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Everything posted by Rhionna

  1. Inuyasha. My dad got me the first volume on eBay, before I really knew what manga was. I was almost giddy with excitement. XD
  2. I luff Armstrong. Why no love for Armstrong? He's got a one-track heart and isn't afraid to show off his muscles! And he's almost NEVER the oc's love interest in Mary Sue-ish fanfiction. I'll have to change that. Ed places second. I like loud and passionate characters. Roy's overrated with his bishie-ness. All the characters are pretty cool though.
  3. [quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]So, yeah, I'd suggest reading the manga if you want the whole story past the Kyoto arc (which is better than the anime by far, with the exception of the Trust and Betrayal segment), and a happier ending where [spoiler]Kenshin doesn't die.[/spoiler][/color][/QUOTE] WOOHOO! I haven't gotten far on the manga and was so miffed at myself when I read a spoiler somewhere that [spoiler]he dies.[/spoiler] The deaths of the[spoiler] Oniwabanshu [/spoiler]in Ruroken were really sad. [spoiler]They all died at once and at the time I thought that meant Aoshi was the last member. :animesigh[/spoiler] [spoiler]Haku and Zabuza [/spoiler]were really touching, too.
  4. I'm rewatching Inuyasha from the beginning. I've been obsessed with it since I started watching anime but still haven't gotten all the way through it... Also watching Get Backers, and Naruto and Death Note as they air on CN...I'm sad about the filler arc coming up (has it already started? This Mizuki arc's kinda lame.), but I view it as a kinda test for my love of Naruto- I just need to watch it all the through without giving up. :animedepr For manga, I just got Blood+ 1. The artwork's cool and flowy.
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