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Everything posted by MaskedRider

  1. [URL=http://www.yoyogames.com/make]GameMaker Website[/URL] For those of you who are interested in game design but don't want to learn a language just yet, try GameMaker. It's a fully functional game design program that just simplifies the process. It starts out simple, with collisions and events, and can get really advanced, with scripting and 3D. The program is freeware, and anything original that is created with the program is considered your property. I used to dream of game design myself, and then one day wandered onto this, and I've been using this since 2003. With practice and persistence, you can make some amazing things with this program. Now if I was working for a development team of a large game company, I'd want to create something very unique and accessible. No FPS, no MMORPG's. Those are commonplace these days. I'd look for something that makes people rethink how they play video games. Think of games such as Super Mario Brothers, NiGHTS into Dreams, Jet Set Radio, and Katamari Dymacy (did I spell that right?).
  2. With Datel releasing the Wii Freeloader allowing Japanese Wii games to be played on a US console, I decided to import Gundam 0079. The game is a ground-based FPS that takes place during the One Year War. The game has several modes, both single and multiplayer. There is the Story mode, where you can take part in a new sidestory, playing as a Federation squad or a Zeon team. Along the way, you will gain access to more mobile suits and weapons, and meet characters from the show. There is also an Ace Pilot mode, where you can play as the different characters from the different shows. There's an extensive Versus mode you can play against the computer, against your friend, or with your friend against the computer. There's a Survival mode where you see how many Mobile suits you can destroy in 3 min (also can played against a friend), and a Co-Op mission mode. There are quite a few mobile suits to unlock too (Kampher
  3. Once again, awesome character designs. I'm glad we have some villains now too. Sakura, after the success of the americanized Super Sentai (Power Rangers), Saban Americanized the last Masked Rider show that had run in Japan (Masked Rider Black RX). The show would use fight footage from Black RX, but they completely dropped the original plot line. The resulting show was a pile of garbage. [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X-MoF-nVI4Y]American Masked Rider (WTF Furby)[/URL] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_hsxkyzrRuc]Kabuto's Rider Kick[/URL] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aS7-fQ1XCfs]Masked Rider Kick Hopper (from Kabuto)[/URL] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c0niSUpqbLI]Masked Rider The First Movie Trailer[/URL] [URL=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOyJDszDuLw]Masked Rider The Next Movie Trailer[/URL]
  4. Thanks for joining! Your character designs are great. Let's see if we can get a couple more people to join.
  5. [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58239[/url] [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=58238[/url] First read and make sure you understand those. Then fill out a character sheet like the ones in the previous posts. Before you sign up, make sure you're willing to contribute to the story, and please don't type like that in your writing.
  6. I'm going to have to fully agree with Kazuko. The whole movie was basically "Let's show the FF7 characters fighting in kick *** CG." The thing that really made FF7 famous was the plot line. However the plot line in the movie seems like it was there just for an excuse for the fighting. The voice acting was pretty good, and it looked fantastic, but it could have been a whole lot better.
  7. Personally, I prefer Guitar Hero, specificly GH3. The drums and mic on Rock Band don't interest me at all, and I hardly ever play with friends. Something about GH stands out, maybe because of how competitive it is. My goal is to beat Through the Fire and The Flames on Expert. The other thing is that I can't stand the Rockband guitar. The strum just dose'nt feel right, the guitar feels very fragile, and I prefer the notes to stick out of the guitar than going in. If the Rockband for Wii is compatible with my GH3 guitar, I'll pick it up, but only for more songs to play on a guitar. Now don't get me wrong, I know a lot of people prefer Rockband, and it's a debate that's going to keep on going. But I think I'll stick to Guitar Hero for now.
  8. [I]On a cold winter morning In the time before the light In flames of death's eternal reign We ride towards the fight When the darkness has fallen down And the times are tough alright The sound of evil laughter falls Around the world tonight Fighting hard, fighting on for the steel Through the wastelands evermore The scattered souls will feel the hell Bodies wasted on the shores On the blackest waves in hell's domain We watch them as they go Through fire and pain and once again we know! So now we fly ever free We're free before the thunderstorm On towards the wilderness Our quest carries on Far beyond the sundown Far beyond the moonlight Deep inside our hearts and all our souls! So far away we wait for the day For the light source so wasted and gone We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days Through the fire and the flames we carry on! As the red day is dawning And the lightning cracks the sky They'll raise their hands to the heavens above With resentment in their eyes Running back through the midmorning light There's a burning in my heart We're banished from the time in a fallen land To a life beyond the stars In your darkest dreams see to believe Our destiny is time And endlessly we'll all be free tonight! And on the wings of a dream So far beyond reality All alone in desperation Now the time has gone Lost inside you'll never find Lost within my own mind Day after day this misery must go on! So far away we wait for the day For the lives all so wasted and gone We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days Through the fire and the flames we carry on! Now here we stand with their blood on our hands We fought so hard, now can we understand I'll break the seal of this curse if I possibly can For freedom of every man! So far away we wait for the day For the lives all so wasted and gone We feel the pain of a lifetime lost in a thousand days Through the fire and the flames we carry on![/i] My tombstone will be 8 feet tall and made of black marble. I'm going out like a king.
  9. [QUOTE]I'm not quiet sure where the sexist thing came from, but I don't think that take makes me shallow, does it?[/QUOTE] Slap her and tell her to get back in the kitchen and make you a sandwich. Naw, I'm just kidding. I'm actually a nice guy, but girls don't generally tend to go for nice guys. Yes, that's what they want, but they usually end up going for the self confident jerk who treats them like ****. But whatever, it's their mess not mine.
  10. Jack Thompson has gotten to the point where nobody wants to here him ramble. The only people who really care about what he says are idiots who can't speak for themselves. He's beating a dead horse, and the more he talks, it seems that more people end up against him. He's a complete idiot.
  11. My current desktop. When Windows boots up, it shouts "1...2...3... RiderKick!", and when Windows shuts down it calls "Henchin! Change Kick Hopper!" [URL=http://img411.imageshack.us/my.php?image=desktop02cp8.jpg][IMG]http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/1032/desktop02cp8.th.jpg[/IMG][/URL] [SIZE="1"]Funny folders are funny...[/SIZE]
  12. [QUOTE]Mutha Mutha ****, mutha mutha **** ****, mutha **** mutha **** noinch noinch noinch, one, two, one two three four noinch noinch noinch, shmokin weed, shmokin whiz, doin coke, drinkin beers, drinkin beers beers beers, rollin fatties, smokin blunts, who smokes blunts?, we smoke the blunts, rollin blunts and smokin....[/QUOTE] In the middle ages, the church often censored art, and it seems like they're still trying to do it today. Anyone remember "Pokemans is the devil"? And now it's "let's take movies out of context". People need to lighten the hell up, seriously. I can't stand censored artwork. My favorite artist has the vast majority of his work censored. I remember when my parents bought me the edited Eminem CD's when I was a kid. I could easily understand what he was talking about, it's not like it made the song less immoral really. If a man is talking about killing his ex-wife, that's what he's going to be talking about, regardless of whether you can here him say ***** or not. My problem is that these censored versions not only tend to mutilate the songs (on certain tracks it's common to use random sound effects to bleep stuff out, like burps and quacks), but it also makes the product available to kids. If a kid tries to buy a Parental Advisory CD, he can't without a parent, but if it's edited then he can buy it. Either way, he has a CD about killing women and doing drugs. Ratings are awesome. These days most DVD players come with a parental control setting, and all next gen consoles come with content advisors too. This is 2008 people. Free your mind.
  13. MaskedRider


    Casshern is a live action Japanese movie that is roughly based on an older anime of the same name. It is an intense and highly stylized movie, and is now one of my all time favorites. The fight scenes, while not frequent or long, are some of the best I've ever seen in a movie. What will hook you is the almost epic storyline. It goes deep into discussion about serious subject such as war and mortality. It has recently been localized by Dreamworks, and is easily available both online and in many stores. I would highly suggest checking it out. Oh, and heres the English trailer... [b][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JpUWsMzwpAA]English Trailer[/url][/b]
  14. Well, I have no problem being patient and waiting for a game to come out in the US. The problem is when a game WON'T be coming out in the US. The primary reason I want the FreeLoader is that there are two Gundam games for the Wii that I want to get, but there is no change of US release. Now if it was some stupid fighter game or something, I'd easily pass, but these are good old 0079 based games. SD Gundam Scad Hammers looks like a riot, and MS 0079 seems to be the Gundam game I've been waiting for. I know the menus will still be in Japanese, but these are action games, not RPG's. I shouldn't have too much trouble navigating the menus. The other thing is that if they ever release a Masked Rider game for the Wii, they won't even consider US release.
  15. Let's face it... Dreamcast kicks major butt. And one of the most awesome games for the Dreamcast was Phantasy Star Online. But now, the good old 'cast has gone, and we are left with the official servers gone. However, there is an upgraded PC version of PSO called Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst, and not only is it free to download, but you can easily play with hundreds of people on the private servers... for FREE! Now, this is no big secret, and I'm sure some of you have PSO:BB accounts yourself. So who's interested in getting online and grinding some levels?
  16. People who I remember who I've seen here are James, Syk3, Sky, Adam, and Queen Asuka. Does DragonWarrior still come on here? Oh, my old username was [SPOILER]MaxSonic[/SPOILER]. I was quite the dumbass when I used to come here, but that won't be a problem anymore.
  17. [B]Story[/B] Shocker... a terrorist organization that works from the shadows. Based primarily in Japan, the organization was secretly formed shortly after World War II by former Nazi agents. Over the years, the organization has developed highly advanced technology, including cybernetics and genetic amplification. They have developed creatures known as Kaijin, modified humans who were combined with animal DNA and cybernetics to create living weapons, and Shock Troopers, brainwashed humans with slight genetic enhancement. However, Shocker is developing a new weapon... the Masked Riders. The Masked Riders are genetic super soldiers, having combat abilities far beyond that of the average Kaijin or Shock Trooper. A Maked Rider is armed with an advanced suit of armor with highly destructive energy attacks. Once the Masked Rider project is perfected, Shocker hopes to create an army of super soldiers that will take down the worlds governments one at a time, and enforce their reign of terror on the world. However, their ultimate weapon may turn out to be their own undoing... [B]General Idea[/B] This is an RPG based on the Japanese tokusatsu show, Masked Rider (aka Kamen Rider). Shocker attempts to create Masked Rider soldiers, however many of these soldiers turn against the organization. Shocker often sends out Shock Troopers and Kaijin to defeat the Masked Riders. Now the interesting thing is that I'm going to give a lot of room for creativity. You can create your own rider, and you can do what you want to. Want to fight Shocker? Go for it? Want to stay a member of Shocker? That's cool too. Want to just fight the other Riders? Anything goes. You can be good, bad, or whatever you want. Just have fun. [B]Character Sheet[/B] [U]Name[/U] Your characters name and the name of the Rider. Rider names kind of work like Gundam names. Examples are Masked Rider V3, Masked Rider Kabuto, and Masked Rider Stronger. [U]Rider description[/U] Describe BOTH your character and their Masked Rider form. All Masked Riders should be based on an animal, preferably a bug/insect. Here are some examples of previous masked riders to take a look at. [i][URL=http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/9339/1203692435525dd0.jpg]Oldschool up top, new on bottom.[/URL] [URL=http://img156.imageshack.us/img156/7803/1203797430712rk6.jpg]In actual uniforms[/URL] [URL=http://img254.imageshack.us/img254/2377/allrideiz6.jpg]Another Look[/URL][/i] [U]Henshin Device[/U] Your character's henshin device. This is what they use to transform (henshin) into their Masked Rider form. The most common device is a belt, but there have been others, such as bracelets, guns, swords, and even cellphones. When in Masked Rider form, the device must be visible on the suit. Also, describe how they transform. All transformations require the person to shout "Henshin". (think morphing in power rangers) [I][url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ZqeyntTnQM&feature=related]Examples of Henshins[/url][/I] [U]Finishers[/U] A Masked Rider's final attack. If you're hit by it, it's all over. In the Masked Rider series, each major enemy has to be defeated by a Finisher (not including the Shock Troopers). Name your move (you will yell it out while performing it, kind of like DBZ) and how it works. The name should have part of your Rider's name in it. (Rider Kick, V3 Punch, Rider Shooting, Stronger Charge). If your Rider has any weapons, they can be used in a finisher also, as long as the Finisher is named. Riders usually have one Finisher, but will often make up new ones when teamed up with a partner (When Rider1 and Rider2 work together, they will often use "Double Rider Kick"). [U]MotorBike[/U] The word Masked comes from the suit, while the word Rider comes from the fact that EVERY Masked Rider must have a motorcycle, even if it's not used in combat. Some bikes have armor or weapons on them, some have special abilities (underwater travel), and some even change form (Masked Rider Kabuto's bike transformed into a 4 wheeler with a battering ram). [U]Weapons[/U] Weapons are optional, and if you do choose to use one, then keep it to one or two. Just remember that you cannot defeat Riders or Kaijin with a weapon unless it's part of a Finisher. However, weapons can do damage to Riders and Kaijin, and easily defeat Shock Troopers. [U]Story[/U] Probably the most important part of any superhero (villain?) is their origin. Who were you before you became a Rider? Why did you become a Rider? And now that you are a Rider, what are your goals? Are you good or evil or undecided? Remember that most of Shockers creations did not choose to become a Kaijin/Rider. It's very common for Shocker to kidnap a random person and turn them into a Rider. A lot of Riders also agree to become a rider just to turn on Shocker when it's over. And I'm sure there are a lot of Riders who side with Shocker. Try to be original with it. [B]My Character[/B] [U]Name[/U] Shoen Hongo, aka Masked Rider One (Male) [U]Description[/U] Shoen Hongo is a male, who is 6 foot 3 inches tall. He is neither skinny or muscular looking. He has thick black hair and is about 21 years of age. Masked Rider One is a silver colored Masked Rider, based on a grasshopper. He has large red eyes and two antenna on his head. He has panels on his chest which not only provide extra armor but also release heat exhaust. His back also houses two red small red fans that take air into the armor. His belt has a large oval on the front with a red fan in the middle. Around his neck he wheres a flowing red scarf, which tends to stand out quite a bit. The character design is largely based on the original Masked Rider, but a bit more high tech. [U]Henshin Device[/U] Masked Rider One uses the Typhoon belt to transform. When Shoen is ready for combat, he reveals the belt and strikes a pose, calling out the word "HENSHIN". The fan on the belt spins and he transforms into Masked Rider One. [U]Finishers[/U] Masked Rider One uses the most common finisher of all: Rider Kick. He leaps into the air, and the performs a powerful areal kick on the opponent, calling out "RIDER KICK!" If the move connects, the target usually becomes unstable and combusts into a large explosion. [U]MotorBike[/U] They Cyclone is Masked Rider One's bike of choice. It's a red and white bike with high speed and defense, but has no offensive capabilities. It can however launch One into the air to start his Rider Kick. [U]Weapons[/U] Perfect Zecter is an unknown weapon that One stole from the Shocker base when he escaped. It looks like a high tech sword, but is not sharp at all. One just assumes it is an incomplete experiment. [U]Story[/U] Shoen Hongo's life was going great. He was in college and was with the girl of his dreams, Katherine. However, life changed fast for Shoen, when him and his friend Hayato went for a bike ride one day. They were ambushed by a group of strange men and a bat creature. The last thing Shoen herd before he was knocked out was his friends screams for help. When he awoke, he was no longer the man he once was. He seaked out his loved one Katherine, only to find that the same bat creature had gotten to her first. His once kind heart had been filled with hate and sorrow. He had been the part of an experiment of an organization called Shocker, but they had failed to control him. Shoen Hongo was no more. He was now Masked Rider One, and he swore to avenge his loved one. The red scarf he wears around his neck was once given to him by Katherine. He wears it to try and hold on to what little humanity he had left. [B]Summary[/B] You don't have to know anything about Masked Rider to participate. Actually, I'm expecting most of you won't. Create your characters, and have fun with it. If you have any questions, just ask them.
  18. Hey, what's up, I'm the Masked Rider. I used to be a member a long long time ago, under a different name. I was kind of an idiot and acted immature quite often. But don't worry, that won't be happening again. Anywho, I'm into tokusatsu, primarily Maked Rider, who I got my username from. I own a Nintendo Wii, and am a huge Sonic fan. As for anime, I love Gundam. I don't have much time for anime, due to work and college. But I hope to enjoy my stay here. I recognize a few older members, including James, Syke, and Adam. Well, that's my intro.
  19. There are several things. Certain personalities I can't stand, such as stuck up and self centered people. Then there are my little preferences and things that I find attractive. I'm into artistic women, bisexual women, piercings and tattoos, and wierd stuff. Obviously finding a woman attractive helps, and I know that this may seem wrong, but I expect a physical part of the relationship as well. I understand a girl wanting to wait, but I'm 20 years old and in this day and age it's pretty much expected in an adult relationship. Wow... I sound kind of like an ***.
  20. I loved Evangelion until it became obvious that it was TRYING to be confusing. DragonBall was one of those series that started out good and was eventually drug into the ground. The manga will always be superior to the tv program, especially the cartoon network version. To be honest, I've always sort of hated Naruto. There are several reasons that I hate it. For starters, it's a prime example of what American editors do to Japanese shows. If I here BELIEVE IT one more goddamn time, I'm going to kill myself. I cry at night knowing there's a chance that an American company may get its hands on my beloved Masked Rider Kabuto. Also, it's overly popular, which is something I hate after a while. Finally, the whole idea behind it just doesn't seem to entertain me well. Most of the time it seems to take itself too serious or not serious enough. However, the topic of discussion is not what anime I dislike, it's what anime I think is the worst. I'm going to have to go with Zatch Bell. Holy ****, its like combining Pokemon with Naruto. The show has a weird vibe to it, and the animation is poor by todays standards. The plotline sucks, and the show in general has suffered greatly at the hands of American editors. The whole show seems to be trying to be real unique and mainstream at the same time. This seems to be a very poor show.
  21. Speaking from experience, tell her to **** off. She either needs to give you some respect or she's not worth the time. School is much more important, and it may seem hard, but you'll laugh about it later. I ruined my high school experience by moping around over a stupid girl. Don't let the same thing happen to you.
  22. I'd make it in Japanese, and let fansubers do the rest. I find dubs can ruin a series, but the fansub creators generally do a good job. I have got to the point where I can hardly watch dubbed Japanese programs.
  23. Yes... that's right boys and girls! The Datel FreeLoader for the Wii is here! For those of you that don't know, the FreeLoader will let a console play games from another region without modification. I've personally been waiting for quite a while for this. Now I can play those Gundam games I've been waiting for. However, there is a small problem in the form of Wii system updates. The Gamecube freeloader and the Wii mods have been rendered useless by system updates, which are required by many different games. A gamer could very well spend $20 for a FreeLoader, and $60 each on a few Japanese games, only to have them rendered useless by an update. So what is the best course of action to take?
  24. For a long time in Japan, Tokusatsu shows have been a great form of entertainment. For those who don't know, Widipedia defines this genra as [I]"Tokusatsu is a Japanese word that literally means "special effects." It is primarily used to refer to live-action Japanese film and television dramas that make use of special effects."[/I]. Most Americans can relate to shows such as Mighty Morphing Power Rangers, Big Bad Beetle Borgs, and VR Troopers. These shows are actually heavily edited Japanese Tokuatsu shows. In recent years, Japanese culture have gained a following in the United States, and many Otaku's have gained interest in Tokusatsu programs. I am one of these, my favorite being [I]Masked Rider (Kamen Rider)[/I]. While there are many different Masked Rider stories, they usually center around a masked superhero who rides a motorcycle and fights against evil organizations. The original aired in Japan in 1971, and has spawned several series, comics, movies, and even a horrible American adaptation. So does anyone else watch Masked Rider, or any other Tokusatsu shows? If anyone is interested in learning more check out Japan Hero's website, and if you're interested in watching some, go to Veoh.
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