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Everything posted by Sabrina
[font="Tahoma"]I'm sorry that took so long for me to post. I've been terribly busy with school and parts of the post did not want to work. ^^ [/font]
[font="Tahoma"][center][b]Pins and Needles [/b][/center] â??[b]What if Nathan doesnâ??t know what to do?[/b]â? Phaidra asked Alex worriedly. â??[b]He will.[/b]â? Alex answered without looking back or slowing down. â??[b]Iâ??m serious Alex![/b]â? â??[b]So am I.[/b]â? He shot back. â??[b]We finally lost him didnâ??t we?[/b]â? â??[b]Well yesâ?¦ butâ?¦[/b]â? â??[b]No buts.[/b]â? He replied firmly but Phaidra could hear the anxiety in his voice just the same. She shared it. What good did it do to slip away if they couldnâ??t deal with the vampire? How were they supposed to go about their duties with someone like that about? He could be waiting for them around any corner at any time. Would Savel be able to better sense the vampiresâ?? location? Would she be able to create a shield that could block a bullet? Would she even see one coming in time to stop it? Phaidra shivered. She tried to put it out of mind but that laugh of his felt like it was still echoing about her; mocking her inability to determine where it and its owner were located. Her sense of unease rose as they approached Nathanâ??s place, intensifying as they slipped through the front doorâ?¦ [i]what the hell?[/i] [i]A vampire![/i] Her mind screamed in panic as she brought her hands up. Flames started to dance around her fingers as she hastily created a fireball and launched it straight at the blonde haired intruder. The vampire did nothing as it approached, he didnâ??t even look alarmed. Then, to her utter shock, Nathan made a tiny gesture that resulted in the magic vanishing. Alex grabbed her arm before she could react to Nathan stopping her attack. â??[b]No! Itâ??s alright! You donâ??t have to worry about him.[/b]â? Taken aback, she stared at Alex for a moment. â??[b]Heâ??s a vampire![/b]â? She protested. â??[b]I know butâ?¦[/b]â? Alex glanced at Nathan briefly and then back. â??[b]Victor is friends with Nathan.[/b]â? He explained. â??[b]Are we done trying to destroy my apartment?[/b]â? He asked the pair. Christine fixed Nathan with a stare before turning to Alex and Phaidra who were still clearly rattled. â??[b]Whatâ??s wrong?[/b]â? She asked them gently. Alex looked at Phaidra who nodded and then let go before answering Christine. â??[b]We ran into a vampire using what looked like a regular gun.[/b]â? Alex paused to take a deep breath before continuing. â??[b]He killed a reaper.[/b]â? â??[b]With the gun?[/b]â? Christine pressed. Alex nodded. Nathan snorted. â??[b]Thatâ??s ridiculous.[/b]â? â??[b]No itâ??s not![/b]â? Phaidra exclaimed. â??[b]Yes it is.[/b]â? â??[b]No, itâ??s [i]NOT![/i][/b]â? She repeated forcefully. â??[b]If they can make those blades we canâ??t phase through, whatâ??s to stop them from making bullets from the same material?[/b]â? Phaidra took a deep breath and held her arms against her chest tightly as she fought the urge to shake. â??[b]You donâ??t understand,[/b]â? she continued softly. â??[b]Iâ?¦ I saw the hole the bullet made in his head. Iâ?¦ I felt him die.[/b]â? She shivered and looked away. â??[b]Escalation, Nathan.[/b]â? Christine said firmly. â??[b]We canâ??t ignore this.[/b]â? The siblings stared at each other for a long moment before an admonishing noise interrupted the silence. Startled, Phaidra looked up at Victor who was shaking his head slightly at Nathan. â??[b]Tso insensitive.[/b]â? He chided. He took one step towards Phaidra and then stopped, glancing over at Isen who was fixing him with a glare. â??[b]Fine.[/b]â? Nathan turned to Alex. â??[b]What does this guy look like?[/b]â? Alex told him and then started to explain how the vampiresâ?? aura was difficult to locate but Nathan brushed it off with a wave and a curt â??Iâ??ll deal with itâ?? before he whirled and took off. Phaidra stared at the spot incredulously for a moment before taking a seat with a sigh. â??[b]So, anything else I missed?[/b]â? Gavrie asked. â??[b]Yes.[/b]â? Karl spoke up before either Phaidra or Alex could say a word. [/font]
[font="Tahoma"][center][b]In the City [/b][/center] â??[b]Donâ??t you need to be leaving soon?[/b]â? Sarvel hopped up onto the desk and leaned over to look at the screen. â??[b]Unless your meeting is another day.[/b]â? She sat down and looked up at Phaidra. â??[b]No, itâ??s today.[/b]â? The mage replied. She continued typing without taking her eyes from the screen of the laptop. â??[b]Iâ??m making a copy of the changes for my editor right now.[/b]â? A short time later it was done and she retrieved the disk from the laptop, making sure to carefully label it before tucking it into a case and then into her pocket. Then she shut it down and closed it before standing up. â??[b]Are you sure you donâ??t want to come along? Itâ??s a nice day out.[/b]â? â??[b]Quite sure.[/b]â? Sarvel assured her. â??[b]I plan on spending some time in the forest. Youâ??re likely to be back long before I am.[/b]â? Phaidra smiled. â??[b]Alright, Iâ??ll see you later then.[/b]â? She was halfway out the door when she remembered to grab a sweater. Phaidra didnâ??t need it but it would look odd if she didnâ??t have one. It only took a moment to put it on and then she was off. The crisp autumn air, in spite of the haze from pollution, was rather pleasant and the larger city in the distance seemed to shimmer in the air from the heat rising up. If it were a little clearer, it would have been perfect for taking a picture. Maybe sheâ??d take a moment to look into those cameras that humans were so fond of using once her meeting was done. Less than a mile out from the city proper her cell phone gave off a chime. She pulled it out and took a look. It was a call from Alex. Phaidra answered it. â??[b]Hi Alex. Whatâ??s up?[/b]â? â??[b]Hi Phaidra. Not much. I was wondering if I could come over for a bit. I wanted to ask you some questions about shielding.[/b]â? â??[b]Iâ??m actually on my way to the city for a meeting with my publisher.[/b]â? She told him. â??[b]I could stop by when Iâ??m done.[/b]â? â??[b]The one you mentioned before?[/b]â? He asked. She murmured that it was. â??[b]Would you care if I meet you there when youâ??re done instead?[/b]â? â??[b]Uh, sure, if you want to. It shouldnâ??t be longer than an hour.[/b]â? â??[b]Cool, see you then.[/b]â? Phaidra closed the phone and put it back in her pocket. Once she was a block from the office where her publisher was located she landed on the sidewalk. If all went well this would be the last meeting required to finalize things for publishing the newest cookbook. She smiled at the thought as she walked towards the building.[/font]
[font="Tahoma"]No. I don't have a Wii. [/font]
[font="Tahoma"]After months of not playing it, I got re-addicted to Animal Crossing: Wild World. [/font]
[font="Tahoma"]I started to read back in this thread to see what I missed and part of me wishes I hadn't. o_O Anyway... at least it's nice and sunny out today? Also, these new emotes are really quite adorable. XD[/font]
[font="Tahoma"]What a fun banner James. XD I spent the holiday with my parents. I really needed a break and quite enjoyed spending time with them. I also enjoyed getting to see my cat again. Poor George spent the whole time clinging to me. I guess he missed me as much as I've missed him. It made me sad that I couldn't bring him back with me. [/font]
[font="Tahoma"]I hope we get more options soon. ^^ I don't really care for either one. For now I'm using basic since I don't really care for the orange of wet paint.[/font]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'm absurdly happy to see sunlight today. April was such a cold and rainy month for us so it's nice to finally see weather that looks like spring is finally here. :catgirl:[/FONT]
Anime The state of anime in the U.S. and abroad
Sabrina replied to Dragonboym2's topic in Otaku Central
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'd like to add a little something to this since I'm a business major and I feel the need to point out how the comment that "fansubbers are destroying anime" is in fact more of a guilt trip, instead of the the company accepting that their primary goal is to meet the customers needs. You don't tell the customer what they need and threaten to sue them when they make it clear they don't want it the way you're willing to give it to them. You find a way to bring it to them at a cost they can afford and is enough to bring in reasonable profit for your company. To put it bluntly, the anime companies are so afraid of change that many failed to recognize the potential for digital sales quite a while ago. Many are still dragging their feet in regards to getting behind online sales of episodes and soundtracks. The music industry did the same thing, dragged their feet and whined about piracy and all those people out there sharing it and yet once some of them got past that and started offering what people wanted, sales went back up. Just as CD's replaced tapes, downloads are slowly replacing CD's. The same is happening to Anime. The market has changed and you either find a way to become a part of that or you[I] will[/I] fold. The more you blame your customers, the more they simply will not listen to you. Yes there are people who will get it for nothing, but there [I]are[/I] people who[I] can[/I] and [I]do [/I]pay for what they get. Anyway, I would have to do some research, but I'm fairly certain [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] is quite correct in pointing out that a lot of the decline in sales, for more than just anime I might add, have nothing to do with fansubbing, but with economy woes, among other things. Also, I think people are forgetting that we grew up with the option to watch things on Television. We are used to seeing a show or hearing a song before we [I]ever[/I] buy it. So why would someone just buy an anime series without watching it beforehand? If it's not on TV then you have to find another way to watch it. A huge percentage of anime never gets aired so naturally people aren't going to just pay for it up front to 'support' the industry. They're gonna want to see it first to determine if it's something they even want spend their money on. [/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"]Sorry for the delay with that post. I keep getting caught up in schoolwork. o_O[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Just For Today[/B][/CENTER] If someone were to ask her what her favorite thing about being a Shinigami was, Phaidra would have said, without hesitation, the lack of time constraints. How humans managed with their never ending need to finish things while they still could during this phase of their lives, was something she hoped she?d never have to understand. It didn?t matter if her catering work was delayed, she could simply pick it up again when the time was right. The existence of vampires, though annoying, was something she could set aside for the time being. She didn?t even have to worry about the deadline for her next cookbook to be published. If she were to miss it, the opportunity would present itself again, if not now, then sometime in the future. ?[B]Is that what I think it is?[/B]? A warm voice, filled with barely concealed anticipation asked. Phaidra smiled as she finished retrieving the sweet orange tea she had made earlier for her publisher from the fridge, knowing full well that the woman had a soft spot for the stuff. ?[B]Of course Sarah,[/B]? Phaidra replied as she turned around and began to set everything down on the small table in her kitchen. Then, once her guest had everything at her fingertips, she sat down and poured some for herself. ?[B]This is simply heavenly,[/B]? Her publisher closed her eyes briefly and sighed with pleasure before setting the half empty cup down. ?[B]One of these days I?m going to pry the recipe out of you.[/B]? Sarah grinned, making her blue eyes seem to sparkle like the tiny hints of silver that were starting to show in her shoulder length blond hair. Though casually dressed in green pants, a white silk blouse and a smart green jacket, she looked as if she had just left a business meeting. ?[B]I?d tell you it?s not necessary to fix anything when I come, but I?m selfish enough to want it.[/B]? Phaidra grinned back. ?[B]I would make it even if you told me not to.[/B]? The two of them chatted about different recipes for a bit before Phaidra finally reached into her pocket and pulled out the disk with the remaining alterations for her latest book on it. ?[B]I included the recipe for the tea since it goes really well with a couple of the dishes in this edition.[/B]? Her publisher took the disk and then carefully tucked it away in the small briefcase she had brought with her. ?[B]Excellent, I assume all of the alterations have been made?[/B]? With yet another grin, Phaidra nodded. ?[B]I added a few more, like the tea, but those are in a separate folder should you choose to save them for the next book.[/B]? ?[B]I doubt that will be necessary.[/B]? She replied. ?[B]All that?s left is the final check before we send it out for printing.[/B]? With obvious reluctance she finished the tea and stood up. ?[B]I?d better get going.[/B]? She bent over and picked up the briefcase. ?[B]As soon as the checks are complete I?ll let you know.[/B]? She reached out and shook Phaidra?s hand firmly before turning to head for the stairs. ?[B]Once this one hits the shelves we can start planning your next release.[/B]? She said over her shoulder as she glanced back at Phaidra who was right behind her. ?[B]I look forward to hearing from you.[/B]? She replied before closing the door. Once it was secured, Phaidra headed back up to her kitchen to put everything away. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Magus][font=franklin gothic medium][color=darkred]Eww... Chicken noodle soup. I just may have to force myself to eat that though.[/font'][/color][/quote]I love making home styled chicken noodle soup. It's much lighter and less salty than the standard kind out of a can. You might like that a little better, it's certainly worth a try. I'm pretty sure you can get it at the store just like the other types. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Just to clarify, I was talking with Darren and we decided that the news would result in Alex starting to wonder why one of the blades felt different. Whether or not he figures it out before finding out another way, is up for debate. That's why we decided to have him going off in the wrong direction as to why one might feel different. Anyway, I'm only sorry there wasn't more Karl in that post. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Startling Revelation[/B][/CENTER] Phaidra hated dealing with suicides. She knew that humans were prone to despair and often easily influenced, but she still didn?t fully understand why they would give up on life. She knew it had to partially be on account of their inability to sense beyond what they perceived as death. It just pained her to see the look in their eyes when they realized the foolishness of what they had done. It was no different with Mr. Cox, the husband of the woman she had sent on a short while ago. With the collapse of the catering business after her death he had fallen into a deep depression. A short while after the funeral he had taken his own life. Phaidra had been required to hold herself aloof from it. As a reaper it was her duty to avoid influencing the humans. But it didn?t keep her from being required to send him on his way, like she had for his wife. She, and any other reaper, was allowed to work and interact with humans, but when it came to matters of the afterlife, she was forbidden to interfere aside from sending them on their way. For the first time she wished she could do more, even though she knew she could not. Phaidra couldn?t explain that killing himself would solve nothing. She couldn?t explain the problems such a move would cause. Phaidra sighed softly, unaware that she had done so. The others would be arriving at her place soon. Adrian had requested a meeting as soon as possible. She was glad for it since it gave her something else to focus on, just as the lack of catering work now gave her more time for her own research. Adrian was the first to arrive, but to her surprise he seemed agitated and annoyed. Instead of taking a seat when offered, he paced back and forth in the main room, clearly impatient for the others to arrive. Once they had, he didn?t hesitate. He barely gave the others a chance to take a seat before speaking up. ?[B]I found out how the Vampires make the black blades.[/B]? He declared bluntly. ?[B]Astera and I found a report on it when we were searching to see if traces of the Jian Clan were ever found.[/B]? He didn?t give any of them a chance to respond, to ask how such a thing was possible. He simply told them what he had found. ?[B]They make them from the essence of a Shinigami.[/B]? He finally stopped pacing and faced them, as if daring them to challenge that statement. Phaidra could no more get a question out, let alone challenge anything. It felt like the ground had opened up beneath her feet and swallowed her whole. She couldn?t imagine how such a thing was even possible. The only thing that seemed clear was that, as horrible as it sounded, it had to be true. There was nothing on Earth that a Reaper couldn?t simply phase through, other than perhaps another Reaper. The others started bombarding him with questions, Phaidra still couldn?t think of what to say. She was still wondering how it was possible to turn their essence into blades that could be used to kill. The principle made sense, but the very idea seemed impossible. She couldn?t imagine how it could be done. ?[B]Did it tell you how they did it?[/B]? Phaidra finally interjected. Adrian shook his head. ?[B]We didn?t have enough time to finish reading all of the records on it. As soon as we can, we?re going to return and read the rest.[/B]? ?[B]I wonder if that?s why some of the blades felt different.[/B]? Alex mused. Puzzled the others looked at him. ?[B]I mean I wonder if some of the reapers that were killed recently were turned into blades.[/B]? He flushed a bit when it was obvious the others had no idea what he was talking about. ?[B]Sorry, I was just wondering if the reason one of the blades I encountered felt different was because it was newly made.[/B]? ?[B]What do you mean by different?[/B]? Lucia asked. Alex shrugged, spreading his hands out, palms upward. ?[B]I don?t know how to explain it. I just know that some of them feel off. I gave the one I found like that to Nathan.[/B]? Lucia frowned slightly. ?[B]I kept the dirks from the vampire Phaidra and I dealt with for research. Would you be able to tell if they felt different?[/B]? ?[B]I don?t know. I can stop by if you want me to.[/B]? Alex offered. ?[B]Yes. I do[/B].? Lucia stood up. ?[B]I want to talk to you later too, Adrian. For now though, I have to take care of some assignments.[/B]? She turned and took off. Karl, who had said nothing, followed along with Ruby. ?[B]I?ll see if my instructor knows anything about it when I return to the other side again.[/B]? Phaidra said. ?[B]If there is magic involved, he would know about it.[/B]? ?[B]You do that.[/B]? Adrian ran his right hand through his hair. ?[B]In the mean time, like Lucia I have to take care of work.[/B]? ?[B]I should get going too.[/B]? Alex stood up. ?[B]You missed Nathan?s explanation of what we were supposed to be doing the other day. If you don?t mind company, I could come along and fill you in.[/B]? ?[B]Fine by me.[/B]? Adrian replied. Phaidra watched them leave and then turned to Sarvel who had been quiet the whole time. ?[B]What do you think?[/B]? ?[B]I wish I could have seen the blade that Alex said feels different.[/B]? Sarvel said. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]The few times I've need stuff redone on my computer, someone else has done it for me. I can only imagine what a long and tedious process that would be. ^^ Fortunately my computer hasn't had a lot of issues. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I too refer to it as soda. I've also heard the phrase soft drinks. I'm supposed to avoid stimulants like caffeine so when I do have soda it's usually something like Sprite, Root Beer or Fresca. When it comes to favorites though, mine is lemonade. I love freshly made lemonade.[/FONT]