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Everything posted by Gohan
A few hours later Craig emerges from the room in his jeans and heads down towards the bar and takes a seat next to Andrew. Ash: What's up bro? Andrew: Sup? Ash: I heard you've been giving a few girls a good time. Andrew: Hey, i always give the women what they ask for:cool:
Ash walks up to the bar admiring waitresses in short skirts and tight tops, selecting which ones to give the time of their lives to. He walks up to the bar and gets his beer and then takes five of the waitresses into a room upstairs and i snot seen for many hours
Ken's cell phone rings. Ash: Ken, it's Ash this line is secure so it's ok to talk. Ken: Where the hell have you been?! Ash: I'll tell you another time. Where are you? Ken: In a brothel in south China. Ash: Ok i'm picking up your signal, i'll be there in about 20 minutes Ken: 20 minutes? Ash: Yeah i'm in south China Ken: See you then. 20 minutes later............. Ash enters the brothel.
Ash walks over to his quarters which he shares with Ken. He checks around for the things he requested. He spots his bottle of bud and his handguns. Ash: Thought i lost you for a moment then guys. He puts the guns inside his belt and covers them with his jacket. He opens the bottle and lies on his bed looking at the ceiling. Ken walks in shortly after. Ken: Hey Ash. Hyped about the mission. Ash: Not reall, i just think it;s gonna be a in and out job. Ken: Yeah you've said that before and look what's happened. Ash: Oh yeah *rememebrs things that have gone wrong for the team before* Oh wel guess we'll just have to wait and see. Beer? Ken: Yeah thanks. The two enjoy a relaxing beer before the mission starts in the morning
Name:Ash 'Damage' Masters Age: 20 Rank: Seargant Weapons: combat knife and a glock 9mm Preferred Weapons: A sawed off Shotgun and two rapid firing handguns. Special Skill:Hand to hand combat but is also an excellent aim
Gohan: Oh no the power's hre and i'm nowhere near powerful enough. I got to get the gravity up to at least 500. Oh well guess i should. He turns the gravity up to 500 and is thrown against the floor. He begins to get craushed but he suddenly has a surge of power and there was a large explosion and when the dust cleared Gohan was a Super Saiyan. Gohan: WEll that was quick. Time to go kick some ***! He flies off to where the power is coming from and lands next to Andrew. Gohan: Hey ANdrew Andrew: Hello Gohan Gohan: So do you think we have a chance? Andrew: Only time will tell my friend. If the others have been training as hard as me then i'm sure we'll have a fighting chance. You have also raised you power greatly. Gohan's stats: Strength:2,000,000 Speed:2,000,000 Agility: 2,000,000 Intelligence: 2,000,000 Ki: 2,000,000 Super Saiyan stats Strength: 5,000,000 Speed: 5,000,000 Agility: 5,000,000 Intelligence: 5,000,000 Ki: 5,000,000
Back at his house Gohan has a shower, a proper meal and a change of clothes. He heads over to CC to see Bulma. Gohan: Hey Bulma do you mind if i use the gravity cjambers for a while. Bulma: Go ahead. You know how to work it right? Gohan: Of course i do. See you in a few days. Bulma: Bye Gohan: Enters the gravity chamber and puts the gravity up to 20 times normal gravity. At first he finds it a little hard to move but he is soon flipping and sommersaulting around with ease. Gohan: Oh well i guess it's time to turn it up He turns it up to 40 times normal and gravity and he finds it extremely hard to move. Gohan: Time to train hard. I'm not goiing to improve with out overloading my body. He starts walking around, then gradually it gets up to a run and within an hour he's flying around with ease. Gohan: Time for 50
Just introducin myself ------------------------------------------------ Ken's cell phone rings. Ken:*answers it* Hello Ash: What's this about a mission without me being informed Ken? Ken: Ash? Ash: Yeah Ken: I totaly forgot about you. Wel do you know what's up? Ash: Yeah, i'll be leving with you if that's alright?
Name: Ash Ethnic group: American weapons: Two rapid firing custom made pistols, a sawed off shotgun and a large sword Special talent: Is a great aim with his guns, a master swordsman and an expert hand to hand fighter. Description: Black Leather trousers, a armoured plat on his chest and a long black trenchcoat (think blade). Is tall and muscular. He has blonde hair with a flicked up fringe and he has blue eyes.
Ash falls fowards but flips and lands on his feet. He draws out his guns and shoots into Ryu. Ryu is filled with holes which quickly disappear. Ryu: I told you once boy, bullets can't hurt me. Ash leaps at Ryu and punches him in the face he then falls on top ofRyu and starts pummeling him on the floor
Ash: *walks out of the smoke* Nabashi, wether you can or can't take these guys i'm helpin. I was gona fight with Ryu before you showed up. You take Calla and i'll take my father. Nabashi::eek: FATHER??!!! Ash: I'll explain after the fight. let's take these ugly mutha fúckers!
Gohan suddenley stopped training. Gohan:Man i'm nealry naked. My clothes have been burnt and torn. Better head home for a bit of food and a change of clothes. His blue Aura appears around him and he flies through the side of the volcanoe. Gohan: OW!! I hit my head:bawl: He continues his flight home
Ash: How do you mean? Ryu walks over to ash who lies on the floor. Ryu: Wel i have immense strength where as you are weak, i heal quickly where as you suffer. Now who do you think is honestly going to win this battle? Ash: Wel obviously not you! Ryu: And you worked that out how? Ash: *a gash on his eyebrow quikly heals* Ryu: ?????? Ash: Well you abviously aren't very smart. Ryu: Go on. Ash: Well if you were just the slightest bit smart you would've worked out that i've just been toying with you. I've been measuring you up, just seeing what you can do Ash: Brought his leg up swiftly and kicked Ryu in the balls with such force that it lifted Ryu off the floor and he hit the ceiling. ryu was left on the floor squealing and clutching his balls. Ash: *gets up and walks over to him* Now who is the pathetic one? Ryu: YOU ARE * he fires a thin red beam from his finger which pierces sraight through Ash's arm.
In the depths of a volcanoe somewhere in the middle of nowhere Gohan was training hard, this wasn't just training to inmcrease his power level this was a fight for survival. Gohan always did like a challenge. He was flying around trying to dodge bursting bubbles of lava. He stopped suddenly as he felt an immense power level began heading for earth. Gohan: *thinks* What a immense power level. There is no-one on this planet that measures up to it......yet? A large lava bubble bursts and some of it just catches Gohan's trousers. Gohan: Oh fu'ck! wel back to training.
Name: Gohan (chibbi, just another fighter coincedentally(sp) called Gohan) Age: 14 Race: Saiyan height: 5"9 weight: 87llbs Decription: Has hair like Gohan from the cell saga but wears a suit like Majiin Vegeta. Bio: Parennts Survived attack of Frieza and fled to earth where other saiyans had fled and their family of saiyans has been bred here for many years. his mother died giving birth to hgim and his father died of natural causes. Has been trained most of his life by his uncle and is powerful for his age. stats:- Strength:1,000,000 Speed: 1,000,000 Agility: 1,000,000 Intelligance: 1,000,000 Ki: 1,000,000
Ash: Is this a private party or can anyone join? *slashes at a nearby demon* Lupus: Private actually *decapitates a demon* Ash::confused: Lupus: Just kiddin we can use all the help we can get. Ash: Party time.
Ash overcomes the repulsive smell of the undead. He is about to run into the battle field when he has a quickflash back. His mother stood there with a demon raping here and eating awya at her as he did so. The face of the demon flashed in his eyes. He looked up and saw a demon standing in front of him. It was the demon who raped his mother, it was Ryu. Ash: YOU!! Ryu: Are you talking to me pathetic human? Ash: Everything has just become so clear to me. As a child i was considered a freak for my unhuman strength and my exceptional healing abilities, but now i know what they are. Ryu: Go on. Ash: You are the one who murdered my mother. You eat her while you raped her and put some of your evil blodd into something which later became me. I will avenge my mother if i have to go into the depths of hell........ I will kill you........father! Ryu: Is that a challenge? Ash: Do you accept? Ryu: You have no chance against the soon to be ruler of the underworld. Ash: Only time will tell. Ryu takes his fighting stance and Ash draws his guns. Ash:Let's go :demon: :demon: :naughty: :naughty:
I already asked in an earlier but i aint got a clue where i am so if you could either tell me or bring me into it it'd be nice. Thanx :D
Could someone please tel me where i am as well please coz i'm completely lost!
They both land in the forest and see a small group of Dwarfs doing something in the trees. Goku: Hi. *waves* i'm goku and this is my son Gohan. i was just wondering if you could tell us where we are. At the sight of goku the dwarfs scuttle down from the trees and begin to run off. Goku teleports rite in the path of one of the dwarfs and it runs into him and falls over. goku lifts him up by the scruff. goku: Hey little guy i'm not going to hurt you Dwarf: We must never trust the tall ones. Goku: Ok but could you please tel us where we are?
Goku carries on flying and then hears a voice coming from behind him. Gohan: Dad.... Dad wait up!! Goku: Sorry son. i was so concerned about where i am i forgot all about you. Gohan: That's ok so where we headed?
Ash drops down in front of the group. Ash: Sorry to interrupt but mind if i tag along??
Name: Ash Age: 20 Gang: Leader of Shadow wolfs. Weapon: Ash has the Shadow Katana. It's handle is golden and it has a wolf engraved into it. The blade is black and in times of trouble it glows with a black flame. Description: Short blonde hair with a flicked up Fringe. Wears black jeans, a black vest and a black trenchcoat with a solver wolf on the back as do all members of the shadow wolves have on the back of their tops Bike Description: Same blades but it's a metallic blue.
Animé show: DBZ name: Gohan Age: 14 description: looks like Gohan did from the cell games but he now wears the same clothes as Goku. Personality: Son of Goku. Is kind hearted and caring like his father and would never do anything to harm him in any way as he looks up to him and will listen to almost every cpmmand
Name: Ash Race: Human Age: 17 Element: Fire Magic: yes Weapons: Sword of Pyro. It was created in the volcanic mount Pyro. It has a gold handle with three flames engraved in it. The blade is said to be unbreakable. Can be charged with a fire hot enough to burn anything it touches except Ash. I don't understand the bottom bit either