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Everything posted by boris

  1. hey, shy guy, i am sorry if i offended you, just forget what i said on my earlyer post,:blackeye: k:)
  2. after renting them both(thanks to blockbuster) i liked doa a lot more than mad2002. but...... i really dont like sports games much. they arnt really my fav type of game. my fav games are racing games(gt3) :babble:
  3. yeah, i know what you are talking about, i saw it in a arcade, i also read about it in PSM, it looks good.:cool:
  4. off the subjct, but sephiroth, are you from another country, maybe something like england or like that(dont take this sirous, i am not dogging you, but i was wondering. PS i am from Ca. (U.S.A.)
  5. i think ps2 will totaly change the industrey as it is. ps2 can run games on a dvd disk, which can store 4 giga bytes on one disk, now you could put all of FF9 on one disk:eek:
  6. i hate games like parrappa the rapper, and game wanna be.
  7. in perfect dark, if you make a charcter, you can gain rank. starting at lv. 21 and going down, trying to get to 1 i made it to lv. 7, it took me forever,:babble:
  8. :blackeye: shy guy, if you drink coke or eat black peper, it makes them worse. just play some video games, that is good stress relif:angel:
  9. hey shyguy, there was 3 granturismo games befor #3 there was gt1 there was gt sports car( wich no one know about) there was gt2 (one of the best) and the best, gt3 :rolleyes:
  10. :cross: hey, i wanted everyone to know that know i jack dittle squat about anime. so dont take any thing i say in real content. UNLESS.......... it is about games, on ps2, n64, nes, sgea, psx, gamecube, and i dont follow x-box thank you;)
  11. sorry, somebody got ahold of a computer where i was cookied, i did not say any thing in here......:flaming:
  12. :mad: what are you smoking???? no offense shy guy, buy i hated the oringal:nervous:
  13. josh, that wall paper sucks:therock:
  14. josh, that wall paper sucks:drunk:
  15. boris


    quit playing games that are made by unknowen companys.... play gt3:)
  16. boris

    New FF movie

    the old guy was cool in the movie, he had grate detail in his face. but no, i did not like the ff movie. it, really SUCKED:cross:
  17. i thought it had too much jumping around:cool:
  18. i liked resdent evil suvivor
  19. do you think there has been a large raise in game play time???
  20. :) i am all ready 73% done an gta3, ho far are you???
  21. boris

    GTA3 <drool>

    it is one of the best games ever made, i am allready 73% done. cheack out this post: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=5209[/url]
  22. i think it will help gamers. now we can tell parents that the game systems have something educational, not games only:rolleyes:
  23. :butthead: how dare you, grantursimo games are some of the best games ever made for psx or ps2, any gamer can see that.:butthead:
  24. guss what, shyguy, i have no idea what your talking about, wanna let me barrow it over the weekend, then i can say something like i am smart, and saw a video. just like u:( (will i get smart by staying at a holladay inn?)
  25. i think its 9', or at least i read 9'. even though i could be wrong:whoops:
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