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Everything posted by zach-kun

  1. [quote name='Blitz_Kid']I am almost too poor to afford any merch right now:animecry:, so far I have the goat doll from Last Exile, 9 volume of Kyo Kara Maoh! dvd, a box set of DearS, and lots of manga. When Comic Con comes, I am sure that they have some anime in it, so I think I will purchase some new merch to add to my collection (hopefully).[/QUOTE] The Anime Expo is only two weeks before Comic Con, and its in LA. Biggest anime co in America. You should go there instead :D
  2. I've got a Katana. Its a great phone, very durable. I've dropped it numerous times, and the only thing wrong with it is the vibrator; it doesn't work sometimes. Only down sides I find are no video, and the internet browsing sucks hard >_>
  3. Waffles aren't that great. Too crispy, unlike pancakes. Pancakes are nice and soft, and with fruit like blue berries or strawberries, they become even better~ The only pro about waffles is that they don't become rediculously soggy when you swamp them in syrup. And choco chips seem to fit better in them. And they are quicker and easier to make. I guess that is three pros. Oh well :(
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