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Everything posted by Entity

  1. Entity


    [CENTER][SIZE="4"][COLOR="Red"]This RP may contain high levels of violence and language. you have been warned.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER] [B][CENTER][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Black"]CLASSIFICATION ABOVE TOP SECRET READING WITHOUT PRESIDENTIAL CONFERMATION ALLOWS THE USE OF DEADLY FORCE IF NECCISARY THIS IS A MATTER OF NATINAL SECURTY[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/B] [B][U][SIZE="3"][CENTER]EVENT[/CENTER][/SIZE][/U][/B] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="black"][CENTER]In the year 2021 hundreds of beams of light flew from the city streets into the sky. The reason behind this is unknown, yet the after effect was dramatic. The beams of life sucked the life from any living creature around, and then caused a mist to roll over the land.[/CENTER][/COLOR][/SIZE] [CENTER][COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]The mist became deadly, to some. The ones that survived later were found to have a genetic alteration in their DNA. The reason behind this alteration has yet been discovered, but what it has caused is no laughing matter. It may have saved some, but others were not so lucky.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]The ones that were lucky enough to die, did not have to live their lives in fear. The ones that survived however, well, some turned into demons, while others stayed humans. It is believed that the ones that remained humans had the altered gene, but it was not strong enough to actually do anything to their bodies.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]Then there were some that when exposed to the mist, changed. Their form changed, they became stronger, smarter, and their reflexes increased, their senses increased ten fold. These people became known as the ?Altered.? Their eyes turned a dark brown, almost black. Their hair was always dark and straight. In the year 2024, they came in droves and surpassed the remains of the demonic humans. Soon after, that was left was the ?Altered,? or so we thought.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [B][U][SIZE="3"]DOMINATION[/SIZE][/U][/B] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]In the year 2030, after the destruction of the demonic humans, the ?Altered? started to take over everything. Thinking that they were superior to all living creatures, they started taking the normal humans that were left, now called ?Originals,? and using them as slaves to harvest their crops, build homes, and so one. The ?Originals? became modern day slaves. They tried to fight back at first, but the ?Altered? both out numbered them, and were a lot more powerful than they were. There was nothing the ?Originals? could really do to protect them selves from the ?Altered?, so they gave in and let themselves be imprisoned.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]At the start of the year 2035, new sightings started to be heard throughout the world. Men, women and children all the same, said they say creatures tearing into the flesh of the ?Altered.? These sightings scared the ?Altered.? Soon after that it was determined that the demons themselves had returned from the pits of hell, and were now taking their revenge on the ?Altered.?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]The ?Altered? started to panic. They began using the ?Original? as shields, protecting themselves from the coming onslaught of the demons. The government of the ?Altered? started to go into a state of chaos. Eventually a new king was named ruler of the lands. He was able to retake some of the land that they had lost to the demons. They began to make new weapons, stronger and more deadly that the ones that had before. Also, they started to be more possessive of the ?Originals.? They were now treated as pets, but when they disobeyed, they were killed, and then put on display to show that they were no longer joking. They meant business, and that is what they wanted the world of the ?Originals? to think.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][COLOR="black"][SIZE="3"]RECLIMATION[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/U][/B] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"][CENTER]By the year 2040, the demons had started to dwindle down in numbers once again. There were, of course, those that possessed so much power, even the strongest ?Altered? would never dear to go anywhere close to them for fear that they would be killed. These powerful demons watched over the land. One for the forest, one for the ocean, one for the mountains, one for the sky, one for the lightning, one for the fire, one for the light, one for the darkness, and more. There are tons of the demons. They were known as the ?Demon Lords.?[/CENTER][/SIZE][/COLOR] [CENTER][COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]As they realize that their race will soon be killed off once again, they decide to do something about the actions that the ?Altered? have committed. They searched the land, some found what they were looking for, some did not. The ones that did, they searched endlessly in search of the right ?Original.? What they did has never been done before.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]They found ?Original?s? soul that connected perfectly with the demons, and then without hesitation, the demons sacrificed themselves to give their powers to the ?Originals.? From that moment on, they were no longer ?Originals.? They had become what are to be known as ?Hybrids.? They were what is known as the ultimate being. Their powers surpassed that of the demon state that they were in before. They are the only key to the survival of the ?Originals.?[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][U][CENTER][SIZE="3"][COLOR="black"]WAR[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER][/U][/B] [CENTER][COLOR="black"][SIZE="2"]The time is upon them soon. The ?Hybrids? are on the move and the ?Altered? know nothing about it. The less they know until the first strike the better. Questions do arise, though. Why were they chosen? How many ?Hybrids? are there? Are there enough to be able to destroy the ?Altered?? Are they strong enough to do the job? These and many more questions arise, but for right now, all they know is that they must search out their own kind before the final war occurs.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER] [B][I][CENTER][SIZE="3"]Alright, that?s the back-story. I am leaving it open a little bit. Here is a short description of the races you can choose from[/SIZE][/CENTER][/I][/B] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][B][U]Demon[/U][/B]: They come in all shapes and sizes. Strong, but they lack the common sense that they need to survive.[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="2"][B][U]Original[/U][/B]: Normal humans. They have decent knowledge of how things work, and they are adaptable.[/SIZE][/CENTER] Altered: Much larger than Originals. They have a higher mental ability, they are stronger, faster, and their reflexes increase. Their senses increase ten fold over Originals. Normally they have a gray to their skin tone, and hair that is short. Their eyes are solid black with a tint of brown near the pupil. [CENTER][SIZE="2"][B][U]Demon Lord[/U][/B]: They are giants among creatures, standing anywhere from ten to twenty feet tall. They are the guardians of the world. Not too much is known about them, but they do have to ability to transfer their soul and power to a normal Original. They are able to speak, and try to make as little contact with other life forms as possible.[/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][U][B]Hybrids[/B][/U]: These are gods among men. They are the ones that the Demon Lords have chosen to help and destroy the Altered. By a Demon Lord giving them their soul, they are able to use the power that the Demon Lord possessed. This includes being able to read into someone?s mind, or even as powerful as to destroy cities in the blink of an eye. Of course the Demon Lords limited to power they gave to the Originals, but enough power was given so that the Originals would gain the strength to destroy their enemies, the Altered.[/SIZE] [B][I][COLOR="black"][SIZE="3"]Those are the races that you can choose from to be. I know,. There aren?t that many, but that?s all there needs to be. Remember, if you are an Altered, and you want to fight on the Hybrid, then you will need to cover your identity. The Hybrids are going after all Altered, whether they are nice or evil.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][I][COLOR="black"][SIZE="3"]Here is the sign up, please if there are any questions, ask me. I will try to explain them as best I can without telling how the ending will play out, but of course, the ending depends on you all.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/I][/B] [B][U][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Name[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Simple, last is not required, but it is nice[/COLOR] [COLOR="Red"][B][U][SIZE="2"]Age[/SIZE][/U][/B][/COLOR]: [COLOR="blue"][SIZE="2"]how old are you. The Altered reproduce just like the Originals, in case you were wondering.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [COLOR="red"][SIZE="2"][B][U]Gender[/U][/B][/SIZE][/COLOR]: [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]Male or Female take your pick[/SIZE][/COLOR]. [B][U][COLOR="Red"][SIZE="2"]Race[/SIZE][/COLOR][/U][/B]: [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]What are you? A Demon, Original, Altered, Demon Lord, of Hybrid?[/SIZE][/COLOR] [SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"][B][U]Demon Lord[/U][/B][/COLOR]: [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]If you are a Hybrid only, which Demon Lord gave you its power. Give the name and the area it protects (Slate-guardian turtle of the earth, for example[/SIZE][/COLOR]).[/SIZE][/CENTER] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][COLOR="Red"][B][U]Powers[/U][/B][/COLOR]: If [COLOR="Blue"][SIZE="2"]Hybrid, what powers did the Demon Lords spirit have[/SIZE][/COLOR]?[/CENTER][/SIZE] [SIZE="2"][CENTER][B][U][COLOR="Red"]Appearance[/COLOR][/U][/B]: [COLOR="Blue"]Either a written description, or a picture. If written, give a little detail, please[/COLOR].[/CENTER][/SIZE] [CENTER][SIZE="2"][B][U][SIZE="2"][COLOR="Red"]Snippet[/COLOR][/SIZE][/U][/B]: [COLOR="blue"]Give a writing sample of your person. It can be about anything. How they got their Demon Lord spirit, or how they became who they are. Use your imagination[/COLOR].[/SIZE] [B][I][COLOR="Black"][SIZE="3"]That just about does it. Hope you enjoy, and if you need anything again pm me and I will clarify.[/SIZE][/COLOR][/CENTER][/I][/B]
  2. Name: Amer Lewis Nick Name: Amer Gender: Male Genus: Hoka/Noko Race: Demon/Siberian Tiger. For his Noko blood, his mother was level 3, but because of his fathers demon blood, Amer only has a slight case of level 2, but when looking at him, it only seems that he is at a level 1. Under his shoes, his feet have white fur growing on then, and he has claws on his fingers. His eyes are red, with a yellow bar down the middle. His ears are starting to tip at the top, but in general, he still appears mostly human. Age: 26 Appearance: See Below Personality: He is very stubborn. He smiles when someone starts to inflict pain on him. When he gets angry, he has been known to destroy cars, trucks, and one story said that he once destroyed a small house out of anger. Other than that, he is calm, collected (when not pissed off). He is very protective. When someone smaller than him is in danger, he will not hesitate to jump in and either be used as a shield, or some sort of guardian or body guard. If someone ever helps him, he feels as though it must be returned in favor. When someone saves his life, he will gladly serve them till the day that he dies. He will serve and protect them until he either dies, or if they are on a journey of some kind, until they are done. Previous job: Before this whole thing started, he was an instructor at the local college. During the summer vacations, he worked as a part time swat member for the local police. I guess you can say, he loves to get a little rowdy every now and then. Weapon/s: He mainly likes to fight his weapon battles from a distance. He likes to take them out before they can cause any real damage. So, for this fact, he uses an M12 Sniper Rifle with a plasma scope that can see nearly a mile in distance. He also is able to pull a sword from his body. It is part of his body, unless it is needed to be used. This causes great pain, but sometimes, it is needed to survive. The blade is a sword that is roughly five feet long. It is customized to fit his grip, and he uses it for protection if the target is to close for his sniper rifle to be effective. Vehicle/Animal: For transportation, Amer has a beast of sorts, named Altec. It stands nearly eight feet tall at the back when on all fours, but when it stands up on its hind legs, it’s nearly fifteen feet tall. The beast has dark black fur with yellow stripes all over. Its eyes are a dark red with yellow pupils. It has fangs that are a foot long sticking out of the top jaw pointed towards the ground. On its front shoulders, it has bone sticking five feet from the joint. The bones resemble blades, and are able to fold back and press close to the body of the beast. Skills: Because of his swat time, he is able to read situations very well and is able to determine situations well depending on how his opponents react. While watching them, he is somewhat able to tell what their next move will be. He is not always correct, but has a better record of being right than being wrong. Abilities: He is a master of a fighting style known as Mutsu. It is a style that boasts it can beat anyone with a weapon, why the style itself using none. It is a powerful fighting style, but it has been proven that it is able to be beaten, but very rarely. Magic: He has no real magical abilities that he knows about. All he can really say is when his body becomes enraged, he feels nothing. No pain, nothing. He can have his arm cut off and he will stand as he was, maybe smiling, depending on angry he is. This proves to be useful, as to the fact that he could be bleeding to death, and still be able to run from a fight or stay and fight if he has no other choice. Other than those two, he is still learning the skills from his father, who was once a powerful demon, or so they say, so, he may be able to use the white flame like his father one day, till then, he will continue to train and learn the best way he can, by trying. History: When it hit, it was bad. Everything around started to die, no matter what it was. He saw his dog, his cat and his horse either die in front of him, or slowly start to change into a beast that was bound to destroy everything in its path. Well, to tell the truth, he was at the college, teaching his last class for the semester. It was nearly the end of the class. Only ten minutes left, and then he was done with the students for nearly four months. Amer was getting excited. He smiled then he heard a noise coming from the back of the class. A few of the girls that were back there started to scream and then ran away. Slowly Amer walked back to the back of the class and then let out a gasp. The boy, a young student of his, always quiet, was twisting and turning on the ground, holding his throat as if he was gasping for air. Amer was about to lean down and help the boy, but then his skin started to change color. When it was finished, the boy was now several feet taller, and grey and brown. Slowly, the creature stood, drool running from its mouth and onto the floor. Amer took a step back and then stood in shock as the creature grabbed the closest person to him, a young petit girl, and began to rip her into shreds. “Professor Lewis, please do something!” Another girl screamed as they all watched. Amer looked around at all of the kids and then turned back to the beast. Rage started to burn in his eyes. He started to snarl a little, his tiger coming to life in his blood. His eyes started to narrow, and then a smile started to form on his face. Students turned and looked at him, stunned, scared, some even more scared at their teacher than at the beast tearing into another student that strayed to close. Amer pushed hard onto his chest and then started to pull a red blade from the center. He gritted his teeth, the pain still hurting him in the state that he was in. His rage was not blocking the feeling of the demonic red blade that slowly was freed from his chest. The beast slowly dropped the students lifeless body and then ran at Amer. He sidestepped the claws that were rushing towards him and then brought the blade up, cutting the beasts head off. Amer smiled as he watched the skull roll down the steps to the bottom of the classroom. Amer’s rage was starting to fade, then he heard things around him. Some of the other students were starting to go through the same transformation. Amer spitted on the ground and then jumped out of the window and headed back to his home. Where he now stays for the most part, trying to stay alive. While on his way home, he tried to recal why the students that did change, were changing. The nerdy, quiet kid, the three pretty males, the slutty female, all four of them changed, and roughly at the same time. Then it clicked. Them four, they all lived in the same appartments. They must have had the gas go through the building, meaning that all the people living in the same building have, or will be changing soon, if they were not already dead. Amer spat at the ground agian before walking into his home and shutting the door, locking it behind him. Other: His beast, Altec, was a gift from his father. It is bound to him; by a spell his father put on the creature and will never die unless Amer himself is killed. His father, a demon, gave it to him, to help for any situation that may show. Altec was also responsible for the killing of Amer’s other pets. It protected him, making sure Amer is never hurt.
  3. Well, its been about half a year since the last time i did this, so please everyone, bear with me. Name:Felix Alcadia Age:23 Personality: Just as he looks. He is cold, and isnt much of a people person. Although, he is very protective of the space around him, he will try to avoid a confrantation more than trying to fight. When things get to the point that he can not leave, then he starts to become enraged.. He is a demon, thorugh and through, and his smile, matches everything dark within him. Apperance(image if you can please): Please See Below Good/Bad: Evil Yo! Mech: (I asked Knuckles' Girl earlier if i could take this spot, so, i am going to try anyway.) Pheniox Other(anything else you would like to add about your character): His eyes have an uncanny way of knowing what people are feeling. He can look at a person and then all he will do is give a small smirk. When his eyes atart to turn crazy, few people have the chance to run away before his true demon emerges. Alright, i think that about covers it. If anything needs to be changed, please let me know.
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