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chibi-master last won the day on July 21 2012

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About chibi-master

  • Birthday 10/18/1994

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    Pokemon, anime, books, drawing, food, etc.
    Since the forums are kind of dead, feel free to PM me for outside contact info!
  • theOtaku User Name
  • Favorite Anime
    Pokemon (Kanto), HeartCatch PreCure!, FLCL, Cowboy Bebop
  • Achievements
    Was the hyper teenager for a while, but now I guess I'm a little better?

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  • Skype

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  1. I actually just logged in for the first time in forever because my partner and I were talking about our different experiences on the internet and what areas of it we frequented. I was hit with a massive wave of nostalgia and appreciation for this place. I often feel very grateful when I think about my time on OB because I truly appreciate how kind and patient everyone on this site was to me when I was at the height of my obnoxious 13 year old era. While a lot of people in my life describe the toxic or discouraging communities they found themselves in, I realized that I somehow found myself surrounded by people who took the time to talk to me like a fully-realized person at an age where people in my life were treating me like a small child yet simultaneously expecting me to start acting like an adult. OB was honestly a safe space that allowed me to experiment and develop during my teenage years. My hyperactive 'lol XD so randomz' energy was tempered without anyone putting me down, and I was able to learn how to actually develop my own opinions instead of just parroting people around me. It might sound like I'm giving too much credit here, but I genuinely believe OB taught me critical thinking skills! Despite being one of the youngest members at the time, other members never talked down to me or made me feel unsafe. It would have been very easy to take advantage of me as a young teen who, upon looking back, was clearly starved for attention of any kind, and yet every member of these forums instead helped in some way to teach me how to dial that back. Additionally, this was all occurring while being given a space to explore some really excellent anime and manga series that became foundational to me in a lot of ways. I know these forums are kind of dead at this point, but I just wanted to express how much I truly appreciate all of you for making my time on these forums so positively formative! šŸ„³
  2. I haven't been on here in ages, but here I come clawing my way out of the abyss to deliver a terrible pic.
  3. I'm back in my hometown of El Paso, TX and WOW I missed it so much!   Living on my own has taught me that I am a terrible cook and I'm equally terrible at keeping up with dishes and laundry.  On the plus side I am getting better at these things, slowly but surely.
  4. Go to your profile, click on the 'Edit My Profile' button, and changing your avatar will be one of the first options.
  5.     Trapped forever due to my lack of foresight.
  6.   I'll get right on that. *remembers origin of the phrase* Wait does this mean I'm part of a dating sim 'cause I did not sign up for that.
  7. My parents gave me a crock pot yesterday and they tried to explain it to me, but all I got out of the discussion was that a crock pot is a magic food portal that cooks things so slowly that by the time you get back from school/work/etc. 5 hours later you have an effortless wizard meal. Also add some water???   I am excited to use this thing.   Oh! I used a cast iron mold to make cornbread fish the other day!
  8. I'm moving back to El Paso at the end of the month so I'm packing all my stuff, but this is much more difficult than I had anticipated. Like why do I own 3/4 of the crap I own??? I thought all my stuff could fit in like 4 boxes. Nope.   I STILL DON'T KNOW HOW TO COOK   Incredibly nervous about living on my own.
  9. I don't know how my sleep schedule got so messed up but it did. I've been getting 2-4 hours of sleep on average and the weird thing is that i'm not tired at all!  So I guess it can't be that bad.   Flying to Austin for a few days on Friday! I expect that it'll be fun, but I'll be missing a convention that I usually go to this time of year so I'm torn. ;^;
  10. Well everything was on track for my joining the army until around Thanksgiving when I received a work-related injury that would set me back a couple months. (A tower of boxes came crashing down on me in one of our industrial freezers.The results were not pleasant.) I was really upset about the whole situation until I got an interesting phone call from one of my best friends who I had grown up with in Texas.   At this point I have decided to move back to Texas in the spring (hopefully the Dallas or Austin area) and I'm going to get my RN license before I join the army. I'll make four times as much and I'll be joining as an officer as opposed to an enlisted man.
  11. Oops double-posting~   Hey guys, don't ever offer Allamorph skim milk. He's a milk purist and he'll throw a hissy fit (hah get it?) if you do.
  12.   NO WAIT DON'T-!   Don't act like that's weird, because you legitimately have a freaking voice-actor voice!!! I am going to figure out who you sound like, so help me!
  13. So IĆ¢??m on a vacation trip and I was in my motel room while my family all went to dinner. (I was tired and stayed in to sleep.)   I wake up a couple hours later because I hear some angry dude screaming and yelling outside my room and it sounds like heĆ¢??s arguing with someone though I never hear a second person. HeĆ¢??s banging on walls and eventually ends up hitting my door and I am just like Ć¢??The heck?Ć¢?Ā and I start checking the room for weapons and preparing to escape out the bathroom window if need be. I would have loved to call the main office but OH WAIT thereĆ¢??s no phone in my room and I accidentally left my phone in the car.   But then he stops yelling and I hear a door slam and thatĆ¢??s when I realize that this guy is in the room next to mine?????   I wait 5 minutes cause the guyĆ¢??s completely silent now and then I grab my keys and sprint to the office which is right next door. And they didn't hear anything???   Now some creepy dude is hanging out in a pickup truck outside the rooms and I think itĆ¢??s the yelling guy from earlier.   I just hope he doesn't wake me up again later.
  14.   Bah. Foiled again. *scurries back into the shadows*
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