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Everything posted by NeoCactuar

  1. [font=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4][COLOR=green] Lymous follows Zains lead and reaches too his side holsters, he slowly draws his two filigreed Blades, as they catch a glimmer of light from the barely visible moon beyond the sheets of heavy rain. Zain signals the other two towards him with a simple flick of the hand. The three crouch down to hear each other above the howling wind in the exposed field... [/font][/size][/color] Zain: We have to be careful now; the Stalfos may still emerge even in these conditions. Lymous: My close-range blade work will make mincemeat of them. Zain: Yes, they are easy in close-range, one-to-one combat. But in groups they can be deadly. Ralvenar: Well, we don't want to be waiting out here to long then. Lymous: Well, lets hurry on then. Zain: Be careful... [font=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4][COLOR=green] Zain springs to his feet, and takes the lead. Lymous & Ralvenar follow, and Flank him on either side. All three continue to cross the field, Zain in the front; ever vigilant. Lymous on the right; blades drawn, ready to fight. And Ralvenar on the Left, leading his wolves; who even in the fierce storm, remain calm. As Lymous turns to look at Zain he sees a pair of red dots through he heavy rain. They slowly move closer towards the group from Ralvenars side. After a few seconds another pair of eyes emerge close to the ground, and then raise up to head height.[/font][/size][/color] Lymous: We got Stalfos!!! Zain: Where?! Lymous: Ten O'clock!! [font=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4][COLOR=green] Lymous, readies his blades, and heads for the glowing eyes. The other two follow his lead, weapons at the ready [/font][/size][/color]
  2. [COLOR=green][font=monotype corsiva][SIZE=4] Lymous takes his two long white knifes, and slides there filigreed blades into the holsters on his sides. He get up, and out of the comfy chair, and stands on the cold hard floor of zain?s house. He approaches Zain, as Ralvenar also departs with his chair and the warmth of the fire.[/font][/COLOR] [/SIZE] Lymous: Shall we...? Zain: It's time... [SIZE=4] [COLOR=green] [font=monotype corsiva] Zain walks to the fire, picks up his belongings, and warms his hands for the last time. Lymous and Ralvenar follow, they all stay silent... thinking of what lays ahead of them. One-by-one they stray from the fire, and head for the door.[/font][/COLOR] [/SIZE] Ralvenar: Well... off we go... [SIZE=4] [COLOR=green][font=monotype corsiva]Zain opens the door and is greeted by howling winds and bucketing rain. Zain pulls up his hood and steps out into the abyss. Lymous and Ralvenar look at each other, and follow...[/font][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B][color=indigo]Hey, I have a suggestion. Why don't you delete the character profiles that were posted by the people that weren't selected? (Plus this post). It'd be nice, because then if someone wants to look at the profile for one of the characters, they don't have to look through a bunch of other ones, too.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's just what i was thinking, it got really confusing, and there is no need for them to be around. Now JC, hurry up and post on the RPG!! *Screams like a little child*
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by jcgoudy [/i] [B] [color=indigo]How come I can beat Safer Sephiroth using only normal attacks (okay, so I have 4x Cut on Cloud and Red XIII), quicker than using KOTR, then? Safer Sephiroth was easier to me when I was higher level.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well he does get harder, but depending on your style of attack, he may become easier. Because his defence won't go up as much as your attack paired with 4x Cut. Therefore you will have an easier time beating him, explaining your situation.
  5. I [i]don't[/i] like Arbok, he is my most hated of all the team rocket pokemon. It seems whenever they are in a battle, weasing does a sludge attack, or smokescreen, and helps team rocket. But all Arbok ever does is get nailed. That, be the reason why i don't like him.
  6. [font=Monotype Corsiva][COLOR=green][SIZE=4] Zain continues to look out the window, as the struggling farmer gathers his composure, and begin to try round up the rest his sheep. Zain turns away from the window, and looks back at the warm fire he is sitting by. He almost feels like getting up and going out to help the farmer, but he knows there is not much he can do... Zain glances back to the window and sees two sheep, levitating off the ground. He quickly looks back to re-affirm his initial view and sees two sheep, 3-4 feet of the ground, surrounded by a glowing red aurora, shining against a back drop of dark, murky sky. Zain continues to look at the, to anyone else, strange site. But Zain remains calm and collected, as he knows this is the work of none-other than Lymous. Sure enough, within seconds, Lymous appears trenching down the muddy path, almost up to his knees in mud. He motions his outstretched arm, showing the same red aurora that surrounds the, now moving sideways, sheep. He slowly lowers his arm, as the sheep also do so. He approaches the farmers sheep filled paddock, and clambers out of the mud and up onto the grass. Zain watches with curiosity as the Lymous outstretches his battle worn hand to the farmer, who shakes it thankfully as he thanks Lymous for saving his sheep. Lymous Bids goodbye to the farmer, after a minute, or so's talk. He hops down back into the mud, and pulls up his hood the dark green cloak he is wearing. Lymous then continues to walk along to the path towards Zain?s house, he turns at the gate, and walks up the small path, past the rose gardens, and under the shelter of the overlapping brown thatched roof. He slowly lifts his arm and knocks on the door... [/COLOR] [/font][/SIZE]
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Because the higher level (therefore Stronger..) Cloud is, the higher level and therefore Stronger Sephiroth is. Make sense? [/B][/QUOTE] It's like that in most Final Fantasy games. Well I defiantly know it's like that in FFVIII & FFVII. That?s why training to a higher level to beat a boss isn't always the best idea. I nice little trick by Sqauresoft, you have to use strategy. Brains, not brawn.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by chris00k [/i] [B]if no one posts a reply to this RPG i will delet because no one is joning in with it so i will delet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Oh dear god, tell me it isn't true!! And i really wanted to join this wonderful, original, creative RPG too!
  9. Well hopefully this will see a decline in stupid, pointless, annoying RPGs. The trouble now is to get the n00bs to read this. Hopefully they will take note of Neil's... ahh... carefully selected title, and read this thread. Untill then, i'm sure we can all do our job in pointing them in direction of this topic if they are doing some of the "Unspoken" things mentioned above. (cough)1 g0 1n 4nd 5h00t 3v3ryth1ng up 1 w1n h4h4 (cough
  10. Well hopefully this will see a decline in stupid, pointless, annoying RPGs. The trouble now is to get the n00bs to read this. Hopefully they will take note of Neil's... ahh... carefully selected title, and read this thread. Untill then, i'm sure we can all do our job in pointing them in direction of this topic if they are doing some of the "Unspoken" things mentioned above. (cough)1 g0 1n 4nd 5h00t 3v3ryth1ng up 1 w1n h4h4 (cough
  11. Well, this is a RPG where James picks the characters. So it won't start untill James thinks he has enough applicants and then he will pick the best eight. Those eight will participate in the RPG and the rest will go on with their normal lifes. I'm hoping James will leave sign-ups open for a little longer, so some other good RPGers can sign up... (Cough)Flash-Neil(cough)
  12. [b]Name:[/b] Lymous [b]Race:[/b] Lymous is 3/4 Hylian and 1/4 Zora, his grandfather was a Zora, while all his other parents were pure Hylian[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Location:[/b] Hyrule [b]Description:[/b] Lymous is a tall, long blond haired Hylian. Although you cannot tell from his initial gentle and beautiful exterior, he is a rough warrior on the inside, ready to battle to protect himself, and his people. Lymous also carries inside him; the blood of the Zora, as his grandfather was a pure Zora. He doesn't show this unusual trade, but when in the water; he can swim faster than most, and hold his breath a long time. But, he still doesn?t posses the same skill in the water that the pureblooded Zora have. Lymous wears a Hylian breastplate, engraved with the ancient writings of the Hylians. It reads... [i]"Good luck and fortune will be bestowed upon the bearer of this sacred amour. The powers of the ancients will always be with you..."[/i] Lymous found this armour deep in the caves below Hyrule when he was a small boy. He also wears two shin guards and two arm guards, which he crafted himself from the metal of his fathers Armour. [b]Inventory:[/b] Bomb x4, Bottle with faire inside x4, hook shot, boomerang, telescope, Small blades x2, Spare slot x3 [b]Weapon:[/b] Lymous carries a Hylian blade, made of a light and durable metal. It has been crafted by the metalworkers of Hylian and is enchanted with the ancient magic of fire. [b]Spell 1: [/b]Fire Blow (A flaming attack with his sword. Lymous's initial attack, he has known since he was young) [b]Spell 2: [/b]Heal (An ancient healing spell. Lymous learnt this spell from his father. His father was a great healer. [b]Spell 3: [/b]Levitate (A spell to lift or move things. Lymous was born with this unusual ability. No-one knows where it came from, as Lymous is Zora/Hylian. [b]Name of Fairy: [/b]Milian (Mill-I-An)
  13. Uggghhh... i will never watch tom green again. After the movie 'Freddy got fingered'. That movie seriosly ****ed with my mind, it's so god damn sick. But there are funny bits to. Has anyone else seen that movie? If you haven't... [i]don't[/i], it's really sick. But yeah, i diddn't see that thing.
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B][color=royalblue]There is no way GTAIII would be edited if it came to GameCube -- to suggest as such is to be ignorant of Nintendo's release list. Games like Resident Evil and Eternal Darkness are far more violent and "mature" than GTAIII[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes, true James -- But it is not [i]all[/i] about how much violence is put into the games. That is not the only reason they are being censored, it is the themes that the games display that must be taken into account as well as the immediate violence. In a game like Resident Evil, sure you can kill zombies, and you can see a lot more gore or blood than a game, such as GTAIII. But you are killing zombies, and this is a reason that Resident Evil has gotten away with large amounts of blood and gore, because you are not walking up to a innocent civilian and shooting them in the head with a shotgun, or picking up a hooker, having intercourse with her, then murdering her seconds later. That type of violence is much worse than blowing off a zombies head. The [i]theme[/i] of violence is not the same. So when censoring a game, they censoring party needs to take into account more than just gore. For this reason, i believe there is still a strong possibility of a censored version of GTAIII if it comes tog gamecube.
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]I think the main problem is that the movie doesn't seem to relate to the game much at all. I mean, at least if they'd provided a "direct" prequel...that would have been better. But all this supercomputer nonsense...it's ridiculous. It has nothing to do with Resident Evil. And in that regard, I can understand why he's annoyed...movies based off games would often do better to follow the games more closely, in my opinion.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, i do know where you are coming from there. Like if the Final Fantasy movie was based on a Final Fantasy game, say FFVII, that would have been a lot better that what they did. So in a way i would have liked it to be like the games, but not following the story line exactly. I haven't seen the movie yet, but from what i know, it looks good. I'll be sure to see it as soon as it comes out here.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ Gotenks ok [/i] [B]I watched the resident evil movie the other night.And i was kinda dissapointed.First of all it doesnt follow the story line of the 1st resident evil game and there was no stars team and no jill and no chris redfield this really pissed me off since i've been waiting for this movie to come out for so long!!!! I think it would of been a better movie if they followed the same story line's as the games so im guessing there isnt gonna be no clair and leon in part 2 that would of been so tight.But if u seen this movie what do u think about it do u agree with me??? It was a good movie but it could of been way better:flaming: [/B][/QUOTE] There is no way that they would have made the 'Resident Evil' movie the same as the original game, because the audience would know what is going to happen next, and would be very fimiliar with the plot. They wanted to create something new, and exiting, so people can enjoy it more.
  17. Ooooo.. scary. I have had a few Osama incidents myself. But none that resemble him as much as you have said this man did. Personally i believe that Osama Bin Laden may be hiding somewhere in the corner of the world, Australia, New Zealand, mabye something else. But is just as likely to be hiding somewhere else. But if i was Osama, i wouldn't walk down to the local shop to get a meal because i was hungry. Kinda stupid if you are an international terrorist.
  18. I liked "Resident Evil: Code Veronica X" becuase it finally had a bit of camera movement. Not to much, not oover the top. Just enough to add a certain factor of fear, slowly panning out to reveal a dark corner, or something else. It was used very well.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dark_Apocalyps [/i] [B]Because I dont know what to talk about: Heres an anime ive maded myself: [/B][/QUOTE] Well... that was, umm.... spam.... [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash[/i] [B]Good idea... I think I'll just write up a Questions sheet (and for that matter, an answers sheet), and PM it to everyone in the competition... Reply back with the correct answers under the Questions, and the person with the highest score wins. How's that sound?[/B][/QUOTE] That's ok with me, as long as i can still reply on Monday... (Our time, Flash)
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] Please stop addressing me in the 3rd person when you're asking a question only I can answer... :rolleyes: Not 'till the weekend, most likely, when I have enough time to get the questions (100 of them... -__-;;;) ready, and post them... Also, I'll need to be online a lot, which is why the weekend will be a good time. Plus it's school holidays! Yay! ^_^! [/B][/QUOTE] NOOOO!!!!! You know i'm going away for easter holidays Connor!!! Gahhhh!!!! ...Well, i guess i'll just awnser them when i get back, won't be till Monday though...
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SuperSayian [/i] [B] *kicks Flashy* And you didn't tell me about this WHY?! :flaming: Fine......Next year... .....But first..... *steals Flashy's "Muten Roshi" folder, laughing evilly as he evades the Cossack Gundam* [/B][/QUOTE] Hehehhehehe, oh god you stole Flash's precious Muten Roshi folder!!! Lucky i have several copies on disk... allways be prepared, need to protect things like... ahhh.... ugghhh.... Muten Roshi's...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by James [/i] [B] [color=royalblue]Hm, since when did Australia steal the Kiwi? lol And really, who would [i]want[/i] to steal the Kiwi? hehe...just kidding. ;) Actually, from what I've read (and seen on television), LotR featured a lot of Australians -- specifically in terms of special effects and financing. Of course, all the extras were from New Zealand and the movie's director was indeed a New Zealander -- he did a very good job too. :) I personally consider Lord of the Rings to be a New Zealand movie -- just as I consider The Matrix to be an Australian movie (considering both used American actors...which I kind of disapprove of somewhat). But I think that the combination of NZ's fantastic scenery and direction...combined with Australia's advanced special effects production and photography, really helped to make the movie very special. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, it was a joint effort, i admit it. It's just well, the aussies are allways geting TONS of praise and stuff, and well, yeah now that New Zealand has some, no-one wants to share, hehehhehe. Now... about the Kiwi thing, i won't get into the whole story, mabye if you really beg me i will, but... The Kiwi is supposed to be New Zealand native bird, right? Well a couple of years back, some scientist from Australia, who were in New Zealand, said that they had found evidence of fossils, that prove when New Zealand and Australia were joined (Gondwana land) that the Kiwi originated in the northern part of Gondwana land, the part that was Australia, so yeah... they claimed it to have started in the part of Gondwana land that was Australia, therefore not being NZs native bird, but Australia's native bird that eventually 'moved' to NZ. So it was in the news and everything, then eventually the evidence was reviewed and the other scientists found that the Australian scientist had got there Latitude & Lontitude of the fossiles they were relating the fossils they found to, wrong. Somehow, i don't know how they did it, but it proved that it actually originated in the south, New Zealand... ...So yeah, that's about it... :p
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B] *cough*RussellCrowisaNewZealanderhejustsoldouttoAustralialikeeveryoneelseinthiscountryseemsto*cough* I have a cold.. o_O [/B][/QUOTE] Hehehhehe, that's so True, New Zealander living in Aussie. I think Peter jackson should have won best director, i mean, god he deseved it, a great New Zelander that man *Wipes tear from eye*. One of the reasons he diddn't win the best director, is becuase the americans don't usally award that title to some one not a who's not a 'good American director', and well, Peter Jackson isn't, he's a great new Zealand director, and he deserved that Oscar. Yeah i agree with you Flash, there may have been [i]some[/i] aussies on the production of LotR, but there were way more NZers, filmed in NZ & Directed by a NZer. Not being a Patriotic sellout, but this was definatly more of a NZ movie... i'm only saying this 'cause i don't want the aussies to steal any more of out stuff, like they claimed the pavlova, the buzzy bee & even the KIWI!!! Yes the KIWI, but i won't get into that...
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cloud Strife00 [/i] [B]gulp...hehheh...yeah. So when is this going to start? [/B][/QUOTE] Whenever Flash feels like it, probebly with in the next day or two, seeing as we allready have well over 8 members...
  25. Jeese, i haven't even heard anything about it, the movies sure come slow here in NZ, but that sounds like a must see, i loved the original Blade.
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