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9mm Avenger

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Everything posted by 9mm Avenger

  1. 9mm Avenger


    ooc:Ack....Writers Block...Like poison... ------------------------ [i]Marth stood inbetween the others, keeping an ear open for anymore trouble.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]So..Um, where do we go from here?
  2. [b]Chapter 1.5:It's The Back Way In..[/b] [i]As the APC streaked away from the Drug Lab, Marth gave a small nod to Craig, who pushed a small red button on a controller. All of the sudden, the air behind them was filled with a bright red light, and a loud wooshing sound, then the sound of air decompressing, and exploding. Soon, all that remained was a huge smoking crater.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Good job, Craig. Top notch, as usual. [b]Craig:[/b]'Thanks, boss. [i]As the APC rounded the corner to where the Marines were hiding, Marth slammed on the breaks, sending the APC into a ruined building, where it nearly rolled over.[/i] [b]Rali:[/b]What the hell was [i]that[/i]?! [b]Marth:[/b]Someone's inside our home, Marines...Let's go in the back, and give them a surprise welcome...
  3. 9mm Avenger


    [i]Graig and Neil stared at each other from across a gap of inches, neither of them saying anything. Marth looked from Neil to Graig in confusion. Suddenly, Marth felt the compulsive urge to go for his gun. Over on the other side, he heard the dog begin to growl, as if scencing something that presented a threat.[/i] [b]Craig:[/b]Wha isit, boy? [i]Suddenly, the dog's growl became a dopplered sound, as if there were two dogs..Suddenly, the growling increased in volume, until all three humans covered their ears. Out of the opressing fog, more than a dozen hell-hounds stalked toward them, starting at the four with hungry, dead eyes. With a blur of motions, all the men had their respective weapons out, pointed at the dogs.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]You know what? I'm really starting to hate these stupid dogs! [i]In tandeem, all the hell-hounds lept, and the sounds of gun-fire, and shell casings hitting the ground penetrated the air around them. The dogs blew apart, and those who came Neil limped aside with gaping knife wounds. Marth fired his pistol, taking out another dog, but more kept coming from around them...[/i]
  4. [b]Name:[/b]Marth Rigfield [b]Codename:[/b]Marine [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Height:[/b]5'9" [b]Apperance:[/b]Tall, with a medium build, Marth has piercing blue eyes, and a mop of dirty blonde hair which surrounds his face like a tiny dog who decided to sit on his head. He has a vivid scar running from above his left eye, down to his chin, but he usually covers it up with makeup and fake skin. He is very silent at all times, moving without a trace. He usually wears an old black tank-top, and baggy comflauged pants. He has a Pac-Man tatoo on his left forearm, but he usually covers it up on missions. [b]Personality:[/b]Your typical gung-ho, balls-to-the-wall, rowdy "cowboy" type person, who prefers straight out action to covert action, even though he moves silently at all times. he can be a bit annoying at times, but he knows when to shut up. [b]Preffered Gear:[/b]His MP5-Navy, [i]Sharlene[/i]. He loves this gun so much, that if you even touch it, he'll gladly blow you out of time and space with it. He almost always carries it around, and it is slung over his shoulder, and rests on his back. He also carries dual USP Tactical pistols in holsters on his hip.
  5. [i]Marth searched through what appeared to be some sort of office, though the floor was scattered with needles and blood...Probably from users of Thor. Marth searched through the desk, but found a couple papers..nothing interesting..Then he came upon a couple CDDs(CmpactDataDisks), labled "Effects of Thor Project" and "Subhuman Reasearch".[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]What the hell?! +Orien! Get up here, and see what you can make of these!+ [i]A few tense minutes later..[/i] [b]Orien:[/b]Yep...Videos...Data charts..The whole deal...Very disturbing... [b]Marth:[/b]About what? [b]Orien:[/b]Seems a company United Earth didn't know about....Called "Moon Fist". Set up shop a few days ago..Seems their engineering something...Don't know what, though... [b]Marth:[/b]Well, hack the disks, and give them to me for later viewing...This dosen't go outside of me and you, got it? [b]Orien:[/b]Right, Marth.
  6. [i]As the sounds of gunfire stopped, the Marines slowly left thier cover, and looked around. As no more shots were fired, the Marines let up a resouding cheer. Even Marth, who rarley showed any good humor, cracked a smile...It was his squad's first major victory scence the fateful landing.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Good job, team..+Orein, Rali, listen up...Rali, get back down here, and Orien, search through the computers, see if you can find any interesting information...The rest of you, search the offices, and the other Bays, see if you can find anything...Move out!+ [b]Coming Soon:Chapter 1.5...[/b]
  7. [i]As the Marines boiled out of the battered APC, Marth survied the chaos as he lobbed a grenade into the Drug Bay's main doorway.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b][i]Woo...Rali did a good job...Either he killed them all, or killed enough of him so that the rest holed themselves up inside.[/i] [b]Orien:[/b]+Marth! Internal cameras show that the Dug Lab Security Forces are hiding behind stacks of Thor!+ [b]Marth:[/b]+Thanks Orien. Unplug your self from the networks, and come help us!+ Marines! Watch where you shoot! The scum are hiding behind the Thor, and if one of those blow, we all kiss this lifetime goodbye! [i]With this announcement, the Marines' fire became less chaotic, and more precicse and lethal as they begain to aim carefully, instead of just supressing those inside...[/i]
  8. 9mm Avenger


    [i]As the two continued to trudge along, Marth began to smell a sickenigly sweet scence in the air.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]You smell that, Neil? [b]Neil:[/b]Naw...An 'shaddap, I'm trying not ta freeze, ya hear? [i]Marth nods, and flicks his cigarette butt onto the ground, where it lands in a black puddle. But instead of going out, the whole puddle bursts into flame.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]What the f*ck?! [b]Neil:[/b]Oh, man! My car's gas! Get down! [i]The two dove for the ground and covered their head as Neil's car in the the near distance exploded as the flames reached it's gas tank. A white hot wave of air flew toward them, and knocked them flat. A few seconds later, they both got up, their eyes wide in amazement. Something landed suddenly right infront of them...A scarred, skeletal hand, holding the gas cap for Neil's car.[/i] [b]Neil:[/b]Motha f*cker... [b]Marth:[/b]At least now you know how your car's gas drained so fast...
  9. ooc:Sorry, shoulda mentioned that....Basically, your sniping the Dug Bay's security forces. Also, AI means Anti-Infantry...It's basically a huge gatling gun ontop of the APC...Think the Warthog from Halo. ----------------------------------------- [i]Marth drove the APC down a narrow, worn down street, flying over upturned trash cans, and garbage lifts.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Sorry 'bout the rough ride, but we've got ten minutes until Snipe starts firing. [i]The rest of the Marines nodded thier understandings, but they all screamed aloud as Marth sent the APC over a large chasm opened by explosions. Marth gripped the steering wheel with white knuckles, and the APC slowly began to fall. With a bone-crunching THUMP! the APC landed on the other side, a few blocks away from the Dug Bay.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Look livley! Someone man the AI Gun!
  10. [i]Marth nods, and hands Orien a small brown package.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]New hacking equipment...See if you can look through their cameras, see what's going on.*orien nods*Okay, Marines! Get in the APC, I'm driving! [i]With a few groans, the Marines climb into the battered APC, and Marth guns the engines....[/i]
  11. 9mm Avenger


    [i]Neil and Marth walked side by side down a fog-covered path, with Marth's limp getting less and less serious.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]So..Neil...Why are you out here? [b]Neil:[/b]I was driving when i hit this solid wall of fog and snow....Shoulden't have gotten out to check..The minute I left my car, it went dead, and woulden't start....What about you? [i]Marth takes out his pistol, and hands it to Neil. neil, puzzled, lookes it over, until he comes upon a small inscription reading: [size=1]Lieutenant Johnathan Fredrickson, US Navy SEALS[/size][/i] [b]Neil:[/b]Christ...You killed SEALS?! [b]Marth:[/b]Not me..But at the same time, me. [b]Neil:[/b]Do I not want to know? [b]Marth:[/b]No..No, you don't. [b]Neil:[/b]Whatever...We have to get out of this..."Devided, we fall"..That crap..*pulls out a cigarette, and tries to light it*Damn..got a light. [b]Marth:[/b]Yeah, sure.*tosses Neil a lighter*Can I borrow a smoke? [b]Neil:[/b]Whatever...*tosses a cigarette and the lighter at Marth*Comon, let's head back to my car...Maybe it decided to start working..
  12. ooc:Each different part of the story is divided into chapters...I decide when a chapter is over, so don't anyone else start one. thanks. -------------------------------------- [b]January 22nd, 2064. 7:00pm[/b] [b]Chapter One:The Attack on Valhalla[/b] [i]The small squad of Marines were gathered in the small, derelict building to plan an attack on one of the Chemical Drug Bays, which was engineering a potent drug called "Thor", which was explosive enough to wipe out more than half of New York City. Colonel Marth Rigfield attached extra clips to his utility belt, and slammed one into the entry surface on his rifle. As Marth was filling his grenade dispenser with HE grenades, his comm beeped. he reached up to a small button over the ear of his helmet, and touched it.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]+Marth here, go ahead.+ [b]Rali:[/b]+Sniper in posistion....Half and hour before I start firing...Get a move on, chief.+ [i]Before Marth could snap at rali for being almost insubordinate, the Sniper expert shut the comm channel.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Marines! Listen up! We've got half and hour to reach the target! Finish getting the APC fueled, and lock and load!
  13. Alright...this looks like enough people for now...I will start it a bit later today.
  14. [b]Name:[/b]Marth Rigfield [b]Age:[/b]23 [b]Description:[/b]The former leader of Alpha Squad, the first squad to land on Moon Complex 9A, Marth is head-strong, but intelligent. He has deep blue eyes that seem to focus on events past, instead of on the present. When he isn't wearing his combat armor, he has a mess of dirty blonde hair, which is against regualtions. he ahs a handsom face, but it is ruined by a long scar running from above his left eye to his chin. [b]Speciality:[/b]Squad Leader [b]Weapons and Armor:[/b] Weapons: SC-30KA Magazine Rifle, and B4-3T Standard combat armor
  15. 9mm Avenger


    [b]Marth:[/b]Huh? Who the fu*k are you? [b]Neil:[/b]I'm Neil. And I just saved you ***. [b]Marth:[/b]Thanks, Neil....*heaves*Uh...Can we sit down...Please?! [i]Neil releases Marth, and Marths shucks off his jacket, and instantly begins throwing up. Neil turns away, and lights a cigarette. As the smoke curled away from the white stick, Neil turned to look at Marth, who was taking a long swig from a flask, presumably full of some type of hard alchohol. Neil holds out his hand.[/i] [b]Neil:[/b]Mind if I have some? [b]Marth:[/b]Fill your boots, man. [i]Neil takes the flask, and chugs down a very long pull. He tosses the empty silver flask back at Marth, who staes at it, before putting it back underneath his sleeve, in a hidden pocket.[/i] [b]Neil:[/b]Your packing heat...why didn't you just blow them ugly fu*kers apart? [b]Marth:[/b]They don't die on the first kill..Unless you blow thier branis apart...I'm not that accurate.*reloads his pistol* [b]Neil:[/b]Whatever, good enough for me...Mind if we move on? [i]Marth nods, and picks himself up off the ground. With a slight lip, he walks on, and neil follows..[/i]
  16. [COLOR=darkblue][b]The year is 2064, and the United Earth Goverment, under the advisement of the Eshcalon Confederacy, has built a colony on the Moon, christening it Terra-Minor. What originally started as a chance to boost world economy, and build a playground for the rich and the extremly wealthy backfired. Smugglers and drug-dealers flocked to the Moon, making it a virtual criminal haven. After the tourists and hotel staffs were killed of driven of the Moon, drug-labs and weapons manufacturing bays were set up in the course of a week. In an attempt to dis-lodge the criminal and ex-cons, the UNG sent 2 regiments of United Earth Marines to force the law-breakers to vacate Terra-Minor, or face the conciquences. Unfortunetly, the outlaws had anticipated this, and one Marine regiment was blasted out of the air during entry into the colony's atmosphere. The second regiment landed safly, but was almost instantly plauge with wave after wave of drug-crazed psychopaths intent on protecting thier haven. Using the regiments many Dropships, and the heavy weapons on thier hulls, the Marines were able to force the maniacs to retreat into the Colony's underbellies. For a few weeks now, the remaining Marines have waged covert actions against a numically superior force. As thier numbers dwindle, they continue to fight to survive, hoping to complete thier objective, and get off this hell-bent rock...[/COLOR][/b] Okay, that's the story. Roughly, there a five Marine squads per regiment, and your one in one of the squads. There are roughly about 6 men per squad, but as the Marine's numbers thin, they combine sqauds together. K, here's what you need to sign up. [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b]*above 18* [b]Description:[/b] [b]Speciality:[/b]*Computers, Heavy Support, Medic, Sniper, ect. [b]Weapons and Armor:[/b]*All Rifle Marines carry ST-30K Attached-Grenade launcher Magazine fed Rifles, and wear B4-3T Standard combat armor. Heavy Support Marines wear heavier armor, where as Snipers wear less, and you gun type differs depending on your speciality.* Ok, that's it.. Sign up Marines! It's time to blast us some scum! oh, by the by, I'm planning on adding a secret twist..
  17. 9mm Avenger


    [i]Marth snapped out of his trance, in the middle of a foggy field, snow falling everywhere. He got up, and, unconciously, wiped his mouth with his left hand. he felt something wet on his lips, and pulled his hand away, where it was slick with blood. He looked at the...thing.....beside him, and saw it had a huge red chunk torn out of it. Marth whipped out his pistol, and checked the clip...Full...Whatever had happened to that....Dog-like creature haden't come from Marth's pistol. Upon closer inspection of the dog-thing, he noticed that surrounding the huge red gash were teeth marks...The dog had beeen bit many times, then had bled to death. Marth turned away from the beast, and picked up some snow to wipe his hand clean of the blood. As he was washing away the sticky red ichor, he noticed that more blood was dripping to the ground beside him...Alot more. As Marth turned to his side, he heard a low growling noise....The dog was still alive! Marth grabbed his pistol, and, before the dog could lunge, emptied the entire clip into it's disformed head. It exploded as 12 bullets hit it suare on, too close to miss. As it toppled to the ground, and re-loaded the gun, and saw three more dog creatures sneaking out from behind the gravestones on the other side of the field.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]HELP! Can anyone hear me! I'm being attacked by a pack of dogs! HELP! [i]That was all Marth said before he started running and firing, leaving emtpy shell casings behind him....[/i]
  18. 9mm Avenger


    Marth stumbled across the foggy hill, ocasionally sliping in the snow, falling flat on his face. He would get up, and mutter curses, then move on, always aware that he was growing angrier, and that damed Air-Raid siren kept sounding.. Marth wandered on fore a few more minutes, brushing the large ammount of dirty blonde hair on his head away from his eyes, the stolen pistol and it's extra ammo getting heavier in his pocket...Marth looked away from the ground, a mistake. He fell flat on his face with a loud THUD!, and whipped his his head up away from the ground too fast, snapping his neck, fortunetly, it didn't break. Blood streamed freely from his nose, and he inhaled some into his mouth, and almost choked on it. He spat it out, and shook his head, and tried to remain calm... But it was too much...Marth's heart began pouding in his chest, and his eyes became sunk and dark, and a feral grin crept across his blood-stained face, and he looked around with a hungry look in his eyes....[i][color=red]Yes...Blood...Obtain it..And you will be rewarded...[/color][/i] Marth pressed on, more a cold, freal hunter than a man...
  19. 9mm Avenger


    [b]Name:[/b]Marth Rigfield. [b]Age:[/b]20 [b]Description:[/b]Marth is a little over 6 feet tall, with a large ammount of dirty blonde hair on the top of his head, and a bit going down the back of his neck. He always wears the same orange tinted sunglasses, day and night. Marth usually wears a worn white shirt, buttoned in the middle. Over it, he wears an old, cracked leather jacket, with a few meaningless patches sown onto the arms. On his legs, he wears a fairly old pair of pants, and brand new Etnies sneakers, the only thing on him that dosen't look like his predecessors had worn it. [b]Personality:[/b] Marth, although he dosen't look like it on the outside, carries within him sever emotional trauma, bad enough to cause Marth to have split personalities. His one personality, the one shown more often, is a freindly, outgoing person, always joking and having fun. But, when the right situation arises, Marth switches personalities to a brutal, cold, killer, linked to the dissaperance and murders of several of Marth's child-hood bullies. The personality is akin to an extremly psychotic assassin, one who hunts and kills with the ferocity of an animal, but the cold intelligence of a human. Marth originally came to the snowy outskirts of Silent Hill, trying to avoid the Navy SEALS who were stalking him. Marth had no idea why, but had some creeping feeling that [i]he[/i] was to blame for what happened; that the Navy SEALS were after him, and him alone. His hand on his stolen pistol, Marth had fled further into the bleak hills, dimly aware that his other identity was coming to the surface.... With the bodies of five government agents behind him, and no idea how he did it, Marth collapsed onto the hill, sobbing dimly as an Air-Raid siren sounded in the distance...
  20. [i]The [/i]Flacon's Revenge[i] exited light speed on the opposite side of Coneria, away from the fighting. Marth, firmly locked into his Wolfen craft's cockpit, hit the throttle as soon as the clearance was given. The small tactical fighter rocketed out of the hanger, followed by five other craft, Marth's elite squadron. Closing in on Coneria's atmosphere, Marth gave the signal for the squadron to skim the atmosphere, using the planet's gravity to slinghtshot around to the battle zone, a tactic most forces a reluctant to use. Hitting the afterburners in the upper atmosphere, Marth's squadron headed in full speed....[/i]
  21. if it's not too late... Name:Marth Rigfield aka DareDevil Age:19 Nationality:Japanese Weapons/Powers: Radar Scence: Like Matt Murdoc, the original DareDevil, Marth posseses a inherent "Radar Scence", making up for his lack of vision by being able to "hear" objects arounds him. This also makes him a great lie destector, as he can hear people heart beat, and slight chnages in thier tone of voice. The Man Without Fear: Being blind, Marth has completly no fear, not being able to realy see what he is doing. This makes him quite headstrong, but has won him many a battle by leaping into the fray without a second thought. Weaknesses: Becuase of his Radar Scence, and lack of fear, Marth has very few real weaknesses. His strength, while just above superhuman, is weak when compared to many other super-heros and villains. Also, if Marth is really consectrating, he can be overwhelmed, as too many ofes will distrupt his Radar Scence Personality:Being blind has made Marth a more confident individual then he used to be, and this sometimes makes his a little arrogant of his yet-untested abilities. Bio:When Marth was about 15, on a part-time job at a electric plant, he suffered a work-accident at the hands of a fellow worker. Strangly enough, being shocked by thousands of volts of electricity didn't kill him, just made him blind and super-enhanced his other scences.
  22. 0_o...Sorry, but I feel the need to change my character...Being Gojira [i]is[/i] a novel idea, but...Whatever. Check the sign-ups for my new character.. ------------------------------ [i]Marth sat on a rooftop in his deep red costume, a homage to the original DareDevil. His mask was off, but this didn't concern him. he looked over the edge of the high building, to the street below. His radar scence showed him he was very high up, but this didn't concern him. What what going on below, however, did concern him. He saw a small figure assault a moving vehicle, and rip the roof open. From here, Marth could still here the maniac's insane laughter.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Oh, no..Carnage..*slips on his mask*I can never tell if that whacko is on the side of good or evil...After that English lecture, I really don't need this.. [i]Marth jumped off the high ledge, in a complete free-fall. He formed his body into a torpedo shape, plummeting to the New York street. Suddenly, he "saw" another person confront Carnage, and with lightining fast movements, Marth whipped out his extendable baton, and shot out the grappeling edge along a cornice stone. Marth swung up and around, landing with percision on the edge of the building he snagged. He would wait to see how Carnage reacted to the toher individual before making his presance known..[/i]
  23. 0_o...Sorry I coulden't post sooner...Busy. --------------------------------------------------------------- [i]Marth's ship[/i] The Flacon's Revenge[i] was slowly orbiting Zoness, idling on most systems to save power. For the third time this hour, Zoness patroll ships flashed by Marth's ship, checking it out. Even in it's decaying state, the warhsip was still impressive, and was run on only a minimum crew of Marth, a few old hands, and many hundereds of servitor robots. Suddenly, the comm-system on Marth's command chair began beeping. Marth reached down and touched the red button lables "Comm".[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]On screen. [i]The incoming message was not a person-to-person call, but a news reel transmitted from Coneria by on of Marth's spys. It showd great explosions over the capital city, and burning buildings. Another comm-transmission came in from Corneria, but Marth ignored it, and turned to the internal PA system.[/i] [b]Marth:[/b]Attention crew! Refuel and rearm my fighter, and prepare for light...We're going to Corneria! [i]Marth heard the crew's cheers of excitment before he cut the PA, and punched the light drive...[/i]
  24. When does this thing start? i want to rage massive Kaiju(giant monster)-related mayhem!
  25. Looks pretty good to me, Boba....Nice job with the neon colors, very..Prominant. However, Bakura and Endor look like their in Wild Space...
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