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Everything posted by chibi-master

  1. You know, we do have a 'New Members' thread here at OB.:animeswea You can find it by clicking on 'The Lounge' and going to the sticky that says 'New Members: Introduce Yourself Here'.:animesmil
  2. I live in America...! Oh, poop...I just envisioned Bandit Keith...><
  3. Holy crap!!! Those look more like cookie cutter scars than bite marks!!!:o
  4. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Ace's chapter recap Chapter 412 The first page is chock full of mirth and glee. It would seem Sasuke is finally about to stop breathing! For real this time, too! I guess I don't need to read the rest of the chapt er. I've seen enough. I'll just check the next page to make sure nothing can save him noDAMMIT SUIGETSU.[/FONT][/QUOTE] WTF?! NOOOOOOOOO!!!:animecry: GYAAAH!!! SUIGETSU, YOU F***ING TURD!!! THE WORLD WAS GONNA BE HAPPY AND YOU JUST, GRRRRR......:flaming: And Karin...you're just a pervert...(Of all the characters to choose from, she has a fetish for SASUKE! No, not just a fetish for Sasuke, but a fetish for Sasuke biting her arm...) And Ace, you said her arm was [I]covered[/I] in bites! Who knows how many brain-dead boys she has lured into that trick! Karin: Oh, look! You have a scrape! How terrible! Here, bite my arm! Victim: I've heard [I]that[/I] line before!
  5. [quote name='desertphoenix'][FONT="Verdana"][COLOR="DarkRed"]Fine, fine. [COLOR="Black"]Uvula[/COLOR]: the hanging flap of flesh in the back of the mouth. I wonder if anyone remembers where these lines came from. "I think that's its [COLOR="Black"]uvula[/COLOR]". "Oh, so it's a girl house"![/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Monster House...
  6. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Dis be ballin', homies. He's here to talk to you 'bout dat PS Triple. He ain't talkin' 'bout dat... Wii.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Tell you what, I'll quit creating yaoi fanfics if you never type/talk/communicate/WHATEVER, like that ever again!:animedepr And that's pretty desperate of me, don't you think?
  7. Okay, here are my responses that I said outloud to each video... First one: HOLY *BLEEP*IN' *BLEEP* ON A *BLEEP*IN' STICK! O_o Second one: *YAWN* Third one: Urgh... As you can see, the first one scared me s***less. That was some disturbing ******* right there! I would have said the same thing, but I wouldn't have run though... I might shout "TAKE ME TO YOUR LEADER!" to try and get rid of my fear...
  8. [quote name='Muse'][COLOR=blue][SIZE=1] [B] The Beatles One Album:[/B] Its a great CD to have. From the first number one hit by one of the greatest bands ever to the very last. My very first Beatles CD, the start of a revolution for me, really, considering the Beatles are my favorite band now. It suprises alot of adults that I don't listen to "Rap Crap" like almost every single kid in my school. [B]The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour:[/B] One of my all time favorite songs is on this album, "I am The Walrus," one of the wierdest Beatle songs ever. The whole album is pretty psycho, but its got some famous songs on it, like "Penny Lane," "Hello Goodbye," and "Strawberry Fields Forever." [B] The Best of John Lennon:[/B] John Lennon was the leader of The Beatles, and he was my favorite soloist that came after The Beatles. All together Paul McCartney was and is my favorite Beatle and is my hero, but John Lennon had a much better solo career than Paul did. He's made songs like "Imagine" that everyone has hopefully heard before.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/QUOTE] My best friend loves The Beatles and got me hooked on them...I have a feeling you two would get along.:animesmil
  9. I sorta don't give a ******* about [I]when[/I] I'm going to die. Now, about [I]how[/I] I'm going to die? Protecting someone dear to me, of course! I refuse to die of old age in a nursing home! I wanna die showered in BLOOD!!! BLOOD, I TELL YOU!!! But not just any blood, the blood of my opponent and mine mixed together as a result of deadly struggle!:devil: And then I go to Hell...:animedepr Yeah, I know I'm messed up...so please don't rub the well-known fact in my face.:animeswea
  10. AWW!!! I want to hug the chibi!:animesmil
  11. [quote name='Gavin'][CENTER][SIZE="1"][IMG]http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/images/news/Commandments_Poster.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [/size][/QUOTE] Uh oh...I think I just broke alll of these in the past three hours...am I going to Game-Hell then?:animedepr
  12. I saw this movie last weekend. It was cute...but what really caught my enjoyment factor was the way that [spoiler]Eva blew everything up!!![/spoiler]:animesmil
  13. [quote name='Sabrina'][FONT="Tahoma"]So the question now is... who is going to defend you? o_O [/FONT][/QUOTE] Whatever you do, please don't look at the assistant.:animedepr Umm...so, Mr. Looney-Gavin...feel like becoming a defense attorney...of my boss?:confused:
  14. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Chibi's just not cut out for prison life is all.[/FONT][/QUOTE] I thought about arguing this at first, but then I realized that you're right. Mouthing off to the authority figures and fellow inmates would get me in trouble alot...:animeswea Actually, my dad once told me this: Dad: [insert first name here], it sure is a good thing that you're taking karate, 'cause that mouth of yours is going to get you in deep s*** one of these days.:animesigh Me: Umm...thanks?:confused: ________________________________________________ But Haku, if it makes you feel better, I fractured a growth plate in my right wrist a few months ago...
  15. ZOMG!!!:o A cardboard Zabuza sword!!! I wonder if it cuts through rice paper!!! *shot*:animedepr
  16. [quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Ace lifted the bat. ?My client recently had hand surgery, meaning he could not have possibly swung the bat hard enough to do THIS!? he yelled, Sending the replica?s head flying, ?What?s more, he also would have had to hit the body multiple times, like THIS!? he continued, beating the doll so hard that candy began to fall out, despite the fact that there was previously none in there.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Best freakin' part of the whole post!!!:animesmil And Gavin needs some therapy... By the way, Ace...do I still get paid if your a** is thrown in jail?:confused: And how come I didn't get a whack?! My umbrella's collecting dust here!!!:p
  17. [quote name='RiaBinx']Scary..........[/QUOTE] What is? Bacon?:confused:
  18. [quote name='Lucy'][color=#656446][FONT="Georgia"][b]Mmm... Bacon![/b] (I'm quite sure that I wasn't the only one who uttered those two glorious words that only once during a blue moon aren't spoken together.) I luuuuurv bacon. Give me crispy ones, give me limp ones, give me burnt ones. Honey-flavored? Heaven on a pork strip. Oh how it sizzles when it first touches the greaseless face of a pan! How the fat melts away to reveal the glorious coloration of the crinkled erubescent meat folia! Fascinating! It should be renamed [i]Devil's Food Meat[/i]: the fat dripping from the strips are like yellow CAUTION flagging tapes, but bacon draws you in like a freak road accident that the most prudent onlooker just can't ignore.[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] ...umm...wow. So I guess you like bacon...funny though, I've never heard someone speak of bacon so...[I]poeticly[/I]!:animedepr
  19. Oh, that's easy! For me, it has to be in [U]Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid[/U]! I beleive it's along the lines of this, but my memory may be fuzzy... One guy: JUMP! Other guy: I can't! One guy: Why not?! Other guy: I-I can't swim! One guy: Are you nuts, the fall will probably kill ya'!
  20. [quote name='DeathKnight'][color=crimson]I'm also the only person I know who says gesundheit instead of bless you, lol. Maybe the same people who say "pop" instead of soda?[/color][/QUOTE] I say gesundheit instead of bless you too! Actually, it's so weird to these two goofs in my class that whenever someone sneezes, they turn around to look at me and hope I say gesundheit. And I always do. And I just moved up North a few years ago...I didn't know what they were talking about when they said pop...here's the conersation: Me:"What kind of sodas do you have up here?" Classmate:"...You mean pop?" Me:"What?! No, I mean soda!" Classmate:"OH! We call it pop up here!":animesmil Me:O_o And I only say y'all if I'm around my Southern relatives too long...(too long=1hr.) And the jimmies thing...I thought that ment long johns...:animedepr Oops...:animeswea
  21. [quote name='Sara'][font=trebuchet ms]So the collective orgasm of the reaction in this thread wasn't enough to convince you, but one more spurt tipped the scale? I'm baffled.[/font][/QUOTE] I'm sorry for confusing you, I was too lazy to read the entire thread...I just read the first post and posted.:animeswea
  22. [quote name='Vicky'][SIZE=1]If you don't go, think of it as selling out humanity. I saw it today. AWESOME. Inspired me to make an RPG ^_^. I'll post more later when I can think straight.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] Well then, sounds like I'm going to see it! After all, I like humanity when it's [I]not[/I] sold out.
  23. Okay, yesterday my mom asked me if I wanted to see this movie. My answer? "I dunno..." Yes, I gave the typical teen answer to everything. I can't decide if I want to see it or not. Anyone have some suggestions on whether or not I should go?:confused:
  24. So the "guy" had a baby. Goody goody gumdrops for him. He was originally a girl and he became a guy, I don't really understand how he got pregnant, but then again I don't really care. Seeing as it was a gender switch, irony demands that something like this would happen. If they're happy with this, okay. I'm happy too. And the kid? Eh, it's a kid, same as any other, I'm sure. I'm a little surprised at my reaction too...my reaction when I first read the article? "I don't give a ******* about a pregnant guy.":animesigh
  25. Aww, poor Scott! And that Jonny just cracked me up!:animesmil Well, can't wait for the next chapter!
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