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Wormmon's Tamer

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Everything posted by Wormmon's Tamer

  1. Hmmmm....Get this book I must! *counts money* Darn! Enough I do not have! note: From now on, in this thread, talk like Yoda I will. Or would that get annoying?
  2. Sounded like a game it did!! Hehe.. Summary please!
  3. Help me prevent the extinction of this thread, SSJGoten! Hmm, what game is that? Describe it you must.
  4. We have the technology to duel like they do on the show..holograms and stuff...But Upper Deck (or whoever makes the cards) is too cheap to make the game be played that way.
  5. *takes it upon herself to prevent the dying out of this thread* What's with the WWII stuff?
  6. Sorry about the double post but here is my digimon gang (minus the ones I created) [img]http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/digidex/pictures/worm.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.theotaku.com/digimon/digidex/pictures/monodra.jpg[/img] [img]http://www.lelola.net/digimon/03/t8.jpg[/img] I couldn't find a pic of Lopmon! Oh well..
  7. I just created a Digimon...Eneromon. He came to life but is not my partner! I think I have the power to create real, live digimon. I created Fivermon and Choppamon, and neither of them is my partner!
  8. Nooo!! Don't die out SW thread! Check this out:
  9. Yes, people see us dueling, and they ask, "That Pokémon?" Us: "No." Them: Is it like Pokémon?" Us: "NO!" It happens all the time! It's rather annoying.
  10. Gotta know NOW! I'm curious and I want to know now!
  11. I already got the feel for a duel, since I duel my friend using half his deck. I never win cause I always get the sucky cards. I sometimes come close to winning.
  12. Movie looks: Spooky, freaky, scarey, etc,etc,etc. I want to see it.
  13. I can't wait to see the battle they're gonna have.
  14. It was good. I didn't no what it was ,I just sat down and watched it. I was hooked from the first second.
  15. Beckett and Pojo would be the sites I would go to.
  16. Wow. Poor Ben. How did they get him back? Did they pull a "Big heroric rescue"?
  17. Hmm...When was Ben Skywalker kidnapped? I picked up Rebel Stand at Pay Less the other day, and came across that.
  18. As soon as i buy a deck I'm going to heavily modify it and enter a tourney.
  19. Well, if you trade Toon World you can't use your toons anymore. I strongly sugest you don't trade.
  20. Well, the movie seems just plain weird.... Doubt we'll get an American version,though.
  21. What happened it Star Wars: Infinities A New Hope parts 1&2? I read parts 3&4.
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