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Everything posted by PyrusDragon
On my Wii, I'm playing Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Mario Kart Wii. Fire Emblem, I just got this a couple of weeks ago and I'm a little more than half-way done. Although I could use some advice for Chapter 22 if anyone's willing to help me out. Mario Kart Wii, someone give me their friend code, I need some friends on there since none of my local friends have the game yet. I absolutely love this game. Got it tuesday. So very much fun. I recommend it to anyone looking for a good racing game.
Dogs and ferrets for sure. I absolutly adore both. While my ferret's hobby is piercing through my flesh, he's still so cute! His name is shadow and he's three years old. Then I have one mutt. She is just so sweet! She is really hyper, fast and strong but affectionate and protective. Her name is Maizy (pronouced MAY-ZEE)and she's ten years old.
Veemon sat down by the fire Kredion had made just minutes ago. "I hope they're okay..." he mumbled to himself. Kredion just sat there, Veemon was getting restless. He went back to the sea's edge for fish. They were jumping haphazardly as they had been before the attack. The flashbacks of what had happened there flooded Veemon's mind. He tried pushing them out as he stepped into the water, arms outstretched, ready to catch some fish. [i]~flashback~[/i] Lopmon and Veemon had been catching fish like there was no tomorrow. Several laid out across the edge of the water that they had already caught. Lopmon stopped and turned to look at Veemon. "Did you hear something?" He said. Veemon stopped. "No, nothing but the fish jumping out of the water. Why?" Lopmon shrugged the question off and continued fishing and Veemon followed suit. Just then, Renamon came across the water, attacking both of them in a quick strike. Neither of them had anytime to counter much less stand back up before they were knocked down once more. [i]~end flashback[/i] Veemon shook the thought out of his mind. [i]"I'm sure Lopmon and Jude were able to save Mist..."[/i] he thought snagging the first fish within his range. ~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~-~- Mist looked at Lopmon and Jude with a smile. "It's starting to get dark. We should set up camp." She suggested. Jude looked back at her. "We have to get back to V-" "No, we can't! We might get attacked if we keep going. Lopmon might not have enough energy to fight too many enemies off either!" She interrupted. Jude wiped a stunned look off her face before looking at Lopmon, who only nodded. "Okay. You're probably right. Lopmon, help us out would you?" she replied.
[quote name='8bit'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"] It tied up some of the loose ends but not all of them. There are still some questions left unanswered (especially concerning Alex). It also gave us [I]new[/I] questions to ponder. Such great games, though. They were like a mix between Zelda and FF which is a magical combination. I also agree with Monster Rancher. The thing I loved about those games was that you could put in different CDs (I'm talking the PS games here, not handheld) and get different monsters. Such a neat idea.[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Agreed, and I meant the series as a whole getting a sequel.
[U]Golden Sun[/U] should be given a sequel. So many questions left unanswered, a great storyline, good plot and characters, beautiful landscapes. It's great and I shun those who have never played it. Either way, rumors of a DS sequel ran high for a while and there just now springing back up. Camelot should do it. [U]Fire Emblem 6[/U] I only just recently beat it on an emulator and I think it should be remade. Roy fans have probably already played through the english translated version of the game but I think they should remake it for DS or Wii. If not then translate it and put it on Virtual Console.
Wasn't planning on killling renamon. Too cool a digimon to kill off yet. I'm gonna have her take Mist away (since I wasn't paying attention to what was supposed to happen, whoops!) after Lopmon digivolves of course.
I'm a coffee drinker, not a heavy coffee drinker. But I drink it. Energy drinks: bad and good at the same time. I love 'em even though they're bad for me. Same for soda. I have to have one soda a day or I generally don't run properly. Caffine is my main problem, but hey I generally have a better day when I have it in my system.
Veemon and Kredion growled together. "If only..." Veemon mumbled, putting his fists up, he prepared to launch an attack on Renamon. The fox Digimon only snickered. "You think you can take me on in your condition?" She scoffed. Veemon nodded, growling again. Renamon lifted Lopmon higher into the air before throwing him to Jude. "Come at me!" Veemon took the invitation gladly and jumped at Renamon without missing a beat. "V-headbutt!" He tried ramming into his fox opponent. She moved behind him in a flash, knocking him sideways with a flick of her arm. Veemon grunted as he hit the ground, bouncing once before landing on his head. A beeping sound suddenly broke through the air. Kredion looked at his Digivice, it was pointing to the sea of trees they had passed on the way here. A bush moved, again. "No! It can't be!" Renamon shouted, she ran towards the forest, ignoring the injured Veemon to fufill her initial mission: getting rid of DigiDestined or chosen Digimon. A head popped out, a human head. It was a girl, she examined the area and seeing Renamon rushing towards her, decided she was in the right place, at the right time. She poked her head back into the bush and snuck out behind Renamon. Kredion only smirked, Jude shouting "Hey! Over here!". The girl saw her chance and sprinted towards the beach, and her partner. Veemon stood up, determined to fight some more, he saw the girl running towards her and instantly knew. "That's the one..." he ran to greet her despite the 'raging' battle, she introduced herself as Mist. "So, you're Veemon's partner?" Kredion asked. "Yes, I think so... why?" Kredion pointed towards Renamon. The fox digimon was pissed and wasn't letting Mist get in the way of failing her mission. "Ready Veemon?" She faced Renamon. Veemon nodded and prepared to fight.
Veemon's stomach growled. He and Kredion were just as annoyed and confused as Lopmon and their newest companion, Jude. The beach waters gave off a peaceful atmosphere, quiet but peaceful. Kredion stopped and turned to face the group. "What are we going to do for food?" He blurted out. Jude and Lopmon jumped for joy "He talked he talked!" Jude cheered. Veemon simply smiled but saw Kredion's fist clench. "Well, me and Lopmon and search for fish and maybe some berries while you and Jude set up a fire. Kredion's brow twitched. Veemon ran off before he could say anything, towards the sandy shoreline of the ocean. Small fish flew out of the water before him. It made him happy, but then he thought about his DigiDestined. He didn't know who he was or even where he was. Lopmon joined him at the edge. "Ready?" She asked hesitantly, Veemon nodded and together they jumped into the water, grabbing fish as quickly as they saw them appear. Kredion and Jude were silently setting up wood gathered from around the area to make the campsite. Jude looked at him as he arranged wood based on dampness for the best chance of burning and smiled. "Do you know who your partner is Kredion?" She piped up softly. He huffed. "I [I]thought[/I] it was Veemon, but some old man by the name of Gennai told me otherwise." he mumbled his response.
The group ran in anticipation and excitement. The beeping of the digivice got louder the closer they got to their target. Veemon could see a small village in the distance, it looked unihabited but the large Flymon overhead said otherwise. A scream could be heard coming from the flying digimon, as could a familiar beeping sound. "Looks like we found one of the chosen humans..." Kredion stated. Rem and the others nodded. "Now the question is, how are we gonna get her down from way up there?" Veemon asked. "I don't think any of us could reach Flymon, even if I digivolved to Growlmon..." Guilmon looked at Russel, a sad expression apparent on his face. Rem spoke up "We'll just have to find a way to get up there!" As he said that, the voices of two unknown Digimon sounded. [I]"Jude! Don't worry we're coming!" [/I]one said, a deep sounding voice [I]"That's right!" [/I]said the other, a softer voice. The group turned to trace the origins of the voices, only to see a pair of Burgermon rushing headlong after the vicious Flymon.
Veemon sighed as he searched the area. "Hey! Where are you?" He shouted into the wilderness, his reply was a roar. He rushed off in the general direction of the sound only to find Kredion face-to-face with Seadramon. "Alright, so you want me to fight this one off too?" Veemon asked facing the sea serpent. He only heard a soft "Uh-huh" before leaping into action.[I] "I don't know how long I'll be able to hold him off..."[/I]Veemon thought to himself. Seadramon dove it's head into the water, avoiding Veemon's attack, but in return slapping him to the shore with it's long tail. Veemon grunted as he stood up. "He's much stronger than I thought. Kredion, go find the others, I'm going to fight until you bring back-up." He ordered. -------------- OOC: I'll let whoever wants it continue on. Having a writers block kinda night if you know what I mean.
That's true. I had forgotten that. Okay, I'll think of something to post and put it up later tonight.
Right now I'm replaying Final Fantasy VII (ps1) Imo, it's the best in a few ways. Don't call me a huge fan (fangirl in this case) cause I am well aware of the many flaws in the game. I just find it to be the best in terms of music, battles, some storyline (Too... many... plotholes...) and it was my first FF. I find it to be an enjoyable experience (albeit boring at the beginning) that keeps me hooked for hours on end. Main reason I'm replaying it: I'm getting Crisis Core (psp) very soon.
For villans, I kinda want to see Myotismon too. Puppetmon would be cool too. I also have a question abotu Aceburner's last post. According to what you said, Veemon followed Kredion. Yet Ugamon's prior post simply had Kredion glance at Veemon before finding Seadramon several minutes later. Should my next post have Veemon ready to attack Seadramon or maybe looking for Kredion. Either way is fine, I'm just a bit confused.
Well, hope you can find time soon. Good luck with whatever you've got going on.
DemiVeemon emerged from the bushes. He looked at Kredion with a smile before pouncing on him. [COLOR="Blue"]"I finally found you!" [/COLOR]he said with a smile Kredion just gave him a strange look. Grimacing at Rem and Russel before grabbing the creature. "What are you?" Kredion said finally. Demiveemon gasped. A stunned look on his face. [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, I'm your partner. You're Digimon. I'm Demiveemon!"[/COLOR] He greeted. Kokomon and Gigimon jumped on the ground in joy. Demiveemon jumped out of Kredion's grasp and jumped with them. They cheered in glee. The human guests just sighed in unison. They were confused. Questions floated in all of their heads. "Where are we?" "Why are we here?" "What is a Digimon?" "So, what now?" Rem spoke. The digimon stopped, looking at each other before shrugging in response. [COLOR="Sienna"]"We thought you would know..."[/COLOR] Kokomon replied. "We don't even know where on earth we are. How are we supposed to know what to do?" Russel snapped back. The digimon flinched, a low growl was heard then. Demiveemon turned around. [COLOR="Blue"]"Well, we could always take care of the intruder first..." [/COLOR]He smirked
Ha ha, I forgot to put up my FC for everyone. btw, I read the world page and I [I]SHOULD[/I] be clear for Saturday. My FC: 3179-6021-4429
That leaves me with Kredion Akima (Ugamon's character).
Digimon Sign-Up Sheet [Name] DemiVeemon [Level] In-Training [Appearance] [url]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/2/29/DemiVeemon.jpg[/url] [Attacks] Hop attack [Personality] A kind Digimon with a heart of gold. Despite this, in a battle he is vicious and fights to the end. Digimon Sign-Up Sheet [Name] Veemon [Level] rookie [Appearance] [url]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/4/44/V-mon.gif[/url] [Attacks] V-Headbutt [Personality] Same as DemiVeemon Digimon Sign-Up Sheet [Name] ExVeemon [Level] champion [Appearance] [url]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/7/7a/Exveemon.jpg[/url] [Attacks] Vee-Laser, Critical Crunch and Vee-Punch or Vee-Kick [Personality] ExVeemon is a bit more devilish than his previous forms. However he is essentially the same Digimon. DigiDestined Sign-Up Sheet [Name]Mist Teliant [Age] 14 [Gender] female [Appearance] Mist is medium height, standing at 5'4" She wears a blue tunic and white pants. Her skin is almost a creamy white color. She has a light build thanks to her brothers. Her hair is a light brown color which sits flatly on her head and rests on her shoulders. [Crest] Loyalty [Background] She grew up with three older brothers. Her father was a powerful soldier in the king's royal guard. Her mother was stay-at-home. While growing up she often stayed within the castle walls as her father was close to the king and was taught the ways of a sword. She was educated well but still doesn't understand much of the outside world.
[quote name='8bit'][FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="DimGray"] I see where you're coming from, though. I'd love to make a totally new type of game for the DS that really takes advantage of the stylus and touch screen. I know it's not my original idea, but I think a sequel to Uniracers would translate really well to the DS (if you've played the original for the SNES you can probably see how).[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] Yeah, I played it once or twice on an emulator. That would be interesting. Also, MaskedRider, thanks for that link! This is a neat little program.
OOC: That's a good question +---------------------------+ Whisper ran alongside it's trainer. The corridor they ran through seemed to be quiet. "Well Whisper, looks like the right sopt." Timber pulled out another set of explosives and placed it on the ground. Whisper nodded in sync with Timber as the took off once more. Outside, the mock battle was going well. Gastly were battling it out with Electabuzz, Mightyena, and other random pokemon within the enemy ranks.
People call me crazy but my best character is [B]Bowser![/B] My friends always say Bowser isn't the greatest character and they're right. He's not. But I've always managed to hold my own with him against most people and longer than most expect. Next up is [B]Ike[/B] You can't hate this guy. He's amazing in so many ways, amazing attack power that sometimes makes up for his speed and jump. Aether is a decent recovery move as well. Online, I'm almost unstoppable when I pick him. Then finally [B]Wolf, Toon Link, Snake, Link, Lucario, Pokemon Trainer and Mario[/B] The last of my good characters. Wolf was hard to master but I think I found my step with him, Toon Link is just a mini Link so mastering him was a breeze and well and re-learning Link. Snake, well, he's alright. Semi-quick with great potential, solid choice. Lucario and Pokemon trainer are two of my faves. Ivysaur kinda pisses me off but Charizard makes up for that. Lucario is just good. Mario's a classic. He's not my best but I do use him often.
Anime What are You Watching/Reading Now?
PyrusDragon replied to 2010DigitalBoy's topic in Otaku Central
I'm currently reading the recent Naruto manga release in Japan. (go to onemanga.com they have it translated) so far it's pretty interesting... although I skipeed a couple of chapters and kinda don't know what's going on. As for something I'm watching, well I was watching the Naruto movie, then I switched to this old Japanese anime called Ginga Nagareboshi Gin (Legend of the falling star Gin) on youtube. Probably one of the best animes I've ever dared to watch. -
Right now I'm obsessed with 30 seconds to Mars. A lot of people say they're an emo band, they're not. I've only borrowed a couple of their CD's (from which I cannot remember the names) but I'm working on getting some of my own. The flow of their music is kinda... unique and it sounds good. Something inspirational, and it lets me bang my head on some songs. So yeah, 30 seconds to Mars.
I would make an RPG on DS. Storyline would be kinda like Death Note. Young boy finds god-like power and believes he is doing good when he is doing bad. Several people attempt to stop him, as the main character you must fight them off several times (as well as multiple epic bosses). Multiple endings and innovative controls using the touch screen. Maybe make it like a game where you can summon ghosts or something... evil spirits. You have to draw the element they correspond to (Fire creature, draw a little fire or something like that) you know.