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Want to know a secret? I actually don't hate Kekkaishi. :O It's not the greatest but I don't hate it.
[quote name='Magus' date='07 December 2010 - 06:09 AM' timestamp='1291720154' post='702472'] Gamespot gave the game a 6/10. This is kind of like a reversal. I'm used to seeing Xplay giving the low scores. I think they were saying something about repetitive stages and terrible camera/controls. [/quote] 1up gave it a B and said it was solid but the camera wasn't so great. I believe JewWario said the same thing about the camera but gave it a decent score too over at BlisteredThumbs. I haven't played the game but people ask me if they should pick it up, I've been saying go ahead just don't expect something revolutionary but that it is a solid game.
I'm curious about a certain anime that was released recently in Japan. An anime about racing called Redline. I saw this trailer for it and it certainly looks pretty. I'm wondering if anybody can fill me in about this anime. This is the trailer: [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j9fhQVMzlC0[/media]
Oh boy the Devil May Cry reboot. That's something that started a bit of a firestorm, no? A lot of fans are mad at the changes. Personally I love the idea of Ninja Theory working on DMC, they're a good developer and Heavenly Sword and the upcoming Enslaved show that I feel. Especially Enslaved, that's probably going to be a sleeper hit I think. Now I said I love the idea of Ninja Theory working on Devil May Cry but I didn't say I love the idea of a reboot. A reboot just seems completely unnecessary to me. It would have been fine to have Ninja Theory work on DMC 5 instead of completely rebooting the universe. However, that said, this doesn't look like it's going to be a terrible game. The trailer looks fantastic actually, even though it isn't necessary to reboot, this reboot might actually do well.
Well, I definitely love pro wrestling. I've been watching RAW more than Smackdown though so don't expect me to always chime in on what happened there. Not because I dislike Smackdown, it's only because for some reason it gets shown at 11:30 at night over here and I almost NEVER remember to watch it. I watch TNA too, from time to time I believe I'm the only one in my circle of friends who watch pro wrestling that still does. Well, I guess I'll start with a question then, do you think that the next WWE PPV Hell in Cell? What do you guys think of this season of NXT? Oh, and that storyline with Kane and Undertaker, how's that going since I haven't seen Smackdown in a while. Oh, and Michael Cole is getting on my last nerve. ><
A friend of mine who plays fighting games semi seriously, (he goes to tournaments pretty regularly) doesn't really like the Tekken series much either. Then again, he barely plays 3d fighters compared to how much he plays 2d fighters. As for me, well, I'm a big fan of Tekken. I've had fond memories of when I was 6 or 7 years old playing the first Tekken game on the PS1 and getting utterly destroyed by Heihachi. TTT2 certainly looks good and if it plays good it may just make you want to check out the series more. Since characters from Tekken 6 will be there as well, it might just make you want to know more about them and play part 6. Or maybe it won't. It might just make you want to play another crossover and get hyped for Street Fighter X Tekken and Tekkn X Street Fighter. I know I'll get this game, if only because I get pretty much everything Tekken. It's good to hear you'll at least give it a shot, that's pretty much the most anybody can ask right?
Oh dear I listen to a lot of podcasts. Plus I AM a podcaster... Well, I'll just mention the podcasts I listen to since I don't want to be a shameless self promoter or anything. [b]Diggnation[/b] Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht of digg.com come together weekly to discuss all the popular stories submitted on digg.com. It's hilarious, they're always talking some funny stuff, sometimes have some cool guests and [b]always[/b] drink some beer. [b]Practical Defense Podcast[/b] Reality martial artist Alex Haddox makes this podcast for the sole reason of keeping you safe and keeping you healthy the podcast is full of tips of making sure you stay safe on the street and online and also sometimes gives tips for training if you're a martial artist. Bit of warning though, it's part of a gun rights podcast network so if you don't like hearing the commercials about gun rights then don't listen. As for me I just tune it out, his tips are just too darn good and vital for me to care about the commercials. [b]The Maccast[/b] A podcast for Mac geeks by Mac geeks... 'nuff said. [b] For Mac Eyes Only[/b] Same deal as the Maccast Even if you're a Windows user I'd still suggest listening to these these guys are fans yes, but they're never rude and also give Windows tips from time to time [b]Beatdown[/b] A mixed martial arts podcast hosted by the Sherdog radio network and can be found over at Sherdog.com (if you catch them at the right time you can listen live and even call in. A great podcast offering insight into the current events of mixed martial arts, these guys are VERY smart and if you're a fan of mixed martial arts you should really listen to these guys and broaden your knowledge on the sport. [b]Sarcastic Gamer Blu[/b] The Playstation podcast from the gamercast network, these guys can be heard over at sarcasticgamer.com there are other colors referring to other systems and those shows are great too, I picked this one since this is the main one I listen to due to the fact I play more Playstation than any of my other systems. But even then, I guess that's not the REAL reason the REAL reason I listen to these guys is because they're hilarious! I dare you to listen to an episode and not laugh I dare you. I listen to a lot more podcasts but those are the main ones I listen to. Go check them out if you got the time.
[quote name='The Tentacle' date='11 August 2010 - 07:51 PM' timestamp='1281570681' post='699263'] In that case you may want to skip the Nadesico movie. Â It was far and away more dramatic than the television series and the ending will really throw you for a loop. Â [/quote] Ain't that the truth, I remember seeing the movie and just going "O_o boy, this is dramatic". That was years ago and I don't remember much else about it but I remember that much. Let's see I've been watching Glass Fleet and Gad Guard recently. Kind of liking Glass Fleet.
A new TV series slated to air in the fall has been announced fairly recently. It is called Super Robot Taisen OG: The Inspector. It's going to have quite a nice team of people working on it. The mechanical designers have worked on a bunch of different Gundam series, GaoGaiGar, Godannar, S-CRY-ed, and Macross. Also the seiyuu are pretty known people too, besides having voiced the characters they're going to voice in the show they've also voiced some well known characters in other anime. Like the male protagonist Kyosuke Nanbu's seiyuu played Griffith in Berserk and the seiyuu for the android Lamia Loveless has played Boogiepop in Boogiepop Phantom. Anyway, if you're a Super Robot Wars fan, what do you think of this new series? This is the actual news: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2010-07-22/super-robot-wars-2nd-tv-anime-confirmed-for-fall This here is the info that's known about it: http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=11760 EDIT: I know this is kinda old and nobody responded but I felt I should add the news that this anime WILL be able to be seen by western Super Robot Wars fans. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/press-release/2010-09-15/super-robot-wars-og/the-inspector-coming-to-crunchyroll It'll be streamed starting October 3rd on Crunchyroll
I have fuzzy memory on what the first manga I read is but I believe it was Naruto actually. The first manga I owned is Samurai Deeper Kyo... I think. It might have been Ranma. >< Darn it I'm not that old why can't I remember clearly? But anyways it was either Samurai Deeper Kyo or Ranma that were the first manga I ever owned.
I picked my theme song years ago. It's "Galaxy Bounce" by the Chemical Brothers. It has this kind of eccentric feel to it, which fits me.
I love answering this question! Hmm, I guess I'll go with my top 5. [b]King Of Fighters series[/b] SNK's big crossover fighting game between their classic games, though it's in its own universe was always a source of fun. It's always about the characters in this game. Be it Terry Bogard and his awesome phrases, the Ikari Warriors team and their tokusatsu poses or Ryo Sakazaki and his "ora ora!" The games always had a lot of personality and it's what's inspired me to do what I do. [b]Metal Gear series[/b] Metal Gearrr... hmm, I guess it doesn't work in text. The Metal Gear series is a favorite of mine and many others for it's stealth gameplay and crazy characters. I remember playing the first Metal Gear Solid and being blown away at the time for it's story telling. The Metal Gear series made me realize that games could tell a smart story and that it could be considered art. Ironic... Kojima claimed games aren't art. But that's another discussion is it not? [b]Street Fighter series[/b] The first gaming franchise I ever cared about! Ok, so the first one wasn't so good but how can you really argue that the Street Fighter series isn't legendary? As a kid I would play this game everyday and made darn sure that I learned my favorite characters moves and I used to be so good. Now... not so much, but don't get me wrong I'm still not a pushover. ^__^ My favorite in the series would have to be Street Fighter 3: 3rd Strike [b]The Elder Scrolls Series[/b] Specifically Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion, but I loved part 3: Morrowind as well. The reason it's so high on my list is because the Elder Scrolls universe is just so rich with back history and wonder that I can never get enough of it. I've also loved high fantasy and what makes me love this series is because this series, and more specifically Oblivion is that immerses you into the fantasy setting. Gosh, I think I'll go play this game now. [b]Shenmue series[/b] Perhaps, I'm not in a big group with this one, but I don't care. Shenmue 1 and 2 are my favorite games of all time. The theme song is playing in my head as I write this. Shenmue is such a beautiful story about martial arts and spirituality and morality it's hooked me in and I never let go. Learning about martial morality, experiencing natural beauty that not many others see in person, and learning about yourself. Shenmue was such a big adventure that it's been my head 10 years later and still hasn't moved to the back of my mind. With Sega releasing Dreamcast games on the Playstation 3, and X box 360 I can assume these 2 games, or at least the 1st one if they don't want to release the European version of the sequel can be re-released so I can play them again. I also hope for a 3rd game to finally finish the story but with the way Sega's been making some games now... I don't know.
Gosh, there's two anime I hate and of course I never do mean disrespect, it's only my opinion, but I hate Bo-bo-bo that anime just hurts my brain watching it. Then there is, and this one some may not like me seeing (I think), but I can't stand Serial Experiments Lain, I'm sorry I just don't get it and it kind of weirds me out.:animedepr
[quote name='Jax Rhapsody']I don't know if Outlaw Star is underrated or not, but it was too short.[/QUOTE] Now that you mention it, Outlaw Star was too short. Gosh, I miss that one. Also some anime that I felt were underrated was Banner/Crest Of The Stars and Gad Guard, gosh I loved them and I really dug the theme song for Gad Guard.:animesmil
You know since I've decided to actually stick around here on OB, I figured I start some sort of a thread going. So I thought, "how about we talk about our favorite anime that may not have gotten a lot of exposure, that not many other people have would know about?" I guess I'll get the ball rolling my favorite anime that I don't believe many know about or gave a chance is Fantastic Children, beautiful series. I did try to get more exposure for it on theO with a contest but with no success. Oh well, at least I helped it get it's own category on theO.
I bought it two days ago and I have to see I'm inclined to agree with the reviewers giving it high praises. It's a game that truly lets you feel that you are playing Batman. Other games had some concepts of the Dark Knight down, but this game is the most complete in having the aspects of Batman's abilities and personality in my opinion. Plus it has a bit of a Metroid vibe with the map and backtracking and getting new gadgets that let you explore more, and that's pretty cool.
Good question hmm who to choose... I'll have to do eenie meeny miney moe here first... OK! She won, I'd have to say Tayuya because I just love her hair and I'd like to know more about her. She died too quickly in my opinion