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Everything posted by Malvok
well i've read up what i missed and am trying to work out a way to bring my character back in i'll try and post something tonight or tomorrow and see if it can get going again.
it seems the rp has become pretty much dead i hope it wasn't me. i wouldn't mind going back into now. i actually have interent i can use now and will actually be able to post. if there isn't a problem with that.
Zerif had been sleeping for the first duration on the flight but was awoken by some terbulance. How long it had been sense the plane had taken flight he could not tell but it had grown dark outside the window. looking around the plane zerif noticed that symphony had her head down in a book writing. and the others were not within sight. Feeling rejuvenated Zerif decided to grab his harp case. He had no idea how much longer this flight was going to last so he decided to get some practice in. Opening it up the outer braces of the harp were strangely made of a plastic polymer. and the cords were made of thin rounded metal wires. It was unusual harp design, seeing as how he used it for an unusual purpose. bracing the harp he started to play. Normally at first playing an assortment of rhythms and pitches to warm up. Then he took it further charging the metal wires with electricity, he modified the length at which the wires resonated, or manipulated the sound to add a reverb. Manipulating it to achieve and assortment of sounds that would normally be out of range for a harp. OOC: I managed to get a moment to post today.
OOC: Sorry i didn't mean to come off like that. things have been going a bit downhill lately and after tonight i don't know how much computer time i'll get for at least a week. I've asked my friend The Enemy to take car of moving my character forward for me if I'm unable to and he agreed. Sorry for it being so long but i kinda ran away with it seeing as how i might not be able to post for the next little. As the two jumped blocking the door Zerif had to pause his movements he was both cut off from the electrical outlet and the door. he was taken back by the fact that this woman had shifted into a wolf. Zerif noticed that the groom was holding his arms behind his back" [I]if he's preparing to attack why would he be positioned like that?[/I]" he thought. then something caught Zerif's eyes, a slight motion between Duke's legs. A single drop of blood had hit the floor. "[I]What the? why is he bleeding? what could he do that requires blood?"[/I] but his thoughts were cut short when Nayomi Spoke. "Settle down pal." Nayomi told him She shifted again making him back up. "What the hell are you?!" "I'm a shape shifter, don't yell, it hurts my ears." She scratched her neck and smiled. "My name is Nayomi and these are all people here like me, we all have gifts like you do. As for what we've done to you, its more like for you. We saw your little shock fest in the alley and we've put a conductor under your skin, it'll keep you from barbecuing your self. As well as us." She leaned on the door and looked at Red. "He's our commander and it seems we have a mission, we were hoping you would help us." Reiver nodded as well as Duke. Just for kicks Reiver made a small bird out of ice and smiled as Damo made it fly. "Very funny you two, knock it off." She looked back at Zerif. "Don't worry pal, your with friends." (After the meeting) "When do we leave?"Nayomi Asked "Now." Red Replied Zerif was listening and could barely believe what he was hearing. Never had he expected there to beso many people with powers, let alone that they worked like this. he thought about his life. the mundane electrical work, being socially secluded because of his power. He barely knew these people. But it could be worse then then the life he was living, he knew he could wind up dead. Thinking to himself "[I]I could die if i choose to go with them but on the other hand i might actually be able to live live[/I]. Snapping out of his thoughts he spoke up. "Umm excuse me" Red looked he almost seemed slightly surprised by the way Zerif broke into the conversation."What is it? Do you not want join the mission?" "No it's not that, the whole prospect sounds quite intriguing, it;s just do we have to leave [I]right[/I] now?" Zerif asked "There is not much time to waste if the mission could have waited this breifing would not have been called. Why?" Red inquired Zerif looked down at his attire and then back to Red. "Well you see when i came here today i was only expecting to set up some electrical work i wasn't exactly planning on running off to face vampires. this suit is rather ill equipped for that purpose. That and there are a few things that I would kinda need get from my apartment." "Sin!" Red called. looking back towards the door Zerif saw a head poke back through it" "What?" "Zerif needs to gather things from his apartment get him there and bring him back. Quickly" Red added. Sin walked back into the room and asked "Ok where do you live?" giving Sin an approximate address Sin went to grab Zerif's hand. Zerif quickly pulled it away. "You probably don't want to do that" when Sin looked puzzled Zerif who had recovered moderately from his little zap fest, held up his hand and ran a arc of electricity between them. "Oh right the zappy thing, well in that case Sin reached and grabbed Zerif by both sleeves. thats when Zerif suddenly felt this strong downwards pull into darkness, after a moment of a dizzying rushing feeling he spilled out into the afternoon light regaining his balance he looked around. he spotted his apartment building and headed up Sin following behind. ____________________________________________________________________ Inside Zerif went and gathered a few articles that he thought he'd need. Changing back to his normal gear. a meshing shirt his black pants and his dark purple trench like overcoat. and grabbing his usual black hat replacing the white one on his bald head. He packed some spare cloths and grabbed two small black rectangular prismic packs with a small whole no more then a couple millimeters diameter at the top. Checking their contents, both being full of long needles he hooked one to each side of his pants then he went into his closest and pulled out a case opening to check that his traveling harp was still in there he closed the lined and slung his bag over his left shoulder and carrying the harp case in his right he walked back out into the main room. He saw sin was about to touch his generator. "DON"T TOUCH THAT!!!" Zerif yelled quickly. Sin caught by surprise quickly withdrew his hand "why what is it?" Sin asked slightly shocked by the sudden disruption of his curiosity. "Well if you've finished with this life i guess you can go ahead" Sin's eyes widened "thats my generator, well at least i use it as a generator, it;s more of a massive battery. besides you would have ruined it's charge if you touched it, and i need it before we leave, stay still and don't talk" The device was a large spherical object with two moderate sized metal rods protruding upwards angled away from each other. placing a hand over each end arch's starting going upwards from the rods to Zerif's hands closing his eyes he concentrated this was always slightly tricky. Drawing energy he had previously stored. Opening his eyes he felt invigorated as usual a side effect he had come to know he wasn't about to let it fool him. picking up a long pair of gloves nearby he put them on which covered his arms up to the elbow. "And thats about it" he told Sin as he walked over to a cupboard pulling out a apple sized pill bottle and a glass filling it with water. Taking one of the pills he noticed the look on Sin's face "Iron supplements" answering the unasked question. gathering his gear he held out his hand for Sin who took it Transporting them back. Appearing inside the plane, Zerif had to regain his balance again. Zerif then moved sitting opposite of the isle from the girl with medium length blond hair.
Last i read we landed and got off the plane and were being called a bunch of freaks
Guys hold on seriously you just took my guy all the way to New York without anything but the suit he was wearing for the wedding. my guy needs to go to his apartment and get a few things
are we being hierd by the queen were going to talk to to help her clan with the other clan that vying for power? and vampires, hmm electricity I'm not quite sure how useful it's gonna be.
Zerif stirred as he awoke he realized he was sitting in a chair. opening his eyes he found himself in a room with a large table which seemed to be emitting some sort of holographic grid with the wedding party from earlier gathered around. Springing over the back of the chair he landed half slumping against the wall. Still feeling mostly drained he thought [I]Damn it i don't know what I'm going to be able to do if things go wrong[/I]. he took notice that there were a few others that he had not seen previously. "Who are you people?, and where am I?" he asked. He felt a small twinge by his left pectoral moving his hand closer he felt something under the skin "and what have you done to me" noticing an electrical outlet he slowly moved towards it as he asked, it also moved him closer to the only door out of this room. OOC: sorry for the short post but i'm not actually sure how to answer the question myself
The day was proceeding so far as he had guessed it would. There was some initial setup but after that it was just watching two random people get married, or at least it would be if the groom ever showed up. finally after a wait the groom finally walked through the door. Half paying attention to what was going on, he mildly entertained himself buy arching electricity between his fingers behind his back. He was wearing a black suit with his black floppy-rimed hat. When the ceremony was over Zerif thought he might be able to get out of here soon. Thats when a Man had suddenly appeared. Zerif wasn't sure what to make of him and he could not recall when he entered the room. he seemed to be talking to the group of people that had been the focus of the day. the bride groom and their friends it seemed. Barely able to hear whats going on Zerif heard something about new members and a mission. This was when the group was seeming to be ushered out of the room by the man, who before he turned to leave, he turned his gaze to meet Zerif's their eyes were locked for a moment. Zerif started to feel strange he noticed that it felt like his power was building, charging within him. That's when Zerif broke the stare and left both the room and the building. taking a detour down an ally beside this strange building. After a short ways he stumbled. [I]Damn it not here not now[/I] he cried out in his head, slumping against the wall. electricity was starting to arch across his body. He quickly glanced around an saw a water valve attached to the wall opposite of the one he was slumped against.. Half crawling, convulsing from the out of control surges of electricity he got close enough that with the sound of thunder the power that was overloading him, burst outwards light lightning striking the water tap. Zerif slumped next to the now melted water tap, which now had a slight leak to it. he felt exhausted, drained. he pulled himself down away from the leaking water tap. he was going to have to rest if he wanted to make it home so he lent back against the wall and closed his eyes. Unfortunately Zerif had failed to notice, but would have had little choice anyways, bu their was a security camera over head attached to the building he had come out of.
Hmm new knowledge. do you want me to change my post then to reflect whats here or is it alright?
Name: Zerif Kentric Age:25 Ability Electro-Kenesis Kyusho-jitsu Appearance: see attachment. Zerif Woke up as the alarm to the shrill drone of his alarm clock. switching it off he sat up as he rubbed his bald head. he tuned and reached to one of a several metal panels with a plastic backing attached to the wall. touching it he sent a minor jolt though the system stopping when he felt the switch trigger over in the kitchenette in his apartment. Getting he got dressed. Eating his breakfast of mainly meat and bread products and tea, he looked over to his bulitten board and remembered the call he got last night. He was working some wedding he was a spare electrical hand for the wedding. [I]Great this is gonna be a long day,[/I] he thought as he walked over to large harp. He wanted to get some practice in for the day ahead. He had sound proofed his apartment with egg cartons and other materials. he figured he'd get the dishes before he left.
[COLOR="Green"]The room Madeline had pulled him into was dark, and little could be seen by normal sight, except for a few dozen rats. When the door shut Kaelthrin lent back against the wall with his eyes closed.[I]i hope we get a break from running, at least for a short while.[/I] Kaelthrin opened his eyes in time to see a raging scarlet aura across the room, As he heard the man yell he felt Madeline pull him down into a crouch. Her noticed the faint traces left by the man on his dagger as it flew over Kaelthrin's head. he could faintly see it embedded in the door. That's when Madeline cried out ""ABEL, its OK! We're your friends, not your enemies!We've been experimented on to!" with which the person in the distance halted his attack, at least for now. Kaelthrin noticed that his aura was no longer a scarlet red but was now turning a rather unreadable jumble of colours. This didn't make sense his aura was way to chaotic. Kaelthrin recognized this person was very unreliable there was no telling what he may or may not do. Kaelthrin put a hand on Madeline's shoulder and whispered into her ear quite enough that they shouldn't be overheard, "Be careful, There's no telling what this ABEL you seem to know might do, I've never seen anyone give off such chaos before" Kaelthrin noticed that ABEL started walking towards them. Kaelthrin slightly tightened his grip on Madeline's shoulder and mutter "He getting closer". Kaelthrin wasn't sure how well she would be able to see in this room. Kaelthrin thought about pulling the knife out of the door but he thought better, it would not be a wise choice wielding arms while an individual such as this was approaching them. besides Kaelthrin did not have much skill with a weapon, and it likely wouldn't help much. So he waited as the person who he could now make out to be a man approached and stopped shortly in front of them.[/COLOR] OOC: Do we have a backstage yet?
[COLOR="Green"]As they were running Madeline was following Kaelthrin being pulled by his hand, Kaelthrin was wondering what was going on with her. He was the size of a child she was a good 2 feet taller than him, she could have easily out ran him. After they had rounded a few corners putting distance between them and the agents. Thats when Madeline's hand felt like it was torn out of his. Kaelthrin Immediately came to a halt and turned back to Madeline to see what happened, she was on the ground holding her ankle, she had tripped. [I]Crap this isn't going to go well,[/I] Kaelthrin stepped back to her and bent down "Are you alright?" Kaelthrin asked her hoping her ankle wasn't badly injured.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Kaelthrin didn't take off right away as Madeline went off to peer down the ally. she was watching the agent who had fled she then turn and ran behind a dumpster. Kaelthrin jotted over behind the dumpster and took hold of Madeline's hand again so they wouldn't get separated. "Lets go," he told her and together they started off down the ally away from the agents as they were jogging away Kaelthrin said to her We need to leave this city if we are ever going to have a chance of hiding."[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]It Seemed to Kaelthrin that he and Madeline were safe enough from danger, at least at the moment. What with that one woman who seemed to have dealt with the two agents at the door. There was something bothering him though, and it was something the strange woman had mentioned, she wanted to know how they had gotten in, Kaelthrin had just opened the door. in a city with a door in an ally theres no way it would be left unlocked and not be known about. That would mean that the door was ether left unlocked and unnoticed or he had managed to completely open and then shut a locked door. It was ether that or a Trap. He was puzzled about it being a trap because he did not see any colours of deception coming off of her as she spoke. when she Walked over to Madeline, Kaelthrin noticed a surge in energy build up coming off this woman, if it had not have been a pure white light radiating He most likely would have tried to stop her from her actions. When he looked up from the healing his eyes met with Madeline's, which she then looked away, Kaelthrin thought he might have seen a few flashes of scarlet come off Madeline but he brushed it off with everything that was happening. There were two government agents dead, it didn't matter now if they got to report back, this was as big of signal of any that they were in the area. thats when two strangers came in the door. they introduced themselves as Adam and Eve they were giving off a strange combination of colours, Kaelthrin didn't trust him, least of all he didn't trust their names their auras contracted and convulsed when they had stated them. He believed they were lying, but as to what end he couldn't tell they didn't seem to give off any signs of malice. or harmful intent. what did seem odd was their auras kept flaring. rather minutely but around their heads towards the other. And the other seemed like it was receptive to the flare, not just reacting to it. This is when Madeline chose to get up and walk out of the room, Kaelthrin felt uneasy, for one Madeline just wondered back out into the ally where they had just been chased by the agents and two there were three strange people here. so Kaelthrin got up to follow her. When he got outside Kaelthrin saw that she there were two more agents, one was already dead Kaelthrin saw a shard of ice sticking out from his chest. Kaelthrin looked at the other agent, he decided to try testing a normal humans receptiveness to auras. Kaelthrin took as much feeling of anger, hatred, fear, and malice as he could and just sent as much force through his aura as he could muster in the direction of the agent who was standing about 6 or 7 meters away. Kaelthrin took a step up as he sent the first shock wave of aura towards the agent, taking hold of Madeline's left arm grasping it like a child might grab a parents arm. The agent eyes went wide for a second and took half a step back, Kaelthrin noticed his aura shifted it had worked, although the agent probably wouldn't have needed much convincing sense his partner had just been stabbed through the heart it looked like. the agent turned and took off running down the ally way, he would be going for reinforcements. Kaelthrin looked up at Madeline as asked her with an odd child like curiosity "Should we stop him? he's just going to go get more" OOC: i know i know it took me forever to post but i thought i mentioned somewhere that i was gone for the weekend camping well i'm back and i got my character caught up mostly.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Kaelthrin noticed the dagger go wipping by it missed him by inches striking Madeline's arm. thats when he took off in a panic dragging at Madeline trying to urge her to keep running so they could escape. Turning down a side ally Kaelthrin pulled at a nearby door hopeing to hell and back that it would open, turning the knob the door came open and he darted inside dragging Madeline with him. slamming the door behind him he turned to face it. the only lock on it needed a key. Suddenly there came some forcefull shoves on the door with alot of banging. For some reason the door was locked. This made no sense to Kaelthrin or Madeline as they had both just opened and closed the door. Going with this strange success they both turned to make their way though the strange building they had just entered.[/COLOR]
[COLOR="Green"]Kaelthrin Staggered down an alleyway and hid behind a dumpster he needed to rest for a while he had been running away from the compound he had escaped from for days with little to eat. he slumped back against the wall and closed his eyes. Kaelthrin awoke with a start he sensed someone coming, he was surprised he awoke without them looming over him, but the aura that was washing over him was very chaotic, and he sensed much fear in it. peering out around the the dumpster he realized it was Madeline who had turned down the ally running in a mad panic, he saw she was giving off colours off livid grey streaked with red, with what appeared as smoldering black, she was on the run from something something she hated. there was also no way she was thinking clearly. She would be passing him soon, so he prepared himself. he charged his aura with feelings of compassion and sympathy, as she passed by he charged out grabbing her hand starting to take off with her. forcing his aura to wash over her in an attempt to calm her.[/COLOR]
i got the book out of personal interest guess it;s gonna get some practical use. and i hope this gets started soon, though i'm going to be gone camping this weekend
i think it's generally left up to the rp's creator to create a discussion thread in the backstage area.
Name: Kaelthrin(as will be gone by for the ships crew), Malvok, Haburn, Tom, Dick, Harry goes by many names always changing them. Age: 27 Race: Human Home world: Cadian Physical Description: Kaelthrin was born into a diversely populated planit. Because of the human races history there are a number of individuals amongst the races living on Cadian, His parents were murdered when he was 6 years old. Klaethrin was put into an orphanage which he soon escaped from. he took to the streets, and learned to live off them. Kaelthrin grew up on the streets, and in order to survive he took to thievery and other such tasks.. Kaelthin was born with a rare human condition that appears to stop the body's appearance from changing past 14, at least until you turn into a child like old man with age. Kaelthirn is about 5' 7" brown hair, and green eyes. He's leanly built, strong, but not exactly capable of great feats of strength. He is however quite quick and dexterous. Traits, Tricks, and other behind the sleek maneuvers: Growing up on the Streets Kaelthrin took to thevery, and other such questionable activities to get by with. He became a young master of slight of hand,useing that developing dexterity he became quite handy with a dagger. He also put it to use learning to make traps(which he loved) shortly after he started taking assassination jobs when he had turned 17. At first they were simple mechanical traps and wires but soon moved to incorporating explosives. His history to the day makes him an expert in traps and a master of thievery(picking locks, stealth, slight of hand) He has had a lifetime of questionable employment. He is Also a rather dangerous person to be around because of how much he likes traps he carry's traps and other such surprises in the large dark green trench coat that he had special modified so that he could secretly store things without them being found without difficulty. How you came to be a part of Saklaus: Kaelthrin was just putting away his things, he had been working lately in pubs bars and other such establishments generaly the ones that are a little more on the shady side. Working for a number of people. playing various card games some more tricks then play.Each place he worked he had agreements with the owner to cut them in on the nights take if they would let him do his dealings in their place of buisness.However he spent nights like this sparingly, because it would draw a lot of unwanted attention if he frequently ran such operations given his quite youthful appearance. Instead he made most of his living off stealing his nessesities, well that and the money he made off the assasination jobs he took. Thats when he was approached by Jonathon Shepard. John had heard about Kaelthrin, not by name of course, but he heard about a well skilled man that was good at getting things done that needed to be done. John was putting to geather a crew for a ship, and he was interested in acquiring Kaelthrins skills for their objectives. intrigued, Kaelthrin accepted Johns offer to join his ships crew. Kaelthrin thought it might be interesting to have others to work with.
When Malvok awoke it was dusk. tomorrow is the date on that scroll for the outpost. Malvok had stopped to rest before trying to cross these plains. Malvok couldn't really see an outpost anywhere in the distance but he knew that was desert he saw near the horizon. Malvok raised the hood on his cloak feeding his energy through the material, the cloak reacted changing it;s colour to roughly match the colour of the tall grass that seemed to cover most of the plains. Malvok started off, traveling towards the horizon. The outpost was supposed to be on the edge of the desert. slowly it grew darker, the moon was waining but it still gave plenty of light. When the sun had completely set, Malvok noticed off in the distance that there was a faint glow of light. Malvok estimated that that had to be near the edge of the desert, so Malvok headed for it. The sun was rising giving Malvok light as he watched the outpost a short ways away crouched in grass. it had gotten a fair bit shorter then it had started. Malvok had to crouch real low to avoid standing above the grass too much. He watched as a demonic looking figure was entering the outpost, which was composed or many large tents, with only one actual structured building within the camp. Malvok used the distraction of the man making his arrival to quickly dash low as he could into the encampment crouch and stay close to the tents to watch the scene taking place. The newcomer, Dante he had said his name was, was locked blade to blade with another sinister looking man. Malvok could sense the energy being given off by the locked blades, the energy was concentrated enough to actually slightly displace the light in the immediate area. If this camps objective is to stop the unnatural expansion of the desert then Malvok needed to stop this, they were going to need a number of very skilled beings to restore this erosion. Working quickly, Malvok took the Brush of Unending Stroke and wrote on the inside of his cloak, spells he could manipulate if he needed them later, he wrote several small columns on his cloak. as quick as he could Malvok dashed up to the right of the two battling men, as he dashed Malvok started welling up a burst of energy to release at a moments notice if he needed to. standing there as motionless as he could h separated from his cloak a strip of paper, where a column of markings had once been. He curled this slip in his hand and ready to feed his energy through it. The two men Immediately broke their combat jutting there focus towards Malvok as he serged into their vision. they both stared at him Malvok took them both in. Malvok thought they both mostly if not exclusively used darker powers. "Who are you?" Dante was the first to break the silence. Malvok Took note that his right arm was not human, it was the arm of a demon. Dante was watching Malvok's eyes Makvok wondered how much the man could be suspecting, and on top of that how much this man could even possibly know. "My Name is Malvok, I believe we are both here for similar reasons." Malvok Stated. Dante waved off the introduction and Dante yawned " well perhaps we should move along" and, Strolled inside the building, Malvok followed him inside. Inside Dante Went off into another section of the building, Malvok Moved to the open double doors on the right, inside there was a large tabel coverd in maps and other documents, he moved off to the corner to sit and wait.
It was late afternoon and the sun was high in the sky, It had been a week sense he had left home. Malvok tilted his head back letting the sun wash over his face as he lay there on the roof. Malvok had Taken to this spot when he first entered the city of Taledion he could see over all the roofs in the city and the expanse of forests and could see a scrap of land on the horizon that he would swear was the badlands. "Well I've been in this city two days now i suppose it's about time i blended in to gather the information i need". with a tiny smirk of amusement he was off. he bolted down leaping off of the roof, arms and legs spread out feeling the rush of wind, and the weightlessness of the fall, it was maybe a two story drop, but still enjoying the fall Malvok quickly wrapped himself into his cloak curling into a ball landing on the roof below Malvok rolled out of the landing immediately springing to his feet and running forwards then dropping in a narrow ally way maybe about 4 feet wide pressing against both walls to slow his descent to street level. Malvok walked out of the ally ways and brushed off the dust before starting off down the street, he needed to find a place he could settle in if he was going to gather news, he appeared to be walking through a flourishing market. then he noticed the Deep purple sign with red lettering, It read "the Same Page" Malvok approached the store and noticed that it was an origami store. there were all sorts of things made out of paper, lanterns, hats, pants and creatures, some of which were in glass cases. When he entered the store he heard the jingling of bells as he opened the door, he heard the crackle of a welcome "Welcome to the same page, how can i help you this afternoon?" it was an aged woman in a deep purple dress, she took him in, but stopped when she came to his eyes. "An what may i help you with today?" "Are you the owner?"Malvok asked the lady. "That would be me" replied the woman "This is a lovely store you have here, everything is made of paper" Malvok said as he looked around the store, "so many things, you must be very skilled" "Oh thank you I've been doing this for quite a while now, you seem like yo know a thing or two yourself." Malvok turned away from the paper wares and face the woman well you could say that," he paused to pull a sheet up paper ouf of his sleeve, and as he slowly crumpled the sheet into his hand until they were cupped he said "that i to am skilled", and gently crunching the paper between his hands, he then paused and opened his hands and a short stemmed buddling of a paper rose rose out of the opening of his filling out into blossom as he said,"with paper." "If you were looking for a job that would be the impressive way to do it." she told his as she plucked the rose out of his hands," ah it's been along time sense I've seen someone else make a rose with so much life in it. Have you found a place to stay?" she asked him as she went over to the shelf to pull down a stand and glass case to store the rose in. "No i haven't yet," he replied to her "well theres an old apartment above the store you can use, but for now i should get you acquainted with the store"... Three Weeks Later It must have been approaching midnight, and there was a full moon out, Malvok figured it had to be inside this building. It was earlier in the evening he had overheard two men talking in the tavern about the kingdoms recruiting an elite team of fighters. Malvok figured that if there was information anywhere it would be recorded here. Malvok lowered himself to the window edge from the roof and forced the window open from the outside. Malvok crawled into the deserted building, closing the window behind him. he was in what looked like some sort of study, there were a couple desks some cabinets and a number of bookshelves lined with books. Malvok heard the creaking of the doorknob being turned and he dashed quickly to hide among the rows of books. Once he had hidden himself Malvok peered through the shelves of books to watch. Two men had entered the room one of them holding a candle and a roll of parchment. They were talking in hushed voices. "It's all recorded in here, the location and date that the force will meet at the move against the sand sharpers..." Malvok was taken back he had never expected that information he was looking for would just come to him like this he knew he had to get that scroll. Malvok calmed himself and closed his eyes, concentrating, concentrating his spirit energy on the paper, he had learned this trick when he was first learning to control his gifts, it was almost as iff he could see the surface of the parchment. "[I]Come on Malvok focus...[/I]" he thought to himself. "[I]There! Edge of the desert 2 days to the south, in 3 days from now[/I]" Malvok opened his eyes he got the information he needed Malvok reached into his pocket and pulled out a quill, thats when he realized he had forgotten to bring ink. How had he forgotten something so obvious something that he always carries. but there was no use looks like he doesn't really have no choice now. Malvok bit his thumb. he tore a small opening in the flesh on his thumb to allow his blood to come out. wincing in pain he made a small noise but the noise was loud enough to alter the two men to his presence "Hey just who are you and what are you doing here" the one man asked after rushing over there. But it was too late Malvok had finish drawing 4 symbols on the wall lined up virticly then Malvok muttered to himself "Pathway" Thats when the wall started to glow a bright white light Malvok quickly dashed into the light and disappeared as the light died out leaving the wall as it once was and the two men dumbfounded Outside Malvok was hanging onto the brick wall by a small crevasse that was between two stones this opening gave Malvok some time to get down easily. Malvok leapt outwards way from the wall billowing his cloak outwards to catch the air to slow his descent to make it to the roof across the street a couple stories down. He knew he had to leave immediately. 2 days to the south and then 1 days to spare to find it. Malvok jumped rooftops till he was back to the apartment above the paper store he reached into his cloack and pulled out a crisp auburn colored piece of paper that looked as if it had a tangled boarder pattern lightly etched into it. Malvok sat down and wrote a departure letter to Miss. Matanael the owner of the store he had worked for. He then went downstairs and broke into the store he laid the letter behind the counter and then he pulled out another large strip of paper and started to fold it. he crafted it into a unique and strange flower it had long narrow leaves and thousands of petals long and narrow. when he finished Malvok concentrated his energy on the flower and changed the colour of the petals to a light pale blue and the stem and petals he changed to a deep purple. "So i guess your really are one of them after all" At hearing the sweet crackle of the firmilar voice Malvok snapped around still holding the paper flower in his hand. "I'm sorry one of what?" Malvok asked as if he didn't know what she was talking about. Making an attempt to hide the flower. "when you first came into this store i was taken in slightly with your eyes. pale purple , now that is something that is rarely ever seen. You see my family had always passed down stories." she told him, Malvok noticed she was carrying a small wooden container. "What stories do you speak of?" Malvok asked her "About a hidden people, in this world. a People that choose to stay hidden, it's a pity reall., The fact that your hear now and the fact that you made that flower, means that those stories are more then stories. Which also means you must have some truly unique gifts. This has been passed down in my family for many generations. i believe it's the reason why we even have a myth of a hidden people. And it was probably about time it was returned." she stepped closer and set the container on the counter and opened it to reveal the contense to Malvok. Malvok was thrown into complete shock" This is!" Malvok said staring at the brush inside, he then quickly turned his attention to Matanael "That brush?!" "Thats what I've been told, unfortunately i only know what I've been told, i only wish i had the ability to make it work. But this brush belongs to you." Malvok picked up the brush out of the container he removed the silver cap off the end and admired the wooden handle. Malvok turned to his departure letter" i guess this really has no use anymore" he then took the brush and stroked through each line he had written on the page, and watched in amazement as the brush cleared each character of each word he watch them fade out as if they were never there. " thiis really is the brush of unending stroke. " i thank you deeply for this item" Malvok said as he put the cap back on the brush and stored it under his cloak. "Here i made this to say farewell, I'm afraid i must be leaving" Malvok handed her the flower. "I really enjoyed working here thank you for everything." "Just finding out that your kind are not a myth after all, and being able to get to know you these past three weeks has been more then enough thanks. I hope that one day I will be able to see you again" "I'll do my best to return here one day but for now I have to go" And with that Malvok walked out of The Same Page into the street and took off south he didn't have time to waste to get there.
Name: Malvok Marconius Mercivalce Gender: Male Age: 19 Appearance:[URL="http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l142/gooseberry_01/shandsharpersrpcharacter.jpg"] Malvok [/URL] Race/Racial traits:Secluded and untraceable the name for which they are called is unknown all that is known about them is they look similar to humans, with which this rare and un-presidented appearance provides the world with a window to untold mysteries and powers. Rare racial ability to manipulate parchment(paper) Personality:Can be quite, can alo be very noisy, He often lives for the little things in life the small pleasures and enjoyments. Malvok Strongly believes in the balance of all things in this world and in next. Peaceful and pacifistic in nature. However at the end of the day the other end of the fuse is attached to a very big bomb, that wont hesitate to go off if you push the right buttons. Just think of him as spontaneous outgoing with a hint of nutmeg Kingdom: Class: Soul Scribe Abilities: Parchment manipulation - rare racial ability to summon and or control the movements of parchment energy consumption dependent on amount, distance, etc. Spells and Spell-like abilities:Casts Spells by writing them on Parchment in runic markings imbuing them with spirit energy to become spells of the elements, seals or bindings Items: Brushl of the unending stroke - are rare and powerful artifact that consumes a constant trickle energy to create or remove any scriptured markings Cloak and Cloths brought from Malvok's tribe the appear to be made of some unknown material Backpack a packpack that is able to change it's shape. Silver Sapphire Ring Golden Chrystophase Broach Sketchbook from home Drawing pencils Bio: Born away from the majority of the world Malvok and it's race are a complete mystery. Only having appeared in the history of the world as brief mentions of e myth. Their race wields a strange magic, they cast spells with written words. Written in an ancient language passed down, existing only in the written runes opens the possibilities to unleash the elements, or even bind the soul. However they are very real people who live in secret. Upon becoming aware of the sand shapers plot to bring ruin to the world, the tribe decided to stay hidden as they always had, but one young soul devastated at the thought, abandon the tribe and set out to put a stop to this desecration. Not only for the survival of it's tribe but for the survival of the world. Being a mysterious person no one knows where Malvok comes from. Malvok was born with a rather unusual ability, Malvok was born with a natural ability to manipulate parchment, a rather strange ability that may prove useful. Leaving home is the biggest descision Malvok ever had to make, but believing in the balance amung all things, there was no way that Malvok was going to be able to stay away hidden while the world becomes devistated by the sand shapers. Leaving the village alone was no easy task, it was decided by the tribe to stay hidden and let the rest of the world deal with their own problems, Malvok had to escape because it was an unforgivable act to abandon your people.