. You may as well refer to New Zealand as Middle earth now.
  18. Just run across the Marsh, time it right and you can get across in one try, without even having to fight the Zolom, i do it everytime i play, i know FLash does too. And would people please stop calling the Marsh a Lake, and the Zolom a Sea serpent!
  19. First of all please list the game title in you title, or at least your topic message. It may be hard for some people to understand what game you are talking about. I assume you have not yet unlocked the final missions, to unlock the final mission there are certain things you must have done, and own. You need to own all nine asset properties, they are: Boatyard Cherry Poppers (Ice Cream Factory) Pole Position (Strip club) Kaufman Cabs (Taxi Firm) Sunshine Autos(Car Showroom) Film Studio Print Works Malibu Club Once you own all these, and have completed the rest of the compulsory missions, Ken Rosenburg, Colonel Cortez, Ricardo Diaz, Paul Kent & Tommy Vercetti (The missions from your mansion), you can unlock the final two missions, the first from the print works, and the other from the Vercetti Estate. After these two mission have been done, the credits will roll, ect.. and you then will once again be free in Vice City. For more missions try things people like Umberto Robino, Auntie Poulet, Love Fist, Big Mitch Baker and Phil Cassidy.
  20. Well yeah, like i said Flash, i havn't had time to read all this, i have been busy with school and work. Plus now i just found out we have a virus, and need to send our comp away to get fixed :( By the way, when the hell do i get let out? I still can't see the other boards. You said yourself i was evicted ages ago.
  21. I'm sorry guys. I guess i shouldn't have joined Big Brother unless i could commit myself, and with my school exams happening during the BB competition and work, i didn?t really make enough of an effort to stay a general member of the house. Plus the being locked out of the rest of the boards was something i got [i]very[/i] sick of, [i]very[/i] quickly. Flash, I request to leave the OBBII house. [i]Neo walks up to the Big Brother house's large wooden gate...[/i] Neo:*Knock Knock* Flash, i wish to leave...
  22. Neo: Sniff.. hic... All the RPers are going.... SNiff... hic... Well i guess it's up to the rest of us to stop Neil from destroying the earth... Come on ken... lets go. [i]Ken looks at Neo to see him in a batman costume, Ken bursts out laughing[/i] Neo: What's so funny? Ken: Your lame costume! Neo: Well look at yours [i]Ken looks down to see himself dressed as robin the boy wonder...[/i] Ken: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. OOC: Wasn't someone supposed to be voted out like yesterday? Well i guess Flashys little twist was that we get to stay for another week. Yay. -------------------- [i]Neo walks past the bedroom and hears Ken singing karoky barney.[/i] Neo: Oh oh oh! Sounds like fun, i wanna join. [i]Neo rushes into the bedroom and begins to dance around auska, singing Barney songs with Ken.[/i] Auska: Noo!!!!! Make it stop, Make it stooooop!!!!!!!!
  24. [i]Neo begins a slow clap in admiration of Liams deed... no one else joins in... Neo walks away...[/i]
  25. [i]Neo thinks to himself[/i] Neo: Hmmm... how can i sum up the plot of FFVII in one page... Hmm... Hmm... I know!!! [i]Neo picks up a pen and pad and writes down... "He has a Big sword"[/i] Neo: There we go, all done :) [i]Neo quickly adds - All play and no work makes Neo a happy boy[/i] ---------------- OOC: I Pmed you ma Essay Flash
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