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About Lefty

  • Birthday 05/08/1989

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  1. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"]Alright, I'll be putting the RP up tomorrow night (sorry about the delay, I started posting it on Saturday but my internet went out, and since then time keeps getting away from me). Sign-ups will remain open throughout the RP so don't be worried about joining late. But for now, here's my sign up. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [b]Name:[/b] Goes by Hermes usually but calls himself Freddy Dolios when a pseudonym is needed. [b]Mythology:[/b] Hermes was the messenger of the Olympic Council and was, in many ways, a trickster god in his own right. Often depicted as an athletic youth, he was the patron of thieves and travelers due to his constant travels and thieving habits from his youth. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b] Hermes appears as a young man with close-cropped dark brown hair and a very athletic physique. His eyes are the same dark brown as his hair although his skin is much more fair. Usually wearing the latest fashions, his overall appearance is usually judged as very attractive by 'normal' humans. [b]Personality:[/b] Hermes is unconcerned with the decline of worship that troubles the Old Gods so much as even in the old days he never had a very large cult of worship. He embraces modern culture, and is content to drift his way through it. His time is usually spent either gaining funds from various cons and odd-jobs or enjoying the youth culture of America. While he is usually rebellious and free-spirited, he is very loyal to his father, Zeus, and would join the battle if ordered by him. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alright, there it is. Kudos to you guys who guessed who he was from the bit I posted before and double kudos to those who get why he goes by 'Freddy' (my avatar is a hint). Anyways, the RP will be up tomorrow night if all goes to plan. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"]You'll be able to start where you want, travel will be easy for the gods but some of you might start out near or with each other if you choose so.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"]I was considering what kind of RPs haven't really been done before and the idea of an RP in the style of a Whodunit really grabbed at my imagination. In case anyone is unfamiliar with the term, a whodunit is an old sub genre of mystery literature where most major characters are possible suspects (usually everyone except the 'detective'), just think of the game Clue. So far my ideas would be for all the players to be suspects (naturally), with only me (or whoever the founder is) and the culprit aware of who committed the crime. Personally, I think it'd be a lot of fun playing a suspect and hiding guilt, diverting guilt or putting together clues against the other players. The plot and setting (and characters, if the players are so inclined) would either be something deliberately typical of the genre or deliberately atypical of it, but I'm not sure yet. If anyone has any ideas/thoughts/feedback/comment/noncommital statement/insult/thumbs up/thumbs down (in rough order of desirability) please post it so I can see if anyone is as interested in this as I am. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Century Gothic"][SIZE="1"][COLOR="Sienna"]Well, here's where you can post any questions you have about my American Gods RPG so feel free to drop me a line here or send me a PM if you have absolutely any questions about it. I'll also use this to post any further information I have for the RPG. Er, ignore the 'Underground', I used to be on this site a while back and got used to the old way of doing things, so I goofed up there.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [size=1][COLOR="Sienna"][FONT="Century Gothic"]At a small table in the deepest corner of one of New York's most trendy coffee shops sat an unlikely pair, an old man in a cream-white suit and a young man in a dark, stylish jacket. [b]"You would sit by and do nothing?"[/b] Asked the old man, his thoughtful grey eyes fixed on the youngster. The suit he wore seemed expensive, if outdated, his brooch was a silver emblem of a tree and despite his elderly appearance he showed no signs of frailty, being well over six feet tall and very muscular. He was leaning on the table, his fingers steepled and his coffee untouched. [b]"I already told you, I'm not marching off to die for you."[/b] He replied, his voice wrought with scorn and disrespect. He seemed to pay the old man little mind as he sat, reclined, in his chair, sipping his coffee and gazed around the small shop, which was full of people this time of day. His hair was close cropped and as dark as his eyes while his skin was fair and he had a lean, athletic build. After exchanging a few glances with one of the shop's attractive young waitresses, he continued. [b]"It's pointless, Wednesday." "Allow me to point out that you wouldn't be dying for me, you'd be dying for everyone... All your brothers, sisters and children... Even yourself."[/b] Wednesday responded, his expression betraying no emotion. [b]"Too bad my intention isn't to die, then."[/b] He responded but before he could continue the brown-haired waitress approached the table. [b]"Is there anything else I can get for you two?"[/b] She asked, giving the young man only a nervous glance. [b]"Actually, I think we're ready for the check, hon."[/b] He said, before Wednesday could say anything else. She looked slightly disappointed but smiled shyly and made her way back to the counter. [b]"Face it, Wednesday, your not looking for me. You want my father, or maybe Ares."[/b] He said with a small smile. [b]"Actually, I intended to talk to you about that."[/b] Wednesday said, leaning in slightly. [b]"I had hoped you'd deliver the message to others for me."[/b] And at this, the young man actually laughed. [b]"Deliver the message? It's the digital age, old man, pick up a fucking phone." "Oh, but you know as well as I do that the 'digital age' is risky. The message would be more meaningful to your family if delivered by you, and besides... I prefer tradition." "Tradition or not, I don't see any reason to waste my time for this nonsense."[/b] Wednesday sighed slightly and for an instant looked disappointed, but reached within his coat pocket and withdrew a small bottle which the young man quickly snatched out of his hand. He smiled as he held the rosy-red phial up to the light, [b]"Old man, I think we have a deal."[/b] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the past, when people believed in the Old Gods, their beliefs brought them with them, to America. But as time went on, they became forgotten and unworshipped, and as this happened their powers began to wane. Now, however there are new gods, that have been created by our modern ways of life- gods of television, technology, highways and media. There are some, like Odin (now calling himself Mr. Wednesday), who believe that the new and the old cannot coexist and have begun preparations for a war. This an RPG based off of American Gods by Neil Gaiman (if you haven't read it, I highly recommend it). You will be playing as the modern incarnations of characters from all mythologies and folklore, the new gods, or even as a normal human who gets wrapped up in the affairs of the gods. The story will begin as Wednesday attempts to muster the Gods for battle and tries to persuade any stalwarts. Character Sign-Up Sheets.... [b]Name:[/b] Both what your characters 'true name' is (like Odin) and what they choose to go by (Mr. Wednesday). [b]Mythology:[/b] A brief description of what mythology your character descends from or what modern concept gave birth to them (leave blank if human). [b]Gender:[/b] Self-explanatory [b]Appearance:[/b] Self-explanatory [b]Personality:[/b] Your character's personality, how they act, how they live in modern society, and everything else. Remember that your character isn't the precise figure from mythology, rather a modern incarnation of such.[/COLOR][/FONT][/size]
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