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Everything posted by Chaotictwilight

  1. [quote name='indifference'][COLOR="Indigo"]Not very many, I just don't have the time to sink a lot of hours into games. Still I've got a few that I've done so. [B]The Legend of Zelda[/B] Mind you I'm talking about all of the games put together. Some I've probably hit a hundred hours by virtue of replaying them, but I've yet to put in that amount of time for Twilight Princess since I've only beaten it once and haven't gone back to it yet. [B]Star Ocean: Till the End of Time[/B] I've probably put in close to 250 hours into this one. With all the battle trophies as well as the bonus dungeons and the different endings and the additional levels of difficulty... I'm still not finished with this game. I've gotten through the normal and the hard levels, now I'm working on the final level of difficulty. [B]Diablo II: Lord of Destruction[/B] It's taken me a while, but between the different classes I've played to the end as well as going through normal and the beating it at the Nightmare level and working on the Hell level, which I have yet to actually beat. I've put in a good amount of time on this. Though I got about halfway through on the Hell level and I haven't gone back to playing it. [/COLOR][/QUOTE] .....Did you just say that Star Ocean has different endings...? Hm...so far I don't think that any of the games I've played have been over 100 hours...but I'm probably sure that [B[COLOR="MediumTurquoise"]]Star Ocean: Till the end of Time[/COLOR][/B] will make me go over the hundred hour mark. I blame the arena....I was so obssessed with it that when I first started playing it, Fayt was level 45....and now....he's around level 81...and I still couldn't beat the Demon Lords(#2 in Rank Battle))!! >_< Sad thing s, I got fed up with them and decided to go on with the game...and now I regret it....I wanna go back!! :animecry:
  2. Comment ça va? Je m'appele Sifredo, mais vous pouvez m'appeler Freddy. J'aime la musique, jouer a des jeux videos, et sortir ave mes amis. Maintenent(sp?), je fais mes devoirs et ces tres barbant. I hope that wasn't too bad. :catgirl:
  3. [quote name='Starwind']In the end human beings are animals underneath it all. We have come to believe that we are above such things over the years since we happen to have an upper brain, a primate brain. But one must remember that underneath that primate brain there's a mamalian brain and underneath that there is a reptilian brain. And it's those two lower brains that made the upper brain possible in the first place. The primate brain says "Give peace a chance." The mamalian brain says "Give peace a chance, but first let's kill this a** hole." and the reptilian brain says "Let's just kill this a** hole, go to the peace rally and get laid." At the end of the day, survival rises above all other things in our minds. It is this driving instinct that has allowed life to exist at all and it is one that we will never over come. Because as soon as we over come it, our species will inevitably die out. It's that simple really.[/QUOTE] Hm...okay...I see what you're getting at...so are you trying to say that you would kill?
  4. I suggest that you buy the game, I bought that game a while ago and...trust me...it is awesome!! ^_^ You might find the main character annoying at the beggining (most people do), but that will change once he....hehe....anyways, if you like graphics, then Abyss definitely (sp?) beats Symphonia; and as for storyline/plot...I prefer Abyss as well.
  5. So far all I have is a PS2 since my old gamecube lost the ability to read the disks....anyways, as for the next gen systems that I'd like to have, it's probably going to be the PS2, Will, and Nintendo DS. I would say XBOX 360, but not until Tales of Vesparia is confirmed to be on that system. XD
  6. I rarely use this "lol" since I rarely talk online nowadays. ^_^' But...I don't think I've ever read anything to the point where I have gone to lmao/rofl, or at leats when i was talking to someone, usually its something I read....that no one I know has even heard of. -_-'
  7. I've noticed that there are a lot of poem threads around this part of Otakuboards and perhaps thought that it would be best if there was a single thread for all of the future ones; that way, if someone is just craving poems then it's easier for them to find since they'll be together. It would also beneft the poet since that way they'll have a higher chance for their poem to be noticed...or at least that's what I think. This might either be a good idea or a bad idea, don't know until I try, right? As for the one I'm going to post, it was written a few years back and I was going through some dark times, so I'm sorry if it's a little too depressing. :animeswea The odd thing was, at first it was just going to be the first couple lines, and right after I saw an episode of Yu-ghi-oh, the rest of the lines just came to my head. [CENTER]Lost In Death[/CENTER] I once had a small house That had a brown mouse Where I was happy as can be For I had no new enemy But now I am lost in this world Searching for things that I can?t find That would remind me of my past That was taken away so fast But all that is gone And so am I Like a faint glimmer in the sky Always to be forgotten But never to be remembered So this is how death feels It feels dark It feels cold I can?t see anything So all I do is wander aimlessly With no purpose Nor any sense of direction If this is death Where are the angels? Where are the demons? Is all that I have been told a lie? Am I really dead? Maybe I?m merely unconscious No, I?m dead Dead to the world Dead to myself Just like I have always been
  8. [quote name='XeEmO']This is a really strange thread...but I like it. If anyone tried to kill me for any reason I'd think they were crazy. If someone's that crazy they're probably capable of killing themselves. If my main intent of dying was saving them, I'd factor that in. Then again I wouldn't probably have much time to think in a situation like that. I guess it would all boil down to whether or not I had the balls to kill them.[/QUOTE] I know that this is a strange thread...but I got bored and thought "If there's none like this then I might as well make one." ^_^'
  9. Hiya, this is my first thread-ish type thing so if this one already exists, please don't hate me *hides* :animeswea Anyways, let's say that something happens between you and the person you love (if you don't have one, pretend you do) and it escalates to the point where they try to kill you with a sword (what...? I like swords...) and you dodge the first swing. Then you have a chance to save yourself by killing them knowing that the next swing they take will take your life. That's the scenario. I know I know, very unlikely and of all the things they could use, why a sword? But hey, that's the beauty of boredom mixed in with an imagination. [COLOR="Red"]And I know what most of you are probably thinking, "Why Kill them when I could easily injure them and then run away/call the police"...well....IF this was a "what would you do in this situation?" type thing, then yes, that would be a valid argument. But....the choices here are either kill or be killed.[/COLOR] So in other words; you're basically chosing between your life or theirs...which would you choose?
  10. Personally, I thought the game was awesome. It was my first RPG and I really enjoyed it. I kinda prefer Tales of the Abyss though; better graphics and had a rather interesting plot.
  11. I dunno, I bought DDR Supernova a few months ago and I have to say that the game is awesome! ^_^ I really need to train and get better though,...I'm having difficulty playing on...Difficult (no pun intended)...and I've made it to the last stellar joint...which killed me...-_-'
  12. Hello everyone!! I'm new here (obviously) and I'm currently into anime and stuff. My favoritr band is Dir en grey with Moi dix mois not too far behind. I enjoy horror movies....you know...if you wanna know more about me and possibly be friends (that would be awesome), just PM me, ok? :catgirl:
  13. Console: PS2 I'm currently play Star Ocean: 'Till the end of time and I would've beaten it a while ago, but right now I'm focusing on the Coloseum (sp?) battles...I just can't beat the Demon Lords ( 2nd in Rank Battle)!! -_-
  14. I would pick....either Temari or Hinata. Temari because I like her attitude and her brains, while Hinata because I like her character and her blushing is cute to me. :catgirl:
  15. I agree on the fact that it doesn't have to be dubbed in order to be popular. Sure, the dubbing of the anime would help the anime reach more [I]American[/I] fans, but english dubbing or not, the anime will always be popular in Japan. :catgirl:
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