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Everything posted by MaskedRider

  1. A heavily damaged Tremor. That was all that was left. Hongo had lead an investigation unit in, with a handful of men. And all that was left was a heavily damaged Tremor, piloted by an injured soldier. And that drove Tendou mad. "Turn this god damn battleship around! We're going back to that colony!" commanded Tendou, blinded by rage. The other soldiers looked at him like he was insane. They had never seen their great hero like this. "You don't have the authorization to give that order," one of the Generals replied. Tendou may have been a hero, but there were still higher ranking officers than him. However, he still had the most influence. "Fine... then I will have a word with my father about this..." Tendou stormed out of the room. His father was a member of the Senate itself, one of the most powerful men in the world. If Tendou could reason with him, he would get what he wanted. Tendou ran off to his room. He sat there in the dark, planning his next action. His anger was fueled by the loss of his friend. Hongo was like a brother to him. He loved him. And these monsters... they took his life. Just like his mother. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. "What!" The door slid open, and his general walked in. "I've made a report to my superiors. You are to pick two other soldiers from this ship, and will be sent in an unarmed shuttle to the Lavits base nearby." the General replied. Tendou stood up alarmed. "What is the meaning of this bullshit!? I-" "Shut up soldier! You're getting what you want!" the General interrupted. Tendou realized what had happened. His mood changed. He walked out the room with a smile on his face. The Lavits base was not only a small military base owned by the Judges, but also a research factory. He knew they had something for him. But first he had to pick a couple of soldiers. He turned back to the General. "Hey bossman, who's the best fighter pilot we have here?" The general opened his mouth to answer, but Tendou cut him off. "I want him and that blond trainee that was doing room service the other day." He walked off and laughed to himself. At the Lavits base, Tendou had revieved what he needed. "Tendou Souji, you are to take the battleship [i]Aznable[/i] to the L3 colony area, and launch an attack on the terrorist organization calling themselves Freedom. The [i]Aznable[/i] will be armed with 6 JD-31 Fighters, and 8 Tremor mobile suits, two of which are command types. Also, your Tremor has been repaired, here is the documentation on it. You are dismissed." The officer handed Tendou some papers, and walked off. Tendou looked through the papers. "What in God's name!?" he exclaimed, reading the repair information. The [i]Aznable[/i] approached the L3 area, and Tendou was preparing. He had been given soldiers and weapons, but he knew that it was his fight. A knock on the door made him turn around. He opened it, and the young blond girl walked in. She looked frightened. She attempted to raise her hand to salute him, but couldn't stop shaking. "It's okay. There's no need to be formal miss." Tendou stated. The girl began to speek, stuttering at first. "M-M-Mister Tendou, I mean Commander... I'm sorry to ask you this, but... why did you pick me. I'm just a trainee... I've never fought before." She said, as tears rolled down her face. To her surprise, Tendou put his arms around her. "You never will. I'll protect you. I brought you along to let you see what a battle really looked like. I'll make this world a better place, where there are no battles. That way you will never have to worry about fighting." Tendou said softly. The girl buried her head in his chest. She looked up at Tendou. "I'm Maria," she said quietly. Tendou smiled at her. "You have a name badge for a reason." he replied. The two of them laughed. The intercom interrupted thier moment. "Commander Tendou, the battle will begin shortly. What are your orders!" Tendou looked at the girl in his arms. "We'll finish this later," he told her. "I'm heading to the hanger, have all fighter pilots ready to mobilize, and all mobile suit pilots on standby." An alarm sounded at the Freedom base. Kagami rushed to the hangar to see what was going on. "There are five objects approaching. Judging by their speed and formation, they are most likely Judge fighter jets. Wait... the one at the front of the formation... it's too big to be a fighter jet. Bringing it up on the monitor." And there it was. What had once been a mass produced Tremor, was now the JD-03X: Tremor Flight Custom. The Judge scientists had rebuilt the damaged Tremor Command with extras based off of the stolen Scavengers mobile suits. The armor was more durable, but lighter. It had a large wingspan, and was far more heavily armed than the regular Tremor. The output was also three times that of the Command type. Tendou smiled... "THREE TIMES FASTER! THREE TIMES STRONGER! THIS IS FOR YOU, HONGO!" yelled Tendou. All four fighter jets let loose a missile shower on the colony base, blowing huge chunks out of the colony side. Alarms went off, and the emergency power came on. "All mobile suits prepare for combat! I repeat! All mobile suits prepare for combat!" The colony echoed these words. Kagami stood there in terror. He knew that it was hopeless, that there was no way this battle could be won. Even if they managed to defeat these fighters and suits, the Judges would send an even bigger fleet after them. He knew deep in his heart that Freedom could not stand up to the Judges... alone. Tendou was not in the mood to wait. He broke from the formation, and hurled his mobile suit towards a nearby sattelite. He unsheathed his heat sword, which was now encoted by a layer of thermal energy, and struck the sattelite, knocking it out of proper orbit. "FOR TRUTH, FOR JUSTICE, FOR THE JUDGES!" Tendou slammed his mobile suit into the sattlite, sending it directly into the colony, and blowing a large hole in the side. Three enemy MS flew out of the colony, and headed towards the jet formation. Tendou would not let them get there. His suit rocketed towards the MS, and tore them apart in a matter of seconds with his heat sword. "FACE ME YOU MONSTERS!"
  2. [B][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iSnNHUaNR_8]Here's how I feel[/URL][/B]
  3. I apoligize if I take too long to reply, I like to consider my options before I further the storyline. That way, I can make things more interesting. I've heard a few good suggestions about how to further things in the storyline, some of which I plan on using. Anyways, try and keep up the good work. Oh, and Demon Eyes, make sure to check your PM's.
  4. ?I hate this bullshit,? Tendou muttered to Hongo. They were in a Judge battleship, heading towards Luna. Tendou was decked out in a military uniform, while Hongo was outfitting a pilot uniform. ?So why are you investigating the Golden Echelons Inc anyways?? Hongo replied. ?Well, remember that terrorist base we took down about a week ago, the one that had the mobile suit deployed? They turned out to be part of the Black Cobras. You?re familiar with them, I assume?? asked Tendou. ?Who in the Judges isn?t? They?re one of the top terrorist organizations. But what does this have to do with the GEI?? ?The mobile suit I destroyed, it?s believed to have been developed by the GEI. It was also somewhat similar in design to a mobile suit I saw at the A51 battle earlier this week. GEI more than likely sold the thing to them.? ?So the Judges sent their poster boy in to ask a few questions. The job?s pretty much meaningless, huh? A company as big as the GEI would have to be caught in the act before we could really do anything.? Hongo looked at Tendou?s face, and knew he hit the jackpot. Tendou hated these type of assignments. ?And meanwhile, I get to have all the fun.? ?Fun?? Tendou inquired, ?I guess you could call it that? there was recently a disturbance believed to be a mobile suit battle near the L3 colony area. We were supposedly expecting a spy to bring us some information from the terrorist organization Operation Freedom. You get to take a small group of marines in to investigate.? ?And what if we run into some? hostiles?? Hongo asked with a grin. ?I think you know what that calls for. By the way, we have two extra Tremor Commands on this ship, why don?t you take one with you instead of that dinky old fighter jet?? ?You know I don?t like the Tremors? they?re just too slow for me, even the Command type. Build me a fast mobile suit, and I?ll give that a shot.? Hongo replied, with a smile on his face. He turned to his friend Tendou, and raised his hand with three fingers up. ?Three times faster?? ?Three times stronger!? Tendou returned. Both he and Hongo gripped hands. They were old friends, and had known each other for most of their lives. Hongo would never have been recognized by the Judges if Tendou hadn?t put in a good word. Then the intercom rang, alerting that it was Hongo?s time to go. ?I?ll see you around, buddy. We?ll get some drinks together when we get back. Maybe even see about getting you a girl.? Hongo laughed, and jumped off towards his fighter. Hongo piloted the JD-32, a mass produced fighter jet similar to the JD-31, but with far higher output. It looked similar to the JD-31, but had a light blue streak along it?s wing. Tendou stepped out of the hangar, and began walking towards the bridge. Soon after the fighters launched, they would be arriving at the GEI headquarters on Luna? ?So let me get this strait? you have no idea where this mobile suit came from?? Tendou asked. He was in an office, with a handful of officials around him, all from the Golden Echelons Inc. He had asked these questions so many times to so many different companies. He knew all he had to do was ask the right questions, and follow procedure, and then he could go home. He knew the excuse they were going to make. ?You see, we make many different parts to many different machines, and we sell them to whoever has the money to pay for them. Now these products are not meant to be used with lethal intentions, but it is possible for them to be. More than likely, these Black Cobra terrorists bought our parts in order to repair a mobile suit weapon they had purchased someplace else.? a GEI scientist replied. It was bullshit. He knew it was bullshit, and Tendou knew it was bullshit. But this is what the little microphone in Tendou?s coat pocket needed to hear. ?I?m sorry for wasting your time. Please, excuse me.? Tendou got up, and started walking out of the GEI headquarters. He decided to stop at a nearby drink machine and grab a soda. He reached his hand into his pocket to get his account card, and it hit him. His body went cold for a second, and he forgot where he was and what he was doing. He sensed something? someone. And as soon as it had appeared, it left. He turned around, dazed. There was only one man nearby. He was a bit older than Tendou, and wore an unbuttoned white shirt with black borders, black jeans, and a white scarf. He had just been walking by, when he saw Tendou suddenly spin around madly and stare at him. Tendou looked at him, and he looked at Tendou? standing there in a Judge uniform, exhausted, and in front of a soda machine. ?Don?t look at me? I?m not buying you a damn soda?? the man replied, and then walked off. Tendou looked down at the account card in his hand, and saw that in his momentary spasm, he had crushed the card. He walked away from the machine, dazed and confused. He made his way back to the Judge battleship, and plopped down on his bed. He stared at the crumpled card he had laid on his desk. ?What the hell is wrong with me?? He asked himself. He heard a knock on his door. ?Come in.? A young girl, about 17, walked in, in a trainee uniform. She had a pissed look on her face, probably because she had been asked to do room service duty. She had short blond hair, and was about six feet long. She was thin, but curvy, and had a nice young body on her. ?Is there anything I can get for you? SIR!? she asked, in a sarcastic manner. Tendou shook his head, and waved her away. She happily obliged, and he stared at he rear as she walked out the room, the door sliding shut behind her. Tendou laid back down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He smiled to himself. ?Dammit, I need to get laid??
  5. So here's the deal. People use the bible to back up their anti-homosexuality arguments. You know what the problem is with that? Most people haven't done their research, they are just repeating what they've heard. Yes, it does state that homosexuality is wrong in the bible, but do you know where? Leviticus. You know what else it says is wrong? Piercings. How many of you have your ear's pierced? What about tattoos? That's in there too. Ooh, how about this? How many of you have eaten food that comes from a pig, like ham or pork? Yeah, that's in there too. So why are you all protesting homosexuality and not pork eating, tattoos, and piercings? Sex is sex. The acceptable practices vary depending on the time period and location. In this day and age, it's quite common to have sexual intercourse with numerous people, often times just for the point of sex. Love is often not involved. Bi-sexuality seems to be a growing trend among people, especially women. Some people believe this is sort of a fad, but in my opinion its a result of greater acceptance for different sexual preferences in society, and also the fact that sex is often an unemotional act. I have had several female friends who are sexually attracted to women and will have sex with them, but are only interested in relationships with men. It's just the way society is these days. As for me, I'm attracted to women, and like most guys, when a beautiful women walks by, I look at her and think, "I'd hit that." But I seem to have a strange "disorder". I am completely uninterested in having sex with anyone who I'm not in love with. I have been offered several times by beautiful girls, but I pass them up. While some of you may see this as normal or ethical, society tends to lean less away from this, and more towards "**** hot girls".
  6. [b][url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59573]Forums Topic[/url] [url=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59551]Auditions[/url][/b] This is the backstage topic for Gundam Generations. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to ask them here. So far, I'm very pleased with the way things are going. I like how there are several things going on at once, and the different reactions between the characters. Keep up the good work!
  7. This new mobile suit... he knew it was coming before he saw it. It was like a sixth sense. He felt it's presence from above before it ever showed up on radar. The mobile suit design was familiar, which was unusual. But that didn't matter. Tendou sensed something unusual about this mobile suit. He didn't know why, it was completely unexplainable. And then he was hit. "What the hell!" Tendou shouted, snapping out his trance. His Tremor had been hit in the shoulder with some unusual energy weapon from the Nameless One's mobile suit. Tendou would have easily dodged it, but he was distracted by the suit that mysteriously appeared. But that wouldn't happen again. He had a mission to accomplish. And he was going to succeed. He was pushing his Tremor's capabilities to the limit, not only testing it's abilities and his own, but also those of the enemy. Thier suits were superior, and he was outnumbered. He knew that the only reason he was still alive was his exceptional skill. That energy blast let out by the enemy mobile suit was indeed fascinating, but at the same time, Tendou realized it more than likely had far more destructive abilities. His Tremor was shot up, and significantly damaged. The power was running low, although the Judge satellite could easily amend this problem. His grenades were gone, and his machine gun was empty. His heat sword was still good, and that was what he was good at. However, it's solid blade would not last long against a beam saber. He had had his fun, now it was time for the mission to end. "This is Tendou Souji speaking? Are phase three parameters met?" Tendou called on a general channel, where everyone in the battle could hear it. But the response only came through on his suit... and Draco's. "Affirmative! Proceeding to phase 4!" The mysterious voice responded. A large blast came from inside the Scavenger's base. Two WZ-01PTB mobile suits flew out, in flight mode. Before the other pilots could react, the sky began to rain with fire. Two other Tremor Command types had appeared on opposing sides of the battlefield, letting out blasts from their satellite cannons. The remaining Tremors on the battlefield covered began to retreat, specifically guarding the two stole WZ-01PTB suits. "It's been fun gentlemen. We will have to finish this battle another time." Tendou relayed to his opponents. "NO! THE MOBILE SUITS!" Shouted Draco. In a rush of panic and anger, he charged. Leaving his suit open, he was stuck by Tendou's heat sword, knocking the suit to the ground. Before he could get up, Draco's suit was hit by a large blast from the sky, tearing off it's right arm and sending it down. Tendou raised his heat sword to the sky, and prepared to finish Draco. "For peace! For justice! For the JUDGES!" shouted Tendou, thrusting the sword down, but suddenly stopping. "No... another time. When you're ready." Tendou backed away from the downed suit. "You'll fucking regret this!" Draco yelled, enraged. "I hope so," replied Tendou. In the havoc of battle, Tendou retreated back to his carrier. The remaining Judge suits were soon to follow, along with the two stolen mobile suits. The pilots all jumped out of their mobile suits quickly, running to Tendou's mobile suit. The cockpit opened, and the crowd cheered as Tendou walked out. "Do not clap for me, I was merely a distraction. Please, applaud our spies, for they made this whole operation a success." Nonetheless, the crowd continued to cheer for their hero. The Judge fleet moved away from the battle, and was soon met by another larger fleet. The two WZ-01PTB mobile suits were then handed over to the Judge Technicians. The media was informed that there had been a hostage situation by a terrorist organization, and the Judges had intervened. Tendou was awarded a couple of medals, and life went on. But Tendou still laid awake at night... "What was with that mobile suit..." [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59607]!A BACKSTAGE TOPIC IS UP! CLICK HERE![/URL]
  8. "Fucking Snipers..." mumbled Tendou. Tendou hated their cowardice. Unfortunately, their cowardice was effective. Effective enough for Tendou to be ordered to take them out with his satellite cannon. His Tremor Command sat outside the Judge carrier with a long cannon loaded on his shoulder. However, this cannon was not made to shoot anything, but to target it. The Judge satellite in the sky relayed a satellite image to Tendou's Tremmor, and he gave it orders to where to shoot. So he zoomed in on one of the enemy mobile suits. For some reason, these MS were helping the Scavengers, but Tendou would put a stop to it.He zoomed in on one of the sniper mobile suits, which seemed to be using an older model rifel, but at greater accuracy. And Tendou fired. "What the hell?" Hongo inquired to Tedou. "You missed!" Hongo was waiting in his Judge fighter jet, waiting to be deployed. "Just because they're cowards, doesn't mean I have to be." Tendou shot a few more shots down around the snipers, just to let them know what they were up against. Then he dropped the cannon down, and charged through the battlefield towards the enemy mobile suits. Tendou knew that the enemy suits were superior in close range combat. And that's what he wanted. He had to test the capabilities of the enemy mobile suits first hand, to learn what they're up against. He dropped the armor off his left and right legs, pulling out the heat sword and machine gun. The armor on his shoulder panels blew off, revealing two shoulder mounted grenade launchers. He charged into battle, ready for anything...
  9. Thread up, let's get this show on the road.
  10. [I]The year is Galactic Era 150. Mankind has ushered in a new age of prosperity, with beautiful cities constructed on the Moon (Luna), and floating cities in space called space colonies. Under the guidance of an organization called the Judge Senate, mankind has rid itself of war, pollution and hunger. Sickness is almost a thing of the past, and crime has dropped tremendously. Weapon regulation is almost completely controlled by the Judge Senate. However, as history has shown time and time again, peace can only last so long. Tension occasionally rises, and the Judges quickly wipe it from existence. Many feel as though they are being oppressed by the Judge Senate. Eventually, envy will often rear it's ugly head, along with greed. There have been several issues concerning trade between the Colonies, Luna, and Earth. And thus, the winds of change are blowing. Five years earlier, in Galactic Era 145, several satellites detected an unknown phenomenon in deep space. A few days later, numerous large objects, believed to be highly metallic, flew through the earth sphere, landing in various locations on Earth, Luna, and mining colonies. The Judge Senate conducted an investigation, but nothing was found... officially.[/I] ---------------------- Several fighter jets approached the rebel base. They were white with blue highlights, Judge fighter jets. Nearby the long silver ship had landed to moniter the battle. Tendou was told to sit this one out, his skills were not necessary. His subordinate Hongo was leading the battle. The rebels had been making small attacks on regulated trade, with unauthorized weaponry. Suddenly, an alarm sounded. The fight was on. "Break up and target the watchtowers! Watch your backs!" Hongo called out to his fellow pilots. The base which had been silent a minute ago, was now a field of beams and explosions. The rebel base had older weapons, such as shield tanks and older fighters. Thier weapons were no match for the Judge Fighters, neither in technology or pilot skill. The battle seemed to have been won before it began. Then the communication was cut. There was some strange interference in the com system, and the only one who could still be heard was Hongo, due to his command unit's better receivers. However, his voice still came as a blur. The radar cut off soon as well, leaving the pilots deaf and blind. "Drop--- lik- fli--s! Co-m-un-c-tion out! They--- go- a m----- -uit!" Hongo relayed back to the ship. "what the hell was that?" asked one of the Judge soldiers, but Tendou had already figured out what was necessary. "Ready my Tremor! I'm going out!" commanded Tendou, and he ran off to the hangar. He had to make sure that he heard what he heard. As he entered the hangar, there was only three mobile suits in there. Two were identical, large bulky suits with a visor. They were the Tremors, the Judges mass-produced mobile suits. And Tendou was heading towards the third, the Tremor Command type. This suit looked similar to the others, but some of the armor had been rearranged, and it had a large, single antenna on it's head. Tendou jumped in the cockpit, and the mobile suit began to whir to life. "Launch me!" commanded Tendou. "But sir, your mobile suit isn't fully booted. You'd be a sitting duck!" "I didn't ask for your permission! My men are dying out there! Get this suit out there NOW!" Tendou exclaimed. The Tremor shifted to the right, and was loaded onto a large catapult. The top of the ship folded open, and a long landing strip protruded from the top. The strip lit up, and then launched the Tremor through the air. The suit flew into the battlefield, and slammed into the ground. Tendou pulled a panel up from the dashboard that read "hard boot", and he pulled the lever inside. A terrible grinding noise started, but then was replaced by the sound of the engine. "COME AND GET ME YOU SONS OF BITCHES!" Tendou exclaimed as he thrust forward in the Tremor. His mobile suit had higher output than the rest of Tremors, but was still relatively low for a mobile suit. However, Tendou had worked around it. A shield tank approached, and the heavy Tremor suit slammed it's foot down onto the tank, disabling it's power source. Two enemy fighters approached, but Tendou had planned ahead. The left shoulder panel of his unit flew off, revealing a small Vulcan cannon. A quick burst of fire, and the fighters were taken down. His communications were low, and he had very little radar. But he had the experience to adapt to his situation. These jets and tanks were not what he came for. The mobile suit in front of him is what he came for. This suit was what was creating the interference, and had sealed the fate of his comrades. An now it was Tendou's turn to seal it's fate. The right leg panel on the Tremor folded off, and Tendou pulled out the hidden heat sword. It's blade glew bright, and Tendou charged. The enemy mobile suit easily dodged the blade, but had fallen right into Tendou's trap. Tendou knew the Tremor was too slow to charge with a blade like that and successfully land a blow. Which is why he pulled the machine gun out of his other leg while he was charging. As the enemy suit easily dodged the blade, it was meat with the machine gun face to face. Tendou unloaded on the suit, and as it staggered back, he swung with the heat sword, striking it's left shoulder. The enemy suit fell on it's back, which meant death. Tendou raised his heat blade above the Tremors head, and slammed it down into the enemy suit's chest. "For peace! For justice! For the JUDGES!" exclaimed Tendou, as he twisted the blade in the enemy suit's chest, heavily damaging it's engine, and causing it to detonate. Communication slowly came back. "Casualties report!" commanded Tendo. Suddenly, the primary tower of the base exploded, and a white fighter jet flew out. "Hongo reporting! Enemy base destroyed!" responded Hongo. "What took you so damn long?" "Well if you had taken a suit with you in the first place, then we wouldn't have had this problem. Shining Blade, get a team in here. Take prisoners for interrogation, and see what you can find out about this mobile suit." "Maybe next time you want information on an enemy weapon, you won't tear the shit out of it." Hongo replied. The two of them laughed, as if nothing had happened.
  11. Nah... it's cool, although I think his organization should have been Operation Freedom instead of Golden Echelons Incorporated. You can have more than one person in the same organization. I'm starting the thread now. Have fun everyone.
  12. Thanks for the replies. I think we have enough people now. I'm going to make the topic soon.
  13. [B]Name:[/B] Tendou Souji [B]Age and Gender:[/B] Male 21 [B]Organization Information:[/B] Judge Marines [B]Technology Basis:[/B] Unknown Mobile Armor [B]Character Bio:[/B] Tendou is an elite soldier in the Judge Marines. He is often considered the greatest soldier in the army, unmatched in skill. He began fighting for the Judges at the young age of 15, after receiving permission due to the fact that his parents were both in the Senate. He had a loving relationship with his parents, until his mother was killed in a terrorist attack against the Judges when he was 14. Seeing potential in him, he was put into special training and granted a rank once he turned 15. He is highly intelligent, strong, and excellent at both hand-to-hand combat and piloting. He has been given special privileges by the Judges, and in return pledges loyalty to the Senate. He fights to make the world a better face, so that nobody else has to, and to prevent another incident like his mother's death. [B]Mobile Suit:[/B] JU03C - Tremor Command Type The Tremor was the first Mass Produced Mobile Suit the Judges developed. Compared to the other Mobile Suits that are being illegally produced, it suffers from low mobility due to an older cockpit type based on that of a fighter jet, and low output. However, for every mobile suit that is illegally produced, the Judges can afford to produce two Tremors, and train better pilots. The Tremor makes up for low output by having all it's weapons self-powered. While this does not affect lead and missile based weapons, it hinders energy based weapons, as they must charge themselves. The Tremor Command Type is similar in design to basic Tremor, but benefits from a few extra features, such as higher output and satellite uplink. The Judges have a large network of satellites set up around the Earth and Luna. Many of these are equipped with weapons and solar panels. A mobile suit with a satellite uplink can not only receive data from these satellites, but also receive quick bursts of energy to power better weaponry, receive better views of battlefields, and even receive support from the satellites. The Tremor Command type can relay commands to it's allied mobile suits during battle. Basic Tremor armorments include heat sword, switchable shoulder mounts (vulcans, rockets, or grenades), and machine guns or charge lasers. The command type has access to a solar uplink cannon and a satellite crossbow. The Judges are also in development of a new Command weapon called the "Cell Cannon".
  14. Mobile Suit Gundam Generations -Background- The year is Galactic Era 150. Mankind has ushered in a new age of prosperity, with beautiful cities constructed on the Moon (Luna), and floating cities in space called space colonies. Under the guidance of an organization called the Judge Senate, mankind has rid itself of war, pollution and hunger. Sickness is almost a thing of the past, and crime has dropped tremendously. Weapon regulation is almost completely controlled by the Judge Senate. However, as history has shown time and time again, peace can only last so long. Tension occasionally rises, and the Judges quickly wipe it from existence. Many feel as though they are being oppressed by the Judge Senate. Eventually, envy will often rear it's ugly head, along with greed. There have been several issues concerning trade between the Colonies, Luna, and Earth. And thus, the winds of change are blowing. Five years earlier, in Galactic Era 145, several satellites detected an unknown phenomenon in deep space. A few days later, numerous large objects, believed to be highly metallic, flew through the earth sphere, landing in various locations on Earth, Luna, and mining colonies. The Judge Senate conducted an investigation, but nothing was found... officially. -Details- So there's the basic background story. The objects that crash landed were mobile suits, large mechanized weapons (giant robot). The mobile suits are popular mobile suits from different gundam series. You will NOT pilot the mobile suits that landed. However, when organizations find them, they study the technology, which may or may not result in the creation of other mobile suits, which is something the Judge Senate would not approve of. Whatever mobile suit you or your organization find will grant you the technology of that mobile suit. You decide how that technology is used. It would be nice to see multiple organizations used, such as underground resistance groups, businesses (such as trade businesses), or even the Judge Senate. Be creative, you can even join an organization someone else created. As for your character, you can pretty much do what you want, just remember that Gundam usually consists of realistic science fiction, so I don't want to see someone with magic or special powers. As for the Judge Senate, nobody can be part of the senate, and they are to remain very mysterious and somewhat feared. -Sign Up Sheet- Name: Your name Age and Gender: Self explanatory Organization Information: Information about what organization you are affiliated with. Technology Basis: Which mobile suit your organization found. See the list below. Character Bio: Give information about your character. They should have a reason for what they're doing and why they're in the organization they're in. Mobile Suit: This isn't required, but I doubt anyone is going to join a Gundam RPG without wanting to pilot a mobile suit. Your Mobile suit cannot be ultra powerful (it must have realistic boundaries), and give some information about it's armorments and such. Tell what type it is: prototypes (used for testing new technology and are usually more powerful), mass produced mobile suits (general purpose mobile suits), and custom mobile suits (mass produced mobile suits that are modified to suit the pilot or become more powerful). Remember, new technology replaces old technology, so your first mobile suit will become obsolete by the end of the series. You can then create another MS, possibly even a Gundam. Do not use any pre-existing mobile suits, be creative. -Mobie Weapons and Technology:- Nu Gundam (Char's Counterattack) Technology: Psycommu system: A system in the cockpit able to pick up on the pilot's brainwaves and translate them into commands the mobile suit can use. This system is immune to signal interference. Fin Funnel System: Weapons that separate themselves from the mobile suit and attack independently, controlled by a psycommu system. Minovsky Generator: Generates power for the mobile suits, and also releases Minovsky particles, which have a tenancy to cause interference in various signals. God Gundam (G Gundam) Technology: Mobile Trace System: Unique cockpit system that applies motion sensors to the pilot's body, and translates their movements to the mobile suit. Hyper Reactor: Energy generating reactor that can result in conducting energy and turning it into a weapon (think Hadouken). May also overload under certain conditions and supercharge the mobile suit for a limited period of time. Wing Zero (Gundam Wing) Technology: Gundanium Alloid: Specially made alloid that is light and extremely durable (even past that of Lunar Titanium), but is costly to make. Trans-armor: Specially designed armor on the mobile suit that allows it to shift it's form quickly. (transforming) Zero System: An advanced cockpit program that receives data from the pilots brain, calculates outcomes and possibilities, and sends them back to the pilot's brain. May result in hallucinations and possible loss of sanity during combat. Freedom G.U.N.D.A.M. (Gundam Seed) Nuclear reactor: A long lost, and highly dangerous technology. Allows the splitting of atoms, which can be used as a near infinite power source or a destructive weapon. Neutron Jammer Canceler: It appears to have been designed to block the affect of another device, yet that device does not exist in this world. Phase Shift Armor: External armor that generates a thin barrier of energy on the armor, making it highly resistant to attacks. Has a limited time when used on a normal power source. When inactive, the mobile suit's armor is a dull gray color. Unknown mobile armor (G Gundam) Mobile Trace system: heavily damaged Hyper Reactor: heavily damaged DG Cells: Unusual micromachine. It appears to be able to sync with nearby active cells, and has it's own power generator. Highly intelligent, it has the ability to repair whatever machinery it's attached to. These are currently inactive. -Other Notes- Have fun with this, if you have any questions, let me know. I'll post my signup sheet soon. I left out other technical details about the mobile suits, as they are unnecessary.
  15. I'd say just find a few people to hang out with, but don't let them take up too much of your time. You're at college, and you're going to need time to study and do work. Besides, friends are really just there so they can stab you in the back. Just the way things work, unfortunately. Don't get too attached.
  16. Thanks for the advice, but it seems everything is working out. Apparently the primary problem is that we saw too much of each other. I mean, we work together and live together. As of last Monday, we've both gone back to college, and now we barely see each other. So when we do finally see each other, we get along really well. It's like the last month and a half never happened. We're bf f's again. I'm happy, she's happy.
  17. Unfortunately, codependence seems to describe my relationship very well. Now in no way do I want to end this relationship, seeing as much as I've worked on it, but I know something must be done. She pushes me around, and I use the excuse that she's sick or in a bad mood. I love her, I truly do, and I want to do everything I can to make her happy. But I don't think I should be miserable in the process. I'm going to leave her a very in depth letter telling her how I feel, and I hope she'll talk to me.
  18. Actually, to tell you the truth, I wouldn't mind giving this RPG another shot. I really would like to see it fleshed out. If anyone else wants to join, then feel free to do so. Just make sure you put enough detail into the work.
  19. Love? I'll tell you what love is. I live with a girl who I love. She's my roommate, and although she's sent me mixed signals, she insists there will never be anything more than friendship between us. As for a brief back story on her, her dad recently died, and she's been kicked out of her home for drug issues (she's clean now). She lived by herself in an apartment, which she could barely afford to make payments on (she makes about 800 a month and has a 500 a month bill). She also has the tendency to make bad choices, especially in relationships. If there is one thing she wants more than anything, it's to go back to college. And that's what she's doing. While I was living with my dad, everything was free. I had plenty of money to spend on video games and other useless ****. I gave all that and more up for her. I moved into the dirty, roach filled apartment with her, and her attitude since then has become more and more hostile towards me. I have been by her side when she needs me the most, just to be cast aside when she's feeling better. When her ex boyfriend got her pregnant, I was the one who put up $300 for a procedure. When she can't afford to pay the rent, I pay it for her. What have I received for this? Misery. I have to constantly deal with her short temper. I have to deal with her refusing to sleep in the same room as me. And I have to deal with listening to her have sex with the other apartment tenants while I sleep. Why do I do this? Because if I help her pay her rent and bail her out of these situations, she can afford to go back to school. And if 10 years from now she's living her life and she has a great job and is happy, then I will be the one who made that happen. I would have made her life better, despite the fact that I'm going through hell to do so. That's what love is.
  20. My Roommate likes Ellen Page, and I decided to make a Wallpaper for her. [URL=http://img47.imageshack.us/img47/4215/pagewallpaper01copyqh0.jpg]Click Here[/url]
  21. [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mn0qHsUQqL0]Greatest Movie Moment EVER![/URL] You guys are all fired for not mentioning this.
  22. My mom was 53 years old and she listened to My Chemical Romance (well, at least their Black Parade stuff). I can tell you one thing, she wasn't emo/scene.
  23. This is a music video I created using clips from the movie Masked Rider the Next. While the movie had some brilliant action scenes, it was plagued by the creators trying to add a horror storyline along the lines of Ringu that had little to do with the plot of the movie. So I decided to create a MV of some of the best action scenes of the movie. It starts with some talking, and ends with some talking. This is the first MV I've made, and I used Windows Movie Maker (which sucks). Tell me what you think. [b][URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLUjTCNa2Wc]Platinum Smile Rock Mix[/URL][/b]
  24. "Help me! Please, somebody!" The man ran as fast as he could from the people in black. But he was not fast enough to outrun the Shock Troopers. They quickly caught up and tackled him. A large man in a trench coat walked up. He dropped the coat to the ground, revealing... another Bee Kaijin! This one had more of a male posture than the other, but still having the fluff and black stripes. A long stinger protruded from his arm. "Good work men. Nobody who sees Shocker will live to tell about it!" cried the Bee Kaijin. He approached the captured man. "No! Stop! I won't tell anyone!" pleaded the man. "[I]I won't tell anyone![/I] You are pathetic! Hahahahaha!" responded the Bee Kaijin, unaware of the man in a leather jacket walking up behind him. "Are you laughing at me, monster?" Shoen piped in, in a nonchalant manner. He quickly jumped over the bee, and in a quick motion flung the Shock troopers from the man. "Run, old man." He told the freed prisoner. "Shoen Hongo! I will have your head!" the Bee Kaijin exclaimed. He jumped after Shoen, who easily dodged the attack. Shoen brushed back his jacket, revealing his typhoon belt. "[B]HENSHIN![/B]" A great gust of air blew by, and once again Shoen became the powerful Masked Rider One, his red scarf blowing in the breeze. "Fight me monster." Suddenly, from the distance an inhuman cry was heard, followed by the words, "Slash, Thunder." A loud explosion followed. "Maria!? No!" the Bee Kaijin exclaimed, and flew off in the direction of the explosion. Shoen sighed, flipping a switch on his typhoon belt. A motor buzz was heard in the distance, and a red, unmanned motorcycle sped towards Shoen. Shoen leaped into the air, and landed on top of the bike, speeding after the Bee Kaijin. In the distance, the Bee Kaijin croutched at a smoldering corpse. "Maria... no... it wasn't supposed to be like this." the Bee Kaijin wept. He stood up, aiming his stinger at a girl standing nearby. "YOU! You did this! You're one of those damn riders! I'll kill you for this!" he shouted. A motorcycle buzz was heard behind him, and as soon as he turned around, Shoen leaped off the Cyclone and trust his foot out in a midair jump. "[B]RIDER... KICK![/B]" Shouted Shouen, his foot connecting, and a powerful surge of energy going through the Bee Kaijin. He landed back on the Cyclone, spun around, and stopped. The Bee Kaijin dropped to his knees, kneeling beside his fallen comrade. "Maria... I'll be with you soon..." the Bee Kaijin said. He fell over, and burst into a fiery explosion. Shoen looked on at his handwork. He turned to the girl and pointed at her, getting off his motorcycle. "So... you're a Rider too... so be it." Shoen said, as he began to walk towards the girl.
  25. [I] Shocker... a terrorist organization that works from the shadows. Based primarily in Japan, the organization was secretly formed shortly after World War II by former Nazi agents. Over the years, the organization has developed highly advanced technology, including cybernetics and genetic amplification. They have developed creatures known as Kaijin, modified humans who were combined with animal DNA and cybernetics to create living weapons, and Shock Troopers, brainwashed humans with slight genetic enhancement. However, Shocker is developing a new weapon... the Masked Riders. The Masked Riders are genetic super soldiers, having combat abilities far beyond that of the average Kaijin or Shock Trooper. A Maked Rider is armed with an advanced suit of armor with highly destructive energy attacks. Once the Masked Rider project is perfected, Shocker hopes to create an army of super soldiers that will take down the worlds governments one at a time, and enforce their reign of terror on the world. However, their ultimate weapon may turn out to be their own undoing...[/I] It was raining in the city of Tokyo, a dark and gloomy day. And he was late for work. A man rushing to get to work, decided to take a short cut through the bad part of town. There had been rumors of people disappearing in that part of the city, but they were just rumors, he thought to himself as he approached the tunnel. Suddenly, he slammed on the breaks. Some idiot in a trench coat decided to jump out in front of him. The driver slammed on the horn. The trench coat figure did not budge. The driver got out of his car. "Hey man, what's your problem!? I've got to get to work!" He exclaimed. But before he knew it, he was surrounded. Strange men wearing black armor had approached his vehicle. "What's going on!? I've done nothing!" The scared man exclaimed. And to his horror, the man in the trench coat dropped the coat to the ground. It was no man in that trench coat. It was a red creature. This creature resembled an ant, with large bug eyes, antenna, and crushing jaws around it's mouth. Sharp spikes jutted out of it's body. The creature let out crude laugh. "You're mine, human! Welcome to Shocker!" cried the ant-man. He jumped towards the driver, who fled past him towards the tunnel. "Fools! Get him! Anyone who has seen Shocker must not live to tell about it!" The men in black armor took after the fleeing business man. As the man was about to run into the tunnel, another figure arrived. It was a man with dark black hair, and a torn leather jacket. Around his neck, a bright red scarf was hung. The business man ran into him, frightened. "Look out! There are monsters behind me!" Cried the business man. "Monsters? I'm the only monster here..." returned the mysterious figure. The black armored soldiers lunged for the business man, but to their surprise, the mysterious man sent them flying with a single kick. "Shock Troopers... when will they learn?" "Shoen Hongo! You're the traitor! I'll finish you myself then!" Cried the ant figure. The red creature charged, only to miss his target as Shoen jumped high into the air and landed behind him. Shoen turned around, his hand at his waist... with his Typhoon belt. "Foolish. Ants can't catch grasshoppers. I guess they only choose idiots to become Kaijin creatures. [B]HENSHIN!!![/B]" Suddenly, a huge gust of air swept by as the fan on the Typhoon belt begin to spin. In a bright flash of light, Shoen Hongo was replaced by... Masked Rider One, an armored grasshopper creature with large red eyes. "Now... who was laughing at me, Ant?" "So, you've taken your true form now..." replied Ant-Kaijin. "Why fight against Shocker? We can provide you with whatever you desire. Money, women, power. All of it can be yours." "I had what I desired..." Shoen returned. "All Shocker did was take if from me. I won't let that happen again." Shoen charged at the creature, and the fight had begun. The ant was slow, unable to connect most of his attacks with Shoen, and those that did were easily deflected by the Masked Rider suit. Shoen dodged the attacks with ease, playing with the creature, as it tired out. Shoen let out a powerful right punch to the Ant-Kaijin's head. "ONE!" He shouted, and quickly responded with a left punch to the creatures shoulder. "TWO!" he repeated, and thrust his foot into the creature, sending it flying. "THREE!" "Stop! You don't want to do this! Have mercy!" pleaded the Ant-Kaijin. "This is all the mercy you creatures get." responded Shoen. He charged a the Ant-Kaijin. "You're not the only Rider! You will die!" cried the Ant-Kaijin. Shoen jumped high into the air, as sparks began to shoot off his feet. "[B]RIDER KICK!!![/B]" shouted Shoen, and his body thrust in the air towards the doomed creature. His foot connected in a midair kick, and bolts of powerful energy surged through the Kaijin. Shoen bounced off and landed perfectly on the ground. The Ant Kaijin writhed in pain, and then suddenly combusted into a large explosion. In the smoldering ash, there was nothing left of the creature. The rain had stopped, and the sun had just peaked beyond the clouds. Shoen removed the helmate from his face. "More Riders, huh? I'd rather find a bat." He hopped on his motorcycle and rode into the distance.
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