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Everything posted by sleepy

  1. Anyone have near death experience?
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]yeah.. i'm 15.. ^__^ heh.. i dont think its disgusting.. who ever said i wanted to .. you know.. :blush: .. (i'm not saying i dont, because i do.. but thats not the point) all i really wanted was .. HUGS! :) kuz i'm a hug type of guy.. kisses are good too.. [/B][/QUOTE] *hug*:D (it won't happen again)
  3. I'll give it a try Name - Hong Age - 16 Weapon - bow/arrows Bio - A hunter lived in the wood
  4. Most of you don't fear death, but I do. Is there anything/reason for you to worry/care about?
  5. my bad habit, I drop things during the party, or during dinner with a lot of guests.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]maybe....but my point is...if you get right down to it we don't matter...to us...sure we do...to the galaxy...nope....Humans are like a pestalince streched across a planet...almost...We consume this planets rescources and do nothing for it in return...but that is off my point...Humans don't matter to the universe...If we all die off...would the universe care?...I don't think so...It will merely adjust, and grow life else where...I mean look at histroy...our greatest teacher...what have we done?...nothing...we have advanced forward in technology and increased our life spans...thats about it on the positive side...on the negative...learened to kill ourselves faster, Damaged this planet, drained it resources, overcrowded it...but then again...we have to ask ourselves does it even matter...Huamns may one day span space if we keep from killing ourselves long enough...but what's the point? to say that we could...besides that? nothing.... [/B][/QUOTE] That's one way to look at it. Looking back at our history, human created many things, good or bad. If those things weren't invented, we wouldn't be what we are today, may be we don't even know about the unviverse. You said if we die off, would the unvinerse care. You can look at it this way, the universe is an island, and we're part of the big island, small, but significant.
  7. Yes, I'm afraid of death, I have too many things to worry about, and too many people who I care a lot about. I'm fear of leaving them.
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anti [/i] [B]ok and here is one more question.....Where in hell do we get the idea we matter?....This isn't the most...happy...of thoughts...but think about it for just a second....Where do we get the idea we mean anything at all?...We could be wiped out completely and the universe wouldn't give a D*nm...It would just keep on going...Life would come somewhere else... [/B][/QUOTE] We're matter, and everything is matter. Everything created for their own purpose, including human.
  9. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Ouch! That gotta hurt a lot. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Beside sleep walking and hitting into the door many times, I don't do anything like that. :laugh: :laugh:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Deus_Ex_Machina [/i] [B]What follows you round all day wherever you go, sleeps in your bed, eats all your food, and never thanks you for it? [/B][/QUOTE] your shadow or your spirit (soul)
  11. Last year, my cousin and I was on our way home. It's dark, and he turn to the exit at 360 degree turn, we saw two whit shadow flowing in the air, and after that the car crash. Lucky, we're still alive, the smush like a soda can. Couple months ago, when my family just move to a new house. I saw some kind of spirit flying around on the ceiling of my room. Weird, they're playing around wih me.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyadude [/i] [B] Correct. You got those off of Riddlenut didn't you? The complete answer is. "True, The Roman Numeral four (IV) is in the word five *F(IV)E* [/B][/QUOTE] Honestly, I have no idea what it's mean when I wrote the answer down. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by AJ2K1 4 Life [/i] [B]BTW, Sleepy,..I don't get your answer...please explain to all the brain-dead morons (ie; just me ;))[/b] [/B][/QUOTE] which one?
  13. Name - Hong Age - 15 Vamp/hum - human Bio - know martial art, don't like vampire. I need a partner. :)
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by coolkam007 [/i] [B]if i had ever had launch for a wife.. O_o not that i would.. but just for sake of comment.. i'd lock up all the spices & peppers.. and make her get a haircut [/B][/QUOTE] And you have to dust your house constantly
  15. I read about this couple months ago or last year. I can't remember when, but I think it's something about without using gasoline as energy. It's very neat.
  16. twelve-six, six -three.ten -five There's a pattern of t,s and s,t. ten and five is not the right pattern.
  17. What can you break without hitting or dropping it? Note there can be two answers to this riddle. A promise four is half of five If you put a line in the middle of 5, you'll get four, just like 3 is half of eight
  18. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: What' next dbzman. :laugh: :laugh: I almost swallow my candy from laughing :laugh:
  19. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: That's funny, I almost falling off my chair :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  20. Before Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they're innocent and pure, after they ate the forbidden fruit, that is when they begin to feel odd. You can interprit it this way, before Adam and Eve got kick out of the Eden garden, they're flawless, after that, they're not, because they knew too many things.
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ShadowGohan [/i] [B][SIZE=1]Oh... that's satisfying to hear! And TN, if all of humanity is flawed, and God created humanity in an image of himself... wouldn't God be flawed too? Machine Gods are easier to belive in...[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] The image, prabably is the appearance, not the thought.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B]old men hit on me all the time. old ladies never talk to me. [/B][/QUOTE] You must be very good looking. Old folk hated me, I'm too boring for them.
  23. I heard about these stuff before. I'm still confused about what you just said.
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