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  1. Snow

    New Beginnings

    Name: Misha Age: 52 Team: None SKill: Ice related Magic, incredible strength Weapons: Battle Axe made of a special metal crafted 1000s of years ago. This type of craftsmanship is long forgoten, and many have tryed to copy it, but none have succedded. Bio: Once one of the greatest warriors in the world, Misha resides in the frozen Tundra of the North. Along with his pet artic wolf Snow. However, he has come to learn of a group of yound warriors, and has desided to return to the main land and help train them. Appearance: A large strong man of 6'7" and 342 lbs. He wears a large rugged fur coat which he has fationed himself over the years. He also has a pair of leather boots and pants, which he also made himself. He has a long grey/white beard, and long rough grey/white hair, along with a scar which runs over his right eye. His wolf Snow is a very large white furred artic wolf, highly trained in tracking, combat, and is house trained. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- *A group of about 5 mercanarys suddenly come screaming out of the woods behind the others. But they don't attack, they just continue to run in fear. A large White Wolf leaps out from the forrest after them, followed by a large man with a long white beard.* Gohan15 - No way.........Mr. Snow.....? Misha - Hello Gohan15. I see you know who I am. That will make things much simpler. *Misha hurls his battle axe directly at Gohan. Gohan mearly ctands still in fear. Tha battle axe flys past Gohan's head and lands firmly in the chest of a mercanary above Gohan.* Gohan - Heh, thanks. Misha - No thanks yet. Let just clear these guys out of here.
  2. Snow

    The Collective

    Hey man, Geno was a beast. Come on ppl, join.
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Dragonballzman [/i] [B]I know...I couldn't find any other good things to be a soldier ;) [/B][/QUOTE] If you want a good one, how bout this.....[URL=http://halo.bungie.org/conceptart/artpages/elitecov.html]Rancor Soldier[/URL]
  4. Human Name: Misha Age: 29 Main Skill: Technologicly increased eye sight Fave long-range weapon: High Caliber Armor Pearsing Sniper Rifle with adjustable scope zoom of up to 1000X magnififcation. Fave short-range weapon: Dagger Appearance: 5'11 and 189lbs. Eyes conpletely white b/c of technological increased eyesight. A medium build. Wheres a Metal Gear style stealth suit with special suction cup gloves and boats for when climbing up wall to get a better sniping spot. History: A man coming from the Russian army as their top sniper. He was trained in the Russian wilderness and taught to shoot by his father, practicing on wolves, mice, rabbits, and bird. He is widely concidered to be the world's best sniper. Rebel Leader: Blood Angels
  5. So.....can we start soon I think we have enough ppl.
  6. You dont have a DVD player!? God, you are a poor deprived child. lol, jk. And a K2 board, nice. I just bought a Burton Bullet myself. I didn't trust my mom to buy me a board for Christmas. Last time she got me an Airwalk board from Sports Athority that was like 4 sizes to small. It sucked.
  7. 1. Waynes World 2. Waynes World 2 3. Blue Brothers 2000 4. The Matrix 5. Ready to Rumble
  8. I have noticed that in many FF titles, there has been atleast one item/character/magic/whatever, which takes away pretty much all the challenge of the game. In FF3 - Sabin's Blitz, in FF7 - KOTR, in FF8 - Aura magic, in Tactics - Beowulf's Chicken and anything by Orlando. What do you think are some of the biggest difficulty killers in any FF game.
  9. Hey, I remember hearing about this harddrive attachment thing for the PS2 that cut loadtimes on alot of games, especially RPGs. I was wondering if anyone knows what this thing is, cause I can't remember.
  10. [URL]http://ggg.cvgnet.com/[/URL] Is a good place too.
  11. So, whats on the top of everyone's holiday wish list. For me, its gotta be PS2. If been waiting a long time for this thing.
  12. Snow

    The Collective

    This is a story veriation on a failed RPG my lil' brother tried to start a few months ago. In the future, a technilogical genies known only as "The Collector" has taken his obsetion with Video Game RPGs too far. He has desided to hold a tournament between the forces of good and evil of the RPG world, createing a device which has the power to transport characters from being mear computer codes to living beings, while still retaining their vast powers. However, he folishly chose to free the evil ones first, bring out such evil beings as Sepheroth, Kefka, The Blood Angel, and even Smithy of the Mario RPG. He instantly lost control of all of them, and they began to wreck havoc on the world. And so, now, he must bring over the heros in attempt to atone for his wrongs and bring the world back to peace. So heres the deal, you can choose any character from any actual RPG, NOT one from the otaku. I will personally choose Orlandu, aka Tundergod Cid from FF Tactics.
  13. Snow

    Riders RP Sign Up

    Ok, but before we start, is there like a story behind this RPG
  14. Snow

    X-men RPG (play)

    *As Moon flys off, one of the mutants with kinetic manipulation powers begins to charge a blast at Moon.* Mutant - NO! MASTER! Bishop - I don't think so buddy. *Bishop blows off the mutants arm with his shotgun.* Mutant - Ahhhhhhhh, YOU ***** HOLE! I'LL KILL YOU! *The Mutant fires an energy blast with his other arm at Bishop, but he mearly absorbs the energy.* Mutant - What the? That had enough power in it to level an entire city block. *Bishop mearly smirked at the Mutant before fireing the energy back at him, blowing off his head.* Bishop - Now hurry Moon!
  15. 5 day snowboarding trip with 4 friends. Its gonna be tyte man.
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