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SSj5 Gokou

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Everything posted by SSj5 Gokou

  1. Ok, all the movies i think sucked are.... The Cable Guy Scary Movie 2 Power Rangers I cant think of any other movies, but ive never seen Dude wheres my car or Dr Doolitle 2, but DD2 looks funny.
  2. I dont think he would be charged with murder, the most he could be charged with is attempted murder.
  3. thats perty cool. Seems everybody knows what they are doing
  4. I kinda agree with James there, accept the part about not believing in Christ, i believe in te Almighty lord. But I dont see anything religeous about X-Mas. Who knows, maybe I'll understand.
  5. sweet deal. I wish i had freinds... o wait, i think i do. :bawl: I HAVE NO FREINDS!!!!! no, thats wrong, i do. My life is boring!
  6. Well, I'm curious, what are you guys doing? Me, I'm doing a whole lotta nothing. My X-Mas is easy, some X-Box games, Gamecube games, and some PS2 games. Same boring ol' x-mas. I may do some :alcohol: and :crying: , but at least I can :laugh: the night away over a nice peice of :butthead:. But hay, at least we all show a lil :love: for each other, right? Be :cool: during the holidays and dont do to much :alcohol: guys. :) :rotflmao:
  7. wow, you guys are great, soz about the lil time thing, i wasnt here yesterday cuz i was a Universal Studios. Thanks for posting guys... and gals!
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Shibo_Ogama [/i] [B]:cool: I have the systems you named except xbox and gamecube plus a genesis and ateri. master roshi--> d:{> My favorite video game/s would be the rival schools chronicles. YAH! My favorite anime would be Neon Genesis Evangelion., but since the ending sucked, i like the gundam series better. Question 4 u: what kinda music do you listen to? i listen to cool bands like, Rammstien, Static-X, Papa Roach, Linkin Park, Staind, Drowning Pool, Puddle of Mudd, StereoMud, and Rob Zombie. YEEAAAAAAHHHH!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] ACK! We listen to same music. I LOVE YOU! You have very good taste, but dont forget Adema, and System of a Down. U cant forget them.
  9. Since i'm new, and I dont know anyone, lets talk. Question 1. What Video Game systems do u have? [b]What I Have[/b][i]X-Box, Gamecube, PS2, Dreamcast, and Super Nintendo[/i] Question 2. Whats your favorite Video Game? [b]Mine is...[/b][i]METAL GEAR SOLID 2![/i] Question 3. Whats your favorite anime? [b]Mine is...[/b][i]Dragon Ball Z[/i] ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ill post some more later, but this should be enough for now, if you have a question for me, ask me.
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