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Everything posted by chibi-master

  1. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Chibi, you realise you've been a member at TheO long enough to access the chat feature, don't you?[/FONT][/QUOTE] But I can't. I have tried literally 57 times with no luck. I'm always just lead to a place where it shows all the members who have been chatting the last 5 minutes. I don't even have a chat box with a door to click! *sobsobgroan*
  2. [SIZE="4"][FONT="Impact"][COLOR="Red"][U][I]KAH-REE-PAH!!![/I][/U][/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  3. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]HOLY CANOLI I had a T-shirt back in middle and high school I wore so much that it disintegrated. (We couldn't even use it for rags. Not that I would have approved of that.) I got another one on the same day, which I'm wearing right now (nine years of T-shirt mileage yeehaw), and I got curious and searched real quick. They still sell the one that [URL="http://www.truelightchristianstore.com/fire-rescue-christian-t-shirt.html"][COLOR="Blue"]disintegrated[/COLOR][/URL]!! :animesmil[/FONT][/QUOTE] ...A Fire and Rescue Christian shirt? Also, your reason for editing only adds to your creep-factor. Weirdo.:animedepr
  4. Okay, another question, who thinks it's creepy when Allamorph signs in as invisible and posts out of nowhere... Seriously, Allamorph, you keep doing that and it makes my skin crawl...:animedepr
  5. I am going over to my best friend's house on Saturday. I am elated!:catgirl: Who here wishes that they had some cake lying around the house right about now? And for those who do, boo you.
  6. Okay, I realize I'm just the ignorant teenager here, but I do not like the idea of nationalized health care. I understand that there are many people that can't afford insurance, but I am sick and tired of this idealistic "take from the rich and give to the poor" crap. It doesn't work that way. Why should wealthier people have to suffer simply because they have more money than the average person? The good majority of wealthy people EARNED that money. And I'm not saying that people with less money are lazy and don't deserve better, but people can't just ask for the government to come into their lives and fix things every time something unfortunate happens. Can the government even AFFORD to give everybody health care? Aren't we as a country in enough debt as it is? What does health care have to do with the government anyway? As far as I'm concerned, there should be lines seperating my personal life from politics that the government just should not cross.
  7. I just watched the Silent Hill 4 trailer. I want to play it. But I sort of don't. *shivershakequiver*
  8. [CENTER][B][SIZE="2"]Team Alpha[/SIZE][/B] Probably going to be a Mature RPG. DEFINITELY. YUP. CONFIRMED, PEEPS. Alpha- A person with superhuman abilities. The title derives from the name of the first documented superhuman in history. She is said to have had the ability to change her age and appearance. Some say she is still alive. Topotech- An orginazation dedicated to the study and control of Alphas. ____________________________________________________________________ Over the years, Topotech has handled any and all Alpha related situations. They have "Study Centers" all over the world. These "Study Centers" are the homes of many unwilling Alphas . They are experimneted on at an almost constant pace. Topotech's goal is to have all powerful Alphas under their command. They plan on exterminating weak Alphas and breeding a race of strong Alphas. But there are still many Alphas that have escaped Topotech's grasp. They form small groups and use their combined Alpha abilities to fight off Topotech recovery agents. Topotech agents are usually very strong Alphas, so fights are very brutal. There are an infinite amount of Alpha abilities. Please fill out the following: [B]Name:[/B] Who the heck are you? [B]Age:[/B] Whatever age is fine. [B]Alpha Ability:[/B] If you're having trouble with this, go take a look at superpowerlist.com. It should be very helpful. [B]Appearance:[/B] Pic or description is fine. [B]Personality:[/B] What are you like? [B]Biography:[/B] Are you an escaped Alpha? Were you ever caught in the first place? Are you a Topotech agent? When did you first discover you were an Alpha, and how? Details, people, details. ____________________________________________________________________ [B]Name:[/B] Finch "Fox" Foster [B]Age:[/B] 17 [B]Alpha Ability:[/B] Fox has the ability to manipulate gravity over a large area. He can make people collapse under the weight of extra gravity or send opponents and himself flying by decreasing the gravity levels. [B]Appearance:[/B] Wavy, bright red hair that goes a little lower than his shoulders. He has small, deep purple eyes and an extremely pale complexion to the point of looking ill. He is 5'9" and wears raggy clothes. [B]Personality:[/B] Fox is a very energetic, goofy and lovable guy. He is of average intelligence and he loves to help people. He can be very relaxed and easygoing if he wants to be. Fox is NOT a morning person and will usually punish the person who wakes him up by treating them like shit all day. [B]Biography:[/B] Fox found out he was an Alpha when he was about 7. He got into a fight and drove the other kid into the ground with astounding force without even touching him. Then he bounded away like he was on the moon. He immediately left town, leaving behind his home and parents. It took Topotech Agents 5 minutes to get to his house. He was packed and on the next bus out of there in 2. Fox has had some pretty close calls, but so far he's still managed to keep distance between himself and any agents. Fox had a little sister, actually. When she was 2, it was discovered that she had an extremely powerful Alpha ability. She could make anyone do anything she wanted. Topotech thought she was far too dangerous. They killed her. It was said to be a "car accident". But Fox knew better. Now he's trying to find the person that killed his sister. He still doesn't know what he'll do if he finds that person...[/CENTER]
  9. September 9th. I reeeally want to get back to school because I'm just SO BORED. But then again, I'll be a freshmeat, so I'm not sure how to feel... By the way, Allamorph. The quote in your sig. It wins.
  10. I greatly dislike being underestimated...:animeangr
  11. I have my air conditioner set on 70 degrees(F) and it's still boiling in my room... And boiling is not a very comforting feeling after watching that movie I mentioned earlier...:animedepr
  12. How old is she? I'm sure there are different signs for different ages. But for my age area(I'm 14), I sure don't see anything other than typical friendliness. And by the way, every girl I know will laugh at their guy friends' not funny jokes 9 out of 10 times. Never let that be your guide.
  13. [quote name='Sangome'][SIZE="1"]On an unrelated note: Coraline is amazing, everyone needs to go see it.[/SIZE][/QUOTE] I have it. I adore it. On a slightly related note, I watched [B]The Chaos Experiment[/B] tonight. It is...possibly one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Just say "No." to it.
  14. My internet was knocked out. Even in perfect weather. HATE. Aaanyway, I will be going to my high school's orientation in 2 weeks. I can't figure out if I'm nervous, excited, or just don't care. It changes each hour...:animedepr
  15. I. HAVE. A CAT EAR HEADBAND. AND A TAIL. Life is making me positively giddy.:catgirl:
  16. [quote name='Knuckles' Girl']Basically Dean.[/QUOTE] Okay, thanks!:animesmil
  17. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]Then keep a skillet handy and commence [strike]virtuous mission[/strike] epic kitchenware fight scene.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Now THAT I can do...:smirk:
  18. [quote name='Allamorph'][FONT=Arial]You should say "I'm just using my talents. Some people are better at winning arguments. I'm better at intimidation. Do you want to be responsible for the psychological damage that squelching my talents would bring?" And then glare, maybe. And then grin [I]really fast[/I].[/FONT][/QUOTE] I mihgt actually try that sometime... Thanks, Allamorph.:animesmil OH WAIT. She'd beat me with a frying pan for being a smart ***. Thanks a lot, Allamorph...
  19. Another question... You see, my sister and I were just arguing, and of course I ended up glaring at her. My Mom told me to stop it with my evil eyes and then asked, "Do I have to start slapping you every time you do that?" Now, my question is this: Would it be considered child abuse if she did so? Is this not unfair? I mean, my sister glares at me all the time and SHE never gets in trouble for it. Why should I be punished just because I'm better at it?!
  20. [quote name='chibi-master']Okay, I'd like to post, but I need to know just how much Calil had wiped from her mind.[/QUOTE] This.
  21. Is it alright for me to hate most politicians and voters for getting people my age into debt before we even get the chance to get out into the world? Or would that be considered bratty?:confused:
  22. I believe in unquestioning loyalty to loved ones. And magic. In a young girl's heart.:p
  23. The back of my head is aching... And I don't recall hitting it on anything... :animedepr On another note, I would eat my socks right now to have a dog costume...:animesigh
  24. [quote name='Korey'][FONT= Franklin Gothic Medium] I couldn't tell her to press alt+f4, now.[/FONT][/QUOTE] Why the heck would I do that? It has a "zZ" symbol right under it. I know what it does, you silly goose.:smirk: Also, I love my weird dreams sometimes...
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