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Everything posted by chibi-master

  1. I'm thinking about doing a Nuzlocke Challenge for SoulSilver. I kind of want to use the names of OB and theO members for the pokemon nicknames.
  2. I think I broke my toe on that guy's knee.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. chibi-master



      Nah. Juat a really ugly bruise.

    3. CaNz


      You will have to try harder next time, OK?

    4. Felix the Cat

      Felix the Cat

      Try breaking it with your heel next time. Less self-inflicted damage.

  3. [quote name='Lyn' timestamp='1319658059' post='710038'] [color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"] AND OH, did you guys hear about the exotic animals that were let loose in a small town in Ohio? ._. What's goin' on with people lately.[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] I found out while working at a soup kitchen. A homeless guy next to me turned and said, "That's why I don't have twelve tigers!" Derp. I feel like I'm forgetting some really important homework, but nothing is coming to mind... And my agenda indicates that I've completed any and all assignments...
  4. Why, hello there, Count Chocula.

  5. Pixar! Y U SO DARK?!

  6. [quote name='Lyn' timestamp='1319375710' post='710012'] [color="#008080"][font="Times New Roman"][size="3"]My laptop battery is no longer functional... ;-; [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ltbhpkpVCh1qj5gob.gif[/img] I need a new computer...[/size][/font][/color] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lqk3juBvVX1qe7gz1.gif[/img] [color="#FFFFFF"]but being the college student I am, I can't afford one. ;A;[/color] [/quote] I remember when that happened to me last year. I wish you the best of luck in finding another laptop. Ate too much pizza with my friends and now I feel sick. FFFFF-!!!!!!
  7. It's so cold in this house! I need to get more quilts and a space heater. AP English is messing with how I read books. I'm reading [u]Pride and Prejudice[/u] at the moment, but instead of thinking about where the plot is going, I'm thinking about the sentence structure and emphasis.
  8. Looks like Turkey.

  9. I spent more time on job applications than I did on my homework. Oops.

  10. I hate it when I get a really nice notebook. I always refuse to use any for fear of ruining them with whatever I decide to write or doodle. It looks hideous outside. And the wind is going to be annoying today...
  11. I'll do my best! *salute*

  12. Thanks! It's German Chocolate Cake, so it will be delicious!

  13. Which is worse? Biting your tongue, or stubbing your toe?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PiroMunkie


      I find it interesting that "bite your tongue" is the only between the two that is it's own stand-alone phrase. I should start saying "stub your toe" when I want people to watch their step or something.

    3. Ellerby


      Then they'll look up at you and say "What?" not looking where they're going and they'll stub their toe. And then they'll think you're psychic.

    4. Boo



  14. [quote name='Lyn' timestamp='1318802983' post='709951'] [color="#008080"][size="3"][font="Times New Roman"]Pfft. Please. My ex-friend did [i]way[/i] more than kiss strangers from parties. Kissing a random stranger at a party is [i]nothing[/i] compared to what she did.[/font][/size][/color] [/quote] I think that's a little less of "difference between drunk girls and drunk guys" and more: [center][img]http://images.orgill.com/200x200/8255861.jpg[/img][/center]
  15. There is a blog called Hyperbole and a Half. It is glorious. [url="http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/09/party.html"]The Party[/url]
  16. [quote name='Sangome' timestamp='1318749407' post='709938'] [color="#9932CC"][font="Microsoft Sans Serif"]I'm not gonna lie, I...kinda think they were trying too hard to replicate Pinkamena with unhinged/uberstressed/insane!Twilight. Don't get me wrong -- I loved the episode, but I think they were trying just a wee bit hard with this one. I mean, they're both bonkers in different ways, sure, but I'm just meaning in terms of shock/disturbance value. I also want a Big Mac plushie something fierce now.[/font][/color] [/quote] Actually, I'm pretty sure that every time they've made a character go nuts in this series, they have all acted in a very similar way. Big Mac would be the greatest for an over-sized plushie.
  17. Why, yes, I am dancing in slow motion.

  18. Hee hee~! I am having a [i]very[/i] good hair day! This almost never happens! I think I've decided what I want to do for a living, though even I think that sounds really rash at this point. But, I've been thinking about the idea for about a year now, and I really feel that this is something I can look forward to doing: I'd like very much to be a pediatric nurse.
  19. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1318505033' post='709906'] So my xbox 360 finally broke today. I am not sure what happened, but I think something happened to the power input jack... like maybe it got fried. The first gen xbox 360's are hardly reliable,. with practically a 100% failure rate. Mine already had the red rings of death, but that was back when it was under warrenty, now it would cost me 100$ just to fix the system, when it might break again. That is way too much when I can buy a used xbox slim (a pretty good piece of machinery, unlike my junk heap) on ebay for around 150$ I might be able to salvage some parts though. My friend had a xbox from the first gen too, but when he gave it to his little brother the disk laser stopped reading games. My issue is with the power input so if I just put my disk reader in his box, I should have another 360 with no money out of my pockets. Problem is I have no idea if he kept that broken xbox 360. Tomorrow may be an interesting day. [/quote] .....How does anyone learn this much about a gaming system? *still has trouble adjusting her DS brightness*
  20. [quote name='CaNz' timestamp='1318448022' post='709893'] I am sure there are a few things, but none of them are related to the ridiculous standardized tests. [/quote] [IMG]http://i560.photobucket.com/albums/ss46/chibi_master/ohstopityou1.jpg[/IMG]
  21. I will find this soundtrack even if it kills me!

  22. Ugh... PSATs today. This is going to go exactly like the PLAN tests from last year: Doing so bad in the Math part that I get called down to the Guidance Office, but also getting 99% on the English and Reading part. What the heck is wrong with me?! ;^;
  23. Math, you are going to have to work with me here.

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