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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. Desbreko, Listen to me. Ultima flies away. Before those four red streaks you see. So thats Ultima + 4 = 5. Can't you understand that!? Look at my posts, the facts are all there. Don't you remeber that FMV. Ultima powers up, then flies away. Thats why the highwind rocks about. Then, about 10 seconds later, it changes veiw, and four red streaks come out of the crater!!!!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo] Also, I only remember seeing four WEAPONs fly out of the crater... Not five...[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah. Four red streaks. These are Emerald, Ruby, Diamond and Weapon. But remember Ultima is not one of those. He flies away before the four red streaks. That makes five weapons in total. How do we know that Ultima flies away? Well, that is the big diserbance that makes the highwind shake and stuff. Plus it shows it all in clear FMV. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo] Something you have to realize when discussing this: When you fight Emerald WEAPON, there isn't going to be as much detail as in the CG scene, where it gets it's head blown off. So no, it's not going to look exactly the same......[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Ok that may explain the barnicles. But thats all, they're not going to miss out the fins, tail, and the over all being a fish!! I mean god damn!!! Look at the FMV, A fish swimming through the water!! Not a big chunky robot being propelled through the water. You have to look at the facts here. I've played FFVII at least 20 times. And i am sure of myself that Emerald and Weapon are not the same. All the evidence points to it. You base your argument on assumptions, and pre decieded conclusions. The only point you make is that they look the same. But when you actually look at all the FMV and Battle footage, they are clearly different.
  3. [i] The sun slowly departs the plains of Galthun. In the city of Galthun, a single light is illuminated, in a room in what appears to be a forge. This is the forge of the legendary Cid Drawlen, possibly one of the most talented blacksmiths ever to grace the bustling industries of Galthun city. Apart from being a great blacksmith, Cid is well know for his travels, and can always tell a good story, like the time he fought a group of ten Tonberries, or the time he single headedly saved a village from a group of Wendigo. But telling these stories, Cid still wishes he was out there, in the world, creating new stories of his own, but he has a good life now, and he cannot leave all that behind... Cid sits on a small wooden stool in front of an anvil. He holds a hammer in his right hand, and a piece of metal in his left. He slowly beats the piece of metal into shape, but this isn't just any piece of metal. It shines, with a whitish aurora, like only a dragoons armour could. Cid stands up, grabs a pair of tongs laying on a bench to his left, and takes the armour over to a large cauldron, containing water. He lowers the armour into the water with a loud hiss, and shakes it around to cool it down. He then lifts the glistening piece of armour from the cauldron. Now it becomes clear what it is. A picture of a dragoon, with water droplets glisten on a beautiful silver breastplate, only armour a dragoon could possess. Cid takes the armour in his hands, and turns towards his back-office. He walks into the office, and lifts a candle from a shabby looking holder. Cid then turns the holder, and re-inserts the candle. Just as the candle touches the bottom of the holder, four panels in the wall slide up. Revealing a Lance, a set of Elvin blades, a manikin for a breastplate to sit on, and a box. Cid walks to the panel opposite to where he is standing, and opens a large wooden box. He removes a long, sweeping cloak, a pair of black leather boots and brown gloves. He dresses himself in the cloths, and slips on his newly shaped breastplate. He then reaches into the box to get the last item. A brown leather belt, it has two inverted holsters at the rear, and a satchel on each side. He fits the belt, and moves to the next panel. He takes the Elvin blades, running his fingers along the edges before he slots them into their holsters. Cid then heads for the door, grabbing the wooden lance on his way... Two men walk down a small street in front of 'Drawlen Forge'. They talk quit loudly, like old friends meeting after not seeing each other for many years. They walk past the forge deeply immersed in conversation... when suddenly.. one of then stops... he takes a few steps backwards, until he is directly in front of the forge gates. He stares at a sign on the door "Closed"...[/i] Man1: So.. Cid's finally done it... he's gone... Again.... Man2: Well, who would have though the old fool would actually do it again... Man1: Certainly not me... not... me... [i]The men walk away, talking of Cid...[/i]
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]Interesting. Apart from the fact that they're totally different colours and stuff, do you really think Emerald wouldn't try to get revenge against Junon for firing at it? Besides, if it's head were blown off, it would die, and not be able to fight at the capacity it does when it attacks your party... [/B][/QUOTE] Well... During the Video leaving the northern crater, we clearly see Ultima flying away with the large energy burst. Then... four red streaks shoot out of the crater, and into the sky, these are the weapons. Going to different parts of the earth. Ruby flies, and lands in the desert, where the impact pushes him underground. Emerald Flies, and lands in the waters outside Junon, where 'Weapon' also lands. Then, Diamond flies, and doesn't get far, landing just below the northern crater. This accounts for all the FIVE weapons. Diamond, Ultima, Emerald, Ruby and just plain 'Weapon'. The weapon that attacks Junon clearly isn't Emerald, for the following reasons... [list] [*] Weapons body is covered in scales and barnacles. While Emeralds is completely clean. [*] Weapon has a long tail, fins, and swims. These are properties of a fish. While Emerald weapon is more like a machine. When we see it moving, it clearly has some sort of propulsion on it's back. And walks around with stubby little legs. Not like Weapon, who swims at a very fast pace. They are two completely different Weapons. Comparing them is like comparing a submarine to a dolphin. [*] When something gets shot in the head, it dies. Period. [*] When it was shot, we see it plummeting into the ocean, and finally disappearing (With a flick of it's TAIL). It obviously didn?t just lose the fins, lose the tail, change it's appearance completely, and take on a different personality. The huge beast just sank to the bottom of the ocean, and made a huge crater in the sea floor. [*] If Emerald and 'Weapon' were the same, then that would only account for four of the five weapons. [*] Weapon is a long, sleek, fish. Unlike Emerald, it is a short stubby robot like creature. [/list]
  5. No, there are "twelve in the set", Meaning twelve different ones. But you can actually get as many as you want from the speed square. As for some things... how about... [list] [*]Finding the lone man with the buldozer [*]Breeding the fastest Chocobo possible [*]Maxing out stats [*]Collecting every weapon in the game [*]Raising [i]all[/i] characters to level 100[/list]
  6. I'm a proud New Zealander, and as James put it "To call ANZAC day "idiocy" is one of the most disrespectful and offensive things I can possibly fathom..." ANZAC is a symbol of what our ancestors were willing to do to make sure that we were here today. They were brave men, many with families, and many being young adults, from families. They fought to ensure that their children, grandchildren & great grandchildren would live on. And so we do, we live on, and we remember the great sacrifice they made. To say that is was there own fault, they walked into a slaughter is simply disrespectful and disgusting. These men didn?t know that they were fighting an extremely unfair battle. They were told that there were no other armies available, they were told that this battle was vital to the winning of the war; they were told they would out-number the Turks, and over run them. While maybe they outnumbered the Turks, they were severely out armed. They had to fight there way up a beach, and through hills and valleys, riddled with Turkish machine gun emplacements. It was a battle they were surely to lose... So, on ANZAC day, we remember those men, and what they fought to protect. People like me, a New Zealander...
  7. [b]Name:[/b] Cid Drawlen (I'm a dragoon, i have to be Cid!) [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Height: [/b] 6'9" [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Class:[/b] Dragoon [b]Weapons:[/b] [b][u]Wooden Lance:[/u][/b] This is Cid's original weapon, it cannot inflict much damage when a normal person is using it. But it can cause serious damage in the hands of a skilled Dragoon. It is a long slim piece of wood, finely polished, with a handle 3/4 of the way up. It looks like a normal staff or walking stick, but can be a deadly weapon. [u][b]Elvin Blades:[/u][/b] These are two short filigreed blades, the have a blade the same length as the handle, and are concealed in two holsters behind Cid's back. These blades were gifted to Cid during one of his visits to Glórethroth. [b]Armour/Clothes:[/b]Cid is dressed in a long, sweeping black cloak. He has two holsters behind his back, which hold his Elvin blades. Cid wears brown gloves, as is classic of a Dragoon & Black leather boots, simple armour. He carries his Lance at his side, and it looks similar to a walking stick or staff. Under his black coat, he wears a white shirt, which is mostly concealed by his armour. The armour has a picture of a dragoon carved onto it, and it made of tough, shining metal. Cid wears no helmet, as he likes to look more like a traveller than a warrior. But when the situation arises, he is ready for a good fight. [b]Description:[/b] Cid has short brown hair, it is spiked up, and has blonde tips. A rare condition Cid was born with, said to be the mark of a true dragoon. He has blue eyes, and a smooth complexion. He looks like he is about 20, but he is in fact 30. Cid wears black pants under his cloak, and has a sliver belt with a dragoon on the buckle. [b]Bio/History:[/b] Cid was born to Mr Morris Drawlen & Mrs Rosa Drawlen. He grew up with his parents in the sleepy village of jurest, but at the age of 14 he moved to Galthun City, in hopes of becoming a great blacksmith. Cid worked as an apprentice until he was 17, then he opened his own forge at the age of 19. He had a successful business, and collected enough money to go travelling. At the age of 21, Cid left Galthun and began to travel the world. He visited many places, including Glórethroth, Cids favourite place to go. He would often stop in there, and stay for a few nights, before moving on somewhere else. To him... it was heaven. Cid finally returned to Galthun on his 28th birthday, he went back to his forge, and re-opened it, starting work again as a blacksmith. It has been two years since Cid returned from his travels, and he still dreams of going travelling again, going on a quest, like he used to. But for the quite blacksmith Cid, that dream is all to far away...
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Don't use normal attacks, just use GF's and any magic you have (prefrably Thunder).[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] No, that's the worst thing to do... GF's are one of the worst attacking things in FFVIII, they take to long, and they do little damage. Here's what you do... [list] [*]Get the punishment [*]Get High level magic and junction it to attack (Water works well) [*]Junction thunder to squall's weapon [*]Hammer the crap out of him with Renzokuken+Blasting Zone [/list] It's quicker, and it does way more damage, especially if you use Selphies (You have her in your party at that bit, Flashy) & Zells limit breaks too.
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B] Are u serious??? that game was too easy and too short i beat it in 4 days i think they should of made it longer but it's cool just driving around shooting people!!:D [/B][/QUOTE] Yes you may have 'Beat the game', meaning beating all the main story line missions in three days. Yes, that is believable... But. I highly doubt that you have collected all the hidden packages, done all the unique jumps, done the taxi missions, ambulence mission, police missions & fire missions. Fully completed all of the missions, not just the compulsary ones, mastered flying the dodo & Know all three of the islands like the back of your hand. Now... Can you truly tell me that you have completed Grand Theft Auto III..?
  10. Have you down the "Bitchin' Dog Foods" Missions yet? They are at a phone across from Joey Leone's garage.
  11. Damn you, we still have to wait ten more days here *Shakes fist* But, i assure you, i will be buying it as soon as it comes out.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo]I'd have to say Risk... Fights have never actually broken out, but there've been some good arguments... Especially when you make an allience with another person, only to break it two turns later and take over half their territories, LOL. [i]That[/i] is stabbing someone in the back. :laugh: Ironically enough, Risk happens to be my favorite board game. I actually enjoy watching the other players squirm as I try to decide whether or not to break an alliance with them, LOL. Then I watch as they get mad when I do break the alliance, and I storm through their territories, taking them over one by one until they only have a few left... Of course, someone else then proceeds to sweep in and take over a bunch of my newly acquired territories from the back, since you always seem to have to leave a bunch with only one army in it... And so the process begins anew, and repeats over and over, until finally someone can't keep up anymore and they lose. It always gets interesting when you get down to two people, and the tide just surges back and forth, with neither player able to hold on to a bunch of territories for more than a turn, LOL. But yeah, that's my oppinion about Risk... Such a fun game, yet always seems to be taken more seriously than it should... :laugh:[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Risk is definatly one of the best board games around. But the playstation game risk, is bloody awesome! Me and a good friend of mine play it all the time, whenever we can get it out of the video shop :P But is done really well on thwe playstation, because you don't have to use the dice to figure out battles. It's done by a computer, and on how many guys you have. Plus there are cool little CG scenes of the battles, and you even get to choose the moves and everything. Great game.
  13. Simply get an RFU and tune it into an un-used channel. :) That's all you need to do.
  14. Heheheh, Connor you Goth. Actually, I find that the same, I wear black and dark colours to. Apart from Shoes. But yeah, I like to look nice, but I don't care much for superficial trends.
  15. NeoCactuar


    Yeah, that's right. But we are talking about the egg you just get from him. The one without the breeding :p
  16. NeoCactuar


    Mine has hatched into a clefa, three times. It makes me wonder if it is random, or if it chooses it somehow, on the way you play. :p
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B] You know, on paper that sounds good, but I think that a three dimensional Resident Evil would have its share of problems on the GameBoy Advance. The main thing that comes to my mind is poor visibility dragging things down. The backgrounds in Resident Evil are usually pretty dark and I don't think they would translate well onto the GameBoy Advance. Especially since it would be a pain seeing some items. [/B][/QUOTE] Well, that may be true. But i ask you; Have you seen the screenshots from the 3D engine. They have a Resient evil mock screenshot and video. I tell you now, it's amasing.
  18. Yes, but for someone who doesn't own a Computer, or have the internet. You will have to buy a modem, get an ISP, and purchase a USB Keyboard & Mouse. The $40 dollars thing would probebly be the connection fee to sony, ontop of the other costs.
  19. Yeah, that's the problem with FFXI. It will cost A LOT. For the game, the modem, the sony connection fee, the ISP fee & a few other costs that may be needed (Keyboard, mouse). It will cost the average player a lot of money. But then again, having a huge FF world will be awesome. But i'm sure there will be TONS of worlds, becuase you wouldn't want 100,000 parties all wandering around in one world. The next step i want to see is Online GTAIII :devil:
  20. Oh the Resident Evil games.... I must say it is one of my favourite series, and it has completely defined the Survival/horror genre. I've played all the games numerous times, and still love them. Now... they are coming to Nintendo, and I couldn't be happier. Being the proud owner of a GBA, I would love to see RE make it to the handheld world, and with the new 3D engine that has been unveiled for the GBA, the dream is closer than ever. So... until then, I?ll just keep playing RE-CVX on my PS2. :)
  21. Well my dear boy... It is a simple matter of using your FPV (First person veiw) to look around the room. From memory you must crawl into the jumble of pipes from the bottom left corner. Then make your way left, towards the middle, by crawling under pipes. Then, you will come to one pipe, and instead of going under, and to the other side, you must get under the pipe, then follow it's path down towards the middle. Now, just simply look around and you will find the bomb, coolent spray, and it's all over :)
  22. Mmmmmm... Japanese Models... Mmmmmm.... *Drool* A yes *Ahem* Onto the modles. I would have to say, model number three's legs, with model number fives upper body, and model number four's head. And if i can't have that... I'll take model number five ;) Oh and James. You still haven't given us your vote.
  23. NeoCactuar


    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Desbreko [/i] [B][color=indigo] I think I'm going to have to go see if I'm strong enough to beat a Midgar Zolom and get it. My party is around level 35, so I think I should be able to beat one. It would be handy, because then Barret would have a good fire spell other than Fire 2. It's been getting a bit weak, for the bosses, and Fire 3 is a ways off.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You can beat Midgar Zolom as soon as you get Laser. And at that time i am usually about Level 25-30. As for the Fire 2 - Fire 3 thing, i just beat any boss with my plain physical, i only ever use magic (paired with all) on groups of enemies, so i can get my limit breaks quicker.
  24. NeoCactuar

    Ica Age!

    [COLOR=crimson]"I see a tree, eat a leaf... thats my tracking.." Funniest qoute ever. Overall quite a good movie, as i am getting bored of shrek, after seeing it about 20 times. A nice little change, with a not so original plot. But, never the less a good movie. I love that little twitch that Scrat gets under his eye, when he loses his acorn.:twitch: [/COLOR]
  25. Ohhh.... Very nice James & Adam. I like the Bar up the top, and the overall smoothness of the site :)
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