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Everything posted by emo_dude

  1. [QUOTE='[Sound_Nin];805758'][FONT=Book Antiqua]What, were you just sitting there eating a waffle, and the idea occurred... "Hmm... I wonder how other people feel about waffles. There should be a thread about this!" I swear, that wasn't meant to sound mean in any way. [/FONT][/QUOTE] sometimes i get bored with my meaningless life so i eats some wiffles and i feels better
  2. just as i thought i watched the pick of destiny and sat on my *****
  3. [quote name='Ikillion'][COLOR=#6d527f][SIZE="1"][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]So does this mean that I am the only one here who actually enjoys whipped cream with his waffles? ... You all are [I]insane[/I].[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] i freaken love ice cream and whipped cream on my waffles it makes me all cozy inside
  4. -_x i like to chug red bull while eating my waffles covered with that 5 hour energy shot
  5. tell me if you like or dislike waffles and why
  6. [QUOTE='[Sound_Nin];805402'][COLOR=Navy][FONT=Book Antiqua]Sounds like a plan. :animesmil I just wish it wasn't so cold. I'm going to... make some construction paper hearts. Yeah. Sounds good. [/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] i would join you but i cant find my scissors
  7. [quote name='Premonition'][COLOR="1234"]Dont' always think that way emo_dude. I have a special someone but it's not going to make Valentine's Day better knowing that I wont see her next week. PLus even wiht the greatest love on your side, Valentine's Day isn't a promise of a good, loving day. For me 'love' has ruined my life and shrouded my judgement.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] ok then ill just sit on my couch and eat some cookie dough while watching the scream movies xD
  8. i guess i dont really hate valentines but i do envy those who have that special someone
  9. there was a girl i hung out with everyday and as the days went on i began to notice that the only time i was happy was when she was around and everytime she looked at me i blushed but i couldn't find out why and when i was with her i felt like there were bees buzzing inside my stomach and i didn't want to mess it up so i never told her and for a week i didn't see her so i asked her friend what happened and she told me she had moved
  10. this valentines i most likely wont be doin anything sad i know
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