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Everything posted by Gohan

  1. Ash slowly reaches out for the pill. He takes it and just tares at it for a few seconds. Ash: So your telling me that his isn't the real world? Neo: Yes that is correct. You will soon see what i mean if you swallow this pill. Ash: Oh well. Here goes nothing. He swalos the pill and soon feels himslef becoming very cold. So cold that i starts to hurt very badly. He blanks out and when he awakenes he is in a strange goo filled pod. (He then goes throught the same stages as Neo does. you know the one) He then awakens in a strange ship. When his eyes come into focus, he notices a very pretty girl standing over him. It was Amber from the car. Amber: *shouts to he others* Hey everyone he's awake. Everyone else comes running into the room. Craig: Welcome to the real world. We thought you weren't going to show up for a moment there. You seemed to take longer than everyone else. Come on, i'll tel you all about the matrix
  2. Ash stops for a moment to think Ash: *thinks* I suppose i can see what she means. She's not as bad as i thought she was. She's also a very pretty girl. The bad thing is i think i like her. With that he catches up with the rest of the group
  3. Gohan sits at the long table with all of the royal family awaiting his breakfast. King Vegeta: Well young Gohan. In a few days you will be able to fight for your planet in it's time of need. I'm sure you will do us all proud. Gohan: I will try my best uncle. I will not let this planet down. I will train extremely hard for the next three days and then join my friends and co-warriors out on the battle field. The breakfast buffet comes in and Gohan quickly grabs all the food he needs quickly eats it and then he goes back to the gravity chamber. He turns the gravity up to 20times the gravity now but he can hardly walk. He is about to be crushed to the floor when he releases a quick burst of energy and he is able to fly around with ease. Gohan: This is to easy already! I must turn it up. He turns the gravity up to 30 times gravity and he then starts more training until hours later where he goes to his sleeping quarters. Instead of sleeping he does the next best thing. He meditates. This also has a remarkable affect on his power level by making it rise dramatically. Gohan's new power level: 10,000
  4. The group continue across the plains. Ash catches up with Kiara Ash: Uh.... Kiara? I don't mean to be rude but what is your problem? Kiara: Problem? I have no problem. Ash: Well you could try being a little nicer to us being as we're all in this together. What do you say? Are we all friends? He reaches out his hand and waits Kiara to do the same
  5. Gohan also sits down and starts meditating. Goten runs over to him. Goten: Gohan why don't we go and fight now? Gohan: Goten, please do not disturn us. General Craig and I are meditating. I suggest you do the same. Your power must be increased if you wish to fight. But remember that there is more to this mission than fighting. If we can then we must get Aster out with out alerting anyone of our presence. We will not poerup unless needed. Goten joins Gohan and Craig meditating. Gohan's stats rise dramtically. Gohan's new stats Strength: 350,000 Speed: 350,000 Agility: 350,000 Dexterity: 350,000 Ki: 350,000 Gohan's new Super Saiyan stats Strength: 3,500,000 Speed: 3,500,000 Agility: 3,500,000 Dexterity: 3,500,000 Ki: 3,500,000
  6. Ash pulls out his sword. Andrew: It's no good Ash. If you hack away at that thing it'll just regenerate itself. Ash: I know. He catches the monster's attention and then he throws his sword up into the air. The monster looks at the sword and keeps following it with his eyes wherever it goes. Ash: Let rip at that thing! He draws his pistols and him and Andrew realease a flurry of bullets at the monster. After a while the monster falls over with many holes. Andrew: Damn Monsters! The take to long to kill, but it's done now so let's see what we can do with it. He walks over to it and just stares for a moment Andrew:*thinks* Wow we really filled in this thing. The holes then begin to close up and the monster opens it's eyes and grabs Andrew
  7. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    The sun is about to set but Gohan is still training. He fires a small ki blast at a nearby rock and blasts it into many tiny pieces. He then stops to get some sleep. He leans against the base of a tree and looks up at the quickly appearing stars. Gohan: *thinks* I honestly thought they would be here by now. I don't think they'll find me for weeks. Better give them a little help. He gets up and flies up into the sky he charges up a slightly large ki blast and fires it up into further into the sky. Jaxx is making good ground and is well on his way to getting to where Gohan is over night. He doesn't know exactly where to go but he knows roughly where he's going. He then sees the ki blast going up into space and then he sees wher it's coming from. Jaxx: *thinks* He's making it too easy. Well i'll definatley be there tonight. Gohan: Well they should be here soon so i'm just going to get a little rest. He then flies back down to the ground and lies down and looks up at the stars.
  8. Ash just stumbles out of his local bar. Ash: Well that's enough fighting for tonight. I'm going home to leave them to it. He carries on down the street until he sees a man getting sucked into a phone. Ash: Ok that was wierd. I got to cut down on the drink. He carries on down the street until he reaches the dorr of his house. He is about to walk in when a car pulls up and pulls him inside. There is a strange man inside. Strange man: Hello Ash.. Ash: who are you? Strange man: My name will not matter until you know what is going on and you've woken up into the real world. Ash: Real world? Strange man: Come with us. We have much to tell and show you.
  9. Gohan and Ken reach the palace in very little time and head for the hanger bay and take off in the great star cruiser. They fly off at high speed until they see another big cruiser approaching on their radar. Ken: Aster's on that cruiser i can sense it. Gohan: Me too. We better not try and take this thing on because it's way bigger than this cruiser. We better switch to stealth mode and follow them. They turn the cruiser to stealth mode. The ship now becomes invisible and the ship sends out a small EMP so that the other ship cannot pick them up. They fly off deeper into space
  10. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan opens up a telepathic link to all the team. Gohan: If anyone wants to train with me and learn to develope you inner power then you will find me in the Ash mountains. I request that no moe than two join me. First two people to find me will prove themselves worthy and will be trained.
  11. Sorry the above post was supposed to be mine but my friend was here earlier and we used his name to log on and i forgot to log off and i only realised after i dun the post
  12. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan is up in ther mountains training hard. He flips backwards and jumps up into the air and fires ahige ki blast at a pile of rocks. There is a big explosion which leaves a huge crater. As he falls from the air he takes his sword from it's holster he slices a huge tree in half from the top sraight through to the bottom. He then receives a telepathic message. It was Bryan. *telepathically* Bryan: Hey Gohan Gohan: Hey Bryan. What's happened. Bryan: nothing much i just wanted to see if you could open up another telepathic link between us all and our new member. Gohan: New Member? yeah sure. His eyes glow an eerie blue and he and the other members of the team are able to receive messages from kool. Gohan: Hey Kool welcome to the team. Kool: Thanks Gohan. Sorry i missed all the fighting Gohan: don't worry about it. it wasn't that hard anyway. Listen up everyone. you should get into training and practicing your skills because that hodded figure had something about him which i didn't like. I sense he could pose a great threat to us in the future. so get to it. I'll be own from here in about a month, but if anything goes wrong then you know where i am. See you in a month. And with that he gets back to his training.
  13. Ash: Ok guys let's move out. we won't appoint a leader of our group coz that would just cause arguments so we'll just make joint decisions. They set off towards a large group of mountains in the oher direction
  14. Ash hasn't walked far into the forest when he hears two voices. he decides to creep up to see who they are just incase they are enemies. He draws his guns and keeps to the shadows. As he gets closer he can make out to figures through the thickening fog. One of them is one normal size guy and another huge guy with an axe. He then decides that they are harmless... wel towards him, and he steps out of the shadows and catches the attention of the two figures. Ash: Hi i'm Ash. and you are? Misha: I'm Misha and that's heaven. Ash: Hi. So what are you guys doing out here in the middle of the forest? Heaven: i don't know exactly. I just got a really funny feeling and it guided me to this place. Ash: somethings going on here because the same thing happened to me. What were you doing out here big fella?
  15. I thought we were starting on the play version coz this is just the sign up. would you please make up your mind. it would make more sense if we moved over to the play version
  16. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan: I have no time to hang around here and do nothing. I could be training and learning new moves and imrpoving my fighting skills. You may not have noticed yet but i have set up a telepaathic link between all of us. If you need me you can reach me telepathically. He flies off into the mountains and starts training to develope his powers and become the ultimate fighter
  17. I posted this on the sign up instead of on this so i'm gonna post it again. Oh yeah and i didn't get teleported to the batle field yet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was three days until Gohan's birthday. He couldn't wait until he was eighteen. It wasn't so much the birthday that he was looking forward to it was the fact that he was only allowed to fight in a war when he was eighteen due to the fact that he was royalty. He decided to go and try out the new saiyan invention called the gravity chamber. This invention can change the amount of gravity in the room for harder training conditions. (It was a marvellous invention for those people back in the olden days ) Gohan enters the gravity chamber. Gohan: *thinks* It doesn't look much, but never judge a book bye it's cover. I better try this thing out. He turns the gravity up to 10 times the normal gravity of planet Vegeta. It is very hard to move and he tries to fly but he fails miserably. Gohan: *thinks* This is good. i like a challenge He starts running around just to get used to the gravity on the floor. Once he is used to it he starts flying around and doing flips acroos the floor. He then get's some weights and starts doing bench- press. Two hours later Gohan: 999,997 , 999,998 , 999,999 , 1,000,000. That's enough training for this morning. I'm going to have a shower then go and get some breakfast. He shuts the gravity machine down and then heads for the dining room to join his uncle, auntie and cousin for breakfast. Gohan's new power level: 6000
  18. Gohan:*thinks* I sense a fight about to start in the distance. I best get there. He gets changed into his saiyan armour and flies off towards the mountains where the fighting is about to start. He lands next to Andrew and Ken. Andrew: What took you so long? Gohan: I was training, what did i miss? Ken: only a mass destruction session. Gohan: Cool. Who's that guy with Aster. Andrew: That's Asterix. He wants to take Aster back to her planet. Gohan: He is strong. Aster has got a challenge standing in front of her. Andrew: Well she may not be the strongest person on Vegeta any more.
  19. Ash wakes up witha throbbing pain in his head. He can't remember what happened and he is in to much pain to remember. he then hears voices in the near distance. He decides to creep up on them just incase they are enemies. When he sees three figures. He then walks out on them. Kool: who are you? Ash: I'm Ash. could you please tell me what i'm doing here because i haven't got a clue. Kool: We're not quite sure either but you can come with us if you like. Ash: Where are we going? Kool: Into Battle Andrew: Hey don't i know you. Ash: Maybe Andrew: You must have been in the tunnel to Ash: Tunnel? Andrew: That's how we all got here. Pumer: We better hurry up you guys. We'll explain on the way. They all head off towards the mountains
  20. Yes i agree with them this is pretty boring i now declare this RPG officially closed
  21. Ok then i'll start.:rolleyes: --------------------------------------------------------- It was three days until Gohan's birthday. He couldn't wait until he was eighteen. It wasn't so much the birthday that he was looking forward to it was the fact that he was only allowed to fight in a war when he was eighteen due to the fact that he was royalty. He decided to go and try out the new saiyan invention called the gravity chamber. This invention can change the amount of gravity in the room for harder training conditions. (It was a marvellous invention for those people back in the olden days:D ) Gohan enters the gravity chamber. Gohan: *thinks* It doesn't look much, but never judge a book bye it's cover. I better try this thing out. He turns the gravity up to 10 times the normal gravity of planet Vegeta. It is very hard to move and he tries to fly but he fails miserably. Gohan: *thinks* This is good. i like a challenge He starts running around just to get used to the gravity on the floor. Once he is used to it he starts flying around and doing flips acroos the floor. He then get's some weights and starts doing bench- press. Two hours later Gohan: 999,997 , 999,998 , 999,999 , 1,000,000. That's enough training for this morning. I'm going to have a shower then go and get some breakfast. He shuts the gravity machine down and then heads for the dining room to join his uncle, auntie and cousin for breakfast. Gohan's new power level: 6000
  22. Name: Ash Age: 16 weapons: A sword, two rapid firing pistols and a shotgun Abilities: He is also a master summoner and is a master in many different forms of martial arts. He can also use different types of elemental magic eg. fire ice lightning and more(when i think em up) Hair: wears the same clothes as blade but he is white and he has short blonde hair and deep blue eyes which are hidden behind his shades. He is about 6'4 and of medium but muscular build. Bio: When he was just 5 years old his parents were killed by vampires right in front of him but he managed to escape and vowed to slay every vampire he could. He then spent the rest of his life training under the watchful eye of his uncle Rob. Rob also provided him with hi customized weapons and his clothes. He was summoned to the planet for his fighting and killing skills
  23. Name: Ash Weapons: A Sword, to rapid firing pistols and a shotgun Physical/Special skills: He is well trained in martial arts and can use elemntal magic eg, fire, ice, lightning and loads more. Appearance: Has clothes like Blades but his skin is white and he has blonde hair and deep blue eyes. He is about 6'3 and is of muscular build Bio: he has no memory of his childhood
  24. Gohan

    New Beginnings

    Gohan fires a ki orb into a group of mercanaries. There is a huge explosiona dn the group of about twenty fly into the vortex. Gohan snese something out of the ordinary. He shoots another ki orb at the wall which completely takes it out. There is a huge portal behind the wall. There are hundreds of mercanaries coming through it. Craig holds his arms out to the side and a small ki orb forms in front of him. He leans back slightly and and brings his arms together in front of him. Gohan: FINAL FLASH!!!! A huge blue energy beam emits from gohan's arms and straight into the portal. There is a huge explosion and when the smoke clears the portal is goneand there are hundreds of dead mercanarie bodies all over the floor. Gohan: I think that takes care of that one guys. ???: Guess again, You foolish boy. Everyone turns around to see a strange hooded figure. Bryan: What are you? ???: You will find out soon enough And with that the figure disappears Gohan: What was that all about?
  25. Hey Gotenz i hate to be a nag but if your the son of goten and bra that would make you my grandfather but your yonger than me so could you please make up a different bio. Thanks a lot if you do. ------------------------------------------------------------------- On with the story Gohan emerges from the nearby lake with a nhuge fish in his hand. Gohan: Wow mom and dad are going to be pleased with this one! He flies home and as he lands he is greeted by his mother. Gohan's Mother: Where have you been?! I've been looking everywhere for you! Gohan: I was out getting us some supper! He holds up the big fish for his mother to see. she is extremely pleased and she goes inside and cooks it. After the meal Gohan goes and puts on a clean pair of shorts and heads for the gravity chamber. He turns the gravity up to 20 times the normal gravity. It is extremely hard to move but he quickly gets used to it. He starts doing flips and flies around for a bit and he then starts bench pressing. After a few hours: Gohan: 999,997 , 999,998, 999,999 , 1,000,000 He then takes a shower and get's ready for bed Gohan's new stats: Strength:7,000 Speed: 7,000 Agility: 7,000 Dexterity: 7,000 Ki: 7,000
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