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About boris

  • Birthday 05/31/1985

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  • Biography
    i like realtime stragdy games, and love first person shotters, and have a love of raceing games.
  • Occupation
    work in machine shop, also in collage and high school

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Member (2/6)



  1. well, if its good crit, i like it, but i dont like to be told what i allready know. if someone says anything about my photos, i dont want to know about "rules," ive ben a photographer since , well, i cant rember, it was so long ago that iu started. i can write a book on "rules" if you wanted me to. many times i break them, and its ok, if your still learning photo, fallow them, there good to learn off.:box: [COLOR=red]Boris[/COLOR]
  2. well, shyguy, the fire has to get past me first.(really, it dose, i live up the hill from him......)
  3. well, the higher the mega pixle, the better. i like stuff ove 4, but 3 will get you good pictures. you will be able to blow them up to 5x7 prints with little problm. i know i use a d1x, which is 6.5mp, and that is a rocking camra. it was 4.5 grand, in united states dollars(3000pounds)
  4. i live out here in so.cal, north of l.a. the nice aera. i am 16, 17 on the 30th of this month.
  5. well, one thing i was thinking, clothing seems to be dissapearing, wait, its just see through.... well i like seeing wemon in skimpy cloths, like any other guy would, but there should be a little more control. little girls wach tv, see there fav. stars in near nothing, and they want to dress like that. and if they dont have bodys like wemon on tv or in movies, they feel insecure, and want to go and have there body changed, to be preatty later in life.... do you know what i mean. by the way, notice how jayloo did not show her b$&!@ts this year?
  6. well, my theroy is that lord of the rings has 2 more trys, so they gave it to butyful mind.....
  7. well, you have to know that jerry uncensored on tape if far better.....:angel: most the people on jerry have three things in common 1)you will have or are currently sleeping with you childs boy/girl friend 2)you are from the south 3)you are an xprostuite with 7 kids and 2 husbands visuals, 1) :smooch: +:alcohol: =:blackeye: 2):love2:+ :alcohol:= :flasher: 3):alcohol: +:flaming: =:drunk:
  8. hey, if you have an atm card you could buy stuff. thats how i do it, at least most the time you can use atm cards:alcohol:
  9. well, i remember it a little, i dont really rember it in a hole... was it a good show??? i know every one is looking at me strange.....
  10. boris


    good plan on teh hiv stuff, if it were me, when he tried to rape here, you take the gun and shoot out his knees. that way you dont get 2nd degree muder and he cant run:devil: and if you want you can throw in a few pistol whips or kicks to the gut:devil: dot worry, the police i know would prob turn there head when you do this. see, no i keep a nice big falay knife next to my bed, a 12 incher, and that thing could slice through kevlar with ease....:angel: .... i cant wait to get my self a robber, owww, will it hurt for him...
  11. [FONT=courier new]well, i have only had one of those meetings. it was because i got in a fight and brok my enmys hand....[/FONT] :angel: [FONT=courier new]but thats been a few years...*boris looks to see if any one is looking at him strange...every one is.....* but i dont fight people anymore. i think its because i am a big person, i had a 5% bull in me, but i shot and killed him...*the bully in me*[/FONT]
  12. [FONT=courier new]well, i give a few acts of random kindness to people. and when i am playing the new wolfenstine, i give many an act....even if they are mercy kills....... but back on the idea, i have been given a few acts, but i find my self giving them more that receving them. like last week i helped someone with there car, the battrey died and i showed them haw to start a manual with out a battrey. [/FONT]
  13. boris


    well, throwing a rock is kind a hard, just get a water ballon full of paint.... that will do the job:devil:
  14. well, my spring break dose not start for, well, its over easter. i want to stay out of trouble and play lots of video games....
  15. well, a guy just dumped hi girl friend. he was firous about the fact that she was getting it on with a nother guy...his friend.... we had to hold him in his room so he would not go beat the sh!t out of him. the girl blamed him ... how can she blame her cheating on him????
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