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Everything posted by Thoven

  1. [b]Name:[/b] Carlin McGuinness [b]Hails:[/b] US [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Occupation:[/b] Hunter, explorer [b]Classification:[/b] Fighter [b]Weapons/Specialty Attacks:[/b] Bowie knife, sawed-off double-barrel shotgun, hunting rifle. His bowie knife is kept constantly brutally sharp and can cleave through most things with ease. In addition, he can accurately throw it from up to 45 yards distance. His custom-made sawed-off has been modified to accommodate various types of special types of ammunition. Mainly, he carries standard 12-gauge slugs and buckshot in equal quantities. Special ammo carried includes fire-burst rounds (which shoot a burst of flame up to 10 feet away), explosive rounds (creating, as the name implies, a small explosion upon impact), and rock-salt rounds, for non-lethal encounters. Carlin is also a highly skilled boxer and grappler. [b]Talents:[/b] A knack for combat, skilled survivalist. [b]Appearance:[/b] Carlin is very sturdy of build. He stands 6'2" tall, weighs 215lbs. and is muscular. He keeps his deep brown-reddish hair relatively short and parted just off-center. His beard is flecked with orange and gray hair. He was several scars on his body, including one on his upper chest, two from deep cuts on his right forearm, and one short, shallow scar running down the left side of his face from his cheekbone to his jaw. [b]Personality:[/b] Carlin is as friendly and helpful as he is dangerous. Acts of kindness and good will gain great respect, and will be repaid in kind. He always helps those in need in any way he can. He has a big sense of humor, finding most things funny in one way or another. As kind and good-natured as he is, cross him, and you very well may regret it. When angered or threatened seriously enough, he will fight with frightening fury and intensity. As far as friends or family go, he would die to ensure their safety. He will not, however, throw his life away carelessly. [b]History:[/b] Carlin McGuinness was born to a small family of nomads who had been wandering the wastes for generations. His family included his brother, sister and parents, an aunt, uncle, and three cousins on his mother's side, two uncles, one aunt, and two cousins on his fathers side, and lastly his maternal grandfather. Each adult member of the family had skills useful for their survival. They wandered the wastes and ruins, searching for supplies or shelter, helping those in need along the way, even going so far as to adopt two young children who were either abandoned or orphaned. One of these children, known as Drab, became Carlin's best friend. Growing up so close to family instilled a great sense of responsibility to provide for the whole, as opposed to acting selfishly. He was always witness to his family's great kindness, which rubbed off onto him. The wisdom of his family's patriarch guided him, giving him a great capacity for leadership, as well as patience. As time passed, he was taught the skills necessary to survive. He took quickly to his first skill, hunting. It came naturally to him, and so he progressed. Each skill seemed to come to Carlin with ease, and he excelled in everything he did, be it finding food and shelter, repair of weapons and equipment, and field medicine. As he was quite capable in all fields, he wasn't able to concentrate in any single one. However, from his first hunt, Carlin knew that he was best at killing. On one hunt, when he was 18, Carlin was sent out with his brother Faolan, his father, and one of his father's brothers. After some time of searching, they were attacked by undead. They managed to fight them off, but not before Carlin's father was killed, his uncle injured, and Faolan was dragged off. He tended to his uncle's wounds and they carried his father's body back to camp. After asking for permission to leave and search for Faolan. However, he was told that they believed his brother was lost. So, as they buried his father, Carlin mourned for his brother as well, believing that he could have helped him. A few months after Carlin's 24th birthday, continuing their tradition of wandering, they stopped in the ruins of a large city. Carlin and Drab were sent out to search for supplies. After searching for several hours and turning up little, they decided to head back. Upon their return, they saw that the camp had been ransacked, and no one remained. It was as if the family had pillaged their own gear and fled. After a quick search of the area, they discovered no bodies, as well tracks that traveled in several directions. Gathering what gear they each deemed necessary, they split up and began their search, intending to meet up back near the remains of the camp before dusk. When Drab did not show up that night, or for three days afterward, he gave up hope and decided to set out on his own, hoping to find some clue as to what happened to his family. His travels have led him to the ruins of Chicago.
  2. Not really a new member. Joined about a two years ago and I've been posting fan art for a little over a year. But I've never checked out the forums before. So I figure it's just a tad over-due. Allow me to introduce myself. I don't feel the need to give you my true name, but you may call me Thoven. I look forward to getting to know as many people as I can and learning as much as possible from you guys. Til the next time we meet, Farewell! O_o Thoven.
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