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Everything posted by Gohan

  1. Ok we got about enough people so let's go. There won't be any specific story to start off so just post what your doing. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ash was out on the hunt. He'd been sitting in his car waiting the slightest sign of vampire activity. It was about 3 in the morning and it looked as if it was going to be a quiet night for a change when he heard a scream. He followed the screams to a small back alley, he got to the middle and realised there was four possible routes where to go. He then heard something coming from behind a car. He went over to inspect and he saw a young woman crouched behind the car. Ash: What are you doing? Woman: Hiding from these men who were chasing me. Ash: Well your safe now. He turned around to see if there was anyone coming and as he turned around he saw a bott come flying towards his head. He quickly ducked and the kick coming from the young woman made a hole in the wall. He looked at the face of the woman and she was a vampire. Her eyes were yellow, her fangs wer large and her face was ugly. He quickly took care of her but then as he tried to get out of the alley downone of the routes he seen two large figures running towards him, so he decided to take the other one but there were moe people running towards him as there were for all routes out. As all of the men (who turned out to be more vampire) met in the midle there was no sign of Ash. They looked around but they could not find him. There then was a loud Gunshot and one of the vampires turned to dust and disappeared. Then the rest looked up in the air to see Ash jump from a nearby fire-escape and unleash his pistols on two moer of the vampires who were soon another pile of dust. He then began fighting with the other five making fast work with them with his sword and his stakes. Ash: Not a bad's night work. He looked up and saw the sun begin to rise. Ash: Well time to be heading home
  2. Ok you can look for the play version now but newcomers are always welcome
  3. The door opens agen this time Ash is standing there. Ash: Where's everyone else? Ralvenar: We are awaiting their arrival Ash: What you mean i'm early? Ralvenar: Don't work your brain to much it may melt. Ash: *Think* What a Jerk Ralvenar: Enough name calling. Ash::eek: What the...? Ralvenar just smiles again :D
  4. Name: Ash Race: Human Age: 17 Weapons: A large sword, Two rapid firing pistols and a sawed off Shotgun. He can also charge up the sword with fire which could melt rock. Will only burn on contact and not when near it. Bio: Parents killed when he was young and vowed to seek down the person who killed his parents and kill them. Description: Short blonde hair with a flicked up fringe, bright blue eyes and he has clothes the same as Blade's
  5. With the thief now on his back pleaing for mercy as his armour lies next to him in pieces. Ash: I will only show you mercy if you join us and fight for us. Thief: I spit at scum like you! *spits* Ash: It is you who is the scum and for this you will only pay with your life. He raises his sword above his head. He is about to bring the swrod down into the thief when the thief get's up and runs. Ash: *smirks*:naughty: I like a challenge As the thief runs off towards the way in which he came Ash throws his sword with deadly accuracy. The sword goes straight through the back of the thiefs head and out through his face and pins him to the ground. Ash walks over to the thief and pulls out his sword. He wipes the blood of in the thiefs shirt. Ash: Oh well time to go and help the others. He runs towards the contuing battle. As he gets there he realises that no-one needs help yet so he decides to sit back and watch.
  6. I changed and earlier post so now you can be a vampire,demon, or slayer
  7. The year is 2020. Vampires and demons took over the world in 2018. In 2019 Demons turned on vampires as they found a plot to get rid of them and become the only rulers of the world. Demons went back to the underworld and then decided to declare war on the vampires to decide who rules the world. Humans decided to join the war on their own behalf to take back what was originally theirs. The armies of all three sides consist of you. You have the choice to be a Demon, vampire or slayer Post your stats like this. Name: Age: Bio: Description: Weapons: Brief description on each: Name:- name of your character Age:- age of your character Bio: Brief or detailed description of your past and reasons for killing vampires etc. Description: What your character looks like Weapons: State the weapons that your character will be using for vampire slayage. My characters stats: - Name: Ash Age: 17 Bio: parents were killed by vampires when he was five and was brought up by uncle who was a very well known weapon craftsman. Was trained in martial arts and has vowed to kill every vampire he met. Description: He has short blonde hair with a flicked up fringe. He wears clothes like blades. Weapons: Two custom-made handguns, a sawed off shotgun and a large sword. When I get about 7 or 8 people then we?ll start.
  8. Ash runs forward with the rest of the knights and swordsmen. Ash heads straight for one of the theives in green and begins attacking. Four out of the five blows connect but as the last one is evaded the thief throws a hefty shot to the body of Ash (100/130hp) which winds and shocks him. His pain comes as a dose of rage to Ash and he soon finds himself slashing away at the now unfortunate thief.
  9. A young man stands up Ash: your majesty, my blade is yours, as is it always Reiken: I knew i could count on you Ash. Go join the others at the bar. He joins John and Ralvenar. Ash: Bartender make that three pints of bow and it's on me instead of John. They both make theirselves accuainted with Ash
  10. Name: Ash Age: 16 Gender: Male Job Class: Knight Limit brake: Pyro sword, he charges up his sword with fire which has immense heat and will meslt anything within a foot of it except the holder of the sword. hp/mp: 130,15
  11. Name: Gotrex Age:14 Race: Saiyan Bio: Is the son of Trunks and Pan. Has been trained very well by trunks since he could walk. He is now very powerful for his age and there are few who could out think him in a fight. He has a very original style which is a mix from his own, trunk's and many other fighter's he has observed. his relation to Vegeta shows through in his attitude towards becoming stronger but he is good at heart like goku. Description: has hair like Gohan from the cell saga and he wears a suit like Majiin vegeta. Stats: Strength: 20,000 Speed: 20,000 Defense: 20,000 Ki: 20,000
  12. Ash then started unloading bullets and shotgun shells into the creature. It is stunned and falls onto it's knees in pain. Kool starts running towards the creature with the dagger in her hand. She leaps up tino the air but the creature catches her in mid-air. Kool sticks the knife into the beasts hand and it catches alight and it drops Kool. As she lands she does two back flips and then as she lands on her feet she threw the dagger and it hit the creature right in the midle of the head. It started to burn with a black flame and it just fell onto it's back and in a matter of seconds was left in a small pile of dust.
  13. Rico takes Ash into a big room with a big computer in the middle with about 10 seats going around it. Ash: What the hell is this place? Looks like you've got a lot of explaining to do Rico
  14. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Jaxx continued to the very end of the road. Jaxx: *telepathicaly* Gohan. I'm at the end of the road. Where do i go. Gohan: Look up. Jaxx: Oh yeah. I'm going to get stronger than you and then we'll fight and you WILL lose. I promise you that. Gohan: Don't make promises you can't keep. I'm already way more powerful than you are and i will be training the hole time that you are at King Kai's. Oh yeah one more thing, the gravity is 30 times more stronger there than here. his old planet was 10 times gravity but it got blown up so his new one is more stronger. watch out for that. There's nothing more i can tell you except happy afterlife Jackass!!!:laugh: I'll see you when you get back. Jaxx Flew upwards. As he flew highr into the sky he saw a small dot. As he got closer he started flying faster without actually meaning to. Jaxx: *Thinks* What the hell is happening? He began to fly faster nd he couldn't stop. He flew stright into the floor of the planet and made a huge dent. He tried to get up but the gravity was too much for him. He closed his eyes for a second or two and when he opened them again there was a short blue man, a monkey and a small insect type thing looking over him.
  15. After a few more hours of meditating Goten get's up. Goten: Gohan Gohan! Gohan: What is it Goten? Goten: My power has gone up (post some new stats here rhys) Gohan: That's what one of the aims of meditating is Goten. Goten: does this mean we can go and fight the bad guys now? Gohan: No Goten you and i still have a long way to go until we are ready for this fight. i'm not even sure Craig is strong enough. Only time will tell. Goten get's back to meditating
  16. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan: Ok i know it may be hard but you must clear your mind. Jaxx: What are you going to do? Gohan: I will take over your mind Jaxx: What?! Gohan: Relax. I will enter your mind and take over for a bit. My techniques and a lot of my power will come wih me. Jaxx: Will i be able to turn Super Saiyan too? Gohan: No. To turn Super Saiyan you have to have at least quarter Saiyan blood in you. it is still your body even though i is my mind. Jaxx: Just hurry up! * He dodges a large knee to the skull* Gohan: Shuts his eyes and a strange pale bluea aura surrounds him. he opens his eyes and they shine the same colour as his aura. Jaxx all of a sudden does the same. Biggest guy: Are you ready to give up you pathetic weakling Gohan/ Jaxx: *in a mixture of both voices* You should have let us through when you had the chance. Let's go you pathetic excuse for bones. I'll show who the real weakling is. The biggest guy flies quickly at Gohan/ Jaxx but they quickly sid-step him and deliver a big knee to the stomach. The biggest guy stands clutching his stomach, winded. The duo (GOhan and Jaxx) deliver a solid elbow to the back of the neck. The big guy falls to the floor and rolls over onto his back just in time to see the duo use Gohan's Galick gun attack. The big guy was killed in the after life where he can never come back! Gohan then starts communicating with Jaxx's mind. Gohan: Well Jaxx you should be able to make i from here. Jaxx: Thanks for the technique Gohan.:naughty: Gohan: What do you mean?! Jaxx: I was able to steal your Galick Gun technique while you were doing it. Your move is now mine as well! Gohan: Sneeky son of a *****!!:mad: Jaxx: Too bad Jackass:laugh: . See you when i get back!
  17. Zack's watch is boring and uneventful for hours until his hours are up and then Ash volunteers to go up next. He lies next to the fire and looks up at the stars thinking about things he never thought he knew about. As the sun started to come up he decided to go to sleep for an hour or two just to catch up on some well needed sleep
  18. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan: Forgive me Jaxx but it starts like THIS!!! He points his index and middle finger at Jaxx and fires a small beam which goes straight through Jaxx. He stumbles backwards and falls over and puts his back against a nearby tree. He looks completely stunned. Gohan flies up into the air. Gohan: I hope you will not see this as an act of pleasure for me because it is not. i would much rather train you myself but you are so desperate to beat me i'm not sure it could happen with out someone..... well you getting injured. Goodbye for now. i will find a way to bring you back. He begins to power up and electricity starts to appear aound his body. He outstretches the palm of his hand towards Jaxx. Gohan: BIG BANG ATTACK!!!!!! A large yellow orb emits from his hand and flies rather quickly towards Jaxx. Jaxx braces himself for the blast. The blast hits and there is a huge explosion. When the smoke cleared Jaxx's body was nowhere to be seen. Gohan: I wish you luck my friend
  19. Heaven walks over to see the rest but he sees Ash up on the roof and wakls inside to find the rest. He finds Zack sitting at a table downstairs. Heaven: Where is everyone Zack? We've got to move out. Zack: Can't it wait til morning? Everybody's exhausted and they need the rest to battle the dangers that lie ahead. Heaven: Ok but we are leaving at sunrise. Zack: Are you going to take one of the rooms upstairs? Heaven: No i'll head back to my tent. Zack: Ok i'll see you in the morning. Heaven leaves and heads back to his tent. Zack goes to join Ash on the roof. Zack: What are you doing? Ash: Watching the stars. I think Kiara called it Star gazing Zack: Mind if i join you? Ash: Feel free
  20. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan: My super saiyan forms help me adapt to the huge power i have inside me. If he becomes to powerful he wil powerup and explode. I have an idea. i will send Jaxx into the next dimension and he shall receive help rom king kai gohan opens up the telepathic link up between him and Jaxx gohan: Jaxx I know a way foy you to increase your power and learn new techniques in the process. You must first come back to my training ground so i may tell you.
  21. Ash: Hey you guys where are we headed? (Sorry but i can't think of nuthin else to write):D
  22. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan: Jaxx i hate to break it to you but you will not be getting much stronger. You have almost reached you peak aleady. The only thing i can do is help you to reach your peak strength but then i can teach you some ki blast techniques to make your power more useful. Being as your human then you weren't made to be powerful but because i am a saiyan i was born to fiht so i am supposed to have a high power. I will now teach you to focus your energy to help you increase your strength. I noticed that all you were doing when you were breaking those rocks was using mostly phsychic energy. When i say use your energy i mean your inner energy not the enregy of your mind. Have you been well trained in martial arts? Jaxx: Not really Gohan: Then this is going to be a long month. I will first have to teach you how to fight. Two weeks had passed and Gohan and Jaxx had been training. Lcukily Jaxx had caught on to the martial arts well and was now already a good fighter. Gohan: Now i will teach yuo to tap into your inner energy. This martial arts training was not just to teach you to fight, it was to make your inner enregy bigger so that it was easier to tap into. Your inner energy is located in the middle of your body. First you must find it and feel it. Then when you've done that i want you to form a small orb like this. He holds his hands slightly apart so that the palms face inwards. A small light appeared in between his hands. Jaxx: That's cool Gohan: You try it. Close your eyes and just ind your energy. Then whe you've found it, guide it through your arms and into your hands. Jaxx did the same although it took him a little longer. He did it. He was so excited that he even made it bigger so he could just about hold it in the palms of two hands. Gohan: Good Jaxx. Now you must learn to channel your enrgy through your veins and all around your body.
  23. Ash catches up with Zack Ash: Thanks Zack Zack: What for? Ash: Saving Kiara. Zack: Whya re you thanking me? Ash: Because she won't. She maight not hink it but she does need help sometimes. And besides i got a crush on her (just adding a little romance to the RPG) so i'm gonna try to make sure that nothing happens to her while i'm around. Don't tell her though please Zack Zack: Hey from one guy to another, you can count on me. He winks and then walks off and Ash falls back to join the rest of his group
  24. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Early that morning Jaxx was awaken by a loud explosion. Jaxx: What the hell was that?! He looks up and sees a man that looks exactly like Gohan but he has blonde hair and it sticks up everywhere. Jaxx walks up to the man and shouts up to him. Jaxx: Who are you and where is Gohan? Gohan: It's me Jaxx Jaxx: Well how the hell has your hair changed? Gohan: Well it's a long story. I am not from this planet, Earth. I am a Saiyan. I am from a planet that takes about a year to get to from here. It was called planet Vegeta. Jaxx: What do you mean WAS called? Gohan: My planet was destroyed by and evil being called freiza many years ago but me and my family were on vacation to a different planet. Saiyans are natural born fighters. That's how i am so powerful. There is a ledgend among my people of a great warrior who shall rise above the rest and will rid the universe of evil. That someone is known as a Super Saiyan. When someone reaches the Super Saiyan level their eyes turn green and their hair turns blonde. Their power is increased Dramatically. Jaxx: So your a Super Saiyan? How did it happen. Gohan: Well first a great source of power is needed and then to trigger the transformation a great deal of rage is needed. The transformation is at first difficult to master but when you become more used to it it comes more naturally and the transformation happens quicker. My great deal of rage was when my parents were murdered right in front of me. My great deal of power cam from my parents. They were two of the most powerful Saiyans on the planet. Somehow their power was passed down to me. I was only 9 when this happened and i quickly mastered the transformation. Jaxx: So your basically the ultimate fighter? Gohan: No. From recent research of my planet i have founmd that there four main are diferent forms of super saiyan. I have yet to reach the third level but i believe that the time will come soon that i will reach this new level. Jaxx: What's different about the second level? Gohan:My hair gorws slightly longer and my sped and strength are increased dramatically. There is also little bolts of electricity that can be seen from time to time. Jaxx: Could you show me? Gohan: Another time my friend. We have much to do. Let's get you training underway.
  25. Name: Ash Race: Human Class: Warrior Description: Ash has long brown hair and brown eyes. Wears and armoured chest plate with a holster for his sword on the back. His sword is made of Titanium and is light but strong. It's handle is made of a gold alloy that has been passed down for many years in his family. Hopes/Dreams: To avenge the murders of his parents and to become one of the greatest warriors around. Spells: Fire Arrow Sheild Fire sword (He charges up his sword and it ignites without getting damaged and teh flame will only be put out by the spell caster)
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