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About timotheus

  • Birthday 05/01/1982

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  1. This is me, when I was visiting some friends in San Francisco. At night of course. [IMG]http://i134.photobucket.com/albums/q103/thetimbotron/meSF2.jpg[/IMG]
  2. Almost every saturday I wake up and forget it's not a work day. I panic for about three minutes.
  3. OMFG Dragon Drive!?!? That was the first anime I ever torrented.. *nostalgic sniff*
  4. Justin: First let me say that I am mod free, though I don't see anything wrong with that. Tattoo's don't really phase me at all, nor do most of the other mods available. Some intense studs or piercings cause me to double take, but that's just because I don't see it often. I would argue that 'mod discrimination' (yay, I made a term up!) is different from racism in that you weren't born that way. You made a decision to be that way. I think the reason older people have troubles with modded people is they can't understand why anyone would do that. Since they can't comprehend the reasons, in their minds the people who do it are weird/unstable/zany. Once the older generations die off, we'll live in a world where pierced and tattooed people aren't pre-judged, and live in harmony with the unmodded groups. Of course, both groups will wonder what the heck those kids are doing implanting scroll marquees under their skin. :)
  5. [quote name='Lady Asphyxia'][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] Although, I grant you, the waiting in airports is not fun. I swear i spent half of my around-the-world trip in airports. There's just not much to do. Oh, for an airport theme park. [/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE] Or perhaps.. Airport Karaoke!
  6. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]:confused: I eat waffles normally. Syrup, butter, sometimes whipped cream. I usually pour the syrup into one little square until it overflows into other little squares and creates a sort of "Noah's Waffle" of syrup-destruction.[/color][/QUOTE] Yes, the filling of each square is key to the experience. I can't stand people who just apply their syrup in broad strokes. It's just wrong.
  7. Very awesome. The eyes on the far left and right were surprising, but I really liked the small wings you've put towards the bottom. It felt, dare I say it, slightly Zelda-esque. In a good way!
  8. [quote name='Inculta_Bellum'] But unless you plan on touring the EC that doesn't help a whole lot. So yeah, the best advice I can give you for the cruel cold north is ask around. Somebody is bound to know where to get what you're looking for.[/QUOTE] Actually planning on exploring a lot of the EC, though north of baltimore, all the way up to maine. I'm a cold weather fan. :D Yes, once I arrive there I will start trying to find where the local otaku congregate, and blend in..
  9. Interesting thread, surprised how little flaming is going on here. Good show! Anyway, I have a question for the Intelligent Design supporters. Have any of you been raised in a religious school, where the science taught was considered 'Christian Science'? By that I mean, when you got to the part in Biology where the origins of the universe is covered, were you taught Intelligent Design or the Theory of Evolution? Firstly, I'm not calling anyone out here. I just ask because I was taught in a private Christian school for my whole K-12 education. When I began taking classes in college (CSUS class of '05!!), I found my earlier education had been up to the task in preparing me for college level studies, with the exception of Biology. It took a LOT of work for me to catch up with the students around me. I'm just curious if the Intelligent Design supporters came from that same upbringing, or if after studying Biology in a non religious school, they compared it to their beliefs and stayed with ID.
  10. [quote name='Morpheus']There are literally hundreds of shows that can be used to stimulate a child's mind; what you're saying is a rash generalization.[/QUOTE] I agree there are hundreds of shows that claim to stimulate a childs mind. However, to me it is a choice between artificial stimulation via the TV, or human interaction. I think human interaction is a better choice, but that's me. I also think the TV stunts the growth of childrens imaginations. Instead of being read to and then visualize what is happening, or listening to the radio, all the work is done for them on the TV. But, I'm also very bias towards reading for recreation. Regardless, this has nothing to do with Censorship, so I apologize for that, just wanted to clarify my meaning in the previous post. :)
  11. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Of course, you could always branch out and sample the Baltimore/East Coast cuisine. Man cannot live by ramen alone.... Watch the tea, though. They have no sweet tea up there, but "there's sugar on the table". (Morons. :p)[/FONT][/QUOTE] Oh definitely. I actually used to live there for 10 years, so I'm looking forward to daily access to crabcakes, for example. The seafood there is second to none, in my opinion. There is more 'old world' cuisine there as well, which I'm looking forward to partake in. Though I'll be living on the cheap too, so my rice maker will be working OT I'm sure. :)
  12. Talk about good timing; I just read all three books of the 'His Dark Materials' Trilogy (Of which 'The Golden Compass' is the first book) last week. A good read, incidentally. I don't know how they compare to the movie, but I'm sure the books are better, heh. I recalled all the discord that the first movie brought about, and when I was reading it, I was like "Oh well they're stupid, I don't see any super anti-religious themes here". Then I read book two and, "Oh ok, I see how a diehard zealot could find this offensive". However, like everyone has said on here, it IS a work of fiction. [spoiler]Also, the people weren't trying to overthrow God because they were satanist heathens, but because God had pretty much been usurped by a young upstart, and he was preparing to go to war with the humans.They don't kill him as much as release him from a crystal prison, which allows him to dissipate into happy spirit particles.[/spoiler] If I had one, I wouldn't want my child exposed to violence, profanity or sexual acts until they were at an age I thought they could handle it. I see that as the parents responsibility to determine what their child sees, not the governments. Incidentally, I would never let my kid see any TV until they are at least five. Those early stages are when the brain is doing all its low level formatting, and setting partitions. :) I'd rather play with him, talk to him, stimulate the little tykes mind; not see him zone out on Telletubbies.
  13. Waffles and I have a strained relationship at best. This is primarily due to my mom. Wonderful lady, but when I was 13 she bought a waffle iron. I ate waffles every day for breakfast for like 2 years. Those big, Belgian kind, but they never got crispy enough, so they were kinda squishy. I haven't had one since. That being said, I DO enjoy frozen waffles, such as Eggo. I just can't handle the big homemade ones, or ones you'd get at a diner. And now you know... and knowing is half the battle. :)
  14. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Why not take advantage of the Internet and you know... check for listings of Asian markets/grocery stores in that area. Your likely to get a much better response than you would from a message board. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] Well because sometimes there are places off the beaten path, that wouldn't come up on an internet search.. Like if someone from Soul Society ran it. :) @Heaven's Cloud - hmm now that you mention it, I might remember seeing something on York.. (I visit the area once a summer) Thanks!
  15. Hey everyone. The name's Tim, and I'm a 25 yr old guy currently living in Northern California. (Though I'll be moving to Baltimore, MD in two months. Adventure!) I'm a pretty big anime fan, as well as console RPGs. I sometimes even have been known to play MTG, so I think I'm eligible for otaku status. :) This is my little saved bio I use for most stuff: [QUOTE] Blurb: Tim is a web coder; it's what he does. Grabbing info to and from SQL databases and displaying it in a web application is his most favorite thing. He loves hitting a problem in coding that requires a minimum of 1.6hrs of reading PHP online documentation to resolve. Tim enjoys making web applications that make peoples lives easier, or that help them in some way; it brings him happiness. He would love nothing more than to be designing web applications full-time, with a group of people equally passionate about their work. Interests: -web application development, obviously! -History, specifically Scandinavian lore, the Dark Ages, and the Age of Discovery -Writing fiction -Non-profit organizations -New Urbanism -Reading as much as possible -Violin -Game Development, Space 4X Genre (Master of Orion) -Ramen. Seriously. [/QUOTE] Look forward to getting to know everyone here!
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