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Everything posted by NeoCactuar
[i]Neo sits in his chair contemplating what just happened[/i] Neo: So if the teachers gone, and Ken and Neil got rid of her... Then does that mean ken and Neil are our teachers? Yay! Neil: Ummm.... lets learn how to play GTA :) Ken: *Humps a muffin*
[i]Neo slowely raises his hand into the air...[/i] Auska: Yes Neo? Neo: Miss... when is this project due..? Auska: Ummm.... when i feel like it... Neo: When will you feel like it..? Auska: Later... Neo: When is later... Auska: Later!!!!!! Neo:.... *Quite*..... Why? Auska: Because that's how it is Neil: Why? Auska: Because i made it that way! Ginny: Why? Auska: [size=20]AAAHH!![/size] Auska: Be quite, shut up... all of you!!!!!!!!!! *Begins to tear out her hair* Class: Hehehehhe....
Neo: [size=8]Final Fantasy VII!!!![/size] Auska: Allright Neo... you can have it... BUT no 4000 page essay on who Sephiroth [i]really[/i] is... Neo: FINE!!! (Cough)GeorgeBush(Cough)
[i]Neo hits neil over the head[/i] Neo: GtaIII... ARE YOU CRAZY?!?!?! [i]Neo takes out a brand spanking new copy of GTA Vice City and inserts it into the PS2.[/i] Neo: Mmmm... helicopter goodness... Neil: *Drowns in own puddle of drool*
[i]Auska finishes the passage she is reading, and looks down to the class, impressed with their quiteness, only to find none of them are there.[/i] Auska:[size=10] ARRRRRGH!!!!!!!![/size]
[i]Asuka turns back to the board, and is hit in the back by a flurry of paper balls[/i] Asuka:[SIZE=4]WHO THREW THOSE !?!?[/SIZE] [i]All the class points at each other[/i] Class: Them!!!!!
Neo: I'll just have to read the crummy worldwide news page. Hm..... lets see, what?s going on here... "[i]And in a mystery location protesters are protesting for a group of prisoners to be let out of prison, the Big Brother prison as it is referred to.[/i]"" Neo: Hey cool, people actually know we are in here, oh wait... that's because there are cameras everywhere.... AHHHHHGG!!!! [i]Neo sinks down behind his newspaper, red faced, hoping the cameras didn?t see what he was doing last night...[/i]
[i]Neo wakes up from a long sleep. He goes into the kitchen and looks for a newspaper, only to find mini-Ginny sleeping in it on a conveniently placed park bench.[/I] Neo: Damn.. on the sports page?
[i]Neo sits sunbathing in his chair, he looks towards the pool and sees kens limp lifeless body by the pool, as demons encircle him chanting in a demonic form.[/i] Neo: Hmm.. looks like Kens being attacked by demons again... Well, no need to spoil my tan. Dum dee da dum...
[i]Neo walks outside and sees Neil rampaging in Oozaru form.[/i] Neo: Ohh god... not again... Neil: Oraaaaaggg!!! Neo: Right... [i]Neo pulls a Ki Sword from a sheath on his back and runs towards Neil. He jumps in the air and does a triple foward flip, then he lines up the tail with his sword... Just at that moment Neil turns around and fires a mouth beam at Neo.[/i] Neo: Owww....
Neo walks over the lawn, and over Ken. Ken: Oww!! My face!! Neo: Oh, sorry diddn't see you down there.. Neo walks off leaving ken still in the ground
OOC: Sorry guys, i have been away on holiday for a week... camping... no where near a computer... [i]Neo runs into the room, constenetly falling over, wearing a frilly dress and high heels.[/i] Neo: Hey guys look at me, look at me... Liam: Ok, this is too weird... [i]Liam backs off slowely as Kenna and Neo admire each others hair and dresses...[/i]
[i]Neo makes the first move, he commands his pawn to move foward two spaces, it does so. The it jumps in the air and flips over the other plushie pawns, into the opposing back row, it runs to the bishop and stabs him in the heart, just before the knight charges at him, impaling him on his lance.[/i] Neo: Ohh... this is fun. Your go...
[i]Neo walks into the lounge and sits at a chair next to the coffe table. He pulls out a chess set from under the chair, and sets it up on the table. But it's not just any chess set. It's Plushie Chess.[/i] Neo: Game anyone...?
[i]Neo is sitting in the yard as Ken comes flying out the window and into the garden[/i] Neo: Ahh... ken, you allright? Ken: Yeah, i'm cool *Owwww* Neo: What you trying to do? Ken: Kill the plushies, and possibly Asuka Neo: Hmm... maybe this Tesla whip i found earlier might help Ken: Tes... Whi... Gimmie, gimmie, gimmie [i]Neo hands the Tesla Whip to ken and he goes charging back into the house. Neo lays back in his chair and continues to work on his tan... Greeen tan that is... He's a cactus!! ... half cactus... half saiyan... I'm not going there either!!!!!!!![/i]
[i]Neo runs around behind the house, and hides... huffing and puffing...[/i] Neo: Heh, these guys haven?t seen the old school days of Battlefield... [i]Neo runs back into the yard and sees Neil and Ken charging at him. He Tenses his arms and legs and begins to glow, suddenly he burst into SSJ4 and charges at Ken[/i] Ken: Oh crud....
[i]Neo follows the others, and passing a mirror realises he is still a giant cactus.[/i] Neo: Oh... this is going to take a long time to fix. But i mazy as well have some fun while I?ve got it. [i]Neo runs out into and sees LK, being followed by Ken and Neil.[/i] Neo: 10,000 Needles!!!!!!! LK, Ken & Neil: NO NEO!!!!!!!! [i]Neo bends over and waves his little spiky arms, the suddenly thousands upon thousands of needles come shooting out of his arm and drive LK, Ken and Neil back, impaling them on the fence.[/i] Neo: Bwaahhahahahahahha!!! Comedy genius LK (After she stops screaming): You know, i could use some of these for my invention, thanks Neo. Neo: Heh *Sweat drop* Yeah i wanted to [i]help[/i] you...
[i]Neo sits down at the table with the others[/i] Neo: Hey guys, you know i can turn into a Super Saiyan too? Ginny: Really? Neil: Go on then... show me... Neo: Ok then... [i]Neo sits up in his chair and begins to concentrate. He looks down to the ground as an Aurora builds around him. He flicks he head back up and the group sees his eyes go green.[/i] Ken: Ohh... He's doing it.... Neil: Naa.... [i]Neo begins to shout and throws his head back as... ???Three spikes??? ...Shoot out of his head. Then his body swells and he turns completely green.[/i] Neo: See i told you that i could go Super Saiyan.. Neil: Ha! Neo: What? Ginny: Neo... your a Cactus *Falls over Anime style*
[i]Neo Get off his bed and walks into the living room. He sees Neil and Ken both huffing and puffing holding chainsaws[/i] BB:"Neo to the diary room please..." [i]Neo proceeds to back away from Neil and ken and walks towards the Diary room. He opens the door and sees a Hedge trimmer sitting on the chair...[/i] BB:"I kind of liked that game Neil and Ken were playing... Go make them do it again" [i]Neo looks confused, but picks up the hedge trimmer and leaves the diary room.[/i] Neil: What?s with the hedge trimmer..? Neo: Well Big brother just told me to try and tear down the house with you guys... Ken: Cool!! Lets go... [i]Neo, Neil and Ken all run at the walls with there Garden tools buzzing, but as they all take a swing an electric bolt shoots out of the wall and hits them all, they all fall to the ground and pass out[/i] BB:"Hah!! Don't mess with me or my house!"
NeoC: Once, twice, four times, what?s the difference? Anyway when are those other two guys going to get here? Neil & Ken, I heard they were the ones bringing the party. [i]Neo hears a loud music and looks to the door. He sees Neil & Ken both with strippers hanging off them on the back of a flatbed truck, with heavy rock playing behind them.[/i] Neo: *Shouting* Are you guys allowed to bring them in here!!!??? Ken: Ohhh... we were having so much fun... Neil: Oh well, guess we should get into the house Ken: Yah NeoC: Well um... welcome guys, bedrooms over there, kitchen there, and living room there. Not much too it. But well um... Kick back and have fun..
[i]NeoC wanders in the huge glass doors and looks around the magnificent house. He walks up to the kitchen across to the living room, and down into the Bedrooms and sees Ginny[/i] NeoC: Hey, how are you? I reckon this seems like a pretty cool place to spend the next three months... Or a week... [i]Looks at Ginny... ... .... ..... I call the other Double Bed!!!!!!!! Neo jumps on the Big green double bed and spreads out.[/i] NeoC: You know Ginny! Ginny: Yeah? NeoC: This bed looks kinda small for one person *Cough*MeyouQueen AsukaJuuthenaLadyKatanaFarisGinnyLynDuoMaxwell.........*Cough* ...*Silence*
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue] Also, it would seem pointless to release GTAIII on Xbox after 2004...by that time, we'll probably have GTA V or something...so that doesn't seem very logical.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, by the time X-Box catches up on Gta 3, PS2 will allready have Vice City. Then, by the time the X-Box gets Vice city (Not 'till al least 2006) The PS2 will have moved onto bigger and better things, like GTA4. It's kind of ironic in a way. All X-box owners waiting for GTA3, and the next one in the series coming out on PS2, before the X-Box owners even get a screenshot, let alone conformation. But it brings about the age old problem, no matter what console you own, you will allways miss out on some good games, but allways get some of your own.
That was sweet, very sweet. One of the best peices of Rping i have seen. Bravo Flash.
Whoops sorry, those GC & X-Box figures are only from Japan. But still, look how far behind they are. And i know what shipping is, but it proves there is a huge demand for PS2's :P
In Sony latest sales releases they claim to have shipped over 40 Million PS2s. That compares to Gamecube?s 1.5 million. And X-Boxs 274 000. There have been more copies of GTA VC reserved than there have X-Boxs sold. Now that says something about the X-Box. Here's the full article for anyone who wants to read it. [URL=http://technology.nzoom.com/technology_detail/0,1608,133488-113-116,00.html]PS2 sales[/URL]