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Everything posted by Sabrina

  1. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Korey][FONT="Franklin Gothic Medium"] I thought of [B]All the staff[/B] with this one, since we all like to help. [/FONT] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/funny-pictures-cat-is-troubleshooting-your-troubles.jpg[/IMG][/QUOTE]You all like to help by fixing the problems that you created? o_O [I]*laughs wildly*[/I] Anyway, no one has done Aaryanna the dog and this picture fits that little dog perfectly. [CENTER][B]Aaryanna the Dog[/B] [IMG]http://img511.imageshack.us/img511/631/funnypicturescatisgrantxh6.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  2. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Allamorph][CENTER][IMG]http://ihasahotdog.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/funny-dog-pictures-dogs-are-upset-with-eachother.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#EDEDED]u r so meen[/COLOR][/QUOTE][CENTER][IMG]http://img53.imageshack.us/img53/3162/funnydogpicturesashamedpf0.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  3. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Darren][SIZE="1"]I keep thinking that I'm running out of time. Pathetic. [/SIZE][/QUOTE]I don't think it's pathetic, but I do kind of agree with [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR]. Don't be so quick to assume that you're going to fail. I think the fact that you're asking us here means you really want it to work. It takes time to make friends, especially at college since there are so many people there. Well where I go there is, I don't know how big the school you're going to is. ^^ Still it sounds to me like you've got it mind that you have to have friends before classes start and that's just not true. If someone is shy like you, it's going to take them time to warm up to you as well. Sometimes it's after class starts and you look into forming study groups for that class that you meet people. I'm not painfully shy and it was easier for me since the University I'm attending is also in the city I grew up in. But I still made lots of new friends by signing up for and being a part of study groups. Even if I didn't need to really study, I still went just to get to know others. You can also find a club to join. Look and see what type of activities your school offers. But most important, don't quit trying! :catgirl:[/FONT]
  4. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Desbreko'][color=#4B0082]And Sabrina, you can actually just use the DS power cable to charge the GBA SP as well. They're the same voltage and have the same connector.[/color][/QUOTE]Actually Des, no you can't. That's what I first thought, that I could just use the charger for my DS Lite, but the connector is too small and doesn't fit the GBA SP. I did find one that I can get online for about $8 so I'll probably just order it. [/FONT]
  5. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well in addition to what I have been playing, I also just started playing [B]The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past[/B]. I got a copy of the re-release for GBA (I think that's the one, it has four swords on it too) so I've been playing it the last few days. It's been just long enough that I don't remember what I need to do. However, I have been watching videos that Des put up at his youtube account so I'm going through it far quicker than I expected. Probably because those boss strategies he posted left me in the position of going... to beat this one you do this and to beat that one you do that. Watching those has turned out to be very handy. I also had a blue GBA SP system given to me, along with [B]The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages[/B] but even though the system works, the person didn't have the cord for recharging it. So I need to get my hands on one of those before I start playing either one of the games. All I did was put them in and test them to make sure they actually worked. [/FONT]
  6. [FONT="Tahoma"]I recently got into this show and was enjoying it quite a bit until I ran out of loaned DVD?s and found out that there are over 500 episodes to this show. And that was with me seeing over 50 episodes! o_O I also saw one of the movies too and all that did was leave me wanting to see more of it. However? I do have a few things I find annoying about it. The biggest one is how the men in black seem to just about never factor into any of the episodes. It is fun how each one is a mystery and they put such good detail into the actual animation for you to pay attention to, but I find it kind of frustrating that it seemed to be dragged out quite a bit. It?s like seeing filler episodes galore, only the filler is actually pretty good. I don?t know if that makes sense or not. XP Anyway, it?s a fun show. I really do like the twist of how he was turned into a [spoiler]kid[/spoiler] That just lead to all sorts of fun stuff in my opinion. Anyway, now I just need more to watch. =P [/FONT]
  7. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff'] I'm thinking that I want to know the secrets that lie beneath the resort more since you can always poke Sabrina for posting about the other group again. [/quote]Uh... I vote for secrets under the resort! >_> Mainly because I have no idea how to write up Chris's fighting style. o_O I think I could try to write about Isen but Chris, I really don't have a clue. Oh and I love that image too. It's just too funny! :catgirl: [/FONT]
  8. [FONT="Tahoma"]Well I have a different one for Raiha... =P [CENTER][B]Raiha[/B] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/funny-pictures-cat-plays-well-with-others.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] And for whatever reason, with the way Ace gets clobbered in the chat over at theO, this one makes me think of him. XD [CENTER][B]Aceburner[/B] [IMG]http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/funny-pictures-your-cat-has-an-army1.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] It's like he's got an army that really isn't one. Hehe. [/FONT]
  9. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'm going to vote for [B]Cat[/B] since I like how they have both of them in there. What is batman without a villain? Though I like the others that only focus on just one aspect too. I also like the dark color scheme along with the sayings on it. So I [B]Cat[/B] gets my vote for this round. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  10. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Aceburner'][FONT="Comic Sans MS"]I've also almost gotten there with [B]The Legend of Zelda: The Windwaker.[/B] It's my personal favorite Zelda, no offense to Ocarina fans. It's fun, clever, got some nice puzzles and bosses and the graphics are quite pretty. I still play it from time to time.[/FONT][/QUOTE]XD I love that game though. Link makes the funniest faces for stuff so I never get tired of playing it, it's just so much fun! :catgirl: So in addition to [B]Ocarina of Time[/B] I'd say [B]The Windwaker[/B] is a also a game that I feel like I can beat in my sleep. >_> Well pretty close since once you know what to do, it's pretty easy to do it. [/FONT]
  11. [FONT="Tahoma"]The swimming was totally exciting. I kept up with that more than any other event. Though I did try to watch some of the volleyball and gymnastics too. But seeing Phelps get eight gold medals, that was just awesome. :catgirl:[/FONT]
  12. [FONT="Tahoma"]Right now I'm listening to [B]Dirty Little Secret[/B] by [B]Pillar[/B]. I got the link to a YouTube video with the song on it at [COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR]'s site at theO. It's a good song and it got me started on checking out other stuff by the same band. :catgirl: [CENTER][YOUTUBE="Dirty Little Secret"]cRVda2WZ7Qw[/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] [/FONT]
  13. [FONT="Tahoma"]This one made me laugh a lot when I saw it. XD [CENTER][IMG]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/5074/funnypicturesyourvacuumvp3.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  14. [FONT="Tahoma"]I have this thing about organizing certain things, like lists or books or cd's. I do the same with my groceries and spices. >_> I just like those kind of things to be in order. On the other hand though, my bed doesn't have to be made and I don't care if my socks are all in order in their drawer. I just don't like a band that starts with an N sitting next to one that starts with a C. It just bugs me until I put it in order. o_O[/FONT]
  15. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Shinmaru']I want no part of knowing when I am to die. It would consume my thoughts until the time it actually happened, which would totally ruin my life.[/quote]I'd be worried about the same thing actually. I'd rather not know and not worry over it. If I knew... it would end up always being in my mind and who wants to be thinking about stuff like that if you don't need to? I'm assuming in this situation you wouldn't be able to change it so I just don't see the point.[/FONT]
  16. [FONT="Tahoma"]I guess my question or rather questions to the one who started this thread would run along these lines... Would denying China the Olympics actually change any of the problems you're referring to? Personally, I don't see denying them the ability to host the events really changing anything. Would allowing the Olympics possibly help to bring about change? I think that though it's unlikely to make any real change now, it can be a step in the right direction. I know another question or argument that could come up is how the money spent on the Olympics could have been put to better use. However, isn't that always the case? I could say the same for when they came to where I live. The money spent hosting the winter Olympics could have easily gone to better causes. You can always find something else. [I]Always.[/I] Many of us aren't protesting because we don't see the Olympics as something that sanctions or means we approve of any host country doing horrible things. It doesn't mean we've suddenly forgotten about it either. It also means that we think using the Olympics as a venue to protest other problems is not a very effective platform for change in the first place. So no, I don't have a problem with it being in China.[/FONT]
  17. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='Rachmaninoff']Looks like someone was too busy freaking out a bit to even see how the other two fought. =P But hey, I can understand... writing action scenes can be kind of a pain to do. Believe me I know. >_> So focusing only on your own character's part works. Anyway, toasted vampire... nice. Heh. [/quote]Someone had no idea how to even cover Chris's fighting style since I looked though the thread and there isn't anything on it at all. Unlike Isen who we at least had a bit of her practicing. So since it was hard enough figuring out how to write it in the first place... I opted for focusing on my own character. Though to say she barely saw what the others were doing would be accurate. She was kind of panicking a little bit there. XP[QUOTE=Rachmaninoff]Oh and before I forget... [SIZE="1"][I]*pokes Sabrina for actually using a swearword in her post*[/I][/SIZE][/QUOTE]I did not! >_> It was Phaidra who swore. That was what she was thinking when she realized one of them was coming after her. o_O [/FONT]
  18. [FONT="Tahoma"][B][CENTER]Bye Bye[/CENTER][/B] It was easier with Lucia guiding them though the buildings. Between her input and Sarvel?s ability to sense where the vampires were, things had gone efficiently. Well as effortlessly as one could expect with both Isen and Chris just casually taking out any and all humans that they encountered. She knew she shouldn?t let it bother her, but it still did. ?[B]You know what happens to a human who is fed on by vampires?[/B]? Isen asked softly as the group moved down the hallway. Phaidra looked over to see if she was serious and then looked away. ?[B]I?ve studied history. It can eventually lead to them being turned into a vampire.[/B]? ?[B]It?s more than that. Long before the change happens; they become very servile and are easily influenced by any suggestion that is put forth by the vampire that fed on them.[/B]? Phaidra sighed. ?[B]I know I?ve heard that too.[/B]? ?[B]I don?t think you fully understand just how serious a problem it is.[/B]? Isen sighed softly. ?[B]You can?t reason with someone once they?ve been infected by a vampire. No matter what you say, they won?t ever get it.?[/B] ?[B]You can?t turn them back?[/B]? ?[B]In the middle of a battle or a situation like this?[/B]? Isen?s eyebrow shot up. ?[B]Don?t be silly. That?s how you end up dead.[/B]? Phaidra started to reply and hushed when Isen raised her hand, motioning for silence. She looked to Chris who merely nodded back and moved forward to open the door leading into the next room. ?[B]Keep back and just provide extra help if we need it.[/B]? Isen whispered to Phaidra and Sarvel. Just provide extra help? Phaidra nodded and followed along. She wasn?t sure what to expect when the two opened the door, but outright rushing the startled vampires was not it. The two were almost halfway across the small reception room before the vampires responded in kind. [I]Their aura is off![/I] The thought flashed through her mind at the same moment she called forth her own pole shaped scythe. The circular crystal near the top end changed from a soft gold to a deep burnished red as Phaidra halted just inside the door and started tracing symbols in the air to form an arcane circle on the floor for her spell. The sounds of the other two fighting felt unnaturally loud. Phaidra could feel her heart starting to race.[I] Focus on the spell. Don?t let that distract? Shit![/I] Her breathe caught in her throat when she realized that the third one was rushing her in an attempt to stop her spell casting. ?[B]Phaidra![/B]? Sarvel yelled as she faltered back a step. The circle started forming on the floor in what seemed like slow motion to Phaidra. Sarvel moved until she was between her and the approaching vampire, her fur standing on end as she growled fiercely. She stepped forward, her right paw forward and green light formed in a small circle around her. An odd rumbling sound could be heard and the ground trembled slightly. What looked like a thin semi-transparent wall of green light shot up from the floor between the vampire and Sarvel. The startled vampire slammed into the wall and staggered backwards. The circle was finished. Phaidra stepped forward and drew on the power quickly; putting everything she had into it. She traced the last symbol in the air and then formed the ball of fire in front of her. Quickly she sent it sailing through the air towards the vampire who was still recovering from slamming into the barrier Sarvel had erected. Without turning around, Sarvel dropped the barrier right before the fire would have hit. The massive ball of fire slammed into the vampire, sending them flying through the air to land on their back. Phaidra had already formed and launched another one before they even hit the floor. The vampire gave off a startled scream as it hit and then there was a deadly silence as the flames tore through him, turning his body into ashes. Phaidra looked around to see that the other two were done and watching her and Sarvel finish the last vampire in the room. She took a deep breath and let it out before dissolving the arcane circle. She could feel herself shaking and she planted the end of her scythe on the floor and leaned on it while she waited for the feeling to pass. If Isen and Chris had seen her hesitate, they didn?t say anything about it, at least not immediately. They just waited patiently for her to gain her composure back before moving on to finish sweeping the rest of the resort. ?[B]By the way,[/B]? Isen said as they left the room. ?[B]You both did just fine for your first time.[/B]? ?[B]I?[/B]? ?[B]It?s normal to hesitate if you?ve never fought a real battle before.[/B]? Chris added. ?[B]What?s important is getting over it and acting anyway.[/B]? ?[B]I see.[/B]? So they had seen her freeze up. ?[B]I?m serious,[/B]? Chris said kindly. ?[B]It?s perfectly normal.[/B]? She waited until Phaidra nodded before moving on.[/FONT]
  19. [FONT="Tahoma"][COLOR="Indigo"]Indi[/COLOR] showed me a site with a lot of fun comics that I've been looking through. This one made me laugh a lot. :catgirl: Not that I'd ever want it to really happen though. XD [CENTER][IMG]http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/a-minus-minus.png[/IMG][/CENTER] [B]EDIT:[/B] I had to delete and repost this to add these videos that Adam showed me. They're just to hilarious! XD [CENTER] [YOUTUBE="HILARIOUS HIDDEN CAMERA PENNY PRANK IN RESTAURANT"]NFCjppyOkS0[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE="HILARIOUS HIDDEN CAMERA PENNY PRANK AT USED CAR LOT"]RLpOjXOMFkg[/YOUTUBE] [YOUTUBE="HILARIOUS HIDDEN CAMERA PENNY PRANK. NYC CARRIAGE RIDE"]vUGQS4Ba3jA[/YOUTUBE][/CENTER] Fun stuff! :catgirl:[/FONT]
  20. [FONT="Tahoma"][quote name='James][font=franklin gothic medium']Still, the Olympics brings massive scrutiny to China and they are now in a position of having to justify everything they do. This is a good thing. Now more people are aware of what's happening there and China itself is more aware of what it has to do in order to be truly accepted by the rest of the world.[/font][/quote]That's what I was thinking, that it's a step towards bringing them further into the spot light. The Olympics is a good means to not only get them involved with the rest of the world, but to also make people more aware of what type of country they are. Besides, considering the bribery scandal when the winter Olympics were hosted here in SLC, Utah of the US is proof that like others already said, each country has their skeletons or problems in the background. Also, by hosting the Olympics there, it doesn't mean that the bad things they've done are suddenly acceptable. Not by a long shot. [/FONT]
  21. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'd have to be absurdly rich before I'd consider buying something like that. And even then, I'm not sure if I would or not. I can think of a lot of other things I'd rather use that kind of money on. Now as for designer clothing... I'm a college student so that means I prefer to not waste what little money I have on clothing. I see no reason to pay a lot of money on stuff like that when I don't have to. We have plenty of stores around here that aren't ridiculously expensive and yet have cute clothing. I wouldn't say someone's an idiot for buying that kind of stuff though. Well except for the ones who like Darren said, can't really afford to buy things like that. [/FONT]
  22. [FONT="Tahoma"][QUOTE=Allamorph][CENTER][IMG]http://i195.photobucket.com/albums/z158/Allamorph/nolaughingmatter.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [COLOR=#EDEDED]like, seriously[/COLOR][/QUOTE]>_>
  23. [FONT="Tahoma"][I]*pokes Sir Allamorph!*[/I] No Dogs Allowed! [I] *is shot many times*[/I] [CENTER][IMG]http://img186.imageshack.us/img186/8589/funnypicturesyourcatapplv5.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER][/FONT]
  24. [FONT="Tahoma"]Welcome, welcome! :catgirl: OtakuBoards is a fun place so I'm sure you'll like it here. As others have said, just look around since you're bound to find something you'll enjoy. So you won't say no to a dare RiaBinx? Now I'm curious as to just what type of dares you've had put before you to complete. Hehe. [/FONT]
  25. [FONT="Tahoma"]I'm sure many of you have noticed that we have this event running in the event center: [URL="http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?t=59315"][U]OtakuBingo![/U][/URL] It looks like fun and yet I've discovered that unless someone mentions it in their posts or profiles you can't see what country they are from. So that got me wondering if we really do have people visiting here from ten different countries. I'm sure we do, but I'm curious to know who and just what country they are from! So why not tell us what country you are from and a bit about it or about why you like it. If you have states like we do here in America (yes that's where I'm from) then tell us about your state. I was born and raised here and the only thing I've ever done is visit a few other states that are close to where I live. However, Utah is fun for all the great skiing in the winter and hiking in the summer since we have five National Parks. Anyway, I'd love to visit other places so, tell us about it! :catgirl:[/FONT]
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