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Everything posted by boris

  1. it that why i havent seen any new 1-800-collect commericals with mr.T? that carrot top guy is very annoying...
  2. ya know, halo is the game of the gods. it is one of the better games i have played. i would buy it in the flash of a second.:D i know of tons of people who own halo, many live on my street, and i play all the time, it really is a good game.
  3. hey, i would by a ps2 controller. ps1 shocks dot have pressure senstive, and that could make the differance
  4. um, well, i dont fallow that game, due to its horrable rots, did you really have the time to play it.....
  5. 1:wario 2:bowser 3:the joker(batman) the 3 best, right there
  6. hey, never try to watch tv and play vb. i threw up from the dizzy spinning the came after wards. i hated it, that and if you are in a car trying to drive down the road, it aint gonna be preaty...
  7. i loved that game, did you? i was haveing fun, and used my fav. plane to fly through the hole game.THE A-10. its amor is unbeatable, and who could say no to a phalanx mini gun. that and you can get it up to mach 2...... well, i love ac4 a lot, what did you think of it?
  8. i would by a ps2, it plays psone games fine, why by something less. hat and psone games load so fast on a ps2.
  9. hey, what ever happned to multiplayer games. now the only way you can play any more, is if you go online, and start a game through your browser. rember in oringal redalert, when you could play modem, what a grate time. really, what happned to those wonderful times?
  10. :gulp: hmmmm, i would by ffx, because of the fact that every single person i know wants it, yes i to am on the bandwagon:wave:
  11. i rember that logo, i played a few of my games, and saw it. wow, i would have never thought of that, unless i needed to know that. the one i cant rember was the logo for jagwar.:2women:
  12. i dont know, i would prob buy twisted metal black. i like twisted metal games, and i think they are good all round games. i also like viglante games(like viglante 8, and offense):2women:
  13. i was wondering, i have never played suikdoin, non the less ever seen is:( when did it come out ? what evebn is it?
  14. :sleep: well, i could really care less. i want to get mg2, but, with x-mas and all, i dont want to go buy it and have it be a gift. [SIZE=1]i would feel realy small if that happened[/SIZE] . i know people try hard for me
  15. so i have been looking at first person shoter games a lot on the PS2, i have yet to buy many games due to the fact that x-mas is around the conner. I would have bought games like half life, agent under fier, and metal gear 2. i have not even had a chance to play the games, cuse at highschool we have report after report. and in college, finals are this week and next. any in put on the games above would be nice, i wanted to know which were liked more. i realy hate spending 30, 40, or 50 dollars on a crapy game. :help:
  16. yeah, that was a sad sad sad try to make me want to buy doa3. hey, bill gates must be useing that theroy of sex sells. they are targeting males, which is a little sexeist. but thats just my view.
  17. i use a little dust buster, and i also use a compressed air can (ya know, that stuff they sell to clean computers. i also use it to clean off photo negs.)
  18. i want to get mg2, its on my x-mas list. the top of the list...... it is fallowed by baulders gate, dark alliance. i dont know if i like the commericals they have to promo it, they are kind of funky
  19. if you want to look at controlers, just buy a jagwar, long pause, i do think that i would buy a x-box if i had the money, but i want a game cube, only cause i am a loyal nintendo gamer. it started back with the nintendo oringal, then nes, n64, and now game cube. i do think that halo is one of the best first person shooter i have ever played. even better that golden eye...... yet i only have a hate of sega..... and they are no longer a problm, hehe,
  20. i would buy it, it would be fun like parrappa the rapper............. later that day, boris if found beat to death for his statement
  21. i think a real man dose not need codes, like me. so, just by the players guide, or strgedy guide
  22. i played the oringal when it came out, and at the time, it was ahead of its time. but i stilll liked r e survivor
  23. i still see it on shelfs here in calforina, (i live in sourthen cal) i saw it yester day in bestbuy, :babble:
  24. yeah , i own a lot of games, and i think graphics are a lot better, but game play is down. i can now beat games in a matter of days. when it would take my weeks on older games.
  25. i got the doem:whoops: i liked it alot, but mg2 made it to my x-mas list, so i cant by it now, i might get it for x-mas
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