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Everything posted by darksuzakurera

  1. - Cellphone (in case we got separated, we always keep in touch) - Sandwich or a a Boiled Egg - Slippers, if my shoes get tired and needs to breathe - Handhelds (DS and PSP) if nothing to do or taking a rest - Big shoulder bags for keeping the goodies, wheeled bags were a bad idea and ended up hitting people's feet >_> - Bottle of water, to keep hydrated - Camera for cosplay pictures - Wallet for buying stuffs - Face Towels, to wipe the perspiration outta us - Chargers (very important, especially on cellphones and camera) Always prepare before the con! ;)
  2. A while ago, I just beat [b]Shikigami no Shiro III[/b] on the PC. I dared myself going for the hardest difficulty using Koutarou Kuga Type-A. 1st stage was smooth sailing but on 2nd up to the last, got screwed up but managed to pull through...with 6 continues. Not bad on my first attempt!
  3. [b]NES:[/b] Battle City. I can't remember much of my childhood except this game with blocks and tanks. [b]SNES:[/b] Street Fighter 2 [b]Gameboy:[/b] Dr. Mario [b]Gameboy Pocket:[/b] Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3. My cousin owns both the handheld and the game. [b]Gameboy Color:[/b] Pokemon Crystal. All of my tears, sweat and blood were poured in it. [b]Gameboy Advance:[/b] Digimon Battle Spirit. Borrowed both handheld and game during HS days. [b]Gameboy Advance SP:[/b] Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow [b]PS1:[/b] Raiden Project. Can't say how fun this game is. [b]PS2:[/b] NamcoXCapcom. I got hyped for this game. [b]GameCube:[/b] Super Smash Bros. Melee [b]Dreamcast:[/b] Sonic Adventure [b]Nintendo DS:[/b] Pokemon Ranger. Beaten it in 2 days. [b]Nintendo 64:[/b] Star Fox 64. I'm a sucker for playing SNES Star Fox too much :P [b]PS3:[/b] Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. First game played after buying the console. [b]PSP:[/b] Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower
  4. Taking a break from playing Touhou, my direction set from an another bullet hell game called [b]Shikigami no Shiro[/b] just a week ago. So far, I'm enjoying it and had the chance to play all 3 Shikigami series (minus the VN one, I can't stand heavy text games honestly). The story's good if you're playing alone but if on co-op, it gets either wacky or annoying depending on the character(s) chosen. I still can't remove this game on my PS2 :P DS, I got sick of raising Pokemon in Soul Silver so relying on Feraligatr and Swampert to sweep off the Kanto Gym Leaders.
  5. [b]PS3[/b] Playing Tales of Vesperia on the PS3 since January 2010 [spoiler]Belius is defeated and scene gets a bit emo but all went well. Now going back for the missing synthesis for Estelle and farming for new items. Grinding is not my problem, I can use this to train more (number of times fled is 0 flat, even getting killed!) and max out some spammable skills that I use on Yuri (Ensenga and Gouretsushuu FTW).[/spoiler] [b]NDS[/b] Finished Fuurai no Shiren DS 2 and [spoiler]haven't started on the post-game dungeons. Too many to tackle so going one by one for the meantime.[/spoiler] Pokemon Soul Silver, [spoiler]all 8 badges get, on the way to Indigo Plateau but first, catching Lugia is a priority! *buys 99 Pokeballs*[/spoiler] then trying out Phantasy Star Zero and Rockman Zero Collection (expert at MMZ 1-3) later on. [b]GBA[/b] [spoiler]Touhoumon is ruled over and I'm loving it (playing Emerald English). Sorry Pokemon, but you're too much.[/spoiler] [b]PC[/b] I can't believe I cleared Touhou Seirensen...on Easy (people will seriously laugh at you if you said that or saw you playing the said mode...they're ****ing unforgivable). Now's missing is Touhou Youyoumu.
  6. ^ Ooh, I am also playing this last night! But started again from scratch. Been a while after my long absence in here. I can't believe it. I was suppose to continue Kamen Rider Climax Heroes then suddenly, the file was gone! I'm so fed up clearing Decade Mode again (and attain S ranks) but for completion's sake, I have to. :( Rogue Galaxy. Ahh, I remember grinding my butt just for the hunting and ridiculously did some crazy combining that made it broken. Still, I get beaten up in return... Next, I suddenly got into Touhou fandom so where do I start? Touhou Eiyashou, Easy Mode didn't forgive me so I had to give a shot on Normal. I cleared it but... Touhou Kaeizuka, I beat Normal Mode using Aya Shameimaru but I forgot to save the replay *headdesks* Touhou Suimusou, the last stage made me rage. Touhou Hisouten, only one managed to get into Hard Mode. I dunno why I was able to beat it though... Touhou Hisoutensoku, I cleared Story Mode...now what's next? As for the Touhou fanmade games, Mystical Chain just blew me off. Maybe I should get back playing DQ8 for the meantime.
  7. Been a while after my long absence here... So first: [B]Devil Summoner Kuzunoha Raidou tai Abaddon Ou[/B] on the PS2 [spoiler]I split my save files into two, one is for the Law while the other is Chaos. I decided to tackle down the Law Route first so I'll try my best to take the right answer on the said route. Last round against Jiroumaru put him out in the grave so the leftovers are those two black armored guys who were a total pain...but first, demon recruiting is my priority.[/spoiler] Then second, [B]Cid to Chocobo Fushigi na Dungeon: Toki Wasure no Meikyuu+[/B] on the NDS [spoiler]I can't say this is a good game compared to the Wii version but has some major changes on the story but I still finished the game on Normal Mode. The post-game was a huge pain in the butt (first was Volg's Memories which is WTF level 60) counting the Chocobo's Dungeon which is 99 floors LONG and Kuroma's Memories (though on the Wii version was Kuroma's Future like wtf) which consists of 5 floors that are on Level 90 (no kidding, they deal huge damage so easy boot out of the dungeon). So after when all of those are cleared, I got the powerful Shinryuu Claws (imbued with Light Elemental, Flying Killer, Large Killer, Dragon Killer, Undead Killer, Elemental Killer and Demon Killer) and Omega Saddle (imbued with Evasion Up, Darkness Guard, Silence Guard, Able to walk sleeping monsters w/o waking them up) though I might plan to add the Saddle with Light Resistance so it gets resistance to all elements then steal the Ribbon from Hakaishin so I can remove the Stat Guards in the Saddle.[/spoiler] Though I still have lots to rant but I can save them for the next post :D
  8. So 2 days ago, I started playing Fate/Unlimited Codes on the PS2. Capcom somehow made a good job making it through though. [spoiler]Mission Mode wasn't funny, inputting combos made my thumb sore like hell, and I still have more characters to unlock even the other modes too. Good game all in all. But the inputs on making combo are practically slow neither doing it fast of slow still has its bad effect...or maybe it's just me I'm not playinh any fighting games for the past few months...[/spoiler]
  9. For a change, I played Xenosaga Episode I: Chikara he no Ishi on the PS2. I seriously bought the pre-owned on Play-Asia yet it looked new to me so not bad for 25 bucks! [spoiler]Anyways, I had to do the things that I worked out on the US version of the same game. So far, I have all 15 mails (including the secrets) and been spending hours leveling up Shion to 11 for the sake of Shock Blade/Slot Shoot. I even enhance her stats before leveling up so as her Spell Ray (level 5, HI Slot). The main source of grinding? The AGWS simulator. Seems that there's no point of using AGWS throughout the game. Hell, I even smacked Ace Pilot's second phase without using AGWS which was brutal yet the damage was overwhelming. Never knew grinding with Shion ONLY (if she's the only one in the party, I keep all the party alive) was fun. Even that scenario where she and KOS-MOS will find MOMO on Kukai Foundation...oh hell yeah, it's grinding time for me!![/spoiler]
  10. 2 days ago, I finally got to play Sonic Unleashed on the PS2 and it was great. [spoiler]I felt some new elements while playing as Sonic on day and night. But the challenging part is I get to have all S ranks to complete the set number of Sun and Moon Medals to access all of the locked Gaia Gates scattered around the world. So far I got all S Ranks on Apotos, Mazuri and Holoska but Chun-nan is my biggest problem since I'm not used to Sonic the Werehog's controls yet.[/spoiler] Though I don't know if I should buy a Wii because of [spoiler]Castlevania Judgment[/spoiler]...
  11. Castlevania: Order or Ecclesia or Akumajou Dracula: Ubawareta Kokuin. This game is impressive yet brings me to a whole new level of challenge. [spoiler]Skipping the intro, I managed to get most of the boss medals (without taking damage and having many attempts just to get it) and got some of the glyphs available in the specific dungeon (getting Vol Fulgur/Vol Trinits was a pie unless you know how the patterns run...) and done some of the villager quests (except for Aeon since I'm a bit impatient on the Killer Fish drops...). Currently on Tristis Pass for some quests along with the level grinding. Filename: 753IXA (Level 24, formerly named 'KAIHIDOU' and 'KENZAKI')[/spoiler]
  12. I got scarred on Legretta as well on Unknown, took me about an hour to finish her off. I ended up dealing 1 at her most of the time whilst magic does like 40-90 damage which made my patience ran off. Sync was pretty easy to deal with but he deals damage like crazy. I use Guy most of the time( but people sometimes demand that "Everyone always uses Guy") and got the hang of using him. Even the [spoiler]Sever Wind/Dankuuken to Dragon Tempest/Ryuusou Senkuuha loop[/spoiler] was my favorite doing back then next to [spoiler]Nihil Tempest Blade/Kokuu Renshoujin[/spoiler] XD The only mage I used was Anise and Tear since I wasn't used to Jade before. Natalia was great too but most of her basic attacks were a bit laggy.
  13. [quote name='Meggido']One thing I found interesting about this game is the fact that what is considered the hardest boss in the game can only be accessed on a New game + file. I love the final battle costumes for everyone I think they were better than their normal. Anise's was particularly funny as it also dresses her bear in the same costume. Anyway with What Dark said, if you ever need help Phenom I'll be happy to pop open my save file.[/QUOTE] Yeah, [spoiler]Nebilim is only available on the second play on the US Version unlike the Japanese Version which she is accessible on the first play[/spoiler]. Tear's final battle costume was great too and Guy's [spoiler]Dashing Gent/Smart Style[/spoiler] costume. And Anise's costumes are awesome too since there are times Tokunaga changes costume depending on Anise's Title Costume and [spoiler]her weapon changes too[/spoiler] (that applies to Tear's [spoiler]Locrian Colonel[/spoiler] costume as well)!
  14. I mostly fought the Bosses in Unknown but there were times I couldn't take on the challenge so I simply turned down the Difficulty to Mania/Very Hard.
  15. [quote name='Meggido']I got Lucky and only saw the dreaded game over screen once after losing to the final boss on my first try. sad I did only see it once because I discovered with that that certain bosses allow you to see a skit if you get gameover. (and playing an undubbed version all skits were voiced for me)[/QUOTE] Hey, I'm also playing the undubbed version as well! But I hate playing it over again from scratch (underleveled and slow...). If you're still having troubles, Phenom maybe me nor Meggido will be happy to help you here ;)
  16. So that means you're unable to enter Oracle Headquarters for the moment? Tried anything so you can go in there?
  17. [quote name='Phenom']That did help, thanks. And I'm finally beginning to catch on to everything else, sorta. I do wish that Luke had more artes involving spells. [spoiler]I enjoyed the little time I had to play as Asch[/spoiler]. One thing that I'm finding annoying about the game (it's a minor issue) is that you have to press the L2 button to run around the whole field. And even so, you can't attack while free running. That sort of ruins the whole free running aspect in my opinion. I don't understand why that couldn't be in this game. But as I said, it's only minor. I'm still enjoying the game. I'm some where between 30-40 hours into the game now. Again, most of it has been spent on level grinding. A good thing, too, because now I'm getting the hang of using Mystic Artes. (They're prettiful) [spoiler]I'm at the Qliphoth after St. Binah was sunk[/spoiler]. My characters are between levels 35-38 with Luke being the only one at 38. Other characters died while I was still standing. And I take that back about Sync and Largo being the hardest boss fight I've been in. Legretta was a beast. Can't wait to get my Xbox 360 so I can try out Tales of Vesperia. (A main character that's actually not a child for once.)[/QUOTE] You're welcome. If you need more FOF Change Artes on the other characters just tell me and I'll be happy to post it here :D Though I found it bad about Free Run at first then the latter I got used to it. I also did level grinding ever since I got mauled by Sync and Largo then forced me to level up all at 30 and used thier Mystic Artes (except Luke and Natalia). That went pretty effective afterwards. I had fun using Asch at first but then at [spoiler]Mushroom Road[/spoiler] he was pretty useless though [spoiler]he lost most of the Arcane Artes later[/spoiler] which was a total letdown. Oh, good luck on getting Vesperia. Though I may not be a help on that game sadly.
  18. [quote name='Phenom'] I cannot get the FoF's to pop up for nothing. Walkthroughs aren't really helping so much when it comes to these things. So, what arte should I use for each FoF? Wind - Fang Blade - Thunder something Water - Fire - Earth - Shadow - Light -[/QUOTE] Ok, here are the FOF changes for Luke: [COLOR="Green"]Wind[/COLOR] - Fang Blade/Sougazan -> Lightning Tiger Blade/Shuusou Raizan - Light Spear Cannon/Senkou Tsuijinga -> Light Blast/Shouha Rekkousen [COLOR="Blue"]Water[/COLOR] - Raging Blast/Reppashou -> Frigid Blast/Zeppa Rehhyougeki - Guardian Field/Shugo Houjin -> Shugo Hyousoujin/Guardian Frost [COLOR="Red"]Fire[/COLOR] - Havoc Strike/Houshuukyaku -> Burning Havoc/Guren Shuugeki - Coil/Eishourai -> Steel/Goushourai - Swallow Fury/Hien Shunrenzan -> Shadow Fury/Zanma Hieizan [COLOR="Sienna"]Earth[/COLOR] - Rending Thrust/Senshouha -> Rending Quake/Resshin Tenshou - Devil's Inferno/Maou Zetsuenkou -> Devil's Maw/Maou Chigakujin Shadow FoF Circles can do Water and Earth FoFs while Light can do Wind and Fire FoFs. Hop[e this helps you ^_^
  19. [quote name='Phenom'] Luke is quite annoying as well, and I'd actually be happy if someone put him in his place.[/QUOTE] You will be annoyed by him and diss him a lot (on both his attitude and stupidity). I was pissed at first...
  20. So yesterday, I played Klonoa 2 Lunatea's Veil and it was simply amusing. [spoiler] The graphics are great and the voice acting are in a different language but amusing to hear. I got pressured on the Infernal City stage and didn't save throughout the game. I still remember the locations but I need to delete files to save it. I just spent 4 hours on the game...[/spoiler] Virtual-On Marz on the PS2 is insanely hard...stage 9 kicked the hell out of me A LOT.
  21. [quote name='Sangome'][SIZE="1"]It's been a little over a week since I purchased this, and I enjoy it thoroughly, so I figure it's time to post about it. Currently, I'm playing [B]Professor Layton and the Curious Village[/B] for the DS, and it's simply amazing. It's essentially a series of puzzles, but Lord can they make you feel stupid. I've had to shamefully look up a walkthrough for some of the puzzles [spoiler]and I currently have IGN's guide bookmarked >_>[/spoiler]. I'm a little leery recommending it to more casual gamers because of that, but hey, maybe some geniuses can burn some brain cells... Another thing I rather appreciate is the European-influenced art style. As much as I love my anime, the style has completely saturated the market, so a breath of fresh air is more than welcome.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Me and my sister also played this game too! We did also looked for a walkthough and here's one in case you're interested. It also has illustrated solution for those who are really stuck in the game. [spoiler]http://professorlaytonwalkthrough.blogspot.com/[/spoiler] It doesn't hurt to learn a bit...
  22. [quote name='Nathan'][FONT="Arial"]I'm currently playing [B]Tales of Symphonia[/B]. I've beaten the game on normal and hard so I'm trying to work my way through the Mania setting. I'm not very far along though since I keep getting my butt kicked. Just that tiny bit of extra difficulty is proving to be interesting to overcome. It would probably help if I actually played the game more often. I really need to level up a bit.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I also did the same way. I level up in the world map and dungeon on Normal Mode while the bosses are on Mania or higher. I didn't have enough grades at the end but I'm trying to level up as well. So my next rant is Onmyou Taisenki: Byakko Enbu. [spoiler]This game uses EyeToy Camera but if you don't have one, the left analog stick will you best friend in this game. The game is pretty straightforward but there is also a Free Play mode which you can play with the other Toujinshi besides Riku but there are requirements for it though. So I finished the game twice after beating Byakko no Rangetsu and played Free Mode to level up others starting from Hiiragi no Horin, Byakko no Rangetsu and currently working on Ikazuchi no Fusanoshin. The Onmyou input commands are easy but hard to input diagonals which make the game repetitive and boring. Nevertheless, it's still a great game.[/spoiler] I won't rant Super Robot Taisen MX anymore...
  23. So last night I got to play Super Robot Taisen MX, Onmyou Taisenki: Byakko Enbu and Shin Seiki Gensou Spectral Souls. Among those three, I will first rant... [spoiler]Shin Seiki Gensou Spectral Souls. The gameplay seems easy a bit but the Item Storage went pretty complicated. I managed to recruit Kyuo and Frederika (by means of convincing during the battle) while Helene, well, I didn't recruit her since I'm in a low-level situation right now. The Ikai no Mon is hugely complicated! It had many traps making my clear route turned down and difficult. But all in all, it was a great game. And the online store I ordered it went already 'Sold Out'! O_o *wipes sweat*[/spoiler]
  24. So yesterday, I have to play Spectral Souls II again and this time, things get a bit complicated at the end. [spoiler]So I finally levelled the Neverland Kougun to 10s (10 is the lowest and 16 is the highest) and went to Cactus Desert to test it out. Seemes that it worked somehow but Audrite got killed but managed to revive him back. And did a Charge Hold skills on everyone, brawling out a Level 13 soldier, getting extra EXP boost after defea, which make level up a cake on the lower level characters. Moving on to Marengo Ruins, 'tis simply a piece of cake for levels 11-14 the didn't do much damage but dealing damage back to them was just entertaining. After that, switched back to Shinsei Shinba Teigun and cleared Ikai no Mon as well, unlocking a first recruitable character, Himika. I didn't test her out on Feruz Forest so I had to work it on Ikai no Mon later. Medina Ruins is not a funny battle. I mean, these guys won't 'attack unless provoked' so I had to plan out. Hiro at Level 19 [B]IS NOT A FUNNY JOKE[/B] to deal with. One slap of Mashou Rengoku (plus a couple of 3-cell frontal attacks) on the 5 people would reconsider it backing-out, so pretty easy for you to think? Wrong. Will go back to Ikai no Mon and go for 16 as well. Wanna get even, guys?[/spoiler]
  25. [quote name='Korey'][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"]As of late, I've been replaying [B]Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars[/B] on my SNES emulator. I find it much much easier to do additional hits and damage buffers on my keyboard as opposed to my SNES controller. I've already cinched down my party configuration and I'm currently leveling up in order to make the the next parts of the game simple and hassle free. If you haven't had a chance to play this awesome RPG, it's available on the Wii Virtual Console or you can download an emulation program. Don't miss out on a gem.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I've been playing this in an emulator too! This game started my addiction on RPG games. The gameplay's fun, I had to spend the whole hour pressing A Button during Super Jump back then I played this in a SNES emulator which made go LOL. Currently, I'm still leveling up both Mario and Mallow in the Kero Sewers so the boss won't flush me out again...
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