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Wormmon's Tamer

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Everything posted by Wormmon's Tamer

  1. Going to see it because the trailer looked cool, and the Fellowship was good.
  2. George Lucas did that because he could. There already a Star Wars thread. This thread will probably be closed.
  3. I also need a character profile, and whether you're on the good side(saving the dragon) or on the bad side (capturing the dragon). Thanks!
  4. I don't have a Deck yet..I'm getting one soon!
  5. [I]A long time ago in ancient egypt... the shadow games were played. using real monsters and real magic, this game was too dangerous... it was locked away.. now, thousands of years later.... that power has been released. and one person plans to use the last living Blue Eyes White Dragon for evil... and it's up to a few kids to save the day. using only their cards and dueling skills they must save the Blue Eyes White Dragon.... before it's too late.[/I] Name: age: # of cards in deck Millinuim item: (make up one) Rosa Kyu 15 52 Orb
  6. Hoshi Stimon(looks like Stitch) Pale blue fire
  7. All the Lego Star Wars sets are expensive. I want the Yoda one...but I don't have $100.:bawl:
  8. (toon) Manga Ryu-Ran card: Type:Fire 7 stars Dragon/Toon This card cannot be summoned unless "Toon World" is on the field. This card cannot attack in the same turn it was summoned. Pay 500 life points each time this monster attacks. When "Toon World" is destroyed, this card is also destroyed. If your opponent doesn't control a Toon monster on the field, this card may inflict Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points. If a Toon monster is on your opponent's side of the field, your attacks must target the Toon monster. ATTACK: 2200 DEFFENSE: 2600 I hope that cleared up the Toon Confusion.
  9. Hahahahahahahahahaha...*sniff*Ohh...that was funny.
  10. Here's one! It's not smart to annoy crazy people! and: You don't need to tell me I'm crazy 'cause I already know! and: Well, pull my lips off!
  11. I haven't seen all the episodes, so I was wondering if someone could do the summaries for me.
  12. Yes, but toon monsters can only attack other toon monsters(or the opponent's lifepoints directly).
  13. I think since there's a Dramon Guild in the Digimon section there should be a Dragon Guild here. Put: Your favorite Dragon That is what you will be known as in this thread. If someone else picks your favorite, just put a number after it. Example: Say your favorite is the BlackSkull Dragon. You can still use it, just put a "2" after it. Or 3,4,5... I am The Blue Eyes Toon Dragon. If we get someone in here who can make banners with the Dragons on it, that would be great!
  14. I think we should start a Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Club. To be in it I need this info: Age Favorite Monster Favorite Character Favorite Card(s) (if one) Card you Relate to Favorite Episode Example: 15 Blue Eyes Toon Dragon Yugi Dark Hole / Blue Eyes White Dragon Blue Eyes Toon Dragon The heart of the cards If someone can make a Yu-Gi-Oh fanclub banner, that would be great!
  15. Sorry about the double posting. So, is anyone going to see the Ep. II IMAX version? Unless you like Yoda, please ignore the attachment.
  16. I used cheats once on Blue Version, but it messed up my game so I started over. I never use cheats now.
  17. Wasn't the diner called Dex's Diner? I think (not sure) the Emperor's last clone die about five or six years later. I have no idea about the blasters.
  18. I plan on buying it. As soon as I get any money!! I only have about $1 or $2 right now. *wanders off looking for money*
  19. Well, on Saturday they delt with a whole bunch Chinchou.
  20. My best move was using the Dark Hole card. It cost me my Summoned Skull, but it was worth it to see the look on my opponet's face when I destroyed his Gate Gaurdian.
  21. I'm talking about the RPG sourcebooks. I want the NJO and Power of the Jedi sourcebooks.
  22. The only place I've seen the Sourcebooks was the Jawa Trader magazine. I have to convince my mom to let me become a SWfanclub member.
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