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Everything posted by Raynear

  1. [quote name='femme fatale'][size=1]Thank you ^^ You wouldn't actually believe i do shade lol, but i dump so many coloured layers on afterwards it all fades away hehe. Most noticeable with shadows would be the Chobits/Loveless #1 pages.[/QUOTE] Whoops I must have missed that one. Seems you posted two more sigs, I liked the one titled freedom fighter. Somehow I liked background colouring since it kinda brings out the character in the sig. The text seems fitting with the design. However I think it would be awesome if you could reduce the width and the height of the sig so that the viewer could concentrate more on the character and the message. Like others have said, there seems to be extra spaces that could be removed without losing the quality to the work. Hope to see more from you!
  2. Thanks for telling me about the pen tool. I never realized that you can do that much with the tool. I should learn how to use it. Still I really impressed you could do that much with the pen tool. Keep up the good work!
  3. I liked the colouring you did in the manga but I think you can do a bit more like adding shadows but that's just my personal opinion. I really love your banner and signature designs, they are amazing. ^_^
  4. Wow you have very beautifully drawn artline. It's very clean and detailed. Pity not many people show interest in your drawing. If you have the time could you tell me what material you used in the inking process. I also like to draw and eager to learn in improving myself.
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