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Everything posted by MaskedRider

  1. BWAHAHA! After 10,000 years I'm free! Time to troll... ah forget it. Yeah, I was here back in the Early 2000's. I went by MaxSonic, and I got banned mutiple times. I had multiple accounts, trolled people, and had a weird or just immature sense of humor. I WAS good at writing stories, although I would occasionally do a humerous one featuring board members. I'm sure I was a thorn in James side quite often. Btw, do you still like Jet Set Radio James? Anyways, I came back shortly during college after James erased all the banned accounts, and I've mellowed out since then. So don't worry, I will keep trolling at bay.
  2. Ok CaNz... you will tell me where that awesome Zaku is from... Now.
  3. As cool as super-robots are, I'd have to pick a realistic robot. I was going to say the Zaku II, but if I'm going to go Zeon, I'm going to do it big. Enter the MS-18 Kampfer, also known as the run in and kill EVERYTHING suit. Pump action shotgun? Check. Mine-Whip? Check. Dual-Wielding Rocket Launchers? Check. Built int RPG's? Check. The ability to take out a whole squad of Federation suits single handed? Check. The ability to take out the Federation's Prototype RX-78 NT-1 Gundam? Umm... I'll get back to you on that.
  4. So after watching videos on YouTube, getting recommendations from /m/, and being a huge Gundam fan with a love of video games, I decided to bite the bullet and buy Gundam 0081 for the PS3. For those of you that don't know what the game is, let me explain. It's a PS3 exclusive Gundam game from Japan, taking place during the Universal Century series, a couple years after the original series ends. There are a few remnant Zeon soldiers rebelling, and a special Federation team is created to deal with them. You can play as the Federation team, the Zeon remnants (SEIG ZEON!), or later, a Mercenary who can play both sides. After paying 80 dollars for this game online, I was quite nervous about the possibility of my money going to waste. There have been a lot of crappy Gundam games, and quite a few mediocre games as well. Also, I was unfamiliar with how easily it was for an English player to play it. When I got the game, at first I was skeptical, but then I grew to love it. It is arguably the best Gundam game ever. The game plays like a 3rd person shooter, with great controls, and a nice selection of mobile suits. If you're looking for beam-spam suits like Wing Zero and Freedom, or girly pilots like Kira, don't look here. No, these are the good old Universal Century suits, and it's great how accurately they are portrayed. The Zakus take as much damage as you think, and so does an RX-78. The neat thing is, even when fighting an AI suit, the suits are the same. For example, a high powered beam rifle will take out a Zaku II in about two hits, regardless of whether you're using it, or someone else is. You can extend the usefulness of a suit by adding custom parts, like new armor, boosters, targeting systems, ect. You can even add certain parts to change it into a new suit (Zaku II into a Zaku Cannon, or a Zgok into Char's Zgok). The best part is the online play. You can go online, play with people of your own faction, or deathmatch against other people in PvP. If you're looking to get a certain upgrade part or weapon, go online and have some friends help you. Sure, there's a bit of lag when you play with Japanese players, but it's almost nonexistent when you play against people from your area. You can easily find a copy of this game on eBay, and anyone who loves Gundam with a PS3, they should check it out. It makes up for the crappy launch title Gundam game.
  5. I watch his videos religiosly, and will probably buy the DVD's from him. I'm not so much entertained by his humor, but more about his knowledge of classic gaming. I also like the skits he does (Bugs Bunny and SuperMegaDeath Christ), and I always look forward to his next video. Sure, I disagree with him once and a while (I loved Michael Jackson's MoonWalker) but for the most part I agree with what he says. For some reason, I get an excited nostalgia when he mentions a game that I'm fond of (like the NES Batman game), especially when he compliments them.
  6. For the money, and what it does, the PS3 completely kicks 360's butt. Before you 360 lovers get mad, let me back up what I said. The PS3 is an all round multimedia device. As the advertisements say, it does everything. It is considered one of the best Blue Ray players, has built in WiFi and harddrive, easy to use XMB, has 90% the same games as 360, and gives full 1080p output. Now the thing is, are you looking for all that, or just a gaming machine? If you want a gaming machine, let me list the pros and cons of each. 360 pros Great Online Play, Nice Controller (for the most part), Custom Soundtracks, Exclusive games, 360 Cons Online costs money (cheap though), Horrible D-Pad on Controller, Poorly Designed Console/RROD, No Built In WiFi, Proprietary Hardware, PS3 Pros Blue Ray, Universal Harddrives, Familiar Controller, USB Plug And Play, Bluetooth, WiFi, Free Online That's Good (I'm looking at you Nintendo), Exclusive Titles, All Round Multimedia, "Full" HD Output, PS3 Cons Less Online Features, Lazy Third Parties, Custom Soundtrack Support is limited, Limited Backwards Compatibility Overall, I think the most important aspect should be the exclusive games. Do you want Metal Gear Solid 4 or Halo 3? I chose the PS3 for several reasons. First, I needed a BluRay player for my new HDTV. I also liked more of the PS3 exclusives like Metal Gear Solid 4 and Little Big Planet. The PS3 is also more compatible with devices than the 360. For example, most USB controllers work for it, so I can use my custom made street fighter controller for it easily, and if I want to change the harddrive, I can get one from any computer store. Meanwhile, the 360 has to have licensed version of every product, even the off brand controllers. So I made my decision. I'm not a fanboy (unless it's for SEGA), I'm just a unbiased consumer.
  7. Honestly, I've thought about this for a while, how it would play, and who would be in it. I'd like to think it would play similar to the first Power Stone game for Dreamcast, where you can run around freely in the environment. Another neat feature would be unlockable costumes. Seeing how long Batman's been in buisness, there would be a nice selection of different costumes. We could have Batman's default costume, his "Golden Era" costume, and a suit from one of the movies. These would mostly be unlockable. However, even though this is a theoretical fighting game, I'm going to have to disagree somewhat with your characters. I think the game would have more popular or familiar characters unlocked by default, and lesser known characters as unlockables. I don't really see the point of having Jason Todd as a playable Robin, even as an unlockable. The default Robin would probably be the more recent Tim Drake, and Nightwing would be Dick Grayson. Jason had the shortest career as a Robin, and was generally disliked (the fans voted to kill him off), not to mention he is also the current version of the Red Hood. Different Robins could easily be the traditonal, the movie Robin, and even the [I]Dark Knight Returns[/i] Robin. As for two Robin characters, I think that's a bit much, especially for a series with so many characters to choose from. As for my character list... [b]Starters[/b] Batman (Default/Movie/GoldenYears/Beyond/DKR) Robin (Default/Movie/DKR) BatGirl (Default/BettyCain/CassandraCain) Nightwing (Default/AnimatedSeries/SupermanVersion) Joker (Default/1989 Movie/DarkKnight Version) Penguin (Default/Batman Returns/Classic Version) Catwoman (Default/Batman Returns/ Animated Series) Riddler (Default/Movie/Classic) MrFreeze (Default/Movie...lol/Animated Series) Bane (Default/Animated Series/ArkamAsylum) TwoFace (Default/DarkKnight/BillyDeeWilliamsVersion) ScareCrow (Default/TheDarkKnight/ArkamAsylumNightmare) ClayFace (BasilKarlo/PrestonPayne/SondraFuller) PoisonIvy (Default/Movie/AnimatedSeries) Ra's al Ghul (Default/Movie/AnimatedSeries) [b]Unlockables[/b] Harley Quinn RedHood Hush BlackMask MadHatter Ventriloquist/Scarface FireFly DeadShot KillerCroc ManBat SuperMan Default Characters have at least 3 costumes, while the unlockables don't. I think little inclusions like the Superman version of Nightwing and the Betty Cain Batgirl (both are the lesser know original versions of these characters), and a Billy Dee Williams version of TwoFace (seeing as he was Harvy Dent in the 1989 movie) will be nice fanservice to the hardcore Batman fans.
  8. This last Tuesday, SEGA released a new game for the Wii, called MadWorld. On the surface, it looks like a fancy beat-em-up. But it's actually one of the most original and stylish (not to mention violent) games out right now. The game involves you playing as the chainsaw wielding Jack in a deathmatch tournament against an entire city. The more violent and creative the deaths, the more points you get, and the faster you progress. The game oozes with style, from the Sin-City monochrome graphics, to the kicking soundtrack, this is one of the most creative games since Jet Set Radio. I just recently beat the normal mode, and am about to work through the Hard Mode. Anyone else picked this up?
  9. Actually, I'd go ahead and pick up the Guitar Hero World Tour bundle, and then later pick up the Rock Band 2 disk. In my opinion, the Guitar Hero guitar is far better than the Rockband guitars any day, and the drums I think comes down to a matter of opinion. However, if you purchace the Guitar Hero set, you can use the instruments to play ANY Guitar Hero game for Wii, as well as RockBand 2. Rockband instruments do not play Guitar Hero games on the Wii. You can't play the older RockBand games for the Wii, but those are so abysmal they're not worth getting. Both games have thier pros and cons. I think that RockBand 2 has a nicer look to it, while Guitar Hero seems to have more of a "hardcore" experience. Plus, Guitar Hero is coming out with Metallica and Greatest Hits later this year, so that's more songs for you (TTFATF Returns!).
  10. It was mourning in Gotham City. The sky was about as clear as it could get, and the sun was shining. Bruce Wayne looked out the large window in his office. He was the owner of this building, this company. It was his father?s legacy, Wayne Enterprise. It?s many different facilities ran and researched everything from medicine to weapons to industrial technologies. It was one of the leading businesses in the world, but it was run by one man. And this was NOT Bruce Wayne. It was his good friend Lucius Fox who currently ran the business, with Bruce as more of a figurehead, although Bruce had the final say on what happens. Bruce continued to look out the window, admiring the city he grew up in. He was a tall man, with broad shoulders on a well built body. His stern face gazed out the window. There were bags under his eyes, obviously from a long night. He turned and walked towards the large desk in front of the window, and glanced at a fresh newspaper on his desk, reading, ?Mysterious vigilante busts weapons dealers.? He smiled a bit, something that was rare for him, but the smile vanished as soon as the door opened, and Lucius walked in the room. ?Well, it?s nice to see you?re here today, Mr.Wayne.? Lucius stated. He was a tall, slender black man, his face wrinkled with age, and his mustache and hair silver. He wore a business suit, well ironed but a little worn out. He smiled at Bruce. ?I thought it might be nice to show up once and a while. You know, to keep you all busy.? Bruce responded, sarcastically. He didn?t smile, but Lucius knew he was kidding around. ?By the way, thanks for those parts I asked for.? ?Always a pleasure, Mr.Wayne. Let me guess, you need a few more?? Lucius had been supplying Bruce with several parts for the past few months. Lucius didn?t know what they were for, but he trusted Bruce, not matter how strange the request. ?Actually, I just recently purchased a new car, and I was thinking of asking you for some advice to modify it.? ?Now Mr.Wayne, do I look like Xibit to you? Sure, I can do some work on it, but?? ?That?s not what I had in mind, Lucius.? Bruce interrupted. ?I bought a Corvette, thought I?d use it as a test vehicle. I?d like to modify it? for combat purposes.? There was a brief silence in the room, Lucius gave Bruce a strange look. ?Let me guess? that?s what the parts you ordered were for?? Lucius asked. ?You know me too well.? ?E-Mail me the blueprints and I?ll take a look at them. I sure hope you know what you?re doing, Mr. Wayne.? Lucius responded. He shook his head, and left the room. Bruce took a look at his watch. ?I?d better be getting back home. I?ve got work to do tonight.?
  11. They were dead. His mother was dead, and his father was dead. They were dead, not because they did something wrong, but because they stood up for themselves against the wrong. And they were dead. Shot down in cold blood in front of him. It was like it happened yesterday. He watched as he stood there, his father muttering something he couldn?t understand, because his lungs were emptying their last breath. He watched as his fathers eyes turned cold. And as they turned cold, the young boy watching turned cold. His innocent heart hardened into stone. The love of his parents became anger and hatred. He would have his revenge. It would take him 25 years from that day, but he would have his revenge. It was raining outside the warehouse. A group of men entered the building, carrying umbrellas. There were five of them, and they walked into the warehouse wearing suits. They looked like typical businessmen, here to strike a deal with the owners of the warehouse to buy some of their fine goods. The warehouse was filled with large crates and boxes. The whole place stunk of wood and rain? and blood. These men were from the city mob, here to buy some weapons from this warehouse. They were met by a trio of men. They began to converse, to strike a deal for the goods. Money would be traded for weapons that would get them power. They would use this power to gain more money, and the cycle would continue. That is, until he intervened. ?So I hear Joe?s back in town. Did he have a nice vacation?? asked one of the buyers. ?Now you know the boss doesn?t like to mix business and his personal life.? responded the dealer. CRASH! Lighting struck outside, and with it the power went out. ?The fuck is this? You ain?t got no backup generator?? a buyer complained. He pulled out a lighter and lit it. Fluttering was heard coming from the ceiling. ?Probably just a goddamn bird. Hey! Go get some goddamn flashlights!? a dealer exclaimed. One of the three dealers walked off to go look. ?Man, you guys trying to pull some shit? Red doesn?t play games you know.? ?Hell, you guys decided to make a purchase during a thunderstorm. We ain?t pulling nothing? A scream was heard from the distance, and three shots were fired. ?Goddamnit!? What the hell!?? The lighter went out, and darkness plunged over the group. Along with it, came a fury of punches and kicks. A few shots were fired in the dark, lighting up a large, black creature. But this creature knew they could not see him, and therefore could not shoot him. He took them out one by one, until only one was left. One of the dealers stood there, shaking with fear. ?So tell me about your boss?? a raspy voice echoed through the warehouse. ?He?ll fucking kill you? I swear to god he?ll kill you!? the dealer shouted. ?Wrong answer? the voice replied. The dealer was dropped to the ground by a blunt object. He pulled out his gun, and let loose a barrage of bullets. He pulled the trigger again and again, until all that was left was the clicking sound. He sat there in the dark, paralyzed by fear. He knew he had wasted all of his bullets. ?Let me ask you again? tell me about your boss.? the voice demanded. ?I won?t tell you anything! Who the hell do you think you are!?? the dealer yelled out. Suddenly, he was pulled into the air by his leg. He flew up, and almost hit the ceiling, but stopped suddenly. There was just enough light from the moon outside to see a man?s face covered by a dark mask. The creature shouted out to him? ?Who am I? I?M THE GODDAMN BATMAN!?
  12. It was raining as the man walked into the pub. It was one of those dark dreary nights that make you want to stay inside by a warm fireplace. But there was no fireplace in this pub. It was cold in there, but the men inside didn?t seem to mind. Perhaps they were too much into their talking and ranting to notice the cold air. Perhaps they were too drunk to care. Or perhaps they were as cold inside as it was outside. Any way he saw it, they were all going to die, sooner or later. Most of them sooner. The man stood there at the door, observing the pub from behind a bandaged face with dark sunglasses. Nobody seemed to notice him standing there, in his dark trench coat. He watched them carry on, looking for the man he was looking for. He saw several familiar faces, most of them would probably die that night as well. But he was looking for one specific man. And he found him. He was sitting at the bar, hitting on the waitress. He wore dark blue pants, and a worn leather jacket. He was a short fellow, but somewhat muscular. He had a friendly face to him, he looked like a man you could trust. But the bandaged man at the door knew better. He knew better than to trust the face of Clark Rowes, who was currently a police lieutenant. The bandaged man walked towards him, and stopped beside a table next to the bar, with a single bottle of liquor on it. ?Clark Rowes!? called out the bandaged man. The pub grew a little quieter. Nobody fucked with Clark Rowes. He?d have you killed in a heartbeat. But this strange man, dressed in a strange outfit, had just called him out in front of everyone. ?The fuck you want, wanker?? responded Clark, getting up from his barstool. The face that looked trustworthy a second ago had just twisted into an angry face. This was Clarks real face. The bandaged man slowly reached for the bottle of liquor on the table. ?Johnathan says hi.? responded the bandaged man. Clarks face changed again, but this time to a look of pure horror. It would change once more, as the bandaged man threw the liquor bottle at it. The bottle shattered on impact, blood immediately spewing in every direction, along with shards of glass and liquor. A distorted yell came from the creature that was once Clark. People cried out in the bar, some going for the door, some for their guns. The bandaged man jerked his arm back quickly, which made a loud clanking noise, before lowering a shotgun down the sleeve of the arm. He thrusted his arm towards Clarks face, armed with the shotgun. A burst of fire spewed from the gun, and Clarks head exploded on impact, the body dropping to the ground. A man jumped up behind the bandaged man, stabbing him with a knife, but to little or no effect. The bandaged man reached his free hand into his coat and pulled out a modified brass knuckle. The knuckle had been equipped with half of a saw blade, which the bandaged man dug into the attacker?s face. Blood splattered everywhere. Another man jumped at the bandaged man, but was too slow to dodge another blast from the shotgun. The man?s chest burst open, and he dropped to the ground. He cried out and was silenced with another blast to the back of the neck, severing his head. A man in the distance pulled out a hand gun and loaded 4 bullets into the bandaged man?s back. The bandaged man turned around, unphased by the assault, and pointed the gun at the man. He then raised the gun to the ceiling above the attacker, and let off another shot, bringing down a large chandelier on the attacker. The bandaged man dropped his shotgun, and removed his brown hat. He reached inside and pulled out a small grenade. Pulling the pin, he tossed it in the general direction of the man he had just downed with the chandelier. As the bandaged man ducked down, the grenade exploded, taking out a good portion of the bar. Smoke clogged the air. Random shotgun blasts were heard, along with the screams of men. This was no assassination, it was a massacre. A few minutes later, the bandaged man walked out of the bar, dragging the body of Clark Rowes. He looked up at the sign above the pub. It stated ?Champagne Lounge?. He looked down at the corpse, and started digging into it with the saw blade. A few hours later, the police arrived on the scene. Outside, and unrecognizable and dismembered corpse was found. The word ?GHOST? was dug into the flesh. The killer was nowhere to be found.
  13. What do I want for Christmas? The only thing I'm asking for is to spend time with one person who I care about deeply, even though she may not feel the same way. I don't want gifts, I can buy what I want with my job. Christmas for me is not longer Christmas since my mom won't be living this year. Hell, we haven't even set up the tree. All it is to me now is an excuse to buy stuff for people (something I enjoy doing).
  14. First, this is just an idea I came up with, and I wanted to run it by you guys to see what you all thought. The concept has been on my mind since the first game came out. Now I know a lot of Sonic fans disliked the original Sonic Heroes, but the fact of the matter is, it go great reviews and it sold well. Plus, it?s a lot better than Shadow the Hedgehog or Sonic 2006. The basic idea of this would be a sequel to Sonic Heroes in terms of the general tag-team design, while dropping or improving on the games weakness, and adding new features to better the game. There would be a single player story mode where you play as Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails to thwart a generic Dr.Eggman plan. The plotline would be extremely simple, even pre-Dreamcast simple. You would still have tag team and the ability to power up your characters. But the levels would have numerous paths to take, and be generally much larger in design. The stages would be two acts and then a boss act, with a total of 7 zones and a final boss. You would also have extra side missions for each stage, which would encourage exploring the stages. Then there would be a free-play mode, which lets you play through the story mode stages with no story, but lets you select a wide variety of different characters. The more of the game you complete (emblems maybe), the more characters you unlock. You could create a team of any speed, power, and flying characters. Then there would be online/offline multiplayer. You would be able to play through the freeplay game with the other two characters being controlled by an online friend or someone beside you. If your friend is online, then they can go anywhere in the stage they want to, but can only progress so far without working together. There would be certain missions that would become a lot easier by playing co-op multiplayer, and these missions would still add to your unlockable characters. Then SEGA could add new missions to the game by download, and even new characters. The Versus mode would return, but not just in 1 on 1. You would have Co-op versus mode, where you have to race with two friends against another team of players. Also, there would be special race/flying/battle versus stages where speed/fly/power characters can compete in respectively. For example, there would be strait speed stages where you can only pick speed characters, heavy plat forming stages where you can only use flying, and battle stages where you fight using only power characters. I think that if SEGA put the right amount of effort into a game such as this, it would truly turn out to be an excellent game. Not only would it appeal to the kids that SEGA wants to sell Sonic games to, and the hardcore gamers that loved the old Sonic games and play Online.
  15. Batman: Black Gotham The Batman has disappeared. For a little over a month, nobody has seen him. He has not answered the signal, he has not been prowling the streets. And most importantly, he has not been fighting crime. Gotham had just pulled itself back onto it's feet. With the help of the Batman, Commissioner Chief Gordan has begun to clean up the streets. However, there is only so much the police force could do against the psychos that seem to have been attacked to this city. It's only a matter of time before the likes of the Joker and other such monsters show their ugly faces, and drive this city to the ground. Will the Batman return, or is the city left to defend itself? This is a Batman RPG, in honor of the upcoming DVD release. You are an [b]existing[/b] villain in the Batman universe, living in a Gotham city that has finally begun to benefit from the Batman's crusade. You have been oppressed by his efforts, and driven from your crimes into hiding. But you are wary of his absence. Now is the time to put the city in the palm of your hands. You just have to make your move before another of your kind does... or the Batman Returns. Name: Your villain Alter Ego: If your villain has one (some are optional) Description: What your villain looks like. You can bend and shape this as you want, just as long as he still is recognizable as that villain. Background: Your villain's background. His origin story, if you want to tell it. You can bend this as you want, you can make it how you want, as long as it's still recognizable. For example, you could be the Joker, but choose to be a goofy funny one, or twisted, or even something completely different. Batman villains have been around for so long and seen so many different forms, that you have a lot to work with. You can even reinvent a villain, like they did with the Joker in the Dark Knight. I am the only hero to the story, Batman. Name: The Batman Alter Ego: Bruce Wayne Description: A dark shadow, few have seen him properly. Cloaked in a cape, with black body armor, a pointed mask, and short blades on the arms. A dull-gold belt wraps his waist. Background: The vigilante hero of the night. He has used his cunning intellect and arsenal of gadgets to strike fear into the hearts of criminals. However, recently his war on crime has seen a standstill...
  16. Crime Fighter Persona: Ghost Age: Unknown Appearance (In costume): Ghost wears black hat and trench coat. His face is wrapped in bandages and his eyes are covered by sunglasses. His hands are covered by brown leather gloves. His clothes appear somewhat worn. Accessories (if any): Ghost has a tendancy to hide different weapons in his trench coat, but he has been known to use knives, smoke bombs, and a high powered shotgun. He is also abnormally strong.
  17. Okay, I have one main issue with this. ZECT is not the corporation that makes the Rider Gear in this RPG, it's Smart Brain. Although I mentioned ZECT in the description, they really will play no part in this RPG. But if you simply replace the word ZECT with Smart Brain, it will work. By the way, as of right now, nobody has a motorcycle. They will be introduced as part of the RPG later. Name: Shin Anthros Age/Sex: 21/Male Description: A tall, slender man with spiked red hair. Rider Gear: Cell Swarm (A flip cellphone) Rider Name: Masked Rider Swarm Rider Description: A red and black rider based on a fire ant. The suit is primarily black, with red horns protruding, and two antenna on the head. The eyes are yellow. This rider has a weapon known as the Swarm Lance. It starts as a sword with a large hilt, which can slide up the blade, transforming it into an axe. The hilt can be removed from the blade and can be folded together to form a gun. For each form, Swarm must dial in the correct code on the Cell Swarm, which rests on his belt when not in use. Finisher: Swarm Strike- A three step strike with the Swarm lance. First, a hit with the axe to paralyze, then a strike with the sword, and finally, a blast from the gun. Character Profile: Shin is the Rider employed by Smart Brain to retrieve the Rider Gear that have been lost. He also performs the organization's dirty work. He was told to find and destroy Kagami and his father for betraying the company. He believes that Kagami is dead, along with the Locke Belt he wore. As for his personal time, he spends it training and reading. He will either be at the library or gym.
  18. Masked Rider: The Rider Wars Years ago, an organization know as Shocker was formed by remaining WW2 Nazis living in Japan. From the shadows, they developed advanced genetic and mechanical weaponry, and experimented on civilians, turning them into monsters called Kaijin to do their bidding. Their ultimate weapon was the Rider system, which could turn a single person into an unstoppable fighting force. However, several of their subjects turned against them, calling themselves Masked Riders, and defeated the organization. The Masked Riders then vanished from existence. The local government took care of what was left of shocker, and decided to sell it?s technologies to the highest bidders. Several companies purchased the technology, such as local police forces and a private organization called Zect. However, the most important company was called Smart Brain, developers of advanced computer technology. However, Smart Brain had their own motives for this technology, and developed their own weapon system called ?Rider Gear.? The Rider Gear look like ordinary devices and everyday items, but when activated, change the wearer into a Rider, an armored fighter. But to their dismay, all the Rider Gears were stolen except one. Smart Brain pursued the thief, but he managed to hide the items in separate locations before they got to him. These items were discovered by various individuals, who chose to use these items as they see fit. A war is brewing. The Masked Riders shall return. Okay, so that?s the intro. You play as a Japanese superhero, but you can do what you want. You can try and help people with your powers, you can use them for your own evil plan, or you can not care and try and ignore your powers. However, Smart Brain has their own Rider (me) hunting down all the other Riders. And, the more Rider Gear a rider has, the more powerful they become. Here?s the signup sheet. Name: Your name. Duh Age and Sex: 21 and Yes please. Duh Description: Describe the physical attributes of your character. Rider Gear: A rider gear takes the form of an everyday object, usually a high-tech one. If it?s not typically high-tech, then the Rider Gear is a high tech looking version of this object. Once in rider form, this item must be attached to the armor someplace, and it must be used to power the Finisher attack. Rider Name: The name of your Rider. Be creative Rider Description: The description of your rider. It should vaguely be based on a bug. The head is always covered by a helmet, while the body has some sort of armor on it. It usually shows no skin (it?s a suit of ARMOR). For examples, see the wallpaper at the end of my post. Also describe your transformation sequence. The difference between Japanese superheroes and American ones is that the Japanese ones are much more stylized. You don?t just slide down a pole or spin around in a phone booth. You whip out your Rider Gear, shout Henshin, do something cool, and POOF! You?re a freaking Rider now. Rider Finisher: Remember, be stylish, be over the top. Hit something on your Rider Gear, shout the name of your finisher, and let loose. This move is used to finish off an opponent. And to look cool. Hell, strike a pose at the end if you want. You?re that badass. Character Profile: Give the story of your character, and how they found the Rider Gear, along with what, if anything, they plan to do with it. Be creative. The most important thing with this is to have fun, and be creative. [B][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=26764&stc=1&d=1227002090]Click here for example[/url][/b]
  19. Get ready for a load of techno mumbo jumbo... Tendou was at the Lavits research base. He had just recently turned in the new information he had gathered, along with the enemy Hope mobile suit, which had been mostly dismantled for further research. Here he was going through a briefing of what the Judge research had found. "So here's what we've discovered," started one of the scientist. "There are currently 5 mobile suit classes. The first is class 01. They seem to be based on the Nu Gundam, and are manufactured by Golden Echelons. There currently seem to be a high number of these type of suits out in the open. They seem to emit some sort of strange particle in their engine, which blocks most electronic signals, unless heavily shielded. It was also found that it also contains some sort of cockpit system that responds to brain waves. "The second type is class 02. It is typically deployed by a terrorist group known calling themselves Nameless ones. The interesting thing about this suit seems to be the ability to expand energy quickly, and conduct it in abnormal ways. We also suspect some sort of advanced cockpit system. The next would be type 03, which seems to have been deployed by the Scavengers. These suits typically have abnormal frames which allow shape changes, but more importantly, an abnormal alloy which is stronger than most we've discovered. There's also some sort of cockpit system in this one as well, but we are still researching this. "Then there is type 04, deployed by Operation Freedom. They have been armed with a special armor type called Phase shift armor. While inactive, it is just like normal titanium. But when activated, it puts out a thin shield of energy, which deflects most smaller projectiles and is highly effective against beam weapons. However, the most dangerous factor is that whatever these 04 suits were based on operates on Nuclear power. They are to be handled with extreme caution. And of course, our suits are considered type 0 suits." The meeting room filled with whispers to each other, as they discussed the aforementioned matters. However, and man standing at the edge of the room walked forward. He wore a military uniform, but it was red and white instead of the typical blue and white. He wore a black mask that covered most of his face. The room grew quiet, as the man approached the center desk. Something seemed familiar about this man to Tendou. It certainly wasn't his brother, but he didn't know who... "This technology... the mobile suits... they were based on these... Gundams, am I correct?" The masked man asked. "We have reason to believe that. However, only two of these Gundams have been found." the lead scientist replied. "My question for you is... that fourth Gundam... you mentioned nuclear power. Whatever it is, they are currently armed with a nuke, am I correct?" "Not necessarily. We have reason to believe they currently have no means of harnessing this power-" "We have reason to believe!?" shouted the masked man. "Even if they have no means of harnessing that power, what would happen if they detonated that mobile suit armed with the nuke!?" The room turned to the scientist, who only stood there, mouth open. "Hundreds would die..." he stated. Tendou knew this masked man. His actions, his assertiveness, his manner of movements. Who the hell was he? "We have new mobile suits... we have new technology... and we have the people behind us. Why are we waiting here? Commander Tendou! You stated that you believed that the terrorist organizations were working together!?" "I've suspected it. During the last few battles, we've run into several different mobile suit types from different terrorist organizations." Tendou replied. "Then we must find out where these bastards hide, and destroy that mobile suit at all costs. It's only a matter of time before they figure out that mobile suit... and then we let our people down." The masked man stormed out the office. -------------------------- A few hours later, Tendou got word of what that man was trying to do. A Judge official sent Tendou a letter stating that the masked man wished to take a battleship armed with several mobile suits to Earth to hunt down the terrorist. It was late at night when Tendou was woken up by the E-Mail. He rolled out of bed, and wrapped the blanket around Maria's naked body. He put his uniform on, and walked out the room, towards that masked man's room. Apparently, nobody knew his name, but they all referred to him as Mask. Seems like he was some sort of a freak. He walked to the door, and knocked on it. "come in..." a voice drizzled out. Tendou pushed the button, and the door slid open. The room was barely lit, and the man sat in the corner. He was still wearing that unusual red uniform, and of course the black mask was still on. It was an unusual mask, and covered almost all of his face, with only his mouth exposed. It was colored black, with red glass eyes, that glowed slightly in the dark. The masked man looked up. "I suppose you got word of my proposal? Are you here to give me one of your damn speeches?" The masked man asked. "It's up to me weather this operation happens or not. I have a few questions to ask you... first of all, who are you?" Tendou replied. "I'm not anybody anymore. They rebuilt my sorry ass. Ask your fucking scientists. They call me Mask. Like I'm some sort of a freak." Mask mumbled under his breath, but loud enough for Tendou to hear it. "Are you insane?" Tendou asked angrily, and charged at Mask."GET UP WHEN I TALK TO YOU!? I'M YOUR DAMN SUPERIOR!" Tendou let a punch loose on Mask's fac- I mean, mask. It made a mettalic ding, and Mask barely moved. Tendou backed up, his hand sore from the punch. Mask slowly stood up. "You run too slow, Tendou." With a flash, Mask charged at Tendou, his feet making heavy thuds hitting the ground, but still moving in the blink of an eye. He hit Tendou, sending him flying into the wall. Tendou struggled to get up. "Sorry buddy... I guess now I'm two times faster and two times stronger..." Mask reached up to unbuckle his head gear, although it was no longer necessary. Tendou recognized who he had just fought. "Hongo... but you're..." Tendou stuttered. "Dead? I wish." Hongo replied. His mask was now in his hands. His head had no hair, his face was deeply scarred. Networks of thin wires ran across his scarred skin. Small metal plates surrounded his left eye. But it was still Hongo... somehow.
  20. If you want evidence regarding Christianity and slavery, you might want to refer to this book instead: [i][b][url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Things_Fall_Apart]Things Fall Apart[/url][/b][/i] Okay, so here's my statement towards Christianity as an argument against gay marriage. You're hypocrites. According to Christian beliefs, a sin is a sin. Murder is just as bad as lying, which is just as bad as homosexual intercourse. And if you read the book, quite a few things that are now common are considered sins. Eating pork is a sin, having piercings or tattoos is a sin, and premarital sex is a sin. Why is gay marriage getting such attention? Homosexual couples can already legally adopt children and start a family, and are primarily asking to just have the same rights as married couples. But apparently, someone has decided to target this issue and ignore everything else. Why aren't there any Christian groups trying to pass laws to ban eating pork, or ban premarital sex. Why are you protesting outside abortion clinics but not tattoo shops. According to your religion, these are just as bad, so why not try to deal with them. Christians focus too much on negativity, too much on "I don't want to go to hell." Here's an idea. Instead of spending your time judging other people (which is a sin itself), why don't you get out there and actually try and help someone. I always thought Christianity was about helping other people, but apparently it's all about judging each other. I apologize if I've offended anyone, but this is one of my pet peeves. Now that that's out the way, I want to here an argument against Same-Sex Marriage that has nothing to do with religious beliefs. Come on, anyone? Alright, let me back up my beliefs with [B]FACTS[/B]. Two women can live together, and have a child through artificial insementaion. Two men can adopt a child and raise a family together. This is allowed by law. The only difference is that the law does not grant them the same rights as married couples. Under insurance, they do not receive the same recognition, and when taxes are done, it is also not recognized. Allow them to get married, or have a "civil union" and grant them these rights. It doesn't affect the majority of Americans, just the same sex couples. England passed these laws a few years ago, and now allows same sex marriage. The difference is, it will be quite a while before these laws are finally passed in America. People here are not open minded enough yet. I work at a local store, and when a man comes in and complains about a golf game having a n***** on the front, I can see a long time before we are open minded enough to allow same sex marriage. We just recently elected a black president, and all I've heard was "He's going to get shot." It makes me sad some times.
  21. I didn't know there was a PC version coming out. I might consider picking it up if I can run it. However, I did just PreOrder Capcom VS Tatsunoko for the Wii. I should be getting that in a week before Christmas.
  22. First of all, sorry I've taken so long to reply. But I think I've made up for that with my new post. I've added some plot twists, and worked in Omega's dropping out. Which brings me to the second point of interest. Sorry to see you go Omega, especially seeing as I designed my character to interact with yours. If you ever get a chance, drop a post in. And third, the RPG is back! Go make a post!
  23. [B]Mobile Suit Gundam: Generations End of Chapter 01[/B] Tendou charged forward. Apparently, Freedom had some sort of backup. This was strange, why were the terrorist organizations helping each other. Tendou shook those thoughts out of his head. Now was not the time to think, it was the time to act. He had proceeded into the battle with 4 Tremors by his side. However, they could not match the speed of his mobile suit, and he quickly broke away and charged towards the battlefield. The first thing he noticed were the different styles of suits entering this fight. He counted at least three different styles, none of which were the same as the one he had just encountered. An enemy suit charged right towards his Tremor Custom. What a fool, Tendou though. In a flash he drew his heat sword and slashed the enemy suit in half, which quickly exploded. ?What?s this!?? Tendou exclaimed. He recognized two of the enemy mobile suits from a previous battle. One was the Scavenger suit from that battle, while the other was from another terrorist organization. It was the mobile suit that displayed that strange energy attack. He switched his com over to LAN. ?So we meet again!? He waited for one of them to respond. ?You?re that pilot!? Greg exclaimed. ?Who are you!?? ?My name is Tendou Souji. I fight for the Judge Marines!? ?My name is Greg Johnson! I fight against the Judge Marines!? The enemy suit thrust forward at Tendou. It spun it?s whip at Tendou?s Tremor, which easily shot out the way. ?Shit! Draco, it?s been modified!? Greg exclaimed. Without warning, Draco charged towards the Tremor Custom, in a blind rage. ?YOU STOLE OUR SUIT! YOU COPIED THE DESIGN!? Draco screamed at Tendou. However, he was blinded by rage, and his attacks were easily dodged by Tendou. ?It?s better in my hands than it ever would be in yours.? Draco swung a beam saber at Tendou?s suit, but Tendou dodged it, returning with a kick to the side. ?Apparently you don?t have the capabilities to defeat me. You?re blinded by anger.? ?You?re fucking hypocrites.? Greg returned, approaching Tendou?s suit. ?The Judges claim to protect us, but all they do is oppress us. You shouldn?t need these weapons, yet you have them.? He shot a spray of bullets at the Tremor, most of which missed, and the rest dinged off the Gundanium plating. ?And the reason we have these weapons is to prevent organizations like you from tearing the world apart.? Tendou replied. He pulled a beam saber from his leg. ?You?re nothing but terrorists.? ?You?re ****ing monsters!? Draco screamed. ?You tore apart a colony on some stupid campaign of glory. People lived there! Operation Freedom was no where near that big of a threat!? In his rage, Draco charged, but was meat with a beam saber to the stomach of his mobile suit, just missing both the cockpit and the engine of the suit. Tendou lifted up his heat sword, and sliced Draco?s suit?s arm off, and tossed the suit aside. ?Monsters? Do you know what your allies were developing? Do you know what they had found?? Tendou asked. Both Draco and Greg remained silent. ?Before the Galactic Era begun, before the Judges, mankind had a weapon of untold destruction. It had the ability to end hundreds of lives in seconds. It was called nuclear technology. It was an unholy weapon, that continued to infect and kill years after it?s use. In the last great war, mankind used this power to it?s fullest. Millions died. The Earth?s population was halved, and the planet was devastated. The first order of business the Judge Senate performed once they were put in office was to abolish these weapons. The gathered every last missile, cannon, and reactor and destroyed them. The space colonies were built due to the harsh living conditions made on the Earth. Nuclear weapons had not been seen again. Not until your friends in Operation Freedom.? ?You?re lying!? Draco exclaimed. Tendou?s com system blinked on. ?Ask them yourself. The Judges actions may seem harsh to you, but they are necessary to keep past mistakes from happening. If we have to kill a hundred people to save a million, we will.? Tendou announced in his intercom, ?All Judge suits return to the [I]Aznable[/I]!? ?Where the hell are you going!?? Draco yelled. ?You?re no match for me. Your suit is damaged, and you?re blinded by rage. Get better, then come fight me. I have bigger matters to attend to.? Tendou flew off. ?Get back here! GET BACK HERE!? Draco screamed. ?Dude, calm down. The fights over.? Greg replied. --------------------------------------------------- ?So what?s the situation?? Tendou asked, after he had returned to the [I]Aznable[/I]. He caught Maria looking at him from a distance. He glanced at her, and she smiled. ?A battle started earlier today at a civilian colony. Apparently a large group of Black Cobras had attempted to hold the colony for hostage, but a group of ours intervened. A battle ensued, and we were victorious.? A general explained. ?That?s pretty large scale for them.? Tendou replied. ?The disturbing fact is that they were piloting a large number of Mobile suits.? ?WHAT!? How the hell?? Tendou exclaimed. ?We dismantled most of their suits, they seem to be from the Golden Echelons. In addition, the Scavenger mobile suit we dismantled appeared to have some of their handiwork as well.? Tendou thought to himself. ?We can?t just let this happen. These groups are becoming more and more desperate and savage. It also appears that they are starting to work together. If you read the battle information from the Area 51 battle, and the previous battle, the same groups were involved.? ?So what do you suggest we do?? the general asked. ?Cut them off at the source. We have enough evidence against the Golden Echelons. The people will be on our side. We?ll have to take over the company by force.? ----------------------------------------------------- Tendou walked in front of the stage. There were hundreds of people in front of him, and he was being broadcast through out the Earth Sphere. He was wearing his best uniform, orated in the badges and medals he had earned. He turned to his audience. ?Yesterday, there were a series of events that took place that shook the very foundation of our society. A terrorist group known as the Black Cobras attacked a civilian colony. The Judge Marines intervened, and there were limited civilian casualties. The weapons used by the Black Cobras were called Mobile Suits, highly advanced armored suits. These suits were developed and sold to them by the Golden Echelons Corporation. We have evidence that they have provided several other organizations with technology as well. In response, the Judge Senate made the decision to take hostile action towards this company, and as of today, the Golden Echelons corporation is controlled and maintained by the Judge Senate. Upon investigating their headquarters, we found an underground hangar where mobile suits were built and deployed. We also found this?? Tendou pushed a switch on the podium in front of him, and images of a sleek, black and white mobile suit appeared on the screen. It was much larger than the others, and one could tell how advanced it was just by the design. ?This is known as a Gundam, a weapon of great destructive power. The Golden Echelons corporation has been attempting to duplicate and mass produce this weapon, and sell them to various organizations. The Gundam, which will now be classified as 01 Nu Gundam, has been taken into Judge custody. Several Golden Echelons associates have been arrested, and will stand for questioning and fair trial. However, Alexander ?Faust? Faustus is now wanted by the Judge Senate. He has gone missing, along with a prototype mobile suit. I know the times have become hard, but the Judges are here to protect and serve the people. We are here for your best interests.? Tendou walked off the stage, the crowd erupted into cheering. They were frightened. For the first time in over a century, there was violence, and the Judges had stepped up to amend this. Maria ran up to Tendou. ?Tendou, sir, you were wonderful!? she exclaimed. ?I would love to stay and chat, but my father needs to speak with me.? Tendou replied. ?Oh?? Maria said, somewhat disappointed. ?But I?ll try and take you out to dinner tonight, okay?? Tendou said. Maria smiled. ------------------------------------------------ Tendou arrived at his father?s chambers. Once there, he was greeted by his father with open arms. ?Son, you were brilliant. Your mother would be proud.? His father exclaimed. ?If only she were here??Tendou trailed off. There was a brief silence, and Tendou?s father let out a sigh. ?Your mother wanted to tell you something, but could never bring herself to. She died before she got to . Your mother and I were younger when we joined the senate. We had been married a few years, and we had a son. But once we joined the Senate, we decided that that life might not be the best for him, so we left him in the care of a good friend of the family.? ?Father, what are you saying?? Tendou asked, almost in tears. ?It?s a shame that Alexander is a wanted man? because he?s your brother.? [SIZE=10]END CHAPTER 01[/SIZE]
  24. I've been going through some major bs lately, and haven't had time to post. I'll make my best attempt to post tomorrow morning. Sorry.
  25. They were nothing? mostly inexperienced pilots and mechanics. Tendou was a trained soldier. And he was slaughtering them. They had limited resources, limited training, and limited technology. He had the support of a near endless army of advanced weapons, used by highly trained soldiers. ?Commander Tendou!? one of his soldiers called out. ?We seem to be getting some trouble out of this mobile suit! It?s deflecting all our firepower!? Tendou smiled to himself? someone worthwhile. He thrusted his mobile suit towards the enemy. It was a mobile suit with similar design that he had seen before. But his comrade had bee correct? the smaller bullets and laser fire were being deflected off the suit. He scanned the enemy suit? while the design seemed to be a type 01 enemy suit, the strange armor was unlike anything in the judge database. Therefore, he was authorized to use the new weapon. ?Disengage DGG locks!? called out Tendou. The suit responded by shifting some of the armor plates on the mobile suit around, and some round, black canisters shifted into view. Suddenly, the enemy mobile suit turned it?s attention towards Tendou, and charged head on. ?I will not let you get any further!? the enemy pilot called. His movements were quick, and Tendou could tell it was more than just his mobile suit. This enemy pilot had quite some considerable skill, perhaps enough to give Tendou a decent fight? had he had a better quality mobile suit. Tendou outclassed him in both skill and weaponry? and while the enemy suit had the mysterious armor, Tendou had a trump card of his own. ?You?ve got skills pilot? but you must be able to see you are outclassed. The battle is won? give it up.? Tendou relayed to the enemy pilot. ?I will not give up! I?ll die protecting this base!? The enemy pilot thrusted at Tendou with a beam saber, but Tendou easily dodged, and countered by knocking his Tremor?s fist into the back of the enemy?s suit, hurtling it off course. The enemy pilot quickly responded though, and regained control, turning to face Tendou. Tendou smiled. ?You are a brave man? I?ll give you that. What is your name?? Tendou inquired. ?I am Masato Kusaka, of Freedom!? responded the pilot, proudly. ?And I am Tednou Souji, of the Judge Marine Elite Forces.? ?What!? Tendou Souji!?? Masato responded, surprised. ?And that mobile suit is mine!? Tendou thrusted forward, kicking Masato?s suit, and then firing a large black canister from the Tremor Custom?s leg into Masato?s Hope mobile suit. The canister stuck in the side of the Hope suit, right under the chest. Masato turned his suit?s gun at Tendou, but it was too late. Tendou unleashed a fury of vulcan bullets on the Hope suit, which dug into the enemy suit. ?Wait! What happened to my Phase Shift Armor!?? Masato yelled. The armor had shifted off, decolorizing most of the Hope suit. The area around the canister slowly began to turn black. The black began to slowly spread across the mobile suit. First the thrusters gave out, then the cameras, and so on until the Hope mobile suit was completely deactivated. Tendou was amazed how well the DG01 Grenade had worked. He motioned his nearby soldiers towards the deactivated mobile suit. ?Take that enemy suit back to the [I]Aznable[/I]. Take the pilot prisoner, I don?t want any more bloodshed today. We need to get a team in that colony for investigation. I?m heading back to the ship myself.? About 15 minutes later, Tendou was in the hanger, while a team was cutting open the Hope?s cockpit. The door flew open, and Masato?s lifeless body fell out. ?What the hell!?? ?Sir, according to our readings,? a technician replied, ?Those black cells cut off the suit?s life support systems, killing the pilot.? ?Make sure you make a note of that. We don?t want that happening on the final product.? Tendou stated, disappointed. He was hoping to meet this pilot who fought so well. Why would someone with so much talent side with these terrorists? Suddenly, the alarms in the [I]Aznable[/I] went off. ?Enemy mobile suits approaching from behind!? ?Backup?? Tendou said to himself? ?A little bit too late.? He looked up at his Tremor. There was hardly a dent on the suit. ?Hey tech!? The nearby technician turned towards him. ?Make a quick backup of my Tremor?s OS, and then get the mechanics to rearm it. I?ll be going out in the next battle.?
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