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Wormmon's Tamer

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Everything posted by Wormmon's Tamer

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Son Goten [/i] [B][color=red][b]Anakin is just plain dumb. He is being turned into a puppet. If he doesn't see that, he's got something wrong with him.[/b][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] I agree!! It's the Skywalker Gene. Gets them every time.
  2. Oh yes the Southern Islands set... I want it but don't have $20.
  3. Can you do a Yoda pic? Yoda is COOL!!
  4. I finished reading Truce at Bakura! I thought it was pretty good. I also think it was sad how Dev died. He should've lived. :( Question: Can someone make me a Yoda banner of him in his "Bring it on Doku" pose from Episode II? I'd appreciate it. Thanks!
  5. I know that one!! It's Ben Skywalker!
  6. I am currently reading TWO Star Wars books. Shadows of the Empire and Truce at Bakura(look at my location). I've read Courtship of Princess Leia. I liked when Teneniel kept trying to get Luke to fall in love with her. I thought that was pretty funny. Question: In what book does Luke get married???:help:
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Boba Fett [/i] [B] If you want I can type an exerpt from the book about the fight so you and others can decide for your selves. [/B][/QUOTE] Go ahead. I was in a store when I saw the book and picked it up. I started scanning through it to see if Yoda got the respect he deserved, but then I had to leave the book section.:(
  8. In my fanfic my Jedi name is Mihera Az'ul, and I'm gonna stick with that.:p
  9. Yoda's fight scene in the book was NOT detailed enough. I'm a picky person, though. It was detailed in other parts though, such as ...... "He clutched the stump of his severed arm in agony...."(something like that) When Anakin got his arm sliced off, which, I think, He deserved. :eek:
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Indeed he did look different. I was sort of distracted by that at first, since he didn't look like the Yoda we all know and love, but I realize that for him to fight he needed to be turned into a CGI character. [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah Can you imagine them using the Yoda puppet for the fight scene? They throw him up in the air...hurl him towards the camera....that would be so funny lol.:D I used to like Jar Jar but now that he's brought the Empire into existience, I don't know... (quotes C-3PO) "I'm very confused!" I still like Wicket and the Ewoks! Ewok 'n Roll!! ( I know that was corny but I think it's funny)
  11. Feraligatr= Jeri Pidgeot= Windplume Suicune= Speedwell Crobat= Murray Grimer= Grime Charizard= Sam
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final_Flash [/i] [B]But Anakin's killing spree made up for that, heh heh... [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah I thought that was cool when he just leaped out of the tent and started killing the Tuskens....that was funny lol..:D
  13. I saw it at midnight.. It ROCKED!!! My favorite part was Yoda's battle scene. Everyone in the theater was clapping and cheering during that part. I want to see it again!! :D :D
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink] [i]If this picture doesn't scare you...then I don't know what would...eee![/i][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That picture's not scary, it's Halarious(can't spell)!! [COLOR=red]Wicket: I vant to drink your blood....[/COLOR] HAHA!!:laugh: :laugh:
  15. I'm seeing Star Wars II tonight! (I hope) I'm going as my own Star Wars character!! I can't wait!! *crosses fingers* I hope it's not sold out where we're going. It wasn't on Monday when we checked, but a lot can happen in two days.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B][color=deeppink]The other one I'm speaking of is a furry little creature that wobbles around saying nothing but, "Yub yub!" [i]Anyone read [b]Wraith Squadron[/b]? "Yub yub, Commander!" [/i][/color] :blulaugh: [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, That's Wicket you're talking about. And he says more than "Yub Yub". In fact, I have Return of the Jedi, and it sounded like Wicket was saying "Yup Yup". I think what he was saying (in english) was: "This way!! Yep Yep." Ewoks are cool!!
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]Well, at least you don't like [i]all[/i] of the most hated Star Wars characters of all time. Just two.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] What?? You mean Jar Jar? I like him because he's the character that's always doing something funny in the background. He can be annoying, yes. Who else are you talking about??
  18. Who's your favorite character from Star Wars? I have four: R2-D2, Wicket, Saliacious(can't spell) Crumb, and Jar Jar Binks! Episode II!!! Can't Wait!! I want to see Yoda fight!! Just 2 more days!! (not counting today and Thursday)!!:D
  19. Who likes the original Star Wars better than the new ones? I do!!
  20. My elite Four team on crystal is: 1. Elite Member Will I use Feraligatr 2. Koga I use Slowbro or Mewtwo 3. Bruno I use Pidgeot 4. Karen I use Feraligatr and Charizard 5. Lance I use Feraligatr and Suicune. You just go with what Pokémon works for you, and the one that can best handle what type you're facing. That's what I do.
  21. Ok guys, don't argue. In the STORY, Mewtre is Mewtwo's Baby form.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Raiha [/i] [B][COLOR=seagreen]And BTW, for a title, tell me what the story's about, and I'll dream one up for you.[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] It takes place about a month after Mewtwo Returns. Team Rocket has found Mewtwo once again. They try to catch him, but a little girl named Rika stands up to them, protecting Mewtwo. In the story, Mewtwo becomes friends with Rika. But I'm not telling the ending-- it would ruin the whole story!!;)
  23. Ok this is my first Fanfic.. The title's kinda pathetic now..but if you can think of a better one you can tell me!! In this Fanfic there are some New Pokémon I made up. They are: Otto: A doglike Pokémon. They look like dogs but live in communities called "Warrens", Like Rabbits. All Ottos are white with stripes. The males have blue stripes and the females have pink ones. Piki: An unusual Pokémon. At the Baby level, No one knows what he evolves into. I gave him Calumon's (from digimon) personality, because it fits him. He can speak english. Mewtre: Baby form of Mewtwo. Really cute!! Here goes: Chapter One: Totally Totodile " My feet hurt!" Ash complained. The young Pokémon Trainer was walking down a dirt road with his friends Misty and Brock. Pikachu, Ash's First Pokémon, sat on Ash's head. "Why don't you walk, Pikachu, and let me ride on your head?" Ash said. "Pika, Pika," Pikachu said in its most insulting tone. "AM NOT!!" Ash yelled. "Ash, stop yelling!" Misty had had it with his whining and complaining. "But Pikachu called me an obnoxious (can't spell) jerk," Ash whimpered. "So? He's right!" Misty enjoyed insulting Ash about as much as Pikachu did. "Stop arguring,guys, we're here," Brock announced. "Ultramarine City!" "Ultramarine?" Ash asked. "What's that, some sort of color?" Misty whacked Ash on the head. No, silly, it's called Ultramarine City because it's right on the ocean. I bet it's famous for water Pokémon." Brock shook his head. "Actually, it's famous for Psychic Pokémon." "Why's that?" Ash wanted to know. "A powerful Psychic Pokémon is the city's gaurdian. It comes out only at night. They made one section of the town a Pokémon village because of it." "Weird," said Ash. "I wonder what Pokémon it is?" *************************** In Ultramarine city, something darted through the shadows of an alleyway. It flew up in the air ad landed on a roof. The creature looked at the cityscape. "Piki!!" giggled the tiny creature, watching two human children playing with a Growlithe down below. In the shadows, another Pokémon watched Piki curiously. One thing was for sure, this Pokémon was a LOT bigger. *****************************************
  24. Has any one heard of Ai??She was a little girl in the Japanese version of Mewtwo Strikes Back. It would make me feel a lot better if I was not the only person who knew about her.
  25. Just spoil your Togepi. And don't use Exp. Share because it will grow to fast for it to like you.;)
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