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Everything posted by AmyraSuzuki

  1. [quote name='Axel Alloy']It's ironic I noticed this thread now. I'm literally just about to go bake a cake. :P (Chocolate sponge with mint buttercream.) I'm going to be totally honest here. I adore cooking. My speciality is cakes, but I love cooking main dishes too. A particular favorite would be Soutzoukakia. The only trouble I have with it is... When I spend hours cooking, by the time it's all ready and served up, I'm not hungry anymore. x.x[/QUOTE] I know what you mean. I live in a house of 5 and I usually cook lunch and dinner. I start at 5 and when its done by 6:30-7 what I made doesn't appeal to me anymore. I am currently taking a culinary class at my local vo-tech and then I am going to go to college for it and take it to the mission field. I love to cook!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. It is about both catagories......I am really new at this so......sorry if it didn't make since!
  3. [quote name='Starwind']I think first and foremost I look for intelligence because stupid people get on my nerves pretty quickly. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a good goofy and pointless conversation as much as the next person, but I also like to know that I can also have an intelligent conversation with this same person at any given time. Next is a sense of humor. I like to crack jokes and I like it when the person I'm talking to can snap back with one of there own. Another important factor is thick skin. I have opinions that aren't always popular and I can be a bit harsh when defending these points of veiw. Personally, I have no problem with someone having a differing a opinion from my own and I won't let that alienate them from me, if it's someone I really happen to like. However, if your going to try and challenge my position, be prepared to stand up to whatever I might have to say because I will not hold back. But perhaps most importantly, I look for a laid back kind of person. I don't like it when the people around me are stressed out all the time. I've got enough stress in what I do for a living. Hell, I'm sitting behind a computer in Iraq right now for gods sake. So I don't want to have to deal with a bunch of high strung people in my day to day life. I get enough of that already.[/QUOTE] So like what are you doing in Iraq? My Uncle was in Iraq for awhile, I think he is home now but We haven't talked for like 5 months.
  4. I Have Just Finished Watching Noein And Am Probably Going To Read It Too.........but Other Than That I Am Currently Trying To Convince My Parents To Let Me Read Vampire Knights!
  5. Hiya! YOU SHOULD SO CHECK OUT NOEIN, WOLFS RAIN, AND SAMAURI 7(I THINK THAT IS HOW YOU SPELL IT) THEY ARE SO AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY DAD IS CURRENTLY WATCHING BASALISK AND I MIGHT WATCH IT, MY DAD SAID HE'LL HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT IS REALLY VOILENT/LOTS OF GORE. I HOPE HE SAYS YES THOUGH BECAUSE IT LOOKS REALLY COOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! [SIZE="1"][FONT="Comic Sans MS"][INDENT][COLOR="Red"]By the way AmyraSuzuki, you might want to lay off using all caps. Online that's the same as shouting and no one likes to be shouted at. ^_~ Just something to keep in mind okay? Thanks! ~Aaryanna[/COLOR][/INDENT][/FONT][/SIZE]
  6. [quote name='The Black Order'][COLOR="Purple"]I'm currently listening to mostly metal but other types of genres, I also listen too. Now it's [B]Papercut[/B], [B]Somewhere I Belong[/B], [B]Breaking the Habit[/B], [B]Faint[/B], [B]What I've Done[/B], and [B]Place for My Head[/B] by Linkin Park. [B]Thnk fr th mmrs[/B] by Fallout Boy. [B]D-Techno Life[/B] by UverWorld - second opening theme to Bleach. [B]Life is Like a Boat [/B]by Rei Fu - first ending theme to Bleach. [B]Silly-Go-Round[/B] by FictionJunction & YUUKA - opening theme for Hack//Roots. [B]Go! [/B]by FLOW - fourth opening theme for Naruto.[/COLOR][/QUOTE] I love Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i listen to it everynight as i go to sleep.
  7. Hiya! If Any One Agrees With What I Am About To Say......amazing! Have You Ever Noticed How In Anime The Voice Actors Are Totaly Ugly(some Anyway) And Their Characters Are So Cool. I Have And If It Is A Male Character It Totally Ruins His Image If I Look At The Actor. But I Still Watch The Anime And Soon Forget The Guy Behind The Art. My Favorite Movie Actors Are, Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Christian Bale, Rufus Sewell, And Many More. I Like Cate Blanchett, Liv Tyler, Jessica Alba, But I Really Don't Care About Keira Knightly. I Still Can't Believe That Heath Ledger Is Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????????????? It Is So Sad, But I Didn't Really Watch Any Of His Movies So I Can't Tell You What I Thought About His Acting.
  8. My first manga was Yo Yo Hakusho! I was about 8 and then I moved and didn't get into it again until I was like 12 and now I just can't stop!!!!! I want to literally walk into the store and by every thing on the shelf, but of course I can't because I have to buy what my parents approve of or it all goes down the drain......I am not kidding! Now I am pretty good at drawing, and I so plan on getting better.
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