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Everything posted by ice_avenger

  1. i like Ed,:animesmil mostly because every omne thinks i'm his double but a girl>< so how could i not like myself^^ plus Ed's just awesome like that ^_^
  2. i have plenty of things started but i'm starting to confuse MYSELF i'm beginning to want to change names and the way characters look, roles, and over all the whole base and how the story starts! i need help! like now, and if i dont get any my manga will be in the trash like so many more before it, i have no problem making the stories and thinking of things to take up space it's drawing it and making sure it's not too much like other mangas like my fave fullmetal alchemist. this is my story basis and ideas, i've sent them to a few people who might like them, so i have to start finishing.. that sounded weird. [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/ice_avenger/"]http://www.freewebs.com/ice_avenger/[/URL]
  3. [quote name='Ed'sGrlDanielle']I would suggest that you start off making up a name for the manga, then make the characters and make solid, for-sure-that-you-want-it names for them, then, settings, outfits, plot, and, well you get the picture, right?[/QUOTE] i am also starting a manga, and now that i have most of the plot and names and characters i want to start changing names and how my main character looks, my main character has about four or five different looks:animedepr. it's crazy:animestun and it does take crazy attention and determination you have to submerge yourself in it, and really just take your time. but it's going to get really frustrating and drive you nuts, i've drawn my first page about 3 times and they are all in the trash:animeangr my free webs for the story is [URL="http://www.freewebs.com/ice_avenger/"]http://www.freewebs.com/ice_avenger/[/URL] but really you dont need to know it all just pay attention to what you know and learn what you dont know. [quote name='NIKI12345']Yeah same here, but mine is a 78 page story with pictures of the charcters and there personality traits, past, goal, and much more. I have tried finding a publisher for kids, but they don't have any. I guess I have to wait until I'm 21 before I can send in my story.[/QUOTE] they wont publish if your a kid?! how come? isnt that age discrimination? i mean they have child actors, writers etc. so why not child manga-ka?:o [color=darkblue][size=1]If you need to add something on to the post, you can use the Edit button located on your first post to do so. Try to do that in the future instead of double-posting, 'kay? :3 -[b]Kei[/b][/color][/size]
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