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Everything posted by Sabrina
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][B]Animal Crossing: Wild World[/B][/CENTER] It will move and swim and even fight like a fish when you catch it, but it?s really a tire or a boot. You can not only catch a great white shark that is bigger than you, but you can stuff it into your pocket! Incidentally, you can carry up to fifteen of these at the same time. Plants in the house or in your dresser never need to be watered. Opening the gates to your town instantly cures anyone who is sick. Trees grow to full size and start to produce fruit in only three days. Your neighbors can smell money, if you have money in your pockets; they will come and attempt to sell you all sorts of stuff.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I'll do myself this time. [CENTER][IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/6/5/ishuddaknownb128571878307949186.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Not that I actually finished the movie, but I caught part of one the other night. o_O Gave me nightmares so... >_< I should not have watched any of that movie, at all. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='The13thMan][FONT="Trebuchet MS"']Wow... this sucks. You've just opened up a whole can of worms. And here i am, without my fishing pole! Instead, let me be blunt. Evolution > creationism. There's a lot of evidence for evolution, therefore, you are wrong. ;D[/FONT][/quote]Very well I shall be blunt too... you should get your reading comprehension checked because not once did I actually say or refer to creationism. You put meaning into my post that didn't exist. So how can I be wrong over something I did not mention? [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]This really fits some people that I know at times.^^ [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-pictures-cat-makes-dog-a-knight.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='The13thMan'][FONT="Trebuchet MS"]The existence of aliens isn't nearly as an extraordinary claim (if it actually is a claim) as you think that it is. If you consider the size of the universe and simple probability then it's pretty easy to see that the simple existence of aliens is very likely. Another point you failed to see is that i'm not actually claiming that they exist. I'm not saying, hey they definitely do exist, which would have to be supported by evidence! I'm saying that i think they do exist, which can be supported by speculation. Obviously i have no evidence, which is why i'm not actually making any claims here, only speculation. There is a subtle difference. [/FONT][/QUOTE]You're forgetting a key element here when it comes to thinking Aliens 'might' exist. You're failing to realize that the "probability of extraterrestrial life" is actually based on the theory that life evolved in the first place, and is thus [I]extraordinary[/I] because it is based on speculation. So if anyone missed the point here, it is you.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]That's a great one Aaryanna. XD Anyway, more cat pictures! :catgirl: Even evil kitty's need time off! [CENTER][IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/9/18/128662670892719857.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] Oh the horrors of e-bay! Or something like that. Hehe. [CENTER][IMG]http://images.icanhascheezburger.com/completestore/2008/8/30/insteadofdesk128645934706776969.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='The13thMan][FONT="Trebuchet MS"']Whenever a person doesn't have an opinion on something it's usually simply because they haven't thought about it enough. The amount of information you have on the subject is (to a point) irrelevant. [/FONT][/quote]Or because they feel that the information out there is what's irrelevant. They've looked at it, for example in the case of aliens, and come to the conclusion that there isn't enough reliable information. It's too easy for your statements regarding aliens to be full of misconceptions. So, naturally many of us are going to be vague on it because we prefer to not stick our foot in our mouths with statements of, it will be like this or I think it will be like that. In the end it's silly fun and nothing more, in my opinion. Trying to force an opinion on someone, doesn't really work you know, since you're making the faulty assumption that they've not given it any thought. [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]This is how I feel after homework has killed my poor brain. XD My ability to pay attention to anything other than stuff like that is shot! [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-pictures-apparently-your-kitten-has-an-attention-disorder.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] My own cat loves to do this. Shred toilet paper or paper towels. XP Silly cat! [CENTER] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-pictures-your-cat-is-making-you-origami.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Well digital is better and since this doesn't affect the actual content of what's being sent. I don't see a problem. I already get cable and my TV isn't that old. So I figure that by the time I need a new one... it will have one of those tuners in it so I'll be set. By the way Eclipsed Dreamer, what in the world do you mean by this? [quote]I think they're going to put something on there that's going to change the way Americans think and therefore change something in the U.S.[/quote]Are you thinking of conspiracy theories here? I've heard quite a few, but I certainly don't believe them. I'm kind of curious what got you to think that there would be something put in there, well besides the usual commercialism.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Switch to the [B]Caramelldansen[/B] skin, click on the jukebox and you'll hear what I'm listening to. o_O The reason why... I was up too late last night. First with the Voice Actor chat that was hosted at theOtaku and then talking to friends on AIM. Net result... six hours of sleep. XP So I'm using the song to wake myself up! XD [/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Just imaging a cat actually doing this one.... [I]*laughs wildly*[/I] XD [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-pictures-cat-wakes-you-up-so-that-you-will-feed-him.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Allamorph][FONT=Arial']"....be Astera."[/FONT][/quote]!!! Sir Allamorph! O_O You're not supposed to finish that! >_< [I][SIZE="1"]*frazzlemerf!*[/SIZE][/I] Wait... that's total spam right? >_< Uh... I assume once we cover what Nathan wanted to test we'll be doing a time jump? Though I'm wondering if we'll sneak in other things before getting to that next villain. Say skipping a couple of years and taking a peek at what everyone is up to, progress on the training. Progress on the investigation by Lucia, etc. I'm sure we've discussed that, I'm just to lazy to look it up my chat logs at the moment. >_>[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]Point of reference: Independence Day. They thought the aliens were friendly and weren't waiting to be vaporized. o_O Anyway... Though I find the concept of Aliens interesting, I think we lack enough real knowledge to go on since everything we know or have seen has come from someone's imagination. All those science fiction shows out there and so forth. So do I think they've been here? Don't know. Do I think they'd be friendly? I would hope so. O_o[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I know the feeling Paramount/Sangome, when it comes to one's parents. I love mine even though they were very restrictive over using the Internet, watching TV, etc. Because underneath all of that, they've always been there for me when it has really mattered. So having some differences of opinion is just par for the course and I'm fine with it. I also really love my friends. ^_^ We've had our moments but we've all learned and grown so much just by being there for one another. I can't imagine my life without them. I also feel the same way about God and religion. The secular side of it is far from perfect but the other side isn't. I don't really get into it a lot since that's very personal and I don't really care for having others attempt to argue me out of how I feel.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']Full Metal Panic wasn't my favorite show even though it had it's moments, but it was all totally worth it just for Fumoffu.[/quote]That's what I keep hearing from people, that Fumoffu is really funny. I just need to see if I can borrow a copy of that when I'm done with the first season. Though so far I'm still really enjoying it. Sousuke continues to make me laugh with his overly serious military personality. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]This is a fun one. Poor mouse or whatever is about to get pounced on. XD [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/funny-pictures-lock-and-load.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
Funtime Thread of Humor and Mirth (and Junk.)
Sabrina replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Tahoma"]This video is pretty funny if you like Shakespeare. Raiha sent it to [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] who then sent it to me. So I am now sharing it with all of you. :catgirl: [CENTER][YOUTUBE="Reduced Shakespeare Co. on Jeopardy!"]oOWC5zf8YMw[/YOUTUBE][/CENTER][/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"]I just went with my own name since I like it. Trying to come up with something else never crossed my mind. Probably because there are a lot of names out there that I like so I'd be switching it all the time. XD So I just went with Sabrina since I really like my name. :catgirl:[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']I'm going to trust that those who understand physics far better than I do, actually know what they are talking about. That and I find it hard to believe that with our limited understanding or rather capacity to create these collisions. I just don't see them as actually being powerful enough to really do all that much.[/quote]That sums up what I think as well Darren. I don't really know a whole lot since I've never really studied physics, but it just seems that even with a machine like this, we lack the ability to destroy the planet with it. At worse it might damage the actual device, but I'm not worried about it adversely affecting the planet as a whole. I think we have a long way to go before we can manage that feat.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]What's that phrase I've seen used in rpg's? I know... [B]Tag! Your it Sir Allamorph![/B] [B]So Get posting! [/B] :D Oh and if it wasn't clear in the post, I'm sure the Council probably does do extensive magic research, it's just that the it's probably not something Phaidra would know about. She's just going on what she knows from attending school. [B]EDIT:[/B] I think I just died from a cuteness attack. I can easily imagine Karl letting Astera curl up and fall asleep like that. XD I think I also died from an attack of wanting to... >_> [I][SIZE="1"]*tapes her mouth shut and quits typing*[/SIZE][/I][/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"][CENTER][SIZE="3"][B]Frontline[/B][/SIZE][/CENTER] Phaidra wasn?t sure what if anything should be done about their encounter with the vampires at the resort in the Rockies that they had visited a few days ago. She still found it hard to believe that she had actually killed a vampire with magic. In spite of all the studying that she had done for the past millennia, she had honestly never expected to actually [I]use[/I] it. The war with the vampires had been over for thousands of years. Magical studies were just that, studies. Other than practical uses like the ward she had set up for Lucia and Ruby, most students of the arts never did anything with what they learned. For many, it was nothing more than a hobby; only a handful took it as seriously as she did. There just wasn?t a need for the offensive magic?s so other than to learn the basics, most never bothered to do as she had. It was probably why the school had been willing to fund her research on Earth. No one was interested in leaving home and becoming a Reaper in order to study magic further. She had always wondered why no one wanted to learn more. Whether or not one would eventually use it or not didn?t really matter to her, much like cooking, it was just satisfying to explore all the little ins and outs of magic. It was amazing what you could learn by careful study and application. ?[B]Have you decided if you?ll inform the school about what happened?[/B]? Sarvel was lying on the hardwood floors in the first level of their new home. She looked like a cat with the way she was sprawled to catch the warm sunlight pouring in. ?[B]I?m not sure,[/B]? Phaidra answered her. She moved over go get a better view out the main windows. ?[B]I'm kind of confused. We?ve been taught that vampires are gone and yet other Shinigami are being sent to deal with places like that resort we went to.[/B]? She sat down on the floor next to Sarvel, ?[B]I don?t know, perhaps I should just forget about it.[/B]? ?[B]Well it wasn?t an assignment so technically you don?t have to report it.[/B]? Sarvel shrugged. ?[B]Maybe we should ask Nathan about it, he seemed to know a lot about vampires.[/B]? ?[B]I?d be surprised if he didn?t, he was around during the war after all.[/B]? She sighed, ?[B]Anyway, I think I?m going to take up the offer to work with that group that does catering.[/B]? Sarvel snorted. ?[B]I can?t believe you kept that card the Realtor gave you. That?s not why we?re here after all.[/B]? ?[B]So? I like cooking. I want to try out new stuff and getting involved with a group that caters to parties will be a good way to learn new recipes that you can?t find in a book.[/B]? Phaidra looked down at the sound of her cell phone chiming. She reached into her pocket at pulled it out. There was a message for her, puzzled she opened it up. She already had her schedule for the next couple of weeks. [I]I wonder who.. Oh.[/I] It was from Nathan. ?[B]Who?s it from?[/B]? She read through it and then showed the message to Sarvel. [QUOTE][FONT=Book Antiqua][COLOR=Blue]Hey, Phaidra! Listen, I've got a little something I need a hand with. Magic kind of stuff, you know? I've got some experience with magic, but I only use a little every now and then, and it's been a long time since I've done any studying. I had an idea the other day, and I'd really like to know if it'd be doable. If you wouldn't mind giving me a hand, let me know and tell me when a good time to meet would be. Thanks! ~Nathan P.S.: That dump cake from the meeting was amazing! What the blazes did you put in it go make that warm sweet taste under the filling?[/COLOR][/FONT][/QUOTE] "[B]I wonder what he wants.[/B]" Sarvel's ears twitched. "[B]Some experiment?[/B]" "[B]Hmmm.[/B]" Phaidra tapped her right fingers on the floor for a moment. "[B]Why don't we find out? We can ask about vampires too.[/B]" She started typing a reply to his message. [quote][FONT="Arial"]Hi Nathan, I actually have some questions for you about vampires so I'd love to get together to discuss both matters. I will be home this evening between six to ten and tomorrow evening too. If that doesn't work, I will have the same time off next Monday and Tuesday. Feel free to just stop by on whichever day works best. -Phaidra P.S. I'm glad to hear you liked the dump cake. I've included an attachment with the recipe for it. [/FONT] [/quote] Phaidra checked it briefly and then sent the response. "[B]There.[/B]" She stood up after pocketing the cell phone. "[B]Lets go and finish the pies we were making earlier.[/B]" Sarvel stretched and then got up to follow Phaidra up the stairs into the upper area of their home. "[B]Is there any shrimp left?[/B]" She asked wistfully. "[B]No, you ate it all.[/B]" She laughed at Sarvel's expression. "[B]I thought you'd say that so I picked up some more on the way home.[/B]" "[B]Thank you.[/B]" Phaidra just smiled.[/FONT]
[FONT="Tahoma"]I really like the atmosphere in [B]jigglyness[/B]'s piece since I can relate to it. It just really captures the feel and mood behind returning to school in my opinion. It also just has a nice feel to it and the colors are warm and inviting. So I vote for [B]jigglyness[/B]! :catgirl:[/FONT]
What was the most disgusting thing you've tasted?
Sabrina replied to Lunar's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Tahoma"]Medicine and cheese. I had a sinus infection earlier this year and the cough medicine they gave me was just totally nasty. I ended up only taking it when I was more miserable than that stuff tasted. I'd rather cough, it was that bad. XP The other was some cheese I tried, I don't remember the name... but not only did it stink to high heaven... it tasted just as bad. >_> Some of those specialty cheeses out there... are just blah![/FONT] -
Funtime Thread of Humor and Mirth (and Junk.)
Sabrina replied to The Spectacular Professor's topic in General Discussion
[FONT="Tahoma"]Hehehe, this one made me giggle a lot. ^_^ [CENTER][IMG]http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-dog-pictures-dog-is-allergic-to-your-baby.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT] -
[FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Gavin][SIZE="1"]It's all because of starting college, I swear. [CENTER][IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2007/07/533267369_21815683be.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] ;)[/SIZE][/QUOTE]Uh... >_> [I]*blames it on the dog because...*[/I] [CENTER][B]Me... >_> [/B] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/09/funny-pictures-cat-shows-potential-by-blaming-things-on-the-dog.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It wasn't me! It was the dog!