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About Silicium

  • Birthday 02/03/1992

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    Hello. I'm Silicium. I like lots of junk. Go me.
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  1. [quote name='Aceburner']You know, if that's all you're here for, you could have just used the "worst Anime" thread. Not that I'd agree with you either way.[/QUOTE] Yes, but why pass up a chance to be activly obnoxious? :love2: I just don't understand how people can watch pointless junk. Like, the show basically goes NOWHERE. I mean, I don't hate people who watch it, or people who like it. I just get sick of everyone obsessing over things that aren't even that cool.
  2. it's funny I found this thread, seing as how I just finished Farenheit 451 yesterday. I'm totally against censorship, and so is the rest of my family.
  3. [URL="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v731/Edyuu/shelbyportfolio003.jpg"][U]Picture[/U][/URL] LOL, DATZ MI. [quote name='SunfallE'][COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"]Well since I lived in Dallas Texas at one time I know what that says... [spoiler] Come and Take it [/spoiler] :p And while I'm here, even though this is a much older picture, the car in it is just to hilarious as it's what I drove for a part time summer job in Dallas. Truly Nolan pest control. XP And yes that is me behind the wheel. lol [IMG]http://img209.imageshack.us/img209/9176/bethmousecarak1.jpg[/IMG][/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE] HA. I live in florida and our truely nolan cars are VW beatles. Then the VW betal limo, which is kick ***. [COLOR="RoyalBlue"][FONT="Lucida Sans Unicode"][SIZE="1"][INDENT]Hey Silicium, when posting an image if it stretches the layout please post a link instead thanks, also, please do not double post, if you wish to add something just use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post. Thanks! ~SunfallE[/INDENT][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
  4. I will post a picture of my finger, after I accidently cut it on some scrap metal(LOL, MEGATOKYO) [IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v731/Edyuu/scan0002-6.jpg[/IMG] AND CASEY AND FRIENDS. [YOUTUBE="Casey and Friends"]K5UfIRmkv28[/YOUTUBE] [quote name='Aceburner'] [YOUTUBE="How to Escape a Rick Roll"]hW16Jh6_ymI[/YOUTUBE][/QUOTE] ....... ****, YOU GOT ME. :o [COLOR="Indigo"][SIZE="1"][INDENT]I merged your posts. Next time you wish to add something just use the edit button in the lower right hand corner of your post instead of double posting. Thanks. ~indifference[/INDENT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. The last episode is on the last disc (durr). I think it was made after the series ended, cause fans were bitching. It's been a long time since I watched it though. I might be wrong.
  6. The coolest thing I have is my Serial Experiments Lain doll wearing her city outfit. SHE'S SO CUTE... @_@
  7. I was thinking the second one was some ripoff of D.N.Angel, but I haven't seen that series in so long, so I'm probably wrong. WOE IS ME. And I have that suicide girl saved on my comp. =3
  8. I love this series. I never finished it, but I got up to around episode 32. This show is so amazing and well done. Pure brilliance. It's a total mind-[s]****[/s]. I won't talk in depth, for fear of ruining it for others, but if you want to discuss it, drop a line. ;D
  9. ;D y thank u. Eloquence should be mandatory. People take language arts for a reason. LANGUAGE IS AN ART.
  10. A. Yu-Gi-Oh is only funny..... IN AMERICA.:love2:
  11. [URL="]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v731/Edyuu/shelbyportfolio002.jpg"][http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v731/Edyuu/shelbyportfolio002.jpg[/URL] This is me. I have never seen an anime that had ANYONE who looks like me. D: Who do I look like?
  12. Well, Everyone is going to flame me for this, but my hate for Naruto and Inuyasha burns with the fire of a thousand suns. I HATE STUPID SHOWS THAT GO NOWHERE. I HATE THEM.:flaming: EDIT: Oh, and I also hate gravitation.
  13. I'm watching Read or Die the TV. And I just got done reading Farenheit 451, which is amusing because an episode on the 5th disc is named after that book. xD Yep, I'm a loser.
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