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Everything posted by Trowa066

  1. [COLOR=darkblue]It may just be one of the many changes that is featured in the show. Look at how Heavyarms color scheme changed in endless waltz. I'm not really trying to cange anyones opinion but it just might be a delibrate change.[/COLOR] [COLOR=royalblue]Besides that the pics look real hot anyway.[/COLOR] :)
  2. [COLOR=darkblue]I'm sorry but transformers cannot possibly be compared with Gundam wing.[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]The people who think so are only looking at the fact that they have large robots, thats all. Okay, there is some simularity in how Wing, Zero, and Epyon can transform into planes. But thats it.[/COLOR] -_-
  3. :cool: [COLOR=darkblue]Transformers was a great show but the fox got a hold on it. The old beast wars cartoon was really good but the new one really sucks.[/COLOR] :confused:
  4. [COLOR=blue]Whats up every body?[/COLOR] [COLOR=darkblue]In my opinion, the all time greatest pilot is Trowa Barton. Not only because he has the gundam with the most weapons. But because he handles the battle field with a calm instinct to fight his enemies (not to mention how well he handled a tottal loss of memory). To me he's just a damn good pilot.[/COLOR] ;) [COLOR=red]So tell me who is your favorite Pilot?[/COLOR]
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